2 - The Michigan Daily - Monday, November 14, 1994
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Registration Schedule - TOUCH-TONE or IN PERSON
November 16, 17, 18 8:00a.m.-5:00p.m. Registration by appointment for Graduate
and Professional students
Nov. 21 thru Dec. 9 8:00a.m.-5:00p.m. Registration by appointment for
(except weekends and Nov. 23-25) undergraduate students
The exact appointment time and registration location will be printed on the Student Verifica-
tion Form. Students will be asked to register according to the following priority group
Group I
Group II
Group III
Group IV
Group V
Group VI
Group VII
100+ credits
85-99 credits
70-84 credits
55-69 credits
40-54 credits
25-39 credits
0-24 credits
Group I will register first followed by the
remaining groups. Registration times are
assigned randomly within each group.
North Campus: 153 Chrysler Center for all students enrolled in Architecture and Urban
Planning, Art, Engineering, Music (including Rackham students enrolled in these units). If
alternate appointment permits are needed, students must go to 153 Chrysler.
Central Campus: Room 17 Angell Hall for everyone else. If alternate appointment permits
are needed, students must go to the Registrar's Windows in the LSA Lobby.
Remember, You Must Have These Materials in Order to Register in Person:
- Student Verification Form - this form will indicate the time and place to register
- Student Picture ID card
- Election Work Sheet
- Override Forms - if course/section has an entry restriction
Students having a FINANCIAL HOLD CREDIT will not be permitted to register.
PLEASE NOTE: In accordance with Regents' policy, students who register and subse-
quently withdraw (drop all of their classes) after the beginning of the term will be respon-
sible for the registration and disenrollment fees. This assessment will be made regardless of
whether or not you attend classes.
TOUCH-TONE CRISP is an easy, new way to register by using a touch-tone telephone.
Consult the time schedule for detailed instructions. You cannot register through TOUCH-
TONE CRISP or through regular CRISP until your appointment time. You cannot register
through TOUCH-TONE CRISP or through CRISP if you have a financial hold or an aca-
demic hold.
To register through TOUCH-TONE CRISP, be sure to have the following items before calling:
- touch-tone telephone
- Winter Time Schedule of Classes (detailed instructions available)
- student number (social security number)
- personal security number (to be selected the first time you use TOUCH-TONE)
- completed election worksheet with alternatives (use CrispInfo to obtain open sections)
CALL: on campus: 8-1881 *local off campus: 998-1881
*outside local calling area: 313-998-1881
REGISTRATION for classes, ADD a course, DROP a course, SWAP a course, MODIFY a
course, WAITLIST a course, DISENROLL for all courses prior to the first day of classes.
DROP/ADD for Winter 1995 will be available through TOUCH-TONE from your appoint-
ment time through January 25th (except holidays and scheduled maintenance).
OVERRIDES: if you need to obtain an override for a class you have two options:
1. contact the department, obtain an electronic override, access touch-tone and
process an add
2. obtain a paper override which you must bring to one of the CRISP sites.
Registration and drop/add are available at the following times:
TOUCH-TONE CRISP: 7:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m. midnight
seven days/week
TOUCH-TONE HELP: 8:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m.
Continued from page 1
demic and Multicultural Affairs.
Before speaking, King participated
in an question and answer session
with University and high school stu-
dents. The University of Michigan
Gospel Chorale gave a spirited per-
formance in honor of her visit.
Despite the relatively small crowd
of approximately 100, King told the
audience not be discouraged by the
number of people attending the lec-
ture because "it only takes one match
to light the fire." It was her hope that
after hearing her speech, people will7
"leave and light'
the match to begin
King pre-
sented the audi-
ence with innova-
tive ways to com-
bat racism, preju-
dice and bigotry in
a non-violent
manner. An orator
in her own right,
Continued from page 1
Force will ensure their successful
future and that their service in Air
Force ROTC has prepared them well
for that future.
"I joined Air Force ROTC be-
cause of my desire to serve and be-
cause I believe the Air Force has a
sense of dignity, honor and pride that
is associated with no other company.
I'd be here even if I weren't on schol-
arship," said Cadet Maj. Josh Mulder,
an Engineering senior.
Cadet Maj. Chris Hamilton, a En-
gineering senior, said he believes the
Air Force ROTC has "gotten me ready
for the rest of my life."
The Dining In also honored the
country's veterans and those who gave
their lives in defense of the United
States. A table was set for one and
remained empty in remembrance of
those who were missing, namely pris-
oners of war and those who are miss-
ing in action.
American government is "for the
people." The audience cheered when
she said that "only some people in
power believe it is a government for
somepeople. Asher father said, "What
affects one affects us all." King added
that the challenge the United States
faces is "how to live together in peace
since we can never live apart."
King demanded that American's
must undue the racism. "We can never
embrace a multicultural society. We
must consciously reject the way the
system is planted within us."
She suggested that by recognizing
the achievements of African Ameri-
cans, facing our tainted past and ad-
mitting this nation prospered by dis-
against minori-
is ties and examine
be one the subtle racist
and precon-
3d under ceived ideas
ly nation is people have we
can begin to fos-
ded.' ter positive race
nice A. King relations in
In the open-
ing remarks of the program, Lester
Monts, vice provost for Academic
and Multicultural Affairs, suggested
that given recent events in South Caro-
lina, problems in the cities, and recent
elections, it is necessary to have a
speaker like King come and speak at
the University.
Those who attended were excited
to hear a member of the King family
talk about her experiences. "It is
nice to get history from a different
perspective" said Ilona Cohen, an
LSA sophomore.
