4Haitian president
'prays for the dead
The Michigan Daily - Thursday, November 3, 1994 - 7
Sec'y of State
shies away from
k : i 0visit
Los Angeles Times
U.S. combat troops sealed off voodoo
rosses and took up sniper positions
atop tombs yesterday to guard Presi-
dent Jean-Bertrand Aristide, as the
former exile ventured into public for
the first time since his Oct. 15 return
- kneeling at a cemetery and two
churches to pray for Haitian priests,
politicians and the thousands who died
for him and his democratic cause un-
der three years of military rule.
Bugles played "Taps" as Aristide
1*ouched foreheads with fellow priests,
hugged an orphan he once adopted
and waved to adoring throngs during
three one-minute appearances before
being whisked back to the National
Palace by scores of U.S. Army es-
corts in full battle gear.
The Roman Catholic priest-
turned-politician then ended the final
day of a marathon holiday festival for
*he dead with a dinner at his suburban
villa for President Clinton's national
security adviser, Anthony Lake. U.S.
officials said Lake's two-day visit
here is aimed partly at urging Aristide
to speed up efforts to rebuild the
nation's democratic institutions.
Lake also visited U.S. Army troops
in the northern town of Cap Haitien
and a Special Forces unit in the rural
town of Grand Riviere, to help shore
*p military morale in the prolonged
mission dubbed Uphold Democracy.
Today, Lake is due to meet Haitian
business, religious and political lead-
ers, among them Smarck Michel,
Aristide's nominee for prime minis-
ter whose appointment has been be-
fore the nation's plodding Parliament
for more than a week.
SeniorU.S. officials saidLake plans
to tell Haitian leaders of the Clinton
administration's concerns about delays
in crucial parliamentary and local elec-
tions. Originally scheduled for Decem-
ber, the polls for more than 2,000 na-
tional and local offices may not take
place until next February or March, and
the administration has vowed to keep
the U.S. intervention force in Haiti until
after those elections are held.
But U.S. officials in Haiti sought
to temper any appearance of urgency
in Lake's visit, stressing that Aristide
has won high marks for his earnest,
though time-consuming, process of
institution-building and neutralizing
Haiti's armed and angry political right.
"What appears to be a slow process
is also a careful process," said U.S.
Embassy Spokesman Stanley Schrager.
"President Aristide is reaching out to a
lot of people. He's working the phones,
and talking to many former enemies.
It's better than rushing into something."
Clearly, Aristide did reach out
yesterday, and seemingly in many
directions at once.
With U.S. Army snipers posted on
rooftops surrounding the capital's Sacre
Coeur Church, Aristide stood at atten-
tion with eyes shut tight for a half-
minute. Then he knelt and touched the
base of a towering gray cross, near the
spot where his campaign financier and
Haiti's former justice minister were
brutally gunned down in separate inci-
dents by military agents last year.
Los Angeles Times
WASHINGTON - The Clinton
administration considered having
Secretary of State Warren Christo-
pher make a ground-breaking visit to
Vietnam while traveling through Asia
this month but decided the time still
was not right, Christopher disclosed
Although leaders of other coun-
tries such as Japan and France have
visited Vietnam, no top-level Ameri-
can official has been to Hanoi since
before the Vietnam War. The
Clinton administration lifted the
long-standing trade embargo against
Vietnam last February but balked at
having Christopher stop in Hanoi
for what would be a major new step
in relations between the two coun-
"I've concluded that the situation
isn't quite ready for me to stop in
Vietnam. I think for a secretary of
state to go there.... I think we have to
see some more progress on the MIA
and POW issue," said Christopher,
referring to the search for Americans
missing in action from the Vietnam
War. "The time will come, but it's not
here yet."
The secretary also said relations
with China have not improved enough
for President Clinton to travel there,
despite China's persistent lobbying
for a presidential visit. "I think the
relationship will have to develop in a
more positive way before the presi-
dent is prepared to go," he declared.
"I hope it will develop in that
manner," he added. Vietnam remains
a politically sensitive subject for the
Clinton administration, both because
of the MIA issue and because of
Clinton's successful effort to avoid
military service during the Vietnam
Christopher made his remarks in a
breakfast session at the Los Angeles
Times' Washington bureau, during
which he also made these points:
The administration hopes to talk
about "preservation of democracy"
with Latin American leaders at a
"Summit of the Americas" in Miami
next month. "I hope what we did in
Haiti would be a lesson to coup plot-
ters that they cannot lightly overthrow
a duly elected president," he said. He
did not say which Latin American
government, if any, might have coup
One of the administration's top
priorities in foreign policy next year
will be to work on new ways of bring-
ing together Western and Eastern
Europe. "One of President Clinton's
dreams is to have an integrated Eu-
rope with no dividing lines," Christo-
pher said. "Nothing like the Warsaw
Pact line, nothing like the Berlin Wall
in the future."
Haitian President Jean-Bertrand Aristide prays in Port-au-Prince yesterday.
He laid a wreath of yellow zinnias
dedicated to the memory of the two.
