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September 08, 1994 - Image 7

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The Michigan Daily, 1994-09-08

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Advisers urge Clinton to
set date for Haiti invasion

The Washington Post
WASHINGTON - President
Clinton yesterday heard appeals from
senior foreign policy advisers to set a
public deadline for U.S.military action
in Haiti, and to send a personal emis-
sary there with a final demand that its
military leaders voluntarily step down
or be ousted.
Clinton received the advice at a
three-hour session with his top national
security advisers that an official called
serious "endgame planning" for an in-
vasion of the Caribbean island nation.
The meeting, which focused primarily
on Haiti but also considered other top-
ics, was Clinton's first order of busi-
ness after his return from a 12-day
vacation at Martha's Vineyard.
On Tuesday, many of the same
advisers met at the White House to
debate decisions Clinton must make
AP PHOTO leading up to military action in Haiti
.th that virtually all of the president's aides
now describe as inevitable this fall.
The session came after Secretary of
ises State Warren Christopher repeated the
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they do not leave voluntarily. "One
way or another, the de facto govern-
ment is going to be leaving," Christo-
phersaidatthe StateDepartment. "Their
days are definitely numbered."
At issue, officials said, is not whether
to send troops to Haiti but what steps
should lead up to such an action. The
questions include how to handle con-
sultations with Congress, whether and
when to send an emissary to Haiti be-
forehand, whether to set a public dead-
line, and Clinton's personal involve-
ment in making the case to the Ameri-
can people for the need for an invasion.
The White House described the ses-
sion as a review of the status of the
planning on Haiti, including military
planning, and said no final decisions
were made. But officials pointed to the
timing - Clinton's first order of busi-
ness-and his attendance at the session
to suggest the seriousness of the issue.
While the issues of sending an em-
issary to Haiti and of setting a final
public deadline were discussed, offi-
cials said, decisions were not made.
A senior official said that the public
impression relayed last week that mili-

tary action would not come until a
token contingent of Caribbean soldiers
is trained, a process that was said to
take until mid-October, is "not neces-
sarily the operative timetable."
The official said some of Clinton's
advisers are arguing that conditions for
average Haitians are deteriorating so
severely because of the international
trade embargo, while military leaders
show no sign of budging, that "there is
no reason to wait really any longer."
But the official said that the timing
issue is not settled, and that the State
Department and others are arguing for
more time to enlist international par-
ticipation in the invasion force and the
United Nations force that is to occupy
Haiti and help maintain peace after the
restoration of exiled president Jean-
Bertrand Aristide in office.
Jamaica, Trinidad and Tobago,
Barbados and Belize have agreed to
contribute 266 troops to go to Haiti
following a U.S. invasion by a force of
about 10,000. The Caribbean troops
began training yesterday at a U.S. Navy
base in Puerto Rico, and other partici-
pants are being actively solicited.

Russian Defense Minister Pavel Grachev, left, shakes hands with U.S. Army 3rd Infantry Division Lt. Scott Mayla
during Grachev's inspection of joint military exercises between the two forces in Totsk, Russia yesterday.
ussian, U.S. forces to conduct joint military exerc

The Washington Post
Defense Minister Pavel Grachev said yesterday he plans to
send 500 Russian soldiers to the United States for a joint
military exercise next year, after what he called the success
of the first such operation here this week.
Grachev flatly rejected criticism from Russian national-
ists opposed to closer working ties to the U.S. military and
*rushed aside doubts from lower-ranking Russian officers.
He said the scale of next year's training should be about
twice that of the current exercise and that "even more"
soldiers should participate together in Russia in 1996.
About 250 American soldiers, operating here in Russia's
heartland for the first time, concluded the principal part of
theirjointexercise with the Russian army, aimed at improv-
ing peacekeeping operations.
The soldiers of the U.S. 3rd Infantry Division, based in
Germany, and the Russian 27th Guard Motorized Rifle
*)ivision, which not long ago was based justacross a hostile
border from the 3rd Infantry in east Germany, are scheduled
to play sports and hold picnics here today. The Americans
will then begin to pull out.
U.S. Maj. Gen. Leonard D. Holder Jr., who shared
command of the exercise with his Russian counterpart, said
the "operations have proceeded successfully." Grachev
called the exercise "deeply symbolic" and a "vivid example
of new relations" between the two countries.
Many Russian Communists and nationalists have at-
tacked the joint maneuvers as the first step in an American
lot to invade Russia and take advantage of its weakness.
Russian PresidentBoris Yeltsin, bowing to nationalistop-
position, was forced last spring to postpone the historic
exercise, originally scheduled forJuly. Grachev's proposal
to expand joint peacekeeping training is likely to arouse
more anger.
But yesterday the defense minister attacked those who
seek to rekindle Cold War-style confrontation, saying the

Iron Curtain had only caused Russia to fall years behind the
developed world. "And if we're going to keep looking for
the image of an enemy in every state," Grachev warned,
"we're going to isolate ourselves, further stunting our
development and falling even more years behind."
Grachev said it was symbolic that the first U.S.-Russian
army exercise took place in Totskoye, a testing range on the
steppe 700 miles southeast of Moscow where in 1954 the
Soviet Union exploded an above-ground nuclear bomb,
with many soldiers and civilians nearby. This "barbaric act,
"Grachev said, envisioned "the future destruction of hu-
"Now, 40 years later, we are conducting a peacekeeping
exercise at the very same site, with the aim that such a
monstrous thing won't happen again," he said.
In a scene that struck many Cold War veterans as
improbable, Grachev, a former paratrooper and Afghan war
veteran, played the role of professor as Holder acted as
student and reported on the peacekeeping exercise. The
defense minister found fault with some aspects of the
operation, but said that overall he gave Holder "a solid
Asked how it felt to be judged by a Russian general,
Holder said, "Feels great, under the circumstances."
Before Grachev's arrival, U.S. and Russian officers here
said the timing and scale of any follow-on joint exercise
remain in doubt, partly because ofRussia's financial troubles.
Yesterday morning, Col. Gen. Eduard Vorobyo, first deputy
commander of the Russian army, said, "It would be better
for us, and more convenient, if we had a simulated computer
But Grachev swept aside such caution, saying this
week's experience showed it is "necessary and useful" to
conduct more exercises, and on "a larger scale." While U.S.
and Russian interests will not always coincide, he said, the
two countries will continue to share an interest in maintain-
ing global peace.

manyladons warningsn tea a s
military leaders will soon be evicted if


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