Stephanie Redcross, an LSA
first-year student who attended the
event with her parents, "really en-
joyed the question and answer ses-
sidn" but she was surprised the event
was not more publicized.
Safiya Kahalid, a University
graduate, echoed the sentiments of
the audience when she said "her
father would be proud."
Three of the men are CMU stu-
dents and varsity soccer players. The
other four were off-campus visitors
- one a high school student.
The three CMU students could
still face action from the university's
Office of Student Life, said Public
Relations Director Rae Goldsmith.
'Our country
supposed to
nation, unite
God; our dail
a nation dlvi
- Rev. Berr
she said the biggest problem facing
our country today is race relations.
She said even though "our country is
supposed to be one nation, united
under God; our daily nation is a na-
tion divided."
Throughout her intense speech,
she stressed the need for doing some-
thing "to patch up the holes." Her
goal was to either comfort the dis-
turbed or disturb the comfortable."
King mentioned that racial divi-
sions are the most difficult to erase
because "even though the signs are
gone, they're still etched in the
minds of men and women. She cited
the case of Susan Smith in South
Carolina, where Smith accused a
Black man of kidnapping her chil-
dren before confessing to the mur-
der. The predominantly African
American crowd expressed agree-
ment with her.
King stands by her belief that the
Continued from page 1
in a campus parking lot, called her a
liar and struck her in the face.
Civil rights organizations have
expressed interest in discussing the
case with the victim. The woman is
Black, while the seven men are all
In Person CRISP:
17 Angell Hall
153 Chrysler Center (Nov 16-Dec 9; Jan 3-25)
8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Monday - Friday
ASSISTANCE: call 763-5174 or go to the Service Windows, Office of the Registrar, LSA
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Tne Mcnigan ,aily (ISN 0 745 j) is puolisneo Monoay tnrougn tFnoay dunngte fal, ano winter terms oy
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Winter term"(January through April) is $95'^yearlong (September through April) is $160. On-campus
subscriptions for fall term are $35. Subscriptions must be prepaid.
The Michigan Daily is a member of the Associated Press and the Associated Collegiate Press.
ADDRESS: The Michigan Daily, 420 Maynard Street, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109-1327.
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,rinff n
NEWS David Shepardson, Managing Editor
EDITORS: James R. Cho. Nate Hurley. Mona Qureshi, Karen Talaski.
STAFF: Roble Barry, Danielle Belkin, Jonathan Bemdt. Cathy Boguslaski. Jodi Cohen, Lisa Dinew, Sam T. Dudek, Kelly Feeney, Ryan
Fields. Josh Ginsberg. Ronnie Glassberg. Jennifer Haey, Katie Hutchins, Daniel Johnson. Michelle Joyce, Amy Klein, Maria Kovec,
Frank C. Lee, John Lombard, James M. Nash, Zachary M. Raimi, Danie le Rumore, Maureen Sirhal, Matthew Smart. Andrew Taylor, Lara
Taylor. Michelle Lee Thompson, Maggie Weyhing, Josh White. April Wood, Soot Woods.
GRAPHICS: Jonathan Berdt (Editor), Laura Nemirff, Andrew Taylor, Julie Tsai. Kevin Winer.
EDITORIAL Sam Goodstein, Flint Walness, Editors
ASSOCIATE EDITORS: Julie Becker, Patrick Javid.
STAFF: Eugene Bowen. Allison Dimond, Jennifer Fox, Jed Friedman, Greg Gelhaus. Ephraim R. Gerstein, Craig Greenberg. Adrienne
Janney Jeff Keating Joel F. Knutson, Jim Lasser, Jason Lichtsten, Partha Mukhopadhyay. Water Perkel, Elis Smith, Jean Twenge.
SPORTS Chad A. Safran, Managing Editor
EDITORS: Rachel Bachman, Brett Forrest,. Antoine Pitts. Michael Rosenberg.
STAFF: Paul Barger. Roderick Beard. Eugene Bowen, Scott Burton, Nicholas J. Cotsonika. Sarah DeMar, Marc Diller, Jennifer
Duberstein Darren Everson, Ravi Gopal, Chaim Hyman, Michael Joshua, John Leroi. Dan McKenzie, Rebecca Moatz, Jed Rosenthal,
David Rothbart. Danielle Rumore, Melanie Schuman, Tom Seeley, Brian Sklar, Tim Smith, Barry Sollenberger, Doug Stevens, Michelle
Lee Thompson, Ryan White.
ARTS Melissa Rose Bernardo, Tom Erlewine, Editors
EDITORS: Matt Carson (Fine Arts), Kik Miller (Books). Heather Phares (Music), Liz Shaw (Weekend etc.), Alexandrae Twin (Film), Ted
Watts (Weekend. etc.).
STAFF: Jennifer Buckley. Thomas Crowley, Ella de Leon, Andy Dolan, Ben Ewy, Aprl Gandsman. Brian Gnatt. Josh Herrington, Karl
Jones. Shirley Lee, Scott Plagenhoeft.Fred Rice. Joshua Rich, Dirk Schulze, Sarah Stewart, Prashant Tamaskar. Brian Wise, Robert
PHOTO Evan Petrie, Editor
STAFF: Tonya Broad, Mike Ftzhugh, MarkeFriedman, Douglas Kanter, Josh Kolevzon, Jonathan Lurie, Judith Perkins, Kristen Schaefer.
Molly Stevens, Joe Westinabe, Chris Wolf.
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