4 - The Michigan Daily - Monday, October 24, 1994 c be £kbc~tjuu &Ug I a a Aft' MW A Oft 2 00 AW 2 a Apok oft a I IL [Si Il 0.11S1 f1:4 I i 420 Maynard Ann Arbor, MI 48109 Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan Jessie Halladay Editor in Chief Samuel Goodstein Flint Wainess Editorial Page Editors 'Concerns about illegal immigrants should not give rise to a series of fundamentally flawed, con- stitutionally questionable 'solutions' which are not consonant with our history.' - Jack Kemp and William Bennett, coming out against California's Prop. 187 Unless otherwise noted, unsigned editorials reflect the opinion of a majority of the Daily's editorial board. All other articles, letters, and cartoons do not necessarily reflect the opinion of The Michigan Daily. A danger not discussed Most sexual assaults are acquaintance rapes 4N A~RC df I / A' : d Today marks the beginning of Sexual As- sault Awareness Week. Its annual appear- ance evokes special concern this year, in light of the mood of fear Ann Arbor's serial rapist has invoked on this campus. Sexual assault is areal occurrence and must be dealt with-not only because of the recent heightened public- ity caused by the serial rapist, but because it is a problem in our society that needs to be tackled. Although many may not realize it, most sexual assaults are acquaintance rapes. The attack is committed by someone the survivor knows and sometimes trusts. The offender is not always afar-off, unknown, crazed stranger - a misfit of society. Rape can be committed by someone familiar, a date oraperson thought to be a friend. It is difficult for people to protect themselves against perpetrators they do not suspect. Furthermore, it must be remembered that rape happens every day. Yes, everyone should be careful of the serial rapist, and the current heightened awareness is necessary and good. However, the concern should not end if and when this criminal is caught. We should con- stantly be on guard to protect ourselves from sexual assault. That means knowing your sur- roundings, walking in well-lit areas and stay- ing alert, as well as other precautionary mea- sures. Aside from the emphasis on prevention, it is essential to remember that sexual assault is never the survivor's fault. Blaming the survi- vor is a dangerous trend because it is an attitude that permits such behavior to con- tinue. Instead, it is necessary to respond with urgency and outrage to societal factors which encourage rape. We should be working against all forms of violence - in addition, we must tackle sexism. Any society which puts one sex at a power disadvantage is a candidate for such a dehumanizing crime as sexual assault. Included in our struggle against sexual as- sault must be support for survivors. Sexual assault survivors must have open, accepting forums to speak about their experiences. They must be able to meet with and support each other, and also be supported by the entire community. While concurrently protecting the rights of the accused, prosecuting sexual as- sault offenders should be as simple as possible, in order to avoid victimizing the survivors more with an arduous and discouraging legal tangle. The emphasis ought to be on empower- ing survivors, not berating them after they have been through the ordeal of sexual assault. Attacking sexual assault comes in large part through changing attitudes. But attitudes alonej can only do so much. Coming up for discussion next termin the state legislature is a campus bill of rights for sexual assault survivors. This bill is an important step toward sensitivity and accommodation for survivors in the university environment, and should be passed as quickly as possible. Closer to home, this week SAPAC will be sponsoring many opportunities to become aware of, and informed about, sexual assault. Among them are a panel discussion, self-de- fense workshops and films. Also, on Wednes- day will be the annual sexual assault survivors' speakout, which is a safe place for survivors to hear stories similar to their own, and share their stories if they choose to do so. Sexual Assault Awareness Week is a definitive move toward greater participation in the elimination of sexual assault in our society. M fly SLS edit needs to be rethought To the Daily: Your Oct. 17 editorial, en- titled "Reconfiguring SLS,"has made some valid points, but is wildly inaccurate on others. As a current Board Member, I have been a part of the continuing struggle to restructure Student Legal Services for the past year, The need for change at SLS is obvious, but this is where the accuracy of your editorial ends. The reasons you give fora reor- ganization are inaccurate, and the plan you advocate misses the point of a reorganization. To see the point of a reorga- nization, one must look at why the reorganization is necessary. SLS is not running as efficiently as it could, but this is not the fault of the Board, as you incor- rectly stated. Rather, SLS is not operating at peak efficiency for two reasons. First, under the current set-up, SLS is affiliated with MSA. In the past, this has been the major source of most of our problems. Ideally, SLS as a legal service working for the benefit of students, should be apolitical. The affiliation with MSA has made this al- most impossible. With any squabble, power struggle, or debacle involving MSA, Stu- dent Legal Services is invari- ably caught up in the fray, and this effects our operation. Each new MSA election brings into power new and different par- ties, with new opinions and views over the operation of the service, and SLS finds itself having to start from scratch with whatever new group comes