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October 14, 1994 - Image 7

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1994-10-14

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The Michigan Daily - Friday, October 14, 1994 - 7

Michigan's 13th Congressional District

Daily Staff Reporter
The sixth of seven children in a large Catho-
lic family, John Schall, the Republican candi-
sate for Michigan's 13th congressional dis-
trict, was born and raised in Livonia, a western
Detroit suburb.
Schall, who now resides in Ann Arbor, is a
University alum, having earned a bachelor's
degree with honors in political science in 1982.
He took that degree, along with a prestigious
Harry S. Truman scholarship, and entered
Harvard University's John F. Kennedy School
for Public Policy.
He then entered public service.
0 "I worked in the budget office during the
Reagan administration, as a civil servant, mind
you, not as a political," Schall said. "I've
always been a policy guy."

Schall's career took a leap in 1988, when he
received a call from a Bush administration
who offered hiai a job in the White House as
Domestic Policy Council deputy.
Schall served for two and one-half years on
the council, helping write Bush administration
proposals on a variety of topics.
"I had a broad portfolio in there: education
issues, health care, welfare issues, drug-con-
trol strategy. Basically the
whole social welfare
world, I guess I'd call it."
Schall said.
In 1991, Schall was
moved to the Labor De-
partment, serving as chief
of staff until the end of the
Bush administration.
"I saw very clearly the
Washington beast, the
Washington mentality in-
truding into every aspect
of our lives, where it
doesn't belong." Schall
decided to run for Congress, expecting to take
on Democrat Bill Ford in the fall election. But
Ford retired, and state Rep. Lynn Rivers (D-
Ann Arbor) won the Democratic primary.
In general, the campaign has been issues-
oriented on both sides, punctuated by only a
few negative remarks.
Schall, a staunch conservative, has tried to
cast Rivers as an "ultra-liberal," but in so doing
he has misrepresented her positions at least
In campaign literature, Schall said
Rivers "wants asingle-payer sys-
tem" for health care and
claimed Rivers does not
want to cut the con-
gressional bud-

But in an interview with the Daily, Rivers
said she is open to a variety of health care plans,
and is pained by the federal deficit, which she
said is "sapping our strength."
The two candidates agree on a handful of
issues: They support the line-item veto. They
both advocate a policy of keeping three-time
violent offenders in jail for life. They both
praised the federal government's switch to
direct student loans.
But John Schall's political beliefs are more
conservative than his opponent's. His posi-
tions on several key issues of the 1994 cam-
paign follow, mostly in his own words
Contract With America:
"What we did was put a real accountability
mechanism back into American politics. I didn't
make a campaign pledge, I didn't make a
campaign promise; people have been doing
that for decades. I signed a contract saying
what it is I'm for, what it is I'll work for. And
if I don't, I signed the contract, get rid of me in
two years.
"What we actually did was turn politics on
its head. What we did was tell the American
people very clearly, in writing, six weeks be-
fore an election, 'Here it is: what I stand for.
Read it, study it, decide whether or not you
support it.,,'
Health Care:
"The issue for the 1990s. I oppose Bill
Clinton's attempt to move virtually every Ameri-
can into a government-run health care system.
One-hundred percent of the system isn't
broken; for 85 percent of the people it works
just fine. In fact, it's by far the best health care
system in the world. There is a problem for 15
percent of the population. To me, focus those
solutions on where the problem lies.
"The fact is that 75 percent (of the 37 million
uninsured Americans) have insurance at some
point during the year. But for some months of
the year, they're basically moving from job to
job. The way to solve it is to make health
insurance portable: You can take your health

insurance as you move from that other job until
you get to the next job. I proposed that in 1992."
Implement tax-free individual medical
savings accounts, Schall said, to encourage
people to take individual responsibility.
Schall supports medical liability reform,
which he said will keep health care dollars
from going to lawyers.
* Schall wants to prohibit insurance com-
panies from turning people away for pre-exist-
ing conditions.
"The thing is you can do that in a matter of
three weeks. You don't have to be in this
overall debate for a year or two about reform-
ing the system from ground zero on up."
* He wants to maintain federal spending
on medical research.
"I'm a budget-cutter, I'm a fiscal conserva-
tive. (The National Institute of Health) is not a
place to cut."
"It used to be crime was in certain areas,
like a bad part of Detroit. You knew where it
was; you sort of avoided it. It isn't that any-
more. Now people are generally afraid to go
home to a dark house at night.
"We do need more prisons, and some of
that's coming on-line. To me the one big prob-
lem in this system is prisoners being released
early. Seventy percent of all violent crimes in
this country are committed by the same 8
percent of the criminals.... On average, they're
serving 31 percent of their sentences. I want

