4 - The Michigan Daily - Wednesday, November 9, 1994 cI je £idi~wu &zilg ! L e [0 ± ! g 1Ie f1 : 'Woe is us.' 420 Maynard Ann Arbor, MI 48109 Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan Jessie Halladay Editor in Chief Samuel Goodstein Flint Wainess - the Daily editorial staff Editorial Page Editors Unless otherwise noted, unsigned editorials reflect the opinion of a majority of the Daily's editorial board. All other articles, letters, and cartoons do not necessarily reflect the opinion of The Michigan Daily. I T I(MN J4IL - ______siuri A time to heal Regents need to come together after campaign A divisive, partisan and altogether ugly Board of Regents race has come to an end. Mirroring national trends, the reelection campaign of Regent James Waters took apage from the smear playbook - as he sent out a partially misleading checklist put out by a right-wing group about the views of Republi- can candidates Andrea Fischer and Dan Horning. ThelistnotedthatFischer was against teacher tenure, failing to mention that she has stated she fully supports tenure at the Univer- sity level. And it dealt with many issues that have no bearing on how well a regent will perform. The fact is, the Board of Regents has no control over gun legislation or abortion rights, and candidates need not delineate their stands on those issues. More conspicuously, the Democratic-con- trolled Board of Regents finally got around to changing its conflict of interest bylaw. The action occurred in the middle of the campaign, directly affecting Andrea Fischer, who works for a law firm that handles many University suits. Potential problems were avoided when Fischer promised she would fully abide by the change, but the stigma of partisanship re- mains. This need not be how the Board runs. It is now necessary to put the campaign in the past, and begin the daunting task of making the Board of Regents work for - and be acces- sible to - students. First, that will require a fundamental shift in the current Board paradigm. Most regents view their job as a reactionary one. The execu- tive officers draft a budget, and the regents vote on it (always voting in the affirmative). The Office of Student Affairs puts together a con- duct code, and the regents vote on it. Affirina- tive action policies are decided on, and then the regents talk about it. It would, of course, be silly to think the regents should spend their days on campus, feeling out student opinion. They represent the entire state, and are not paid for their service. But the commitment to govern is not a small one, and it is high time the Board stands up for what it believes in. Investment is not enough - it is time to think of new and innovative ways for the University to raise money. The Statement of Student Rights and Responsibilities is not sat- isfactory - it is time regents begin thinking about ways to make the process more student- friendly. Voicing support for a non-voting student regent is only part of the puzzle -- a regent needs to actually bring a proposal up for discussion. Progress, at times, has been made by the Board. The decision to amend Bylaw 14.06 to include homosexuals was a courageous one. But while the amendment probably had the votes to pass for quite some time, it wasn't until Regents Deitch and McGowan became mem- bers of the Board that the change actually came to a vote. Being a regent is not simply having a vote. It requires the courage to lead, and the ability to build coalitions. That is the charge of the newest Board of Regents. NWROC Diwali Show misrepresented The rijit to die With the advent of powerful life-support systems, medical science has been able to prolong lives which would have otherwise succumbed to the cold hand of death. For some of these people, this "extra" life is welcomed as a chance to remain longer with friends and family, to do things that had remained undone. However, for a significant number of other people, this prolonged life only represents a continuation of the pain and misery of termi- nal illness, and they wish medical science would not artificially prolong their lives. For these sufferers, the right to die on their own terms should be a fundamental right, protected by law. As of 1991, statutes regarding living wills or other 'advance' directives, instruc- tions for doctors or family members in case of accident or medical mishap, had been enacted in all but three states. The decision for death should be left to the patient. In cases where the patient is terminally unconscious or otherwise incapable, the deci- sion should fall upon the family. In extreme cases, doctors may be forced torender the final decision. However, there should never be a situation where political or religious groups can hold the decision making process hostage by mounting legal challenges that prolong the agony of the families, and often times act against the best interest of the patients them- selves. A recent example of this problem comes from Minnesota, where the parents of coma- tose Jamie Butcher won theright to disconnect his feeding tube two weeks ago. Since 1977, Jamie has laid in a coma, totally dependent on his family. After years of hope and despair, the Butcher family accepted the fact that Jamie would neverrecover fromhis living death, and sought to allow him to pass away. At that time, the Nursing Home Action Group attempted to gain legal guardianship of Jamie, not only lost its attempt to get legal guardianship, but now threatens to appeal the court order allow- ing the Butcher family to remove the support systems keeping Jamie alive. Although it is doubtful that the nurses group will be