ILy 'Er- tti -Agilk limpp;r One hundred four years of editorial freedom Puderstadt discusses women s agenda 0 By ROBIN BARRY Daily Staff Reporter University President James J. Duderstadt discussed the Michigan Agenda for Women with University women at a town meeting yester- day. The meeting, organized by the Women's Commission, marked the second time Duderstadt has met with *niversity staff this year about the agenda. A meeting with faculty is scheduled for December. Duderstadt described the agenda as a multi-faceted plan to improve the climate of the University for women. He said it would target is- sues from child care to violence against women. He told women in the audience that their participation and feedback as key to the cause. "This is a powerful force for change," he said. "I'm not trying to stir up an army here but you are an army that can change things." Jayne Thorson, coordinator for the agenda and director for faculty affairs at the Medical School, said the meet- ing was an opportunity for Duder- stadt to hear directly from staff women *out their work lives at the Univer- sity. "It will take a lot of people to work on different issues," she said. "Many issues raised will get relayed to the appropriate people." One of the major concerns brought up in the discussion was flexibility of the workplace. Some audience members asked ow their concerns would be met since st of their employers are men and See AGENDA, Page 2 Israel, Jordan sign peace 4 K r. . - - ,. 9 .. 1 - rr. Leaders now look to comprehensive peace As President Clinton looks on, Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin and Jordanian Prime Minister Abdul-Sala a treaty between the two Middle Eastern countries during a ceremony at a border crossing yesterday. Clinton cites need to confront extremi Los Angeles Times ARAVA CROSSING, Israeli-Jor- danian Border - Israel and Jordan signed a peace treaty yesterday that will launch their countries into an era of cooperation after two generations of hostility, and thus add momentum to the search for an overall settlement of the Arab-Israeli conflict. With soaring hopes, Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin and King Hussein of Jordan declared their countries not only at peace but also good neighbors interested in the f h warmest of relations and partners in rebuilding the Middle East as a re- gion of prosperity rather than tur- moil. Beaming at one another like old AP PHOTO friends, Rabin and Hussein spoke as men achieving goals of a lifetime - m sign for Rabin, the acceptance of the Jew- ish state by another of its neighbors m and for Hussein, political, military S m and economic security for his some- times wobbly kingdom from a new opposes and strong ally. n the re- Recalling the thousands of Jorda- uld boy- nians and Israelis killed in the wars they had waged against each other, Clinton Hussein said, "I believe (the dead) nter of a are with us as we come together to th in the ensure, God willing, that there will rld - a be no more death, no more misery, no ications more suspicion, no more fear, no fling fu- more uncertainty of what each day might bring." list theo- Rabin, too, noted both the historic ls in the nature of the treaty and its impact on that the daily life in his own war-weary na- differ so tion. "It is not only our states that are st, inevi- making peace with each other today, Page 2 See MIDEAST, Page 2 Los Angeles Times AMMAN, Jordan - President Clinton, rejecting a view held by many in both the Middle East and the United States, declared Wednesday that no inherent conflict exists between Is- lam and the values of Western civili- zation and that the two systems to- gether should confront a common enemy - extremism. Terrorist groups, many affiliated with fundamentalist religious move- ments, "cloak themselves in the rhetoric of religion and national- ism, but behave in ways that contra- dict the very teachings of their faith and mock their patriotism," Clinton said in a speech to the Jordanian Parliament -the first by an Ameri- can president. "There are those who insist that between America and the Middle East, there are impassable religious and other obstacles to harmony, that our beliefs and our cultures must inevita- bly clash. "But I believe they are wrong. America refuses to accept that our civilizations must collide. We respect Islam." Clinton's words drew loud applause from the Parliament, but in an indication of the tensions that his words addressed, some 35 seats in the hall were empty. Members of the Is- lamic Action front, which U.S. policies and influence i gion, had announced they wo cott the speech. With his remarks, C plunged himself into the ce major intellectual debate bo West and in the Islamic wo debate with enormous impl for either avoiding of kind ture conflicts. A number of fundamenta logians and other intellectua Islamic world have argued beliefs of Islam and the Wests fundamentally that they mus See CLINTON, JOE WESTRATE/Daily Students hold a candleight vigil on the Diag last night. Vigil on Diag promotes peace BY LISA BAGLEY For the Daily About 45 University commu- nity members gathered on the Diag last night for a candlelight vigil to condemn terrorism and promote peace. The event commemorated those killed in terrorist activities in Is- rael in recent weeks. Three sepa- rate attacks by Hamas - a terrorist group in opposition to movements toward peace between Arab na- tions and Israel - have killed 26 See VIGIL, Page 