4 - The Michigan Daily - Tuesday, October 18, 1994 ct E tit igttxt tt 1 420 Maynard Ann Arbor, MI 48109 Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan Jessie Halladay Editor in Chief Samuel Goodstein Flint Wainess Editorial Page EditorsI Unless otherwise noted, unsigned editorials reflect the opinion of a majority of the Daily's editorial board. All other articles, letters, and cartoons do not necessarily reflect the opinion of The Michigan Daily. II i [f.11:-g~eii) ±:14411 'To what extent is a man a co-exister with the sys- tems he creates? And to what extent is a man a compoment subsumed in the systems he creates?' - Jamie Sheridan, commenting on the nature of art in cyberspace COMINC SOONFROM.ANP Sw W5 HoLm. S4N ieNur5 TE ' O1LE. WI-b_ AND ho-r ! -FWM ALL E8ALL 5T DCAAM SFOR A TH -__ -.4 -. - - .... "Y"...." .. 4. - - - . Can we amend the code? Students, faculty and the t he Statement of Student Rights and Re- sponsibilities, or the Code, is a document that details proper conduct for University stu- dents. It purports to offer guidelines for stu- dent behavior, which will lead to a university setting that is conducive to academic studies ..and to adequate and comfortable student-stu- dent relations. In reality, however, the Code over-sanctions student activities, infringes on students' rights and has been flawed since its enactment. The Code calls for at least one public hearing per academic year to allow amend- ments to be considered. As of now, there has never been an official hearing process for Code amendments. Last year, the administra- tion made two half-hearted attempts to call a meeting, both unsuccessful. One was can- celed due to snow, and the other failed because it was called at short notice and a quorum did not attend. If the administration is serious about up- holding the amendment process, it will con- sider the events of last year and make every attempt to organize a hearing, with a quorum. The public hearing is overdue and should have been called already this year, as there are over onehundredpendingamendment submissions, most remaining from last year. The administration sanctioned the Code hastily two years ago this January, disregard- ing most student input in the process. Because there was little student input from the begin- ning, there had to be an outlet through which students could amend their own Code. Women and 'U' need a hearing The University recognized this need for an amending procedure and created a forum for amendments. Currently, the process holds that the Michigan Student Assembly (MSA), the Senate Advisory Committee of University Affairs (SACUA) any Executive Officer of the University, any person with a petition sponsored by a student and signed by 500 enrolled students, or the faculty/student panel charged with amending the Code can submit proposals for amendments. The Office of Stu- dent Affairs collects the proposals, and calls a public hearing to review and to accept or reject the amendments. The public hearing panel includes 50 stu- dents, who are "randomly" selected by the administration, and at least a quorum of these students (26 members) must attend the hear- ing in order for it to be considered official. If the student panel votes to accept any amend- ments, they are subsequently submitted to the Board of Regents, which then must decide on any final changes to the Code. All parties have a fundamental stake in insisting immediately on proceedings to re- view and, hopefully, modify the Code. The administration surely would like to ratify its amendments to the Code, and students need to shape a document that is acceptable and rel- evant to student life. If the University is truly interested in student input about the Code and is serious about upholding the amending pro- cess that the Code itself designates, it will hold a hearing now and begin to offer opportunities to amend it. Don't close your mind to a TA with an accent BY JAN LIU We read with unease Jaimie Birk' s personal attack on for- eign teaching assistants in the Oct. 6th edition of the Daily. We recognize his concern about the TAs in his depart- ment but we feel he must take responsibility for the impact this letter has on the Univer- sity. We are not making any assumptions about Birk's in- tentions by submitting the let- ter, but we believe that this letter does perpetuate harmful stereotypes about foreign TAs. Birk states, "70 percent of [his] TAs thus far could barely speak English!" While he may have been referring to the Eu- ropean TAs he's had, the aver- age student will probably as- sume he is referring to Asian TAs, considering that overhalf of the foreign TAs are Asian nationals (14.1 percent are Asian out of 22 percent of TAs that are foreign). We would not be more comfortable with the statement if it were directed towards non-Asian TAs, but we believe that because such a high percentage of foreign TAs are Asian, his statements have direct implications and conse- quences. The student/teacher rela- tionship is a precanous one. A negative attitude on either end will have repercussions on the learning experience. By mak- ing such broad, negative gen- eralities about the teaching skills of foreign TAs, Birk taints the educational experi- ence of students who have ei- ther been in or are in a class being taught by a foreign TA. It is tempting for any student to blame their failures on their professor, but because Birk encourages such reactions on questionable premises, the po- Liu is the assistant programming director for UMAASC. tential for a positive teaching relationship between students and foreign TAs is threatened. For example, Birk feels that heis being taught by "some- body who doesn't even know [his] language." TAs for whom English is not