2 - The Michigan Daily - Thursday, November 3, 1994
With elect
Los Angeles Times
midterm elections only five days
away, the brightening outlook for
gubernatorial and Black congres-
sional incumbents seems to be turn-
ing the pundits' conventional wis-
dom about trouble for current office-
holders on its head.
Both of President George Bush's
sons, who were poised for big upsets
over incumbents a few weeks ago,
appeared to be yielding ground in their
gubernatorial bids in Texas andFlorida.
And a survey of polls from around
ions 5 day:
the country yesterday suggested more
than a dozen governors and every
Black Democrat running for re-elec-
tion in Congress were on their way to
easy victories.
Only one truism was consistently
being proven. In the final hours, can-
didates in both parties unleashed an
array of negative ads that were strik-
ingly harsh, even in a campaign sea-
son noted for contentiousness.
The bad news for the Bush broth-
ers came in two forms. In Texas,
where George W. Bush is challeng-
ing Democratic Gov. Ann Richards, a
away, many races are still up I
new poll released yesterday showed
that Richards had climbed into a slight
lead by last weekend, even before
popular fellow Texan H. Ross Perot
endorsed her Tuesday. Experts said
the Perot endorsement, one of the few
he has given to a Democrat this year,
could mean a further boost.
The poll, by the Houston Post and
KHOU-TV in Houston, found
Richards leading, 47 percent to 44
percent. She was gaining particularly
among previously undecided voters.
Things were also looking up for
Gov. Lawton Chiles, Florida's Demo-
cratic incumbent who was receiving
more positive press reviews yester-
day for his debate with the last
president's younger son Jeb, a real
estate magnate, than he had in the
candidates' two earlier encounters.
The Miami Herald said Chiles had
put on his best performance while
forcing Bush onto the defensive in the
debate, particularly when the gover-
nor criticized the young Republican
for an ad that featured the mother of a
murder victim who accuses Chiles of
being too soft on crime.
When Bush accused Chiles of being
an "old liberal," Chiles answered with a
Southern aphorism that seemed to be-
fuddle the Texas-bred Republican. "The
old-he-coon walks just before the light of
day," Chiles said, a suggestion that the
toughest raccoon best protects his brood
from predators. Bush turned his palms up
and offered an expression of mystifica-
tion. Bush appeared to be running away
with the campaign a few weeks ago but
has slowly lost ground and the race now
generally is viewed as a dead heat.
In governors' races, a review of
polls shows that six Democrats and
seven Republican governors appear
for grabs*
to be coasting to re-election victories.
The GOP count includes five Mid-
westerners, George Voinovich in Ohio,
Tommy Thompson in Wisconsin, Jim
Edgar in Illinois, Arne Carlson in Min-
nesota and John Engler in Michigan.
andtwoNew Englanders, William Wel
in Massachusetts and Steve Merrill i
New Hampshire. The Democratic gov-
ernors who appear virtually assured of
re-election include Roy Romerin Colo-
rado, Ben Nelson in Nebraska, Bob
Miller in Nevada, Jim Guy Tucker in
Arkansas, Jim Folsom of Alabama and
Howard Dean of Vermont.
Continued from page 1
halt the dollar's slide. More massive
interventions earlier this year, some
carried out with foreign central banks,
provided only temporary relief for
the dollar, they noted. No European
central banks intervened yesterday,
though the Bank of Japan bought
dollars to slow the rise in the value of
the yen, as it does regularly.
Analysts attributed the dollar's
weakness to several factors, includ-
ing trade tensions with Japan, weak
foreign investment in the United
States and strong U.S. economic
More rapid economic growth in
the United States than in other major
industrial nations has meant greater
demand for imported goods here than
for U.S. exports abroad.
That has widened the nation's trade
deficit and hurt the dollar, because
foreigners earning dollars by export-
ing goods to the United States have
been selling those dollars for other
currencies rather than investing them
in this country. That has been particu-
larly true of Japanese exporting firms
that have needed the money at home
to cover losses in a period of reces-
sion and tight credit conditions, ana-
lysts said.
Meanwhile, the Fed released the
results of its latest nationwide survey
of economic conditions, which un-
derscored the current strength of the
U.S. economy.
The survey found continued eco-
nomic expansion throughout the na-
tion. "Consumer spending generally
remains strong," with many regions
reporting higher spending but several
finding retail sales flat or even declin-
ing a bit, the report said. At the same
time, manufacturing activity increased
in nearly all districts.