into power. With this lack of conti- nuity in MSA, the operation of SLS is not as efficient as it could be. Second, SLS is not running as well as it could because of the inadequacy of the budget. The 1994-95 budget is substan- tially less this year than it was last year. The budget is so woe- fully inadequate that cuts have been made in areas such as travel (for legal conferences), while other areas - such as parking, work study and equip- ment purchases - have been reduced to zero. How are our attorney's supposed to keep up with the cutting edge of legal theory when they are unable to attend conferences and unable to purchase new equipment? Furthermore, the budget is so inadequate that there is no in- crease in compensation for any of the attorneys or office staff (not even an adjustment for inflation). The salaries of SLS attorneys are already much less than half the state average for attorneys (more like a third). I have never had the privilege of working with a more dedicated group of people, but how can we reasonably expect the best from our attorney's when Uni- versity janitors make more money than they do? Instead of complaining about the sup- posed inadequacy of the Board, maybe you should concentrate on the real problems at SLS: forcing it to take on an unnec- essary and unwanted political role and the lack of funding are the real reasons SLS is not what it could be. The law school has yet to show interest in taking on SLS, this is true, but your plan to simply revamp the Board fails to address Student Legal Service's deficiencies. Taking SLS staff off the Board will not remove the inevitable quarrels with MSA, indeed, local attor- neys and law school faculty will have neither the patience nor the time to put up with MSA's problems. A new Board will also have no better luck working with the meager bud- get. The point of this is the following: without fixing the inherent weaknesses of SLS, a new Board will do no better than the current one. As to the lack of accountability on the Board, this is simply hogwash. SLS staff are a minority of the Board, as such they must an- Student Leader bored SLB needs to publicize its activities swer to representatives from the law school, Student Ser- vices and MSA, and I assure you we do not take our jobs lightly. ,1 On this note, I must take special exception to your as- sertion that student Board Members suffer from high turn- over, a lack of interest or a lack of understanding. Not only is this insulting to me and my fellow student Board Members, it's simply not true. The Stu- dents of the Board are already appointed to two year terms, and two law school students are already Board Members (you said that this how it should be). The student representa- tives, with the exception of the SLS Director, have the best attendance record of any of the three groups represented on the Board. Since my appointment to SLS last year, I have only missed one Board meeting (which took place during the summer), and to the best of my knowledge, the other student members have never missed a meeting. As for lack of under- standing, I have been on the Board for a year, my fellow student reps have been mem- bers for much longer than me; you'll have to take my word that after a year (or longer) of experience and faithful atten- dance, the students know what is going on at SLS. As for lack of interest, would I be writing this letter if I didn't care? Michael Rose LSA Senior/SLS Board Member A 'sexist dinosaur'? I don't think so To the Daily: I would like to respond to Devorah Adler's "Sexism in the Greek Sexism" on behalf of the Panhellenic Association. Ms. Adler's attack on Terry Landes, the IFC Advisor, was both unwarranted and unde- served. First, it is necessary to point out that Terry's com- ment concerning men's and women's Rush was taken out of context. Sorority Rush is more structured, by our choice, which inevitably decreases competition. Fraternity Rush, on the other hand, appears to be more competitive due to the lack of formality. Being afemi- nist myself, I can assure all women that Terry is far from the "sexistdinosaur"Ms. Adler unjustly concludes. Terry has an acute sense of women's concerns on this campus, and has actively supported every effort made by Panhellenic to Bad legislators, andfee streets Every now and then some legis- lator writes a bill so ridiculous and obviously ineffective, I am unable to believe our legislative branch takes itself seriously. Unfortunately, more often than not, these are the bills that fly through Congress faster than the others and then become the center- piece of some lame politicians re- election campaign. This time, they've outdone themselves. When the Michigan legislature enacted a law to expel gun-toting students from school (beginning Jan. 1), I thought it was a stupid move. I mean, the very idea of kids bringing guns to school is scary and absolutely must be addressed. But somehow it doesn't seem that the best approach would be throw- ing kids out of school, curtailing any educational opportunities they may otherwise have had and send- ing them out into the streets where they can use their guns all day instead of wasting hours sitting in class. Michigan's law requires schools to expel for one year students in grades 6-12 who bring guns to school and younger students for 90 days. So I had laughed at the ineffec- tiveness of our state legislature. But now it has reached national proportions. President Clinton actually signed a law last week that all but forces every other state to enact the same stupid legislation or else lose Federal education funding. Now there's a brilliant idea!Why should we limit quick fix