The Michigan Daily - Thursday, November_10, 1994 - 3 Assembly *to advise students on code By CATHY BOGUSLASKI Daily Staff Reporter Students charged with violating the Statement of Student Rights and Re- sponsibilities could soon have a Michi- gan Student Assembly member help them during their hearings. At Tuesday night's meeting, the assembly confirmed Students' Rights Commission Chair Vince Keenan as the first member of its Advisor Corps, group of students trained to help counsel students at code hearings. Keenan said he and future Advisor Corps members will "help people who don't know the code" by providing them with information about their rights. However, the advisers would not be able to speak for students during code hearings. The Statement of Student Rights and Responsibilities is the University's code of non-academic conduct. MSA hopes to train more advisers soon, Keenan said. so, MSA again voted down a proposal to provide more funds to the Ann Arbor Tenants' Union (AATU)Tuesday night. The proposal would have trans- ferred$3,001 from theassembly's capi- tol goods reserve fund to AATU. "The AATU works," said Rackham Rep. Josh Grossman. "Every time we vote no on (funding) it, I'm shocked." MSA Vice President Jacob Stern said AATU should receive its funding through MSA's Budget Priorities Com- mittee (BPC), just like other student groups."Not going to BPC (for fund- ing) just shows how worthless this or- ganization is," Stern said. LSA Rep. Jonathan Freeman said nants' union supporters are still opti- mistic about funding for AATU. He said AATU will ask BPC for funds. AATU received about $23,000 in funding from MSA last year. Only part of November's election schedule ended Tuesday. Next week, students will be asked to cast their iallots for MSA representatives. Twenty-three spots will be up for grabs in a campuswide election start- ing Wednesday and ending Thursday. Threeparties and nine independents will be campaigning for a seat on the assembly. Representatives are elected for one year. Students also will vote on two ballotquestions. Onequestion asks voters if the student fee should be in- reased by 25 cents to fund AATU. . The second ballot question, spon- sored by Freeman, asks students if the student fee should be increased by 18 cents for one academic term. Freeman said the question was in- tended to replenish the general reserve fund after the assembly transferred money from that fund to the tenants' union. The assembly voted down sev- eral attempts to make this transfer. Freeman said the question was im- portant when it was proposed, but was no longer useful since the transfer was not approved by the assembly. He said he will ask the election director about removing the question from the ballot. FUN IN THE MUD Stamps to cost 32 cents by Jan. Los Angeles Times WASHINGTON - Postal rates will rise in January, with the standard first-class stamp jumping to 32 cents from 29 cents, the chairman of the U.S. Postal Service warned Tuesday. "Ourcustomers shouldplan accord- ingly," Sam Winters, the chairman, said during a meeting of the Postal Service Board of Governors. The Postal Service already has ap- plied fora 10.3 percentrate increase for all classes of mail. The independent Postal Rate Commission is expected to announce within a few weeks its ruling on the rate request. Approval is widely expected, and postal officials, along with most big mailers, have been assuming that the higher rates would take effect on Jan. 1. But Winters made it virtually official Tuesday, promising that the new rate structure will begin with the New Year. Anticipating the higher rates, many big advertisers, mail-order merchan- disers and mass mailers will send out tons of extra mailings late this year to take advantage of the current rates. After the rate commission an- nounces its decisions, Winters said, the board of governors will act "in a most timely manner." The rate increase would be the first since 1991, when the price of a first-class stamp rose to 29 cents from 25 cents. Proposed rate increases usually are contentious, with competing groups of mailers trying to negotiate lower rates for themselves by shifting more of the burden to other classes of mail. This time, the big mailers, includ- ing magazines, newspapers, catalog publishers and direct marketers, sup- ported an across-the-board rate hike of 10.3 percent. In return, the Postal Ser- vice promised to conduct a major study to re-examine the classification and pricing system that has remained largely unchanged since the Postal Service be- came independent in 1971. JOE WESTRATE/Daify Co-ed intramural football teams brave the rain and the mud at Mitchell Field last night. Scheduling becomes easier with 'U' alum's software By SPENCER DICKINSON For the Daily How does the University make sure your bio section isn't scheduled on top of someone's French class? What about scheduling one-time lectures so they don't conflict with regular classes? With thousands of students, hun- dreds of classes and dozens of lectures, it's harderthan you think. But thanks to a new program developed by a Rackham alum, it's getting easier all the time. In the past, classes were scheduled in a room in the LSA Building by a woman named Stella Theros.