The Michigan Daily - Thursday, November 3, 1994 - 3 Judge says gunman fit for trial White House shooter charged with firing 27 shots at presidential home Los Angeles Times WASHINGTON - A federal judge ruled yesterday that Francisco Martin Duran is mentally competent to stand trial for allegedly firing 27 shots at the exterior of the White House Saturday. I Magistrate Deborah Robinson is- sued the ruling on the recommenda- tion of prosecutors even though Duran cut short his one-day psychiatric exam by refusing to answer all the doctor's questions. He did so after his court- provided lawyer, Leigh Kenny, filed motions - later denied by the court - to halt the examination. The competency evaluation was fld to determine whether Duran was capable of understanding the charges against him and assisting in his de- fense at trial. Prosecutors also continued to con- sider filing a more serious charge of attempted assassination against the 26-year-old Colorado resident. The charge carries a maximum penalty of life imprisonment. The four counts already lodged against Duran carry aggregate maximum punishment of 35 years in prison. U.S. Attorney Eric H. Holder Jr. has designated the FBI as the lead agency investigating the shooting spree. While the Secret Service has jurisdiction over presidentially related incidents, the FBI would become in- volved only in the event of an assas- sination attempt. The evidence against Duran in- cludes handwritten notes left in Duran's pickup truck, which was found parked near the White House. The exact contents of the notes re- main a mystery, although federal sources have said one note suggests Duran expected to die in his attack and: that the note included instruc- tions on how his affairs should be handled. . A. second note scrawled on a map, the -sources said, contains the words "kill the ... " followed by a mis- spelled word believed to be an abbre- viation for "President." It is this note, together with statements by a former co-worker, that have led investiga- tors to believe Duran intended to harm President Clinton. The former co-worker, David *Jillis, who once worked with Duran at the Broadmoor resort hotel in Colo- rad Springs, has told FBl agents that Duran once said he wanted "to take out the president." At the time of the shooting, the president was watching a college foot- ball game in a rear bedroom of the White House and was nowhere near the line of fire. Duran, standing on a mublic sidewalk in front of the White ouse, fired what the Secret Service now estimates were 27 shots from a Chinese-made semiautomatic assault rifle. About eight chipped the exterior of the mansion and the adjoining West Wing, which houses Clinton's office and the press briefing room. The magistrate, citing public safety, ordered that Duran be held without bail over the objections of his *torney. Duran is a convicted Army felon who was dishonorably dis- charged from the service in Septem- ber 1993. RECYCLING MADE EASY I - - - W. Quad to gam 2 new houses for students by 1996 JOE WESTRATE/Daily Erica Spiegel, special project coordinator for waste management services, demonstrates how to recycle paper using a blender last night at Couzens library to University students Brooke Scelza, Liz Mancini and Jennifer Bralower. Students resstsFre through speIal piZZa promotion By LISA DINES Daily Staff Reporter As the psychology offices pre- pare to move into their new home in East Engineering, West Quadrangle looks to regain space for two addi- tional student residential houses by 1996. Lloyd and Winchell houses, which currently contain offices, will be turned over to the Housing Divi- sion, renovated and opened to stu- dents in the next two years. "We want to create a facility that works for the 20th century. This is as close as we are going to get in the foreseeable future to define new resi- dence hall space," said Alan Levy, Housing Division spokesman. Vice President for Student Af- fairs Maureen A. Hartford said the Housing Division is in need of more space, and West Quad may be the answer to current overcrowding. "This year we are very full. There are a lot of people, especially a lot of women, living in converted triples. That is probably not an ideal situa- tion," she said. Levy said the Housing Division will examine student living patterns and privacy needs while deciding on the renovations. "We hope to get a large amount of input from a variety of sources." A committee including West Quad staff, Housing Division per- sonnel and a University architect will look at the site to suggest renova- tions. Levy said