successful, the very fact of their re- newed challenge raises disturbing questions about their motives, and those of extreme "pro- life" groups across the nation. When the qual- ity of life is held subordinate to the fact that some life exists, no matter what its condition, it shows a callous insensitivity toward the bereaved, and toward the victim. Legal and medical bodies largely agree that the wishes of terminal patients refusing medi- cation, leading to certain death, are to be re- spected, and recent surveys of doctors indicate that they would participate in physician-as- sisted suicide if that option were legal. Some doctors currently respect their patients' wishes for death by subscribing superlethal drug dos- ages, or by not medicating fatal ailments. In thousands of other cases each year, terminally ill patients are delivered from their pain with help from loved ones. Yet, assisted suicide remains illegal, and various groups are allowed to force the terminally ill and their families to suffer further, through litigation. Choosing death is not easy for anyone, and once that decision has been made, it should not be chal- lenged by people who have no connection to the victim. Laws protecting the rights of the terminally ill to die in a dignified manner need to be enacted, to allow patients and their families peace of mind. Yesterday, voters in Oregon voted on a right-to-die initiative that would protect the terminally ill from groups like the Nursing Home Action Group. And the state of Michigan still has not recognized living wills. Gov. Engler may still be in office, but he surely has no mandate for his repressive anti-physi- a -n Ln-..1% ( ..nnn,..er i ne, ci n. a .. u - c.t To the Daily: I was very disappointed in the article written on Monday, Nov. 7th by Mr. Eugene Bowen covering the 1994 Diwali Show held by the members of the Indian- American Students' Associa- tion. Several facts were inaccurate, including the names of the singers as well as the names of some of the items performed. What strikes me as strange is that, with a show consisting of over 350 participants and a dozen organizers, not a single person was quoted in the article. Instead the largest annual Asian ethnic festival on campus was reduced to a subjective, rhetorical report that failed to display the efforts of so many University students. Not only was the article poorly written, but the author failed in his initiative as a reporter. I had plenty of information available for his use which should have been included in the article. Yet when I went to meet him at our prearranged time and location, he was not present nor did he make another initiative to obtain the information. As for the photographer, we even offered to allow the use of flash photography so as not Smoking To the Daily: I would like to ask the Daily why they chose to write an article on the most addictive drug on campus and hide it away on the seventh page of the paper. Why, when one of the largest groups of consum- ers of this drug are those who read your newspaper, do you devote only two columns (less than that allotted to the Candlebox interview) to this subject? Yes, I am referring to the drug tobacco and the article, "Report: Hazards of smoking largely underestimated" by Vahe Tazian. While I do not mean to discredit the article as a whole, I would, neverthe- less, like to make some clarifi- cations astothemyths of smok- ing. One of the largest excuses for smoking is the fact that not everyone who smokes devel- ops lung cancer. Well, smok- ing can also cause cancer of the lung, mouth, larynx, esophagus, bladder, kidney, stomach, pancreas and cervix. Yet, you might say that not evervone who smokes devel- to have such an unintelligible picture as the one that was featured with this article. Unfortunately, Mr. Bowen declined to use flash photog- raphy and instead all we have to show of a stage full of graceful dancers holding lit candles is a mistitled portrait of what appears to be an abstract fireworks demonstra- tion. Not only have you disappointed the organizers of the show with such a poor display of journalism, but you have more importantly hurt the participants by not even attempting to accurately depict the beauty of Diwali. I hope that the reporters and editors of the Daily realize that events such as the Diwali Show, which happen only once a year, require a significant amount of time and effort by those students involved in the production. Since only a fraction of the University community is ever able to attend, the only way that others will know of these happenings is through your paper, and I think that since several hundred other students have invested such a great deal of themselves into such events, it is only fair that you invest just a bit more time on their behalf. Jaspal Sodhi Diwali Show Coordinator percent by tobacco use. Also, the use of alcohol and tobacco combined increases the risk of gastric, head and neck and oral cancer. This type of causal smoking is what can lead to addiction later in life. There is just no safe way to smoke. Renee Burke LSA sophomore Voting reforms exist To the Daily: In the editorial of Nov. 1, the Daily calls for sweeping federal-level reform of voter registration laws. I would like to remind your readership that the reform you so eloquently seek has already been made law: an apparently forgotten ac- complishment of the Clinton presidency is the enactment of the Motor Voter bill nearly two years ago. Starting on January 1, 1995, this law wilirequire all states to provide amail-in voter registration form. This method of voter registration will ad- dress many of the concerns