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November 07, 1994 - Image 18

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The Michigan Daily, 1994-11-07

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10 - The Michigan Daily - SPORTSMonday - Monday, November 7, 1994

Kickers' season ends with loss to
p Wisconsin in Big Ten tournament


Daily Sports Writer
The Michigan women's soccer
team capped off its season this week-
end in Madison at the Big Ten tourna-
In the first-ever conference tour-
nament, Michigan (11-7-2), seeded
seventh, faced second-seeded Penn
State (14-5) and won by the seat of its
pants. However, the Wolverines did
not make such a showing in the semi-
finals against No. 1 seed Wisconsin,
losing, 3-0.
In the game against the Lady Li-
ons, the scoreboard read 1-1 at the
end of the second overtime. Fresh-
man Karen Montgomery had opened
the scoring less than five minutes into
the game on a close pass from sopho-
more Kim Phillips. Penn State's
Lauren Olmsted, the league's tenth-
leading scorer, put in the tying goal
25 minutes later without assistance.
"We were stringing together passes,
we played extremely well," Phillips
said. "The game never should have
even gone into overtime."
The single-elimination tournament
called for a penalty-kick tiebreak to

determine the winner.
Phillips and freshmen Debbie
Flaherty and Amanda Gauthier all
succeeded on their kicks, while the
Lions were only successful on one of
their four attempts.
"I've never seen a keeper save that
many penalty kicks in my life,"
Phillips said of Michigan goaltender
Jory Welchans.
DefenderCarrie Povilaitis was also
impressed with Welchans' tending.
"She loves (penalty kicks),"
Povilaitis said. "She's so confident.
She stayed so calm and the shots she
saved were incredible. She was awe-
some; we were all going crazy."
The Wolverines pulled it off, upset-
ting aPenn State team which had beaten
Michigan 1-0 in the regular season.
"That had to be probably the great-
est victory of our season," Michigan
forward Ruth Poulin said. "We felt
more confident going into the penalty
kicks, like we knew we were going to
come out on top."
However, Povilaitis said the team's
energy was tapped at the first game,
and the Wolverines went into the semi-
finals tired. "We were emotionally

drained - physically drained."
The Wolverine defense nearly col-
lapsed against the Badgers' offensive
surge, which knocked home three
goals from within six yards of the
goal in the first half. Wisconsin (16-
5), the eventual tournament winner,
defended their home field flawlessly,
shutting out the visiting team.
"Our first half was totally not like
us," Flaherty said. "We came out al-
most scared."
Even though Michigan was down
3-0atthehalf, itcameoutstrong in the
second period, getting in five shots -
its only five shots of the game- to
Wisconsin's three shots. Neither team
made good on any of those attempts.
"Wejust came out timid and didn't
play our game," Phillips said. "We
never got into our game plan until the
second half. Unfortunately, it was 3-
0 at halftime."
Big Ten officials named the all-
conference teams, and Flaherty was
honored with second team All-Big Ten.
Flaherty led the Wolverines with 53
shots and seven assists. She started
every game and scored 15 goals, in-
cluding two game-winners.

Debbie Flaherty was named to the Big Ten All-Conference second team after leading the Wolverines in shots on goal
with 53. The freshman made good on 15 of them, including two game-winners.

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Men tankers
Daily Sports Writer
The top-ranked Michigan men's
swimming and diving team opened its
season with three wins over Kansas.
Nebraska and Southern Illinois Satur-

earn triumphs in opener
day in a triple dual meet tournament in event, each team was pitted against the
Carbondale, Ill. others. Michigan nearly doubled its
Michigan (3-0) won 13 of 15 scored opponents' scores, beating Kansas, 78-
events, including five wins from its No. 35, Nebraska, 83-43 and Southern Illi-
1-ranked freshman class. Although nois,83-29.
there was only one scored heat in each "(The freshmen) swam very well,"
Michigan assistant coach Alex
-- e PTC ERBraunfield said. "They swam better
m m than most of the upperclassmen."
FreshmanDeryaBuyukuncu set an
SIU pool record in his first meet as a
Wolverine, winning the 200-yard back-
stroke (1:48.49). Buyukuncu alsoset a
pool record in the 100 backstroke.
Sullivan Award nominee Tom
Dolan was one of three double-event
ANT * BAR winners, winning the 500- and 1,000-
. A ro . -- 0 yardfreestyleevents.
Freshman Jason Lancaster won the
)nday and Tuesday! 100-and 200-yard butterfly. Gustavo
Borges won the 100-and 200-freestyle.
Borges also chipped in a leg of the
winning 400 freestyle relay with
Lancaster, Dan Abruzzi and John
Piersma. Senior Steve West won the
'itchers 100-yard breaststroke and freshman
D & MGD Light Owen von Richter won the 200-yard
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Entry Deadline: Mon 11/7 4:30pm IMSB Main Office
Entry Fee: $5 for individuals/$22 per team
Course Length and Location: 3.1 m/5k Mitchell/Gallup
Race Date and Time: Weds 11/9 5:00pm
Entry Deadline: Thurs 11/10 4:30pm IMSB Main Ofc
Entry Fee: $5 for individuals/$35 per team
Manager's Meeting (Mandatory): Thurs 11/10 6pm IMSB
Weigh-In's: Monday November 14 9am - 3pm IMSB
Meet Dates: Tues, Weds & Thurs November 15, 16 & 17
Entries Taken: Mon 11/14 - 11/21 11am-4:30pm IMSB
Entry Fee: $25 per team
Manager's Meeting (Mandatory): Mon 11/21 6pm IMSB
Tourney Dates: tMon - Thurs 11/28 - 12/8

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will be taken 11:00am - 4:30pm
Monday through Thursday November 28 - December 1.
Start thinking BASKETBALL!




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