6- The Michigan Daily - Thursday, November 3, 1994 LOST MEN'S BRACELET- Silver I.D. w/ E.S.H. engraved. Near Church/Willard. Sen- timental value. Call Erik @ 913-4536. LOST- MOSTLY black 1 yr. old cat. White on paws, chest and belly. Gone since 10/5. Any info please call 668-0227. o sle 2 BDRM. APT. avail. Close to Medical Center. Free heat. Short-term leases. 0 security deposit. 662-2950. 8 MONTH LEASE in Carriage House apt. Female preferred. Call 810/733-8536. AVAIL. JAN.- fum. eff. apt. at comer of Hill and Oakland, only 1 block from Law and B- schools. Prkg. incl. Call 665-5620 or 930- 0451. $540/mo. AVAIL. NOW. HILL/FIFTH. - Large room +++ Gallatin Realty Co., 994-0624. AVAILABLE JAN. '95- New 4 bedroom unit now under construction. Geddes near CCRB. For info, stop by Campus Rentals, 1335 S. University at Washtenaw. AVAILABLE NOW: Great 2 room apt. for one person. Private bath, share kitchen with 3 female grad. students. $350/mo. 930-9999. BEAUTIFUL LARGE homes in the campus area. 6 bedroom, 3 baths, dishwasher, free Idry., prkg. No pets. 663-1370. ** BEER SWEATSHIRTS ** Lg. - XXX, most beer logos avail. Ask for Jeff or lve, mess. 1-800/USl-LOGO. CANNONDALE MTN. BIKE 20-inch frame. Good condition. $300 must sell 213- 2236. TERA TEC MBT Loaded, shock deoXT. Was $2000, sell $750 o.b.o. Karl 434-7032. automotive AVE COs I BDRM. in 2 bdrm. apt. Female roommate. Private bath, covered prkg., 2 mo. lease w/ mo. to mo. option, N. Campus, rent neg. Sheri 741-9032. 1 BDRM. in 4 bdrm. apt. on Hill St. bet. Church and East U. All util. incl. Rent neg. Avail. winter term. Wshr./dryer. Female undergrad. pref. 761-4915. 1 FEMALE NEEDED to share lg. 3 bdrm. apt. w/ 5 great roomies. Avail. Jan. '95 Oak- land Ave. Call Deborah @ 930-0313. 1 FURN. BDRM, in a 3 bdrm. Apt. at U. Towers (S. Forest). Rent $275/mo. Avail. Jan.-Aug. Females only. 663-7194. 5 BDRM. APT. on Oakland. Winter '95. 4 prkg. spaces. 2 baths. Spacious. Rent $350/ mo. Price neg. Call 913-6951. ATTRACTIVE ROOMS on Hill St., corner of Oakland. Kitchen, ldry., prkg., clean & quiet. For males. $275. 995-3276. RM. FOR RENT in 5 bdrm. hse. Female only. Available winter term across from Law Quad and B-School. Call 994-7772. ROOM AVAILABLE in 5 bedroom house. Rent $265/month + utilities through August '95. Female preferred. Call 994-3586. SUBLET 1 LARGE bdrm. (Fits 1-4) in modem 2 bdrm. bi-level apt. Geddes Hill. Fum., util. Jan.-Aug. $525/mo. or best. Kara or Laura 996-1737. * SANDI'S WORD PRO: Resumes. Letters. Papers. Theses. Law. Editing. Tapes. Fax. Rush. U-M Discount. 426-5217. HEALTH & FITNESS products, free catalog. JCG Box 981, Pinckney, MI, 48169. I r 1 I CARLSON PROPERTIES Now leasing for '95 429-2060 We take pride in offering the Best in Student Housing. I '86 CHEVETTE Excellent. 48,000 miles, standard transmission, 2 dr. 483-5166. '88 HONDA CRX Si-69k, red, sunroof, CD- sound, 5-speed, new parts, alloy-wheels, air. $4600! Call 913-9425. Bad Credit? No Credit? INSTANT CREDIT! Auto loans with no turndowns. First Time Buyers. Loans available for bankruptcies. If you Work - You Ride Your Job Is Your Credit Call Mr. Bond at 434-9600 MR. BOND SAYS!! '82 Mazda 626................$300 down '84 Tempo, auto..............$650 down '84 Volvo Wagon.............$1000 down '85 Toyota Camry, auto.......$750 down '86 Toyota Camry, auto......$1500 down '88 Toyota Tercel...........