One hundred four years of editorial freedom
EN FM -A l I t :'t
n trial'
For the Daily
One of the foremost experts on haz-
ing transformed Rackham Auditorium
into a courtroom last night, where he
put "Hazing on Trial."
David L. Westol, a former pros-
uting attorney and current executive
director of Theta Chi fraternity, spoke
before small crowd of fraternity and
sorority members.
"My purpose and intent is tojolt the
hazing mentality and make you think
about what you do. Hazing has nothing
to do with values and ideas, it is ego
driven," Westol said.
"Hazing remains our biggest
hurdle. We have to take it all away the
.st time, not in increments," he said.
Westol led the audience through a
hypothetical trial drawn from per-
sonal experience. In the trial, a frater-
nity pledge was said to have died as a
result of numerous hazing incidents.
"What do we do to pledges? Break
them down physically, and mentally.
We discipline them," Westol said,
imitating someone who hazes.
Westol tried to get across to the
audience that hazing does the exact
opposite of bringing the chapter closer
together. In fact, he said, "it keeps
good people away."
"Hazers are bullies, cowards and
buttheads who address the pledges by
yelling questions in the back of the
Westol compared hazing to "hu-
man Nintendo," in which members of
We fraternity subject pledges to "psy-
chological and physical abuse. If hell
week is so good, why not run it in the
first week of pledging?"
Westol, along with many mem-
bers of the Greek community, feel
that in order for the Greek community
to survive, it must adapt and change
with today's modern university.
Terry Landes, the University frater
See HAZING, Page 2
' U,
fear a'Wnothvr
G f conflict
Peace Corps Director Carol Bellamy stands next to President James J. Duderstadt and Vice President for Student
Affairs Maureen Hartford on the Union steps where John Kennedy originally introduced the Peace Corps.
BornM at'U,' Peace orp s
celebraes34th birtha
Daily Staff Reporter
Four years after the Persian Gulf
War, the United States has again re-
sponded to the threat of Iraqi troops on
the Kuwaiti boarder. While the chances
of war appear to have receded, students
and faculty at remain nervous.
Yesterday, the United States, En-
gland and six oil-rich monarchies
decided to continue building their
military presence in Kuwait, The As-
sociated Press reported.
Despite Iraqi President Saddam
Hussein's pledge to pull his troops
back from the Kuwaiti border, many
scholars believe that the presence of
U.S. troops is necessary.
"It is enormously important that
we demonstrate to the world that we
have the capability to respond. We
have to send the message to Saddam
Hussein that he can't build troops up
on the Kuwait boarder," said Political
Science Prof. A.F.K. Organski.
Students and faculty agree that
four years after the Gulf War, Hussein
must finally be stopped.
"It makes me very angry that we
didn't finish the job the first time,"
said LSA junior Suzanna Randolf.
"Saddam Hussein is like a child. He'll
keep pushing our buttons until he gets
his way. We have to show him that
every time he gets angry he can't just
roll out his troops."
History Prof. Tom Collier said
sending troops to the area was inevi-
table. "We may have jumped too soon,
but I think we have to show that we
are not going to be provoked," he
In 1990 the United States -sent
more than 500,000 troops to the Per-
sian Gulf for Desert Shield and Desert
Storm. Now the movement of Iraqi
See STUDENTS, Page 2
U.S. vows
to protect
Los Angeles Times
KUWAIT CITY - Asserting
that the latest Gulf crisis is not
over despite an apparent Iraqi re-
treat, the United States, Britain
and gulf emirates agreed yester-
day to continue their present mili-
tary build-up and vowed future
action to sap Saddam Hussein's
capacity to threaten his neigh-
The Gulf Cooperation Council,
a regional rich nation's club led by
Saudi Arabia, agreed to pay a sub-
stintial part of the cost-of deploy-
ing U.S., British and other allied
troops to defend Kuwait against
any Iraqi aggression.
Secretaryof StateWarren Chris-
topher told reporters here follow-
ing a strategy session with British
Foreign Secretary Douglas Hurd
and the six Gulf council foreign
ministers that the allies agreed
unamimously to devise ways to pre-
vent the 'aqi dictator from taking
sudden provocative actions such as
sending troops south to the Ku-
waiti border as Hussein did last
"We are resolved and commit-
ted that Hussein shall not be per-
mitted to project the world into
crisis at his whim," Christopher
told a news conference, with Hurd
and Prince Saud al-Faisal, the Saudi
See IRAQ, Page 2
For the Daily
Almost 34 years ago to the day
John F. Kennedy spoke on the steps of
the Michigan Union outlining his vi-
sion for volunteers to serve in Third
World countries, the director of the
Peace Corps stood on those same steps
and praised the program's success.
Carol Bellamy spoke yesterday
about the changing face of the Peace
Corps at three public events at the
Michigan Union, School of Public
Health and School of Natural Re-
sources and the Environment.
Bellamy's arrival continued a
long-standing relationship between
the University and