the Housing Divi- sion also will solicit advice from stu- dents in the Residence Hall Associa- tion before making any changes. "Everything is at the discussion stage. Nothing has been decided. There are no final plans," Levy said. Currently, about 850 students live in the six residential houses of West Quad. In 1968, the housing division converted Lloyd and Winchell into temporary office space. Although the rooms have been used constantly as offices, they still resemble dorm rooms. "It was initially meant to be a fairly short-term stay," Levy said. "LSA and the University have been pressed for academic office space perpetually." Psychology offices will move out in December. English and history of- fices will temporarily move into Lloyd and Winchell until their East Engi- neering offices are complete in mid- 1996. The Sexual Assault Prevention and Awareness Center also will have to relocate, but no site has been cho- sen. Hartford said a living-learning program, similar to the Women in Science and Engineering or Pilot pro- grams, is a possible use for the space. "We're still looking at that (space) as an opportunity to try to set up one or more models," she said. "We need to take a serious look at the way we do housing." West Quad Core Director Jackie Mims is serving on the committee that will suggest changes. "It's going to make one larger complex. We'll certainly have more students to serve," she said. "But I'm excited about it." Mims said it is too early to know the future of the two houses because the committee needs to assess the building's structural condition. "We really can't do anything until that space is pretty much clear." By JODI COHEN Daily Staff Reporter Domino's Pizza is known for its deals, but this one may have been the tastiest for University students yet. During the past three weeks, the Ann Street and Packard-Dewey Domino's have given away 1,500 free pizzas as part of a recent promotion. Domino's public relations depart- ment began the promotion to encour- age a healthy lifestyle among first- year students at the University. Stu- dents who wanted a free pizza were required to weigh themselves on a scale provided by Domino's and com- plete a survey. Participants had to write their name, telephone number, college or school they were a student in and their current weight on the survey. Then, they received the free pizza. About 50 large thin crust pizzas with one topping were given away almost every night Oct. 20-30 by the Packard-Dewey branch, manager Roland Porter said. He said all free pizzas were carry-out. The other participating Ann Ar- bor branch focused not only on carry- outs, but also on deliveries. The Ann Street Domino's delivered to most of the residence halls including the Quads, Mary Markley, Alice Lloyd, Couzens, Stockwell and Bursley. "They were thin crust pizzas be- cause of the idea that it is thin. It fits with the program," said Douglas Can- non, manager of the Ann Street Domino's. Participating students can go to the Domino's store this month and next and reweigh themselves. If they can maintain or decrease their weight, they can get another pizza. This is intended to deter students from gaining the "Freshman 15," the weight first-year students sometimes gain during their first few months living away from home for the first time to go to school. The publicity for the promotion did not reach all students. Mona Bhow, an LSA first-year student said, "i didn't know about it, but I definitely would have gotten one." Besides lack of publicity, another barrier for students was the lines that formed outside many of the dorms. People had to push through the crowds to get a pizza, and sometimes there were none left when students got to the front. "Students came to the stores to get a pizza after they knew that some had been delivered. Last Friday night be- tween midnight and 4 a.m., about 50 students came down," Cannon said. Sophomore and Alice Lloyd resi- dent Brad Klein made the trek for his cheese pie. "They ran out of pizzas when they were here delivering, but a bunch of my friends and I walked there with the craving for a free pizza." Although it did not deter students from participating, the thin crust did not seem to be as palatable to students."The pizza was all right. The crust was real thin, but we ate it be- cause we were hungry," Engineering first-year student Ismail Curtis said. He added, however, "You can't beat free food." Other students are excited about the promotion. "I got two free pizzas and I expect to be under my weight so I can get a third," Curtis said. Some