- She worked for the University for 40 years, the last 20 of which were spent wedging lectures, sections and special events into the space available using a card system. Larry Jones, a database clerk in the scheduling office, said Theros actually did most of the scheduling "in,her head." "Stella worked great," said Jones, "but no one else could have done the job because no one else knew what she knew." Today, Jones and Leah Dailey, an academic services clerk, use software called Schedule 25 and Schedule 25E to do her job in ways Theros never could. "We still have the card system as backup," said Dalley, "and we haven't got the computer to schedule final ex- ams yet, but it makes the job much easier." The biggest improvement offered by the new system is the ability to schedule events at the last minute. Rackham student Debbie Waugh was looking for a room where she and the rest of the University's Duplicate Bridge Club could meet. Dailey hit a few keys and found a room to suit her needs in 30 seconds. Waugh, who was using the system for the second time, said she was "very pleased" with the results. "We weren't able to do that two years ago," Dalley said. "The registrar has had good feedback and fewer com- plaints since we started using the sys- tem." The University isn'ttheonly school to use this program. Currently, 130 universities use the system. Some have systems that are almost entirely automated. Jones cited the University of Iowa as one such institu- tion, but said the University is moving in the same direction. "We're working on (improving) the system every day," Jones said. Schedules 25 and 25E were devel- oped in Oregon by James Wolfston, a 1977 Rackham graduate. Wolfston is still in contact with his adviser, com- puter science Prof. Bernard A. Galler. "Bernie liked my idea and gave me some help early on to work on it," Wolfston said. With this support, Wolfston founded Universal Algo- rithms Inc. and developed what he calls "the first workable computerized solu- tion to mass classroom scheduling." This program developed into Sched- ule 25 and later 25E, which the Univer- sity has been integrating since 1992. This semester is the first time the soft- ware successfully did all LSA schedul- ing. Wolfston said Universal Algo- rithms, which employs 13 in Portland, Ore., "has really taken off." Their latest project is a series of automated guides that help vacationers "schedule" their next getaway. Defeated Wolpe recalls his rmistakes along campaign trail r EAST LANSING (AP)-Athome in his condominium after200,00Omiles and almost two years on the road, Democrat Howard Wolpe spent Tues- day quietly contemplating his guber- natorial campaign that went nowhere. "We peaked too early," he joked, able to muster a laugh a two days after his landslide loss to incumbent Gov. John Engler. Quickly, however, the serious side of Wolpe so evident during the cam- paign took over. "Clearly there was a Republican tide moving last night," he said, noting not a single GOP incum- bent lost a race for governor, U.S. Sen- ate or U.S. House. "This was just an election-year di- saster for Democrats across the board." Wolpe said Engler benefited from an economy improved by President Clinton's policies. Ironically, the GOP also gained from anti-Clinton senti- ment. But even without that, Wolpe said, the cut in property taxes Engler pushed probably decided the outcome. "That was the one thing that I heard everywhere. Englersucceeded in mak- ing himself the beneficiary of the prop- erty tax cut," he said. Engler re-election campaign direc- tor Dan Pero mocked the Wolpe effort. "It's almost as if the Democrats had no strategy to run a general election race after they won the primary," he said. Political analysts also have skewered the Wolpe campaign. "If there was one thing that con- verted a 10-point loss into a blowout, it was the anemic start of the Wolpe campaign, the loss of the whole period from Aug. 2 to Labor Day," said Craig Ruff, president of Lansing-based Pub- lic Sector Consultants Inc. Wolpe conceded he took too long to name state Sen. Debbie Stabenow as his running mate. He praised her cam- paigning ability. He acknowledged that Engler and the GOP painted an image of him early as a tax-and-spend liberal, but he said he was powerless to defend himself. "Once we got the nomination, the party had no money," he said. A traditional Democratic Party money source, the Michigan Educa- tion Association, had spent its cash promoting the primary candidacy of Larry Owen, Wolpe said, and the party itself was $200,000 in the red from the previous election. "They began to successfully do the attack on me, to define me, before we had an opportunity to be able to re- spond to that, so we were constantly playing defensive catchup," he said. Wolpe insisted he had a clear vision on the economy, education and crime laid out a vision for the future, which he was criticized as lacking, but said he lacked resources to get thatmessage out. He thought victory