genuine truth in sentencing to make them serve
a minimum 85 percent of the sentence they
justly receive in the court system.
"There's 1.33 million people in the United
States who are incarcerated, an absolutely huge
percentage of our population, and maybe it is
too high. But what I'm saying is that hard-core
better be in there, and they better stay in there.
I think what we did, somehow we got the worst
of both worlds. We put a lot of people in prison,
and because we had too many people in prison,
we've started releasing people early, including
the hard-core and probably some people who
shouldn't go to prison in the first place.
The Federal Budget Deficit:
"The federal deficit is out of control. Forty
years of liberal Democrats controlling the
United States Congress, there has never been
fiscal discipline. People want it finally to hap-
pen. All we saw was taxes go up as they spent
more and more money. Taxes need to come
down, spending needs to come down; get the
deficit under control.
"The American people do want a balanced-
budget amendment, they do want a line-item
veto. I actually signed a contract with America
that puts me on the record for supporting it.
And it is a defining difference in my campaign.
Yeah, I'm a fiscal conservative, I'm the one
who does want to cut spending, who will get
taxes down, who does want a balanced-budget
amendment. And my ultra-liberal Democratic
opponent is on the opposite side of those.

Photos by MIKE FITZHUGH/Daily


Continued from page 3
memorize. As Cherrin says, "Life is
not a standardized test."
He argues against relying heavily
such tests as the California
chievement Test. Instead, schools
should focus more on learning and
hands-on experiences of students in
classrooms, he says. Cherrin believes
in "lifelong education, because people
are lifelong learners." He said he wants
to give opportunities to others, espe-
cially young people, because of the
many opportunities he has had.
_ One of Cherrin's main goals if

elected is to "take time to find the
issues behind the issues." Cherrin said
he is concerned with "uniformed vot-
ers and uninformed government,"
which he believes exists in Michigan
and in Washington.
Cherrin opposes "uninformed"
elected officials votingonly along party
lines. Ifelected, he pledges to vote in the
state House for what's best for his dis-
;trict, than the state, not his party.
Cherrin is a Democrat because, "I
believe more in the ideologies of the
Democratic party than the ideologies of
the Republican party."
Nevertheless, Cherrin says voters
should "vote for the person, not the
party." He believes voters are too

concerned with labels.
Despite the fact that elections are
in November, and he graduates in
April, Cherrin is confident that he
could juggle college and holding an
office in the state House. He noted
that Gov. John Engler finished law
school during the first part of his
political career.
Already Cherrin is proving his dedi-
cation to his campaign because he goes
home every day - a mere 45 minutes
from campus - to go door to door for
three or four hours on rollerblades.
He has done this for three months,
and he has been to more than 6,000
homes educating constituents on his
campaign and reducing any confusion.


Continued from page 3
However, police told Lambda Chi
Alpha fraternity such action is illegal,
despite a sign warning drivers of the
The fraternity used to charge driv-
ers $15 to reclaim their plates.
The local ordinances specify li-
cense plate removal is a theft, and
parking lots must have a sign telling
drivers where cars will be towed if
parked illegally.
Hazen Arnold, president of
Lambda Chi Alpha, said said the mea-
sure was intended to prevent drivers

from moving their cars before a tow
truck arrives, as the fraternity is
charged for the call.
Washington State's Theta Chi fra-
ternity often chains cars to cement blocks
and charges $25 to unlock them. Police
said this practice is also illegal.
Campus environmental
projects recognized
College campuses around the
country with innovative approaches
to environmental protection are pro-
filed in the "Campus Year in Re-
view," published by the National
Wildlife Federation.
The University of Michigan is the
focus of three of the 224 entries in the

190-page guidebook.
One profile tells how undergradu-
ate students moved 115 trees from the
construction sites at the UGLi and
Randall Lab to new homes.
Another reports on ENACT's
movement to get the University to
purchase only recycled paperforcam-
pus use.
The third reviews a project from
last spring that recycled 30 tons of
waste from the student move out.
"College students around the na-
tion are taking action and coming up,
with new, compelling ideas to ad-
dress environmental concerns," said
Nick Keller, spokesman for the Nas
tional Wildlife Federation.