$1100 down '88 Pontiac Grand AM, 2 door, auto............................$1200 down '88 Ford Mustang GT.........$1350 down '83 VW GTI...................$450 down plus tax & plates ALL MAKES ALL MODELS! Ann Arbor Toyota CfOlmDers 0 j _ I BEST HOUSES! May, 1995 - 702 Tappan (4 bedroom-$1895/mo.), 1216 Prospect (7 bedroom-$2395/mo.). Sept. 1995 - 911 Vaughn (7 bedroom-$2395/mo.), 1225 Prospect (5 bedroom-$2095/mo.). Stop by any house & ask to view the interior. 930- 9999. CENTRAL CAMPUS houses, furnished 3,4,5 & 6 bedroom with studies and natural fire places. Call 668-3399. FURNISHED Apartment Houses for rent. Available May/Sept. '95. Prime locations. Call 662-3458. GALLATIN MANOR- E. William/Division. Avail .now - 1 -bdrm. apt. w/ security. Buzzer, ldry., & storage. 994-0624. HOUSES FOR 1995 avail. May and Sept. Year leases. Copi Properties 663-5609. LIVE AT VEGETARIAN Co-op. Great deal, great experience, shared space available Jan. 1orsooner! Call 662-4414. Ask about Leonard's room. 5 & 6 Bedroom Houses For 1995 Copi Properties 663-5609 NOW LEASING Fall '95 Fumished houses + Apartments Stop by for brochure. Campus Rentals 1335 South University at Washtenaw 665-8825. SHORT-TERM LEASES. 2 bdrm. apt. 0 security deposit. 662-2950. SUPER CAMPUS Location. Modern 2 bdrm. apt. 2-4 persons. Available now. Var- sity Management. 668-1100. TOWER PLAZA condo for rent- A single bedroom apt.- completely fumished w/ an ex- cellent view on the 18th floor. For more info call 810/694-9207 or 810/732-2975 and ask for Jae Kim. UPSCALE 2 BDRM. condo. Pauline/Maple area. 2 baths, fireplace, !dry., $800/month. Oakland Management, 761-7491. AFTERSCHOOL PROGRAM for special BODY WORKS Fitness Studio - multi - EARN $350-$1000 weekly in your spa needs kids is hiring part-time staff. Call 761- dimensional office position avail. for reliable, time. No unwarranted investment, no selling. 3895 or 994-8111, ext. 1699 (2-6). self motivated person. Part-time, aftemoons/ Tap into a huge market right under your ALASKA EMPLOYMENT - Students eves. shift; some weekends. (20 hrs.). Mac nose. Call Daniel Lewis 800/243-2435. needed! Fishing industry. Ear up to $3,000- exp. desired, excellent communication skills, ELECTION WORKERS needed for $6,000+ per month. Room and board! flex. a must. Previous retail sales helpful. Im- general election November 8. $5/hr. Must be Transportation! Male or Female. No ex- mediate opening. 668-8681 registered to vote in Ann Arbor. Call City perience necessary. Call 206/545-4155 ext. CARING, ENERGETIC people to care for Clerk's Office 994-2725. A55981. developmentally disabled adults in a. group ALASKA JOBS! Students needed: fisheries, home setting. We are located close to parks & resorts. Eam up to $3-$6k/month! campus, and are willing to work with student Row hiring for summer. Call SEI! 919/932- schedules. Startig pay ranges from $5.75 to 1489, extension A26. psychology, health. Call Chico at 663-7319.H COCKTAIL WAITSTAFF, hosts, bartenders, and box office associates needed! Now hiring full and part time. Apply @ Mainstreet Comedy Showcase, 314 * Pizza Makers E.Liberty, Thurs.