As for inflation, the Fed survey
found that labor markets are getting
tighter in most parts of the country,
but there are only a few reports of
rising wages.
Continued from page 1
Looking back on her political ca-
reer, Pollack said she has learned
much. "I learned how unfair things
are and how resources and power are
unevenly distributed," she said.
"I now understand how important
it is to protect the rights of all people,"
Pollack added. "I understand how
fragile these rights are and how the
people who hold the most power are
willing to sacrifice the interests of the
next generation for their own short
term gain."
After more than a decade in the
state Senate, Pollack claims many
accomplishments. Her most prized
legislative triumph, she said, was the
"Polluter Pays" law, passed in 1990,
after six years of work. This bill re-
quires polluters to pay for damaging
the environment.
Apart from legislation, Pollack
said she has set a standard "for speak-
ing up and speaking out every single
day. ... Being there for the people
who don't have a voice and giving
them one."
Pollack has regrets too. "I regret
that I and others didn't do a better job
when the Democrats had the major-
ity, a better job of holding the major-
ity," Pollack said.
"I should have taken a greater role
in the party, but frankly (party lead-
ers) didn't want to hear from me," she
Pollack promoted her ideas none-
theless. "Am I sorry I spoke up so
much? (Am I sorry I was) a thorn in
the side of the Republicans?" Pollack
asked. "The answer is no."
It was Pollack's clear stances on
issues that impressed her colleague of
eight years, state Sen. John Schwarz
(R-Battle Creek). "Lana was intellec-
tually very honest. She'd come at you
with an issue. There was never any
ambiguity on where she stood on an
Schwarz said the Senate is losing
a good legislator. "We're losing a
very articulate spokesperson for
women's issues," he said. "The Uni-
versity of Michigan will be losing an
articulate spokesperson for its issues."
Exactly one year before the pri-
mary, Pollack entered the U.S. Senate
race. "I decided to run for the United
States Senate," Pollack said, "because
it's extremely important in setting a
direction in this country and because
senators there can be an important
When she first announced her can-
didacy, U.S. Sen. Donald Riegle, the
Democratic incumbent, had not an-
nounced his retirement. "I felt that
Don Riegle would not be re-elected
and that he would decide not to run,"
Pollack said.
And when Riegle announced his
retirement, the race to succeed him
became saturated -five other candi-
dates entered. "The campaign got
confused because there were so many
candidates," Pollack said.
She criticized The Detroit News
and Detroit Free Press for what she
called a "D+" effort in its coverage of
the primary campaign. "A person who
read the paper would know 100 times
more about a baseball season that was
not happening than a campaign for
the United States Senate that was hap-
pening," she said.
Pollack said that if she had won
the nomination, her "personality
would have a been a factor - both
good and bad" and that the race "would
have been more lively."
She said that Bob Carr has run a
"cautious campaign," adding "(Carr)
hasn'tmade any big mistakes. Ithasn't
been exciting enough to clearly dif-
ferentiate himself from the Republi-
can (Spence Abraham)."
In 1988, Pollack ran for Congress
and lost to incumbent Republican Carl
Purcell in her first attempt at federal
During 18-hour days on the cam-
paign trail, her driver and assistant,
LSA senior Kendra Huard, said Pol-
lack always remained steady. "Even
though it was an extremely high-stress
situation we were in, she was calm,"
Huard said.
Pollack's husband said there is no
difference between Lana's private and
personal life. "She's a highly prin-
cipled woman," he said.
"She's not deceptive. She's very
straightforward and candid and that
governs her personal as well as her
public life," he added.
Republican Joe Mikulec and Demo-
crat Alma Wheeler Smith are compet-
ing for Pollack's seat. Pollack endorsed
Smith, her legislative aide, for more
than seven years. "Thinking that she's
going to win," Pollack said, "makes
leaving the Senate a whole lot easier."
Continued from page 1
While the mood last night in the
Blue Lounge wasjoyful, the ceremony
was solemn. It included prayerful
chanting and the offering of food and
perfume to Lakshmi, the goddess of
prosperity. This was followed by a
sharing of Indian vegetarian food pre-
pared by HSC members.
Vipul Parikh, LSAjunior and chap-
ter coordinator of HSC said the turn-
out far exceeded his expectations.
"Events like these are excellentoppor-
tunities for second generation Hindus.
It gives them a way to understand the
traditions," Parikh said.
"We're trying to provide the stu-
dents of Indian and Hindu back-
ground on campus a way to stay in
touch with the culture and celebrate,"
Meghani said.