2 Assault survivor forum attracts 200 Participants voice renewed concerns in light of search for the serial rapist Editors' note: The last names of sexual assault survivors have been withheld to protect their identities. By ROBIN BARRY Daily Staff Reporter About 200 men and women gath- ered to share personal testimony of survivors of sexual assault and learn from their experiences at last night's eighth annual Speakout. In light of a recent rape in the Ann Arbor community, participants raised fears of the serial rapist, but reminded each other that most rapes are by acquaintances. Jennifer said she was beaten, burned with cigarettes and raped when she was 14, by someone she had thought was her friend. "He kept saying how great being fucked was going to feel," she said. Jennifer said the experience broke the spell of childhood. "In my 14-year-old world, rapists came out of alleys. They were not friends and things like that did not happen to nice girls," she said. "Rap- ists are your friends, I'm a nice girl and it did happen to me." Before the event, University Sexual Assault Prevention and Aware- ness Center (SAPAC) counselor Elaine Barrington explained the rea- son why she uses the term "survivor" to referto someone who has experi- enced sexual assault.. "Those who live through such vio- lence are survivors," she said. "The victims are those who are not here to share their experiences with us," re- ferring to those who have died. Barrington also cautioned the au- dience not to compare the stories that they were about to hear. She said there are differences among survi- vors, both in what they have experi- enced and their ways and levels of healing. Roseanne said she thought since she knew so much about sexual as- sault, she thought she was immune to it. Then one night an assailant at- tacked her while she was sleeping. "He was such a coward to come at me when I was asleep, because he knew he couldn't getme when Iwas awake," she said. She said she held her attacker off for a long time and had found she was stronger than him. Lisa said she was abused for years by her uncle. She said she feels like she has paid for his sins by losing the love of her aunt and by having to struggle to find peace of mind. However, she feels as though she has broken through the barriers set up for her by these experiences. "The best revenge is success," she said. One woman who spoke said it was important for her to talk about her experiences to make men and women realize the seriousness of rape. She also said the fear rape causes in a community limits women's free- dom. "I would like to catch the serial rapist with my own two hands," she said. "I have to call someone to walk me home and I actually think about buying a gun or a knife." The event was sponsored by SAPAC as part of Sexual Assault See SPEAKOUT, Page 2 JOE WESTRATE/Daily ,speaker discusses her experiences at Speakout last night at the Union. Panelists discuss future role of ethics, religion at 'U' By CRAIG SULLIVAN For the Daily We need to put soul back into the Univer- *y, said various panel members during yesterday's conference, "The Role of Religion and Ethics in Transforming the University." President James J. Duderstadt opened the daylong conference that looked at the University's religious and ethical history. "This school was founded on religious prin- ciples," Duderstadt said in his opening remarks to a crowd of 100 in the Hussey Room of the Michigan League. "Through the University's rliest years, all students attended daily prayers and public worship on Sunday." Duderstadt says that discussion of religion and ethics among faculty and students has been silenced as a result of political correctness and the fear of sectarianism. But this shouldn't be the case, Duderstadt thought that learning involved values and not just specific knowledge," he said. Deitch gave examples of the decline of val- ues in society. "There has been abreakdown in the values of our society. Look at all the one-parent families, the alcoholism, physical abuse of women and sexual abuse of children," Deitch said. "In face of this, wouldn't it be wonderful to turn out truly excellent scientists, artists and teachers who were also good healthy, happy, peaceful people?" Deitch spoke about the emphasis of technical prowess at the University and the neglecting of spirituality. He also expressed his fears about sectarianism. "I would be the first to be outraged if Michi- See RELIGION, Page 2 r INSIDEF 'U' calls for nominations for Rackham dean By LISA DINES Daily Staff Reporter The University is accepting nominations for dean of the Rackham School of Graduate Studies. Dean John D'Arms announced earlier this month that he will step down in July. D'Arms will return to teaching after his nine-year stint in the dean's office. Provost Gilbert R. Whitaker Jr. said yesterday he will form a search advisory committee by early November to evaluate candidates. "There will be at least one graduate student on the committee," he said. "It will be a faculty- student committee." The committee will forward an unranked list of candi- dates to the provost, who will then consult with President James J. Duderstadt to reach a final decision. Whitaker said he hopes to have the successor in place by July 1. Whitaker said the committee will decide whether the Candidates court the Jewish vote JOE WESTRATE/Daily Renee Birnbaum, a GOP state Senate candidate, speaks at a forum. Page 3 1A/hivnr~Ql randliehitpc dphqtp