about the current voter regis- tration nrocess that were ex- helps to empower women TotheDaily: I attended SAPAC's "Speakout" during Sexual As- sault Prevention and Aware- ness Week and spoke on behalf of the National Women's Rights Organizing Coalition (NWROC). The goal of the event was to provide women like myself who have been raped an opportunity to stand up and declare that the experi- ences were rape and that they weren't our fault. This is im- portant for expunging the guilt and shame that most women feel when they are raped, be- cause our society is one that tolerates violence against women and blames the victim for the crime. What I found most impres- sive about Speakout was the sheer numbers of women and anti-sexist men in attendance, and the potential power of com- bining such people in a deter- mined fight against rape and violence against women. Hun- dreds of previously atomized and disempowered individuals came together and felt a sort of strength in numbers. Unfortu- nately, this wasn't enough. Short of taking some type of direct social action as a group with a unified perspective, all those individuals including myself were bound to leave feeling like a part of a bigger but nonetheless isolated and still powerless unit. The only way to adequately express the rage that's left over after the humiliation passed, to allevi- ate the sense of lack of control and the fear that it may happen again and again nothing will be done about it, the only way to truly empower women, is to build a mass, public offensive against rape. That's why NWROC be- gins in our approach where SAPAC ends, in our view pre- maturely. We feel it necessary not just to hear the stories and trauma of victims, which frankly becomes exhausting after a. while to listener and recounter alike. We must go further to initiate campaigns that canget justice in individual cases and be the foundation of amovementthat upsets the sta- tus quo makes rape socially unacceptable and changes the power differential between women and men. A women's centeracting independently of the administration and con- nected to such a movement would investigate allegations of rape and choose from abroad range of tactics: from private The U.S. foreign policy paradigm4, God looks after fools and drunks, the saying goes, and the United States of America. She may be getting pretty tired of looking after that last one. Once more the good old U.S. of A. has come through on the divine wings of Providence, this time in Haiti. That nation, which swallowed whole one of Napoleon's best armies, turned out to dance and clap and sing for ours. The time before that, Kim Ii Sung, glorious leader of the war- like state of North Korea, stayed on this planet just long enough to greet Jimmy Carter and turn a grim crisis into negotiations. Earlier there was the chaos of Somalia, where we got out after only one grisly skirmish; and Iraq, which could have been a bloodbath, but wasn't. The question is, why are we tempting Fate like that? Literally, what are we doing? The answer is, like it or not, that we are playing the part of the world's policeman. Sure, it's Robocop the way we play it, with all our high-tech stuff. But even Robocop can get hurt. Not only get hurt, but pay other prices as well. There's the straight-out bottom line price: what is it costing in dollars? Will we have to pass the hat after each police action, as we did after the Gulf War? Then there's the price in readiness of our forces: how many Christmases will that good sergeant miss before she de- cides not to reenlist? There's also the price in wear and tear: when will the wings fall off of our C-141 transports and our refueling tank- ers? And finally there's the price that God or someone has kept from charging us since Vietnam: the killed and crippled, the missing and mentally broken. Who says we have to play this role and risk those prices? We tell ourselves that we do. We caper about with a raised right index, cheer ourselves as Number One and let our pride run away with our horse sense. Sure, everyone wants to be on top, whether in the Big Ten, the World, or the LSATs. But where do we draw the line? How far from Kansas does the Monroe Doctrine reach? How big a foe are we willing to take on? Is every border violation equal to the blitzkrieg in Poland, every dictator equal to Hitler? And is the use of force, even in what we think of as righteous causes, the mark of na- tional greatness? Do we, like the Huns, want to be remembered in history only as the scourge of God? Or of the United Nations? They tell us that we do. After years of announcing to the world, "Never fear, Uncle Sam is here," the world has come to believe it. Western Europe and Japan depend on Persian Gulf oil far more than we, but did they stick their necks out back in August, 1990? Whose fighter planes and paratroops came to the aid of Saudi Arabia then? The disintegration of Yugoslavia is truly aEuropean problem, but have you seen a European solution? To- kyo, not Texas, is threatened by Korean nukes, but has Japan slapped an embargo on its rich trade with North Korea? Of course it's easier and cheaper to let the Ameri- cans do it for you, particularly when they seem to love to play world cop. So what if the United States were to just say no? Are the causes of peace and justice in the world served only by our 82nd Airborne and Marines? Are there not places where the locals can actually do a better job? Must it be that if we don't do it, nothing gets done? The United States, for the third time in this century, is at a turning point in its foreign relations. It is a time for ' 01 i 01 01 .1 pi 7 I ii