Continued from page 1
department and eliminated one de-
partment entirely.
Those kind of cuts brought criti-
cism from his opponent.
"He is a governor who believes in
trickle-down - help the powerful
and wealthy, give them tax breaks.
That's the way the rest of the society
will do better," Wolpe said. "We're
all in the same economic boat. It's
time we had a governor rowing with
The spending cuts have outpaced
the revenue cuts so far. The state's
rainy day fund hit an all-time high at
$663.9 million at the end of Septem-
ber, which closed the books on fiscal
year 1994.
"This is a massive savings ac-
count," said Maureen McNulty, the
press secretary at the Department of
Management and Budget. "It's mainly
there for times of economic down-
The fund could also be used after
natural disasters, but McNulty said it
is mainly designed to avoid budget
State Rep. Mary Schroer (D-Ann
Arbor), who is running for re-election
in the 52nd District, said the surplus
needs to be managed like any other
part of the budget.
"We ought to sit down and see
what we want to do with that sur-
plus," she said, noting one of the
suggestions is using it to plug any
shortfall in the school aid fund.
Kleine made that prediction,
but admits the mounting surplus
should make up for it. "At this
point in time, it looks like we'll
Continued from page 1
Burke said many of the calls came
from the neighborhood bordered by
Miller, North Maple and Newport
roads, where the suspect has struck,
leading police to believe that the mo-
lester has ties to the area.
A psychological profile also is
being developed for the serial mo-
The reward for information lead-
ing to the identification and arrest of
the serial rapist was recently raised to
$100,000, due largely in part to the
efforts of a local businessman who
helped raise the amount.
At this time, no reward has been
offered for information about the se-
rial molester.
The serial rapist is described as a
Black man with a light complexion,
between 25 and 35 years old, approxi-
mately 6' in height, weighing nearly
170 pounds with short hair.
The serial molester is described as
a white male, 5' 8" to 6' tall, with an
one-inch grayish-brown beard. He has
a medium build and is between 30 and
40 years old, with a pointed nose and
gray eyes.
Anyone with information about
the serial rapist or the serial molester
s asked to contact the city'spolice tip
line at 996-3199.
have enough in the state's rainyl
day fund (to stave off a shortfall),"
he said.
McNulty said anyone's projec-
tions for four years down the road
must be examined carefully.+
"It's based on assumptions. If you
change by a few percentage points,
you flip the whole world around," she
Kleine said economic growth rates,
now at 6 to 7 percent, will slow to
around 3 or 4 percent by 1996.
The auto industry, as it drives the
economy, also drives the predictions.
Auto-related companies account for
more than 11 percent of all employ-
ment in the state, and car sales have
Continued from page 1
"Students are probably the most
under-represented demographic
section in the United States. Hope-
fully, in addition to the environ-
mental ramifications it (GSVB)
might have, the GSVB will give
students a reason to get out and
vote," Plater said.
Nationwide environmental sup-
port has lagged substantially from its
peak in the 1980s. Formative events
such as the Exxon Valdez oil spill and
Love Canal sparked massive mem-
bership growth in national environ-
mental groups.
Environmental vigilance has
lessened since the last recession and
the election of Clinton and Gore.
Environmental groups are dubbing
the decline in support the "Gore
Traditional supporters of these
been rising for three years. Kleine
says they have never increased more
than four years in a row.
Part of the sales increase can be
attributed to pent-up demand. As t
country fully exits the recession of
the early 1990s, people can afford to
replace their old car. In a few years,
their savings will again be tied up in
loan payments.
"The auto industry is not as im-
portant as it used to be, but it's still
important," Kleine said, noting that
in 1978, 18 percent of the state's jobs
were tied to the industry.
Higher interest rates, Kleine sai*l
will also begin to take effect, slowing
the economy, and inflation, further.
groups also believe that the environ-
ment is being cared for without mem-
bers' support. "Environmental fund-
ing has gone down because people
feel the government is taking care of
it," Plater said.
For example, the environment
organization Greenpeace has wit-
nessed its membership dwindle from
more than 2.25 million to less than
1.75 million since 1990.
"I think there is a latent concern
about the environment, but as experi-
ence has shown when regulation is
not pursued vigorously public con-
cern can be readily and quickly
aroused," said Paul Mohai, associas
professor in the School of NaturaT
Resources and the Environment.
The Green Block is supported by
the 50 members of the following Uni-
versity environmental groups:
Rainforest Action Movement, Enact-
UM, Students for Zero Population
Growth and Environmental Issues
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