their first lan- guage have to pass English re- quirements in order to teach. They also have to undergo a series of tests which examine their teaching abilities in order to ensure that they can explain their material in a way that stu- dents can understand. Those who are not up to standard, as well as those who receive un- satisfactory end-of-year student evaluations, are not allowed to teach. Speaking English as a sec- ond language can be difficult enough conversationally. Therefore, foreign TAs teach- ing in English face challenges. While we understand the frus- tration students may feel be- cause of their TA's accent, the learning experience is a two- way street. International TAs who are admitted to graduate schools in the United States are here because they are outstand- ing scholars. They are hired by the Uni- versity to teach introductory level courses. They are an in- valuable resource for students. While their English speaking skills may not be equivalent to the speaking skills of a native English speaker, they are more than capable to communicate and educate. What is necessary in this situation is patience. What a wealth of knowledge and experience we would be losing if we closed our minds to any voice with an accent. GEO and UMAASC have been concerned about the level of discrimination in the class- room being reported by TAs. TAs may be discriminated against for many reasons, in- cluding race, gender, disabil- ity, sexuality and national ori- gin. Asian TAs are subject to the most direct, frequent and unabashed discrimination;stu- dents have no hesitation in com- plaining that they "can't un- derstand" an Asian TA because of the harmful remarks that have been tolerated, accepted and even encouraged by many on this campus. This fall, GEO is planning to hold workshops to specifically address these problems by teaching TAs practical strategies for dealing with discrimination in the class- room. Lastly, many foreign TAs must face enormous cultural and social barriers while teach- ing at this University. All of us have felt the frustrations of having to communicate in a foreign language. Imagine the situation these TAs are in. They are undoubtedly qualified to perform research and teach their field of study but are be- ing judged as incompetent the minute they walk through the door. We are not saying that every individual foreign TA on campus is beyond criticism; however, we must question why we are so quick to criticize the competency of a foreign TA rather than an American TA, or an Asian TA over a European TA. While we are responsible to raise issue with the teaching skills of individual TAs, is it fair for us to make the assumption that allforeign TAs are unqualified? It is impor- tant to remember that these TAs are often times also students. Their teaching'skills are a re- flection of the training being offered by the University ad- ministration. If there are, in fact, grave problems with the teaching skills of foreign TAs specifically, we should be ad- dressing the University's re- sponsibilities to foreign TAs instead of personally judging and attacking these TAs. success Tess Harding is a woman wh has it all. Portrayed by Katherine Hepburn in the 1943 movie Woman of the Year, she is a star newspaper columnist who speaks eight different languages, grasps the intricacies of international politics with ease and is married to a man who dearly loves her, a sports columnist played by Spencer Tracy. The night Tess is to be honored by the Women's Board as Womanof the Year, Tracy's character is clearly uncomfortable. He doesn't like the thought of watching her bask in glory, and is flabbergasted that she hasn't made arrangements for anyone to take care of the refugee boy who is staying with them. He's sick of he not being home, of her still using he maiden name, and her refusal to cook. "I should call the Board and tell them you're not a woman at all," he de- clares. Success and femininity, in the 1940s as the 1990s, are often incom- patible. In the early 1970s, psycholo- gist Matina Horner asked men and women to generate stories to th prompt "at the end of the year, John (or Anne) finds himself (herself) at the top of the medical school class." John went on to riches, love and admiration in the students' stories, but those asked to tell astory about Anne had her boyfriend leaving her, her friends abandoning her, or even a jealous classmate stabbing her to death. Not only are many women torn between their careers and their fami- lies, but women who are more suc- cessful than their husbands oftenfeel that they have wronged their mates in some way. The husband who gazes at his wife with unabashed admira- tion (a la Nancy Reagan) is still a very rare creature. Back in the fiftie pundits warned that women who too careers outside the home would "lose their femininity." (I never really un- derstood this one. How can you lose your femininity? "Oh no, I can't find my femininity!" says a woman."It must be in my other handbag.") Yet the conflict between femi- ninity and success has not improved much with five decades of change Dr. Joyce Brothers states freely that men need ego-stroking, but that women shouldn't get too upset if their mates don't return the favor. An ex-boyfriend of mine, otherwise a fairly liberal guy, wouldn't speak to me after I made a better grade on a midterm than he did. When I finally got him to talk, he hemmed and haw until I finally asked, "So you're ma at me because I did better on a test?" "Well, yes," he replied. And of course there is the agoniz- ing choice of a woman who wants to go back to work but faces putting her children in day care, or needs to move because of her career and must find ajob for her husband as well. As Betty Friedan argued in The Femi4 nine Mystique (1963), women were forced to choose between marriage and children and a career, while men have always been able to have both. Imagine reversing the scene in Woman of the Year, with a husband receiving a prestigious award and the wife sulking jealously, wondering why he doesn't take care of their adopted boy, or cook, or change hi name to hers. Either way, it's the woman who looks selfish. We have come a long way since the 1950s, and many men are now recognizing that they are missing out on their children's lives when they work 80 hours a week. But no matter how liberal we are consciously, it's easy to feel a little uncomfortabl when a woman makes more money than her husband, or receives more accolades, or wants him to share in her glory. The last scene of Woman of the Vpnr.is. n rnnWhpti-. ,.i . tr.'