politics to just one state when we have 50? Clinton calls this his "zero-tol- erance" policy, a phrase borrowed from Reagan's drug war (an effec- tive social policy, if I've ever seen one). "Zero tolerance is a common- sense policy. Why does anybody need a gun in school?" Clinton said. Now, I understand wanting to remove kids from mainstream schools who pose risk to other stu- dents. That's common sense. But wouldn't it make more sense to create special programs, give these kids extra attention, maybe find out why they have a gun instead ofjust kicking themout?Maybewe should be providing funding for helping' at-risk (oralready beyondrisk) kids, rather than threatening to cut fund- ing to states that are trying to get past just externalizing problems. We can't run a country just pro- tecting the good and expelling the bad. This legislation is another ex- ample of very poor crime-fighting attempts. We keep building more prisons and raising the penalties for crimes, but we don't seem to be increasing anti-crime education or opening opportunities for the most disenfranchised - the folks who often turn to crime as a last resort. Policies like these will eventually come back in our faces, unresolved and intensified. Crime will not, and cannot go away until we start addressing the crisis at its roots rather than just plucking off the bad leaves and sending them away. And also, a message to whoever's listening: As for this rapist making Ann Arbor what The Detroit News calls a "city under siege," forget him. He lives off our fear. I don't need to remind any woman that we're more at risk with men we know then when we are walking down the street at night. I can't say this guy isn't a daunting 10 f T wo years ago the Student Leader Board (SLB) was created by a group of student leaders who wanted a forum for exchanging ideas and knowledge. SLB was formed so that any student leader, not just the presidents of large organizations, could improve their lead- ership abilities and their organizations. But, over the last two years, SLB has failed to achieve these objectives of improving campus leadership and it is beginning to appear as if it never will. Unless quick action is taken, the SLB might becomejust a piece of paper on file in the MSA offices; such a loss would be unfortunate. It is very difficult to successfully lead or be active in a campus student organization. Get- ting other students motivated to participate in organizational activities is tough and trying to plan events in the face of this University's huge bureaucracy is nearly impossible for someone who has never done so before. Be- cause of these inevitable obstacles, the SLB is an organization which could help alleviate these difficulties for many students. Some activities which SLB has attempted to coordinate, and should continue to do so, include workshops given by more experi- enced leaders on specific topics of interest to student leaders, discussion sessions to ex- change successful and unsuccessful experi- ences as a student leader at the University and introductions to University administrators who work in areas that student leaders frequently deal with. However, such activities can only be successful if SLB meetings are well at- tended by a large, diverse group of students - holding meetings every other Sunday with four participants is useless. In order to awaken the SLB out of its slumber, it must improve its publicity and communication among student leaders and plan frequent, quality programs. First, SLB meetings must be publicized better than its current method of e-mailing friends of current SLB officers. All student leaders must be made aware of these meetings. When SLB held its first meet- ings, all 600-plus student organizations were formally invited to attend by sending any of its members. The turnout at the first SLB meet- ings was impressive. But, meeting attendance quickly decreased as the participants realized they could spend their Sunday afternoons more productively - they did not need to get to- gether every other week to talk about what they would talk about in the future. While SLB should not involve itself in politically charged campus issues, it must make its meetings exciting and meaningful by coordinating planned activities in advance of the meeting. If the meetings just continue to be "shoot the shit" sessions, the sparse attendance will never improve. Promoting strong student leadership on this campus is important. The SLB should have a part in facilitating such improvements. It would be a shame if the SLB did not awake out of its slumber and begin, again, working to improve campus leadership and facilitating communication among student leaders. 4 Christie deserves respect i- i To the Daily: It became apparent to me that this is another election year, as I read the Daily on Oct. 20th and saw a letter to the editor blasting fellow student Mike Christie, who is running for the 11th District Washtenaw County Commis- sion. The letter referred to Mike's opponent as a true rep- resentative of students. However, since his election two years ago, he has not been on campus reaching out to his constituents. Recently,he was on campus campaigning for To the Daily: I was extremelydistressed by the slanderous letter written about Mike Christie in the Daily (10/20/94). Mike has always been clear and open about where he stands on the issues. It is his commitment to prin- ciples and dedication to stu- dents issues that has gained him the respect of many stu- dents leaders, both Republi- cans and Democrats. Mike Christie has a record of fighting for students both on campus and at the state level. Mike's record includes the