was still pos- sible in September when a poll showed him 16 points behind Engler. After that, the margin ballooned to 26 points and he said, "You always hold onto the possibility of some breakthrough." An uptick in Clinton's standing re- newed his hope late in the race, but it Michigan Gov. John Engler and Senate Majority Leader Dick Posthumous (R- Alto) celebrate their victories yesterday. was harder to believe the last 10 days. "I was just so determined to have the best showing possible because I wanted to help the entire ticket if we could.... I just recognized it was uphill in terms of my own candidacy," he said. He took some solace in the fact that the GOP was able to pick up just one seat in the state House, despite Engler's margin. But Wolpe said it was enormously disappointing that he couldn't derail the national GOP sweep in Michigan. He was glum about the rising cynicism he thinks the election illustrated, but not about his personal loss. Wolpe said he's unsure what he'll do in the future, but wants to remain involved in somefacetofpublic policy. "I'll be spending time with my fam- ily and try to find a way to avoid eating at McDonald's every day," he said. Corrections The totals from Michigan's U.S. Senate race were: Spence Abraham with 1,576,578 votes, Bob Carr with 1,300,263 -Notes and Jon Coon with 127,954 votes. This was incorrectly reported in yesterday's Daily. Della Sigma Phi was condemned by the city. Its charter was revoked by the University. This was incorrectly reported in Monday's Daily. Howard U. fires 400 from its staff Washington Post WASHINGTON - Howard Uni- versity, facing declining enrollment and a budget deficit, began firing nearly 400 administrative employees yesterday as part of a restructuring effort that Interim President Joyce A. Ladner called "especially painful" but necessary "if Howard is to survive and prosper." The firings rocked the nation's largest black university as employees - including the director of financial aid and the head of the school's sup- port services - were told their jobs were being abolished and they would get their regular pay until the day before Thanksgiving. "I had no inkling, no warning," said Esme Bond, a research associate at Howard's Moorland-Spingarn Re- search Center, who has worked at Howard for nearly 20 years. "I don't know what I'm going to do. I laugh to keep from crying." Trying to close a $6.9 million bud- get deficit, Howard is reducing its administrative staff of 2,100 by about 25 percent in an effort to save as much as $6 million this year and about $14 million in 1995-96, officials said. Some of the money saved will be reinvested in academic programs and laboratories. "We have needed for a long time to bring the size of the Howard Uni- versity work force in line with our basic mission," Ladner said in a state- ment. "By reducing excess staff posi- tions ... we shall have a better match between our needs and our limited resources." Q Amnesty International meeting, 764-5619, Dana Building, Room 1028, 7:30 p.m. D Archery Club practice, 913-5896, Sports Coliseum, 7-9 p.m. Q Circle K International weekly meeting, 663-2461, Michigan Union, Pond Room, 7:30 p.m. " Intervarsity Christian Fellow- ship, 764-5702, Dana Building, Room 1040,7 p.m. " MCAT Prep Class Face-Off, sponsored by Pre-Medical Union, 995-5489, Michigan Union, Pendleton Room, 6:30 p.m. Q Meditation and Diet, sponsored by Meditation forUniversalsCon- sciousness, 747-0885, Michigan League, Room D, 7 p.m. tional Students," sponsored by International Center, International Center Building, Room 9,3 p.m. U 'InformationalMeetingaboutU- M Summer Study Abroad Pro- gram in Jamaica," sponsored by Office of International Programs, Modern Languages Building, RoomB116,5-6 p.m. 0 "Islam in America," lecture, Imam Quicke, sponsored by Muslim Student's Assocation, Law Quad, Room 100,7 p.m. [ "Maximizing Limited Experience on Your Resume," sponsored by CP&P, Student Activities Build- ing, CP&P Conference Room, 4:10-5 p.m. U "Professional Development for International Spouses," spon- sored by International Center, In- . .ninn Ci-nti - kinr nn Q "The Law School Application Process," sponsored by CP&P, Student Activities Building, 12:10- I p.m. Q "The National Health Care De- bate: A Terminal Case?" spon- sored by Labor Party Advocates, Ann Arbor Public Library, 7p.m. Q "Thursday Night at 6:30: Prob- lems in the Communications Department and U-M Adminis- tration," discussion group, spon- sored by U-M Students of the Ann Arbor Libertarian League, Dominick's Restaurant, Upstairs, 6:30 p.m. Q "TV Night," sponsored by Hillel, Hillel Building, 8-11 p.m. Q "Visiting Writer Marilynne Robinson Reading From Her Work," Rackham Amphitheatre, 5 p.m. THE PUERTO RICAN ASSOCIATION OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN PRESENTS THE 12TH MICHIGAN-PUERTO RICAN WEEK November 13-19, 1994 Nov.13: A Taste of Puerto Rican Cuisine Enjoy the best of typical Puerto Rican Cuisine. Recipes of the most traditional dishes will be available. 1:00 P.M. * Trotter House Nawni. Vn e a501.The Envimnmeital Cenode1Enocide in Puerto Rico Continues i