Antoine Izmery had helped finance
Aristide's successful 1990 run for the
presidency. He was rakedwith gunfirejust
outside Sacre Coeur front gate following a
protest mass a year ago. Justice Minister
Guy Malary was executed soon after in
similar gangland fashion as he drove past
the church en route to his office.
Palestinian teacher linked to
Jihad killed in car bomb blast
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The Baltimore Sun
JERUSALEM - A -Palestinian
university teacher linked with the
political wing of Islamic Jihad was
killed yesterday in a car bomb blast in
the Gaza Strip.
Palestinians immediately said the
man, Hani Abed, was a victim of an
Israeli plan to assassinate Palestinian
radicals after the Tel Aviv bus bomb-
ing last month that left 22 people
"Whether we did it or not I don't
know," Israeli government spokes-
man Uri Dromi said last night. "All I
can say is in the past anyone who
messed with Israel was taking a big
But there also were fears the as-
sassination signaled the beginning of
a cycle of political murders in the
struggle between the mainstream
Fatah wing of the Palestine Libera-
tion Organization and groups opposed
to the peace process.
Abed, who worked part-time in
the press office of Islamic Jihad, had
been arrested without charges last May
and held for about two weeks by the
Palestinian Police.
They questioned him about his
activities in the Islamic Jihad, a rival
organization that often joins with
Hamas in opposing the peace pro-
cess. They also questioned him about
a May 20 attack in the Gaza Strip that
killed two Israeli soldiers.
He was released without charges.
Before his release, his family had
bitterly complained of the arrest and
the Islamic Jihad had warned the Pal-
estinian police of consequences.
Abed was killed as he was ready-
ing to leave the College of Science
and Technology, where he taught
chemistry, in the Khan Yunis town
of the Gaza Strip. According to ac-
counts, a powerful bomb exploded
either as he opened his car door or
started the ignition. His hands and
legs were blown off, and he died
later at Nasser Hospital in Khan
Married, with four children, Abed
worked after classes at a press office
in Gaza known to be associated with
Islamic Jihad. Family members and
associates at the press office said his
affiliation was only with the political
wing of the organization, and not the
"military" side that carries out spo-
radic attacks on Israelis.
After the Oct. 19 attack on a bus in
Tel Aviv by a suicide bomber who
killed 22, Israeli Prime Minister
Yitzhak Rabin had angrily insisted
Israel must retaliate without being
restricted by laws.
Following a closed Cabinet ses-
sion the next day, Rabin and other
officials said plans had been made,
but they refused to elaborate.
The London Observer reported the
Cabinet had agreed to "eliminate"
leaders of the radical Palestinian
groups. The report was widely circu-
lated in Israel, and never fully denied
by the government.
"That meeting was secret and it
was intended to be secret," Dromi,
the government spokesman, said in
reply to the report. "We never make a
statement about anything that we do
or don't do."
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Los Angeles Times
evening, everyone. Tonight'stop story
is quite simply about fear."
It could have been the lead-in to
any local newscast on any night in
America, one more doom-laden ac-
count of urban butchery and
its attendant body bags,
blood-caked sidewalks and Se
wailing survivors. But in late Su
September, WCCO-TV, a
CBS affiliate in Minneapo- do
lis, shook up the familiar for- On
mula of crime and violence
that dominates local televi- by
sion news. Ur
After a motorist had been
dragged from his car in north Cit
Minneapolis and fatally shot m
by bicycle-mounted attack-
ers, WCCO explained to its Vic
viewers why they should not
feel afraid. Most of the
region's residents, anchor Don Shelby
intoned, were rarely exposed to the
"clear but limited pattern" of random
For a medium that has spent two
decades honing and expanding its re-
begun tinkering with their old ways
of covering crime. Adherents' claim
that they are responding to a public
weary of hyped crime coverage, while
many industry veterans belittle 'the
moves as shallow attempts to attract
attention and boost ratings.
veral recent studies have
ggested that crime covera;
es appear to influence fear
ie report released this yeas
the Chicago Council on
ban Affairs found that the
:y's news stations devoted
ore than half their air time
Editors at WCCO routinely erase
tapes of bodies on gurneys, wounded
gunshot victims and bloodied crime
scenes from the 5 p.m. newscast -
although those images often appear
on later broadcasts. WMAR in Balti-
periments as "a marketing technique,"
said veteran consultant Eric Braun.
Whether the experiments catch on
elsewhere may well depend on how
stations respond to an unresolved
question about television s impact:
does its emphasis on crime reflect or
inflame the public's sense
of insecurity?
Several recent studies
ge have suggested that crime
coverage does appear to in-
r. fluence fear. One report re-
leased this year by the Chi-
cago Council on Urban Af-
fairs found that the city's
news stations devoted more
than half their air time to
violence. And preliminary
to evidence from a University
of California, Berkeley, psy-
chiatric study of California
and Utah children who
watched coverage of the
Polly Klass murder reveals lingering
effects ranging from loss of sleep to a
shared sense of peril. Klass, 12, was
slain after being abducted from her
Northern California home last year.
Much of this research has come