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November 22, 1994 - Image 10

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The Michigan Daily, 1994-11-22

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10- The Michigan Daily -Tuesday, November 22, 1994

For about a dollar a d ay
both will give you the power you
survive this semester


1need to


Only $33MO a month!
Macintsh Perfonm( 6360D
8MB RAM/2SOMB hard drie, CD-ROM dme, m color moinor
keyb!nwwmuseandilth oflweymuie ly to need
conducive to saving money. In fact, they can leave you broke. But you can still buy the computer
you want and not worry about payments until long after the decorations are down. The
Apple Computer Loan and 90-Day Deferred Payment Plan. The solution
that gives you the power every student needs. The power to be your bests:ApljpeS

oneja4w, piping hot, no sugar and hold tbe moo jwce

With the Apple Computer Loan and 90-Day Deferred Payment Plan, you can take advantage of
already great student pricing on a Mac-for about $33 per month' with no payments for 90 days'
Students who qualify can take home any Macintosh personal computel; printer, CD-ROM drive or
other peripherals with no hassle and no complicated forms. Let's face it, the holidays aren't exactly

U-M Computer Showcase.
Michigan Union Ground Level " Open Weekdays 10 to


"Phone 74 SALES

'D1edWkIpul4erLan orffe FtbnMJry 171995. NOM=~WofWV orpmincpx4wiltbe eji vfao&00~(Some reikimgmea epbotdrmer*ndiseuiev etrnmeapir bt) h araiihdrur 6i9 aeio4 dWU( eprinci~l adtb*pat ao mm~ ueg sw ear emst
wbb wu be bmdudb, m e r~nenxt we.
Mn~blpametzan estiat bwdon apu d prwof$193152bc&& dudes85%saesta~for*bMadntasbferfoirm4636CD syctem onaboe ldudhwbmfm, t4at xmamoimis $2/44JX0,u~IMrwltm a m nomlaf $350. Te mon paysentabeata alatfusitan esitefaetamsrm Fnr. if te ble satax s
875% (Cha4V) or 70% (Phihdep &i), themmn nt wouldbe $33 5or $M0o4 reuy mptempiw,, a amounsand sles axe ma ay. Seem~rm atoWAppecww rormntieocu ksfe r lanand taxamounts. loansarefora miimum of $,WOtma=mum of $iQoQa1u maytae out moetan one lan, butbe tta
of all lans canm sce$10,000 anuayA 55% lan oig n~ee wiltbe adea o the rsa lan amunt. Te iee4 teiamiable, based on temcmmerl papermrte plus 535%.For&temnthof Nmrmbe1994, te tersmtews 685% andt eAnnulPerenageRate was12.44%.8yr lonkmelbwp nop netpeal. Te montpayment and e annual
at on 'to u d ji s r t P d yand s beonly from 4 fl or aau thrr ed A piC am uR esl r repra ~en a tk'.Q 199 4VA pl C mpUe, n g ~i sr srrw nw A W k e A* k elo Mu cintosbPe bnt and ' 1 po er o beyourb atr re reg isterird m w of Apple C o va m e~ cM ac a ma of AplCompute Inc.



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