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October 27, 1994 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1994-10-27

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2 - The Michigan Daily - Thursday, October 27, 1994

Continued from page 1
people. The most tragic of these
events, a bus bombing in Tel Aviv,
left 22 dead and 40 injured.
"My hope here on campus and in
the world is for people to speak out
against terrorists, they are the en-
emies of peace, which Israel and her
neighbors are striving for," said LSA
sophomore Josh Ruebener. "We or-
ganized the vigil because it is impor-
tant for people to speak out when
people see something unjust in the
world. If awareness is raised because
of this, then we have succeeded."
Israel's consul for press and infor-
mation, Chaim Shacham, spoke to the
group. In his speech, he addressed the
peace treaty signed by Israel and Jor-
dan yesterday and spoke out against
the recent violence that has threat-
ened the peace process.
"The historical and geo-political
significance of the treaty cannot be
overstated," he said.

Schacham also spoke of the need
to isolate terrorists from the rest of the
world community and to continue the
work for peace. "The Middle East is
at a crossroads between Arab-Israeli
peace and constant Jihad. The situa-
tion in Israel today is as inspiring as it
is tragic. It encapsulates the reality of
the Middle East."
At the conclusion of the speech,
the names of the 26 victims were read
and prayers were said for them.
Students who attended said they
wanted to show support for Israel and
efforts for peace in the region.
"I came tonight because it is im-
portant to show I support Israel and to
show our solidarity," said LSA first-
year student Ronit Reger.
LSA first-year student Amy
Wagner said, "I'm here to say I have
a voice and I want it to be heard."
The vigil was sponsored by the
American Movement for Israel,
United Jewish Appeal and the Israel
Michigan Political Affairs Commit-





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Continued from page 1
not only our nations that are shaking
hands in peace here in the Arava," the
general-turned-statesman said, ad-
dressing Hussein. "You and I, your
majesty, are making peace here, our
own peace, the peace of soldiers and
the peace of friends."
Although the treaty dealt primarily
with bilateral relations, the accord ef-
fectively shifted the balance of power
across the Middle East, making iteasier
for other Arab states to reach the peace
with Israel that many desire, making it
harder for Syria to exercise a veto over
such agreements and tougher for the
Palestine Liberation Organization to
maintain its position as Israel's princi-
pal Arab partner.
"This is peace with dignity," Hussein
said, defying those at home and else-
where in the Arab world who criticize
him for signing a separate peace with
Israel. "This is peace with commit-
ment. This is our gift to our peoples and
the generations to come."
Beneath a hot desert sun with a wind
whipping pages of the treaty and its
many accompanying maps, Rabin
signed the accord with Prime Minister
Abdul-Salam al-Majali of Jordan to the
applause of 5,000 guests from their two
nations and 20 other countries.

Continued from page 1
tably, lead to conflict. That argument
has been paralleled within the United
States and Europe, where prominent
writers on international affairs have
developed a now-fashionable theory
that an unavoidable clash between
Islam and the West will replace the
long fight between capitalism and
communism as the central conflict of
the coming century.
On both sides, those predictions
draw on a history of conflict and sus-
picion that dates back a millennium
- to the ages of the Crusaders and the
wars between the armies of Islam and
Christendom - and that has been
deepened by the legacy of Western
colonialism in the region.
The White House national security
adviser, Anthony Lake, has denounced@
those arguments in the past and has
argued that the United States, with its
diversity of cultures, should be able to
act as a bridge between the differing
In keeping with the idea that the
United States can serve as a bridge,
Clinton pointed out that "every day in
our own land, millions of our citizens
answer the Muslim call to prayer."
Their values "are in harmony with the
best of America's ideals," he declared.

Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin, President Clinton and King Hussein of
Jordan stand against a backdrop of "peace ballons" after the treaty signing.


U-M GRADUATE (M.A.) 1970
Paid for by the Ingrid Sheldon for Mayor Committee.
Doug F Ziesemer, Treasurer, 122 S. Main, Ann Arbor 48104

Columbia Review
22% * FILLING!

Continued from page 1
gan were to be referred to as a Christian
university. Yet, I would bepleased if it
were aplace where students gotamulti-
faceted, value-added education -
where part of that education was
grounded in ethical and moral values
inherent in all of world religion," Deitch
Deitch offered several solutions to
increase the role of religion and ethics
on campus, including increases in fund-
ing for religious groups, expanding re-
ligious and ethical studies on campus

and accommodating religious re-
quests, such as recognition of holi-
days that conflict with schoolwork.
Williams,alsoapanelist, spokeon
his commitment to the issue. "I want in
some way to engage my students as
citizens of a university and a society as
people trying to be good," said Will-@
iams, who is known in for his class on
the Bible.
"Butmy principle obligation to this
University is not to propagate my par-
ticular ideas of what good is, so much
as to stay true to that openness, which
I think to be our principle mission," he

I ____________________________Y________


Continued from page 1
Awareness Week.
SAPAC Education Coordinator
Joyce Wright said Speakout not only
gives survivors a chance to share their
stories and learn from others, but it
allows the community to learn from
their experiences as well.
"As you learn about what that sur-
vivor goes through and who the per-
petrators are, people do less victim
blaming," she said.
LSA sophomore Andy Noble said
Continued from page 1
it might not be in their best interests to
help them.
Duderstadt said some men have
old ideas concerning how the work-
place should be run, but through edu-
cating men "about their actions.and
about family responsibilities and
flexibilities," they hoped to raise sen-
"I've been educated to some de-
gree and if you can educate the presi-
dent than you can educate anyone,"
Duderstadt said.
Duderstadt also highlighted the
importance of hiring more female fac-
ulty members to serve as role models
and help better represent women at
the University.
"We need more women in senior

the event moved him.
"It was a very powerfulexperience,"
he said. "I didn't realize the wide range
of emotions survivors feel."
LSA junior Wendy Arends said
Speakout helps survivorsrdevelop a
sense of unity. "It sets up a good
support network and makes survivors
feel less lonely," she said.
The art of many sexual assault sur-
vivors decorated one side of the room,
and SAPAC provided informational
fliers, buttons saying, "No means no,"
and lavender ribbons with which survi-
vors could identify themselves.
leadership positions," he said.
Some members of the audience
felt there is still a lot of work to be
done to make the ambitions of the
agenda a reality.
Managing division coordinator o
ITD, Andre G. Strong, said she was
glad Duderstadt had provided a dia-
logue but said there is need for a plan
of action.
"We need to have a planned change
procedure to bring on cultural change
and help people understand how to do it
and the impact of the current situation,"
shesaid. "Cultureisnoteasy tochange."
Melnee Mcpherson who is in thD
doctoral program in social work and
social science said many of the issues
raised at the meeting such as child
care and promoting women in the
ranks are important to her.
"I was glad we could raise the
level of awareness," she said.

The Michigan Daily (ISSN 0745-967) is published Monday through Friday during the tall ano winter terms by
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