-tnA I I The Nobel Prize Arafat, Rabin and Peres n Friday, the Nobel Peace Prize was awarded to Shimon Peres, Yasir Arafat and Yitzhak Rabin for their efforts in moving the Israeli-Palestinian peace process forward. ';The Prize committee has been criticized by many for this decision, especially for Arafat's award. Arafat has spent most of his life leading a terrorist organization dedicated to the destruc- tion of the Jewish state. Though the past ac- tions of Arafat and other PLO leaders were militant, their recent actions have produced strides towards peace. Arafat, Peres and Rabin have all put their reputations on the line in their quest for an agreement between the two sides. Their recent actions alone make the leaders worthy of the Nobel Prize. This is not the first time the Nobel Peace Prize Committee has given the award to a leader with a militaristic background. In 1990, Mikhail Gorbachev received the award for his work in helping to change the oppressive police state of the Soviet Union. Yet his past included the attack of Afghanistan, killing thousands on both the Soviet and Afghan sides. Furthermore, F.W. deKlerk was awarded the prize after leading an apartheid state for decades. The Nobel Prize is awarded, in large part, based on efforts to end conflicts and achieve peace, not only on a life-long commit- ment to peace. While it is true that some recipients, such as the Dalai Lama, fit this criteria, clearly it is not a prerequisite, nor should it be. This year's admirable efforts by the three leaders should not be contested be- cause of their pasts, however violent and pain- ful they are. Though Arafat, Peres and Rabin have been working continuously toward peace, the pro- cess is far from complete. Arafat is pushing for are worthy recipients but must overcome many obstacles to reach this goal. The peace talks have been hindered by extremist groups, especially by the Muslim fundamentalist group Hamas. The group's recent kidnapping of an Israeli soldier led to a failed Israeli attempt at trying to free the soldier, eventually causing a blood bath that threatened to derail the promise of carefully constructed peace negotiations. Though Hamas' members are Palestinian, their ac- tions are not entirely Arafat's fault, as the Israeli soldier was not being held in his do- main - the Gaza Strip. The Israelis, however, are justified in their position that continued terrorism by Hamas may jeopardize the peace process. Unfortunately, Arafat may be helpless in controlling the radical fringe group. Hope- fully, he will continue on the course to free elections and allow the Palestinians to finally exercise their right to self-governance. With these elections, the people will, hopefully, deny Hamas and its supporters the baton of leadership. Arafat's best hope in quelling ter- rorism, and furthering the peace process, will be to allow the Palestinians to govern them- selves. The Israeli-Palestinian conflict has been among the most menacing and irreconcilable in the world, with great suffering on both sides. For peace to become a reality, many more steps need to be taken. If an agreement can be reached, the Palestinians and Israelis will serve as examples for other conflicts around the world. While the end of the Cold War is hardly bringing on a Pax Americana, peace between Israelis and Palestinians will demonstrate to the world that painful differ- ences can be put aside. Dedication to this goal surely qualifies Arafat, Peres and Rabin as Sig Eps deserve what they got, and more To the Daily: I am writing in response to your Friday article on the Sigma Phi Epsilon fraternity turning in their charter. I believe a more appropri- ate headline would have been, "Sig Eps give up and run." The former chapter has clearly shown the IFC, GARP, Sigma Phi Epsilon headquar- ters and the entire University community that instead of fac- the ex-brothers will be allowed to stay in their house. The Al- pha chapter's alumni board, who owns the house, should take a stronger stance. How can Sig Eps alumni sit back and watch theirchapterbe destroyed and then let the offenders con- tinue to live in a house alumni own? Finally, I believe the ac- tions taken by the fraternity headquarters and the sanctions by the IFC and GARP were reasonable and fair. Hazing can not be tolerated. It is a danger- ous activity with potentially serious consequences. The Sig Eps discovered two of these consequences: a pledge being hospitalized and punished from their governing bodies. Cartoonists: Keep up the good work! To the Daily: I wanted to compliment you on your Weekend edition car- toonist, Eric Benson. I found the comic run on Oct. 6 so profound that I had to go find the previous week's edition. The strip has such an impact and such a fresh view that I was very impressed. This cartoon is a great improvement over the regularly published comic by Jim Lasser. Please keep up the good work! Hank Tseu