ANN ARBOR Public Schools- School-aged
child care assistant for before & after school
programs @ various schools. Exp. preferred.
Grades K-5. To apply, call 996-3151
ediately. Minorities & men encouraged
ANN ARBOR'S FINEST footwear retailer
now accepting applications for part-time
employment. This is a great opportunity for a
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minded student. Bring or send resume to Van
Boven Shoes, 17 Nickels Arcade, Ann Arbor,
MI 48104.
ARE YOUR early mornings or lunchtimes
free? Are you strong, stable, good with cats
and people? Disabled professional woman
needs personal assistance. 662-2734.
The Michigan Daily is
looking for help in
producing the Classified
Ad pages.You must be
able to work 1.5-2 hours
per day (Monday- Friday
between the hours of
12:30 - 3:00).'Neatness
and attention to detail is
a must. No paste-up
experience needed, but it
s helpful. You will be
working with a student run
organization and gaining
valuble work experience.
Monthly salary is $75.
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3AYIIIE NEDD33-:0pm., 2-"
3 days/wk. Occasional eves./wknds. Car a
must. Good pay. Call Carrie 971-2172.
BABYSITTER WANTED for occasional
sits. Two boys ages 5 & 1 1/2. 996-2876.
BAKE BAGELS - Now hiring midnight
bakers starting at 10 p.m. Training rate at
$6.00. Ap1y in person - 1306 S. University -
The Bagel Factory.
CATERING STUDENT Supervisor for U of
M Catering to start immediately. Must be
energetic, creative & organized. Experience
needed. Flexible schedule. Hourly position.
Call Shelly 764-2142.
CHEF'S ASSISTANT with excellent
culinary, organizational & supervisory skills.
Must have high volume kitchen and gourmet
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CHILD CARE needed in our home. 10-30
hrs./wk. for 10 mo. old. Ref. and exp. req.
Zingerman's - night crew. Part-time, 11:00
p.m.-3:00 a.m., 2-5 shifts/week, must be
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Apply in person at 422 Detroit Street, Ann
COFFEE HOUSE Part or full-time. Ex-
e ence helpful, nighttime manager also.
CRACKER BARREL now hiring all
positions. All shifts. Must be able to work
Fri., Sat., and Sun. Positions include servers,
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No experience necessary. For information
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DELTA PHI EPSILON- needed waitstaff.
Positions avail. Mon-Sat. for dinner.
Interested? Call Bobbie or Linda between 10
a.m.-6:30 p.m. at 761-5578.
DRIVERS NEEDED, own or co. car. Com-
petitive wages. Omega Pizza, 769-3400.
EARN $60.00 in approximately 30 minutes.
Healthy individuals of ideal weight relative to
height are needed as bone marrow donors for
a University of Michigan approved research
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JURORSN EDAEDo r mock tnais at the
Law School. Child abuse trials: Oct. 24, 25 &
27. Job discrimination trials: Nov. 17, 18 &
22. 763-5000.
LACROSSE COACH- U-M Women's team
needs a coach! Will pay. Ashley 213-0681.
LOOKING FOR part or full-time work in a
pleasant atmosphere? Miami Subs is now
irin g both day and night, cooks and
cashiers. Starting pay $5.50/hr. Apply in per-
son at 1214 S. University.
food, & a wonderful working atmosphere.
Apply in person, room 1310 Michigan
Union. Ask for Darla.
NEED EXTRA CASH? Consider is looking
for a distribution manager to do weekly
delivery. Position pays $30/wk. Must have
own transportation and be familiar with cam-
pus buildings. Call Amos at 213-1210 or e-
mail at mos@umich.edu.
NOW HIRING FOR Winter term. Account
Executives needed to sell advertising for the
Michigan Daily! Job descriptions & applica-
tions available'in the Daily display dept., 420
Maynard. Application deadline is Oct. 28.
OUR COMPANY is looking for individuals
who want to gain management experience
next summer. Earn $6,000-$10, 000per
summer. The early bird gets the worm. 1-
PIZZA BOB'S counter help, nights &
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Inc. 611 Church St. Ste. 305, 9 a.m. - 3 p.m.
SEMEN DONORS NEEDED for a well es-
tablished infertility clinic. If you are a male
student or professional 20-40 years of age we
need you. Donors will be paid $60 per ac-
ceptable specimens. For further information
please write APRL, P.O. Box 2674, Ann
Arbor, MI 48106.

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sell tickets to students. Call 769-9000 for
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delivery, & light assembly positions
available. Full or part-time, M-F 8:30-5:30.
No heavy lifting. Great student job. Apply at
Video Watch, 3280 Washtenaw.

S itAMUS FAMILY or travel call 63-
4400. Student Travel Breaks 663-4400. U-M
Faculty/Staff Special Line 663-5500.
Continental $179 or $239. Bring your Con-
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WANTED- Tickets for U-M/Wisconsin
game. 2/4 non-student. Call Jenny @ 764-
WILL TRADE 2 top priced Rolling Stone
Dec. 1st concert tickets for 2 Penn St. tickets
above 30 yd. line. No student tix. Call Jim
769-8148. Eves.
Liberty, 665-8001. Lessons lessons lessons.
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Call Jeff 913-9332.

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3 TICKET'S needed for Penn State game
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Book now & save. Jamaica $439, Cancun/
Bahamas $399, Panama City/Daytona $99.
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DISNEY/BAHAMA cruise, 7 days $298/
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ERIC'S SPORTS: Team uniforms and shoes
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Call 663-6771.
SELF-DEFENSE classes forming. Learn to
protect yourself! 1st class Monday October
17 at 1200 CCRB 8-9 p.m. For more info call
996-1454 or 764-6148.
WALK ON TRYOUTS for Michigan men's
basketball. October 17, 7:30 p.m. at Crisler

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634-0469 ext. V55981.



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