students are not sure if the pizza is worth the walk to the store. "I'm not going to go to the store to get a pizza, but if they were coming back to the dorm I would definitely re- weigh myself," said Markley resident Abraham Schwarzberg. Cannon said that the November and December part of the promotion will be strictly carry-out. Students not only enjoyed the pro- motion, it also increased Domino's sales. Canon said that last week's net sales were 168 percent higher than the same week last year. IVY LEAGUE? Doctors close to Alzheimer cure Newsday Key experiments with two obscure proteins seem to be closing in on what causes the brain-damaging effects of Alzheimer's disease, researchers re- ported yesterday. In tests conducted in laboratory dishes, a research team at Harvard Medical School in Boston found that two proteins, ACT and ApoE4, cause a common brain chemical, amyloid- Beta, to form the fibrous clumps seen in Alzheimer's brain tissues. According to neurobiologist Hun- tington Potter, "We've found that the formation of filaments depends not only on the amyloid-Beta protein, but also on one of the two other proteins." Either of the proteins, or both to- gether, can induce normal amyloid- Beta to form the fibrils that get wad- ded up into the brain-damaging clumps, Potter said. One of the things that is most exciting, he added, is that this points to a serious of events in Alzheimer's disease that may provide opportuni- ties for possible therapy. "For example, if we can inhibit the binding of ACT or ApoE4 to the Beta protein, maybe we can prevent, or at least slow down, the formation of filaments," Potter said. "We're ex- ploring that now, and we have some very encouraging results. "Another possibility," he said, "is to try to prevent ACT from being overexpressed in the brain." That might be done by using drugs to block receptor molecules on the cells that make the ACT. ACT is alpha-l-antichymotrypsin, and ApoE4 is apolipoprotein E4. Both are called "acute phase proteins," and are normally involved in limiting the damage caused by inflammation. Alzheimer's disease - which in- volves progressive loss of short-term memory ability and distressing person- ality changes - is somehow related to the gradual accumulation of amyloid plaques among nerve cells in the brain. It is suspected that the plaques cause the death of critical brain cells, neurons, leading to the symptoms typical of Alzheimer's disease. In a detailed report yesterday in the journal Nature, the Harvard team said that these and other experiments suggest that Alzheimer amyloid de- posits result from the activities from the two proteins, ACT and ApoE, acting on the normal amyloid causing it to form fibrous mats in certain parts of the brain. CHRIS WOLF/Daily Students play football outside the Law Quad during a break in the weather. 0Group Meetings U Circle K International weekly meeting, 663-2461, Michigan Union, Pond Room, 7:30 p.m. Q Homeless Action Committee, 741-0486, Guild House, 802 Monroe, 5:30 p.m. Q Intervarsity Christian Fellow- ship, 764-5702, Dana Build- ing, Room 1040, 7 p.m. U Meditation Workshop,spon- S sored by Meditation for Uni- versal Consciousness, 747- 0885, Michigan League, Room D, 7 p.m. U Muslim Students' Association Halaqa meeting, 913-6908, Ann Arbor Masjid, 7 p.m. QI Ouieer U nitv Proiect mass meet- League, Kalamazoo Room, 4-5 p.m. Q "Disciplines and Professions," professor Eileen Gambrill, spon- sored by School of Social Work, Michigan League, Henderson Room, 1:30-3:30 p.m. Q "Multi-ethnicity in Litera- ture," dialogue between Astrid Roemer and Robert Vernooy, sponsored by Netherlands America University League, Modemn Languages Building, Room 2011, 8 p.m. U "Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults," sponsored by Saint Mary Student Parish, 311 Th- ompson, 7 p.m. U "Rosh Hodesh Service," spon- ogy, Museum of Natural His- tory, Room 2009, 12-1 p.m. Q "Student Forum with John Schall," sponsored by Students for Schall and U-M College Republicans, Michigan League, Hussey Room, 7:30 p.m. U "Thursdays in Leonardo's," live jazz, sponsored by School of Music Jazz Studies Program, North Campus Commons, Leonardo's, 8-10 p.m. Q "T.V. Night," sponsored by Hil- lel, Hillel Building, 8-11 p.m. Student services Q 76-GUIDE, peer counseling phone line, 7 p.m.-8 a.m. Q Campus Information Center, 3 ur are here! Dormitory residents may pick up a Directory in their hall lobby this week (one per room, please). If you don't live in a dorm,, don't despair... On-campus Directory distribution: *Friday, Nov. 4 Michigan Union l0am-2pm