-Sat. after noon or call 741- 0022. * Counter COMPUTER SUPPORT Technician. Some " Phones assembly and repair required for IBM corm- * Delivery Drivers patible PC's. Windows software installation and light Novelle network support. Part-time/ Days, evenings. (Late shift's on-call/flex. time possible. Call 994-0003. Starting pay $6.50.) References required. Apya:64Cuc tAA The Michigan Daily is COPY/PRINT SHOP is looking for a part- Apply at: 624 Church St., A.A lookin for help dntime, day shift person to do a variety of jobs ENERGETIC CARING assistant wanted g p in producing including answering phone, taking/selling or- for a grou day-care home. A.M. or P.M. the Classified Ad pages.You ders at the counter, estimating & billing or- shift. 668-592. ders & light finishing work. Experience EXTRA $$$! Market Research Co. needs must be able to work 1 - 1.5 preferred. Apply at Great Copy Co., 1247 part/full-time interviewers. Very flexible Rosewood, Ann Arbor. hours. Call 747-8327. hours per day (Monday- DATA ENTRY/Accounting Clerk: Long- HILLEL IS LOOKING for reliable people Friday between the hours of termpart-time (15-20 hrs./wk.). Work invol- to poster the Ann Arbor campus area to help yes data entry and filing in the medical publicize cultural events & student group 12:30 - 3:00). Neatness and center. Must be familiar with Apple and meetings. Pay: $5/hour. Work Mondays ang Excel. Call Linda at 763-1294. Thursdays-around 6 hours total per week attention to detail is a must. DATA ENTRY/OFFICE CLERK positions Start immediately. Car a plus. Contact: N a tavailable with flexible hours in our Ann Ar- Miriam Schoeman at 769-0500. o paste-up eXperience bor office. Must be experienced in perform- HOLIDAY HELPERS to run holiday train needed, but it is helpful. You ing general office duties, able to communi- operation and customer service center, days, cate effectively & accurately type 60 wpm. evenings, and weekends. Nov. 12- Dec. 24. will be working with a student Knowledge of medical billing and coding Please ap ly at Arborland Mall, Management helpful but not necessary (willing to train the Office, Mon-Fri. 9-5. run organization and gaining right person). If you are an articulate and LUNCH WAITSTAFF NEEDED! Free valuable work experience. wicated adx your renjoys working food great tips & a wonderful working Wvakluab dylenditobPM 740 d t G,APe rson el atmosphere. Apply in person, rm. 1310 Work Study available. Coordinator, POBl 1108 n Arbo 48106. Mihigan Union, attn: Dala. DELICOUNTER WORK. Flexible hours, MANAGER'S PERSONAL ASST. needed- ContactSusangood food, on campus. AppBook-keeping and organizational skills a at Susan go fo, on s. Applysin. person at must. Apply in person bet. 5 & 9 p.m. a at 764-0556 Bagel Factory, 1306 . University. Scorekeepers 310 Maynard. for more information. MODELS WANTED for testing. Photog- 1unrapher seeks men & women with a good at- titude and a healthy look. An excellent op, Pra a ah o Acbnp portunity to start, or expand your portfolio. Call Dennis 313/663-4986 F sx__b___MODELS- PRINT, trade, T.V., Associated Models 810/788-8760. " MR. SPOTS NEEDS drivers/cooks. Full and ATHLETE WANTED to hand out leaflets at part-time. Good pay. Must have own car. Computer Trade Show in Cobo Hall. Novem- *ye W 747-7768. 810 S. State St. ber 15th, 16th, and 17th. Must have powerful NEED SPENDING $? Honest, dependable build and be willing to wear super hero person (w/ vehicle) needed to work a flexill1l costume. $400 total. Phone 313/665-3287.'" W ed schedule approx. 5 hrs./wk. Profit sharing op- ATTENTION AMBITIOUS, self-motivated tion or hourly rate. Call Scott 677-1464. students. The Colorworks collegiate painters - NOW HIRING!!! Abercrombie & Fitch at is currently interviewing students for summer-_ e Twelve Oaks is looking for energetic people '95 management positions. Earn money in for management & sales positions. A.S.A.t, excess of $10,000. Call now 1-800/477-1001 We are a growing men's & women's retail for a campus representative, company & we can offer unlimited career ATTENTION ALL STUDENTS! Over $5 DRIVER/TAXICAB- Will train. Call 994- opportunities! Contact Kelli at 810/347-937: Billion in private sector grants & scholarships 2954- OUR COMPANY is looking for individuals is now available. All students are eligible DRIVERS- Now accepting applications for who want to gain management experience regardless of grades, income, or parent's delivery drivers. Shifts start at 2:45 a.m. Will next summer. Earn $6,000-$10,000 per income. Let us help. For more information train starting at $5.50. Apply in person, 1306 summer. The early bird gets the worm. 1 call: 1-800-959-1605 ext. F55981. S. University, Bagel Factory. 800/887-1960. ThE REd CACTUS ChRoNOicES by Chris Incenrock and Chuck Hugener -~~- - - , -~C s ~ll~ saC TAP t - directory 7 a64-055'7es s ~~764-27 *Walk-ins receive a 20% discount with valid student I.D. (non-organiza- tional, non-business ads only) eAll ads must be prepaid unless prior billing privi'eges established. *Personal checks must have imprinted local address. ®- imfte advrtsing rates *$2.75/line for first day, $0.95/line for each additional, consecutive day *Frequency/bulk contracts available. 1 day 2 days 3 days 4 days 5 days 2lines 5.50 7.40 9.30 11.20 13.10 3-lines 8.25 11.10 13.95 16.80 19.65 4lines 11.00 14.80 18.60 22.40 26.20 line ad deadline " 11:30 a.m. one business day prior to publicatior - ' o.,iier lassifed policies Rates: All charges shown on the open rates line chart are for consecutive insertions. If an ad is discontinued and then started again at a later date, it is billed as a new insertion. An ad may be extendedat a consecutive rate if requested and paid in full by 11:30 a.m. on originally scheduled Liability: The liability of TMD for failure to publish an advertisement for any reason, or for publishing incorrect ads in a specified issue, shall be limited to publishing in a subsequent issue. TWO will be responsible for classified advertisement errors only if notified by 5:00 p.m. on the first day of publication. No Refunds: Advertisers may cancel an ad before publication, but no refund will be given. Abbreviations: Only standard abbreviations as defined by TMD will be accepted. Refusal: All ads are subject to editing and approval. We do not publish advertisements for resale of tickets at more than face value. TMD reserves the right to request samples of mail order items prior to accepting advertising. d Sala diTid # mail-in form . Today's date_______ start date # of insertions COMPUTER RENAISSANCE We buy, sell & trade quality used & new computers & accessories. We pay cash for your computer equipment! Now selling 386s as low as $349, 486s as low as $599. Macs as low as $199. Monitors starting at $69. We warranty what we sell! Colonnade Shopping Center 994-1030. MACIN'T'OSH Computer- Complete system including printer only $500. Call Chris at 800/289-5685. IzUImUmmm A uNvSME Services. Power resumes that work!!! Quality service guaranteed. Students $15.95. Call for details 810/450-0321, and 810/450-6484 TOLL FREE. ORGANIC CHEMISTRY tutor: experienced, PhD. 741-0995 ask for Jim. *3 BDRM. APT. Fum., carpet, ldry., prkg., fireplace. Sept. '95. 572-1036. A *6 BDRM. HOUSES. Furnished, carpet, Idry., prkg. May or Sept. '95. 572-1036. 1995 FALL RENTALS 4-6 Bedroom single family houses, and 10-13 bedroom houses zoned fratemity/sorority/co- op. Efficiencies- 6 bedroom - apartments in houses & modern buildings. Most are furmished and have parking. Call PMSI 665- 5552 or pick up a listing at the office, 213 N. Main. DAILY CROSSWORD PUZZLE Edited by Trude Michel Jaffe TYPIEEiTI i NG SERVICE word processing, AMS standard math, laser quality, university experience, reasonable rates. Call 769-2703. TYPING & WRITING Resumes, cover letters, applications & essays. Ann Arbor Typing 994-5515. Get the picture! We carry: * Cameras * Camcorders * Projectors * Camera Accessories * Film & Film Processing * Video Cameras *Video Transfer of movies & slides * Binoculars * Telescopes " We buy used equipment * We repair all makes & models of cameras and projectors We reproduce vintage photos, no negatives necessary 1 HOUR PHOTO PROCESSING Huron Camera & Video 8060 Main Street * Dexter * 426-4654 450 E. Michigan Ave. * Saline * 429-8575 WE WILL FIND you money for college. Call Educational Funds Sources at 1-800/ 600-0961 for information. WORD PROCESSING * typing * editing- Dissertations, papers, applications, transcrip- tion - Cali Kathy - 213-2440. 'RESEARCH INFORMAION Largest library of information in U.S. - all subjects Order Catalog Today with Visa / MC or COD jRDE NG 800-351-0222 or (310) 477-8226 Or, rush $2.00 to: Research Information 11322 Idaho Ave., #206-A, Los Angeles, CA 90025 ACROSS 1 Duty rosters 6 Cold-shoulder 10 Rip-off 14 Father of Methuselah 15 "LQue -?": What's up? 16 Takeout words 17 Basil sauce 18 Saudi 19 Pastiche 20 Way it's done, for short 21 Verbatim 24 Pitchers 26 With intensity 27 ---eyed: impractical 29 "The bird - the wing" 31 Mawkish 32 Had a word 37 Where V-Mail went 38 From - Z 39 - sapiens sapiens 40 Talk show asset 43 Understood 44 Florida islands 45 Fervors 46 Eye part 50 Sticks one's nose in 51 Most recent thing 54 Certain player 57 Tibetan mystery 4 "Sister -": W. Goldberg film 5 April forecast 6 Bickers 7 Pitiless 8 Acad. at Colorado Springs 9 "Lolita" creator 10 Vermont resort town 11 Semi follower 12 "- in Every Port" 13 Petulant 22 Fact finisher 23 Director Clair 25 Wring from 27 Fetch 28 Hat for a tropical clime 29 Whit bits 30 Name-dropper 32 Sly 33 - Island 34 That is to say 35 Fatima descendant 42 Did oneself proud 43 Blintz pan 45 Timetable abbr. 46 Distinctive manner 47 Lift the spirits 48 Pretend 49 Beethoven's "Fur -" 50 Meaning 52 Ruckus 53 Plumpish songbird 55 Carry on 56 Frankfurt's river 60 Some NFL players ANSWER TO PREVIOUS PUZZLE: FIRED MAIL EBAN AN ITA ARNE MERO TUTANDKONG BEAT ASA 11000 ASLOPE L E ST ER M AT TE R A LA N R EA MA S S OTTOS EPEES NED RAHS ICONS SNAP E C E INTRO DOERS LOR E TT A T HOU I NT E RS E L LE RY C AP TO0R TO0RO M A 0 LOPE PAARORL0RD ONER OKRA ESTEE GERS LARD STEEL 11/2/94 36 41 Sprinkles Podded vegetable 1r2r3i 14 17~h 4 5 7 8 9 21 22 16w **AFTERSCHOOL CHILDCARE SCHOOL** Looking for someone to super- vise 9 yr. old boy. Four afternoons a week. 4- 6:30 p.m. North Campus family housing. Also looking for child care help for several hours on Sundays. If interested in either job, please call 747-3790. AA CRUISE Ships now hiring!! Earn big I I I 1