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November 22, 1994 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1994-11-22

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NATO planes hit
Serbian air base
Clinton calls bombing 'entirely appropriate'

Police composite of molester
Search for
new clues
Daily Staff Reporter
A ski mask used by a suspected
serial molester has been found by the
Ann Arbor police and is being exam-
ined for clues.
The police tracking dog, Homer,
discovered the mask in a search of the
surrounding area.
The department also has dismissed
the possibility that the man suspected
four attacks on women dating back
April 1990 was responsible for a
June 1994 sexual assault.
In the incident, a woman in her
North State Street home was strangled
and threatened with rape.
"I don't think it's related now,"
said Det. Dave Burke of the Major
Crimes Section of the police depart-
ment. "As a matter of fact, I know
now that it isn't. The Ann Arbor News
Ond of jumped the gun on that."
This is not the serial rapist who is
believed to have attacked 12 women in
the Ann Arbor area over the past four
years, brutally raping four of his victims
- and killing another in the process.
Police found the blue mask be-
lieved to have been worn during the
abduction of an University student
who was kidnapped at gunpoint from
Ann Arbor church where she was
volunteering Oct. 23.
The woman was handcuffed but
persuaded her assailant not to follow
through on his threats to rape her.
The mask was found the day of the
kidnapping on Newport Road, where
the serial molester is believed to have
ties. Four of the attacks occurred in
the area bordered by Miller, North
(aple and Newport roads.
"We found it about a mile away
See MOLESTER, Page 2

From Staff and Wire Reports
WASHINGTON -Western war-
planes launched a limited attack on a
Serb nationalist air base and on mis-
sile and anti-aircraft artillery sites in
south central Croatia yesterday, de-
stroying the air defenses and making
the runways and taxiways unusable,
U.S. and allied officials said.
The attack, carried out by North
Atlantic Treaty Organization war-
planes in retaliation for this month's
three sorties by Serb nationalists near
the Bosnian city of Bihac, marked the
most extensive strike that the alliance
has launched in its one-year effort to
protect United Nations-sanctioned
safe areas in Bosnia.
About 40 NATO aircraft - in-
cluding 30 combat planes, two-thirds
of which were U.S. F-16Cs, F-15Es
and F/A- I8Ds - took part in the
attack, launched at 6:30 a.m. from
five separate NATO bases in Italy.
Officials said that all the aircraft re-
turned to their bases undamaged.
Pentagon officials said that the
strikes knocked out one Serb-con-
trolled SA-6 surface-to-air missile
battery and some anti-aircraft artil-
lery pieces and left five large craters
in the airfield runway, blocking the
use of the accompanying taxiways as
As in previous NATO air strikes,
the raid was carefully limited to mini-
mize the risk that it would spur either
Serb nationalists or Croatians to widen
the war. U.S. military experts said that
the airfield could be repaired easily.

Nevertheless, allied officials said,
the strike succeeded in "sending a
message" that the U.N. and NATO
allies "will not tolerate the use of
bases in Croatia for military opera-
tions in Bosnia."
President Clinton, in a session with
reporters, called the NATO strike "a
strong and entirely appropriate re-
"We'll just have to see how events
develop," he said. "But I strongly
support the NATO action."
And Secretary of State Warren
Christopher warned that if Serb na-
tionalists do not stop using their war-
planes to bomb Bihac, NATO fight-
ers "will not hesitate" to return with
orders to do substantially more dam-
age than they did yesterday.
Political Science Prof. J. David
Singer applauded the air strike, but
questioned whether the bombing rep-
resented a permanent shift in U.S.
"It's about time. If the U.N. and
NATO had moved more decisively
and earlier some of these disasters
might not have occurred.
"I believe NATO will continue
with its uncertain role. In a sense,
NATO is a white man's arrangement
to keep first the Russians and now
Muslims at bay. NATO does not want
to see a successful Muslim state, but
at the same time they cannot let the
Serbians repeatedly get away with
murder," Singer said.
History Prof. John Fine said he did
See ATTACK, Page 2

I Area o
Airbaso".I detail
1BOSNIA.- Tuzla
HERZ Srebrenica
AdrukiF t- Serb held Croatia
Sed L7iBosnian Serb
WMuslim-Croat 50 miles
SU.N. designated 50 km
"safe zones" [\JALBANIA
0 Udbina: Monday, NATO
warplanes bombed an airbase in
Serb-held Croatia used by Serb
planes to attack the Bosnian
"safe-area" of Bihac.
Q Northwestem Bosnia: Serbs,
backed by renegade Muslim
forces, attacked government
troops. U.N. peacekeepers were
targeted in three separate
El Sarajevo: One missile hit the
roof of the Bosnian presidency and
another struck the city government
building nearby. Three people were
injured in the attacks. Sniper fire
also increased.
10 Tuzla: Government-held Tuzla
was shelled Monday by Bosnian
Serb forces on an hourly basis in
retaliation for government troops
surrounding their platoon nearby.

Jessie Lemons, of Geostrip Systems, Inc., blasts Angell Hall with Arm &
Hammer Baking Soda yesterday.

New phone
Daily Staff Reporter "We t
After a busy day, Julie Peak did convenie
not want to stand in line at CRISP to Lynn Ad
register for classes late last week. So, Abou
she picked up the telephone and di- dents use
aled in. tone CR
"It seemed a lot more convenient yesterday
to call-in instead of walking over to registerin
Angell (Hall)," Peak, a Rackham Senio
graduate student, said. and the li
This is the first semester that the to previot
University is allowing students to reg- that abou
ister for classes via a touch-tone tele- uled to (


CRISP prompts reduction in lines
17 Angell Hall instead of calling in. Kessler said there were no major phone lines are open 7 days a week
ried to make it more or less "It seems to be going along quite problems to report. "It seems to be from 7 a.m. to midnight.
nt for the students," said well," said Pete Kessler, an academic going along quite well." Official directions and phon
elman, an assistant registrar. service clerk. There has been "a no- Other students went to CRISP numbers are in the University's time
50 percent of graduate stu- ticeable reduction" in the lines, he because they felt more comfortable. schedule. Registration and schedul
d the University's new touch- said. "I'm used to doing it this way and I adjustments can be done over th


ISP system, Adelman said
y. Graduate students began
ig Wednesday.
rs began CRISP yesterday
ines were shorter compared
us years. Adelman estimated
ut half of the seniors sched-
CRISP yesterday trekked to

Many seniors in line yesterday
were skeptical about the touch-tone
system. "I just think the phone is
going to screw (my schedule) up,"
LSA senior Kathryn Herrick said.
"I'd rather have it in my hand. I
just think I might push a wrong num-
ber," she added.

like to have the sheet in my hand to
make sure I have everything correct,"
said LSA senior Frank Trinh.
There are 128 phone lines to ac-
commodate students, Adelman said.
A student can call in at the time as-
signed on the Student Verification
Form, or any time thereafter. The

Arafat followers
march in support

Los Angeles Times
JERUSALEM - In a massive
show of force, an estimated 10,000
supporters of PLO leader Yasser
Arafat marched in Gaza City yester-
day, firing their guns in the air and
chanting slogans against the Islamic
opposition just days after Arafat's
security forces and Islamic militants
'gaged in bloody street battles.
"Here is the weapon, here are the
Fatah Hawks, at the hands of our
leader, Yasser Arafat, ready to heed
your call," roared thousands of young
men armed with automatic weapons.
"Whoever wrongs Fatah, Fatah will
open his head."
Fatah is the largest faction of the
Palestine Liberation Organization and
was founded in the 1960s by Arafat,
*airman of the PLO and head of the
self-governing Palestinian Authority.
The march marked a change of
tactics for Arafat from the concilia-
tory stance he took after his police
force opened fire on Islamic demon-
strators Friday. The two sides quickly

phone until Jan. 25, the drop/add dead-
If a class is closed when the stu-
dent calls in, the recording will in-
form the student and give him or her
the opportunity to select a different
See CRISP, Page 2
early post-
GOP issue
toast, a global trade accord emerged
yesterday as a potent test between
President Clinton and Senate GOP
Leader Bob Dole, whose demand for
a capital gains tax cut escalated the
issue sharply.
No sooner had Dole suggested
linking the two over the weekend
than White House Chief of Staff Leon
Panetta shot down the suggestion. "I
don't think he's going to get a com-
mitment from us that we're going to
suddenly support a capital gains tax
cut, particularly as part of' the trade
accord, Panetta said.
Asked about the rebuff, Dole said
yesterday: "He only took one shot at
it. He can fire again."
On political grounds, many con-
gressional Democrats oppose a cut in
See GATT, Page 7


decades in exile.
After negotiations with the Islamic
militants began to falter Sunday night,
Arafat requested the rally, according
to Palestinian sources.

Patrick Flaherty, left, and Jeff Wallbaum dined yesterday during "Queers at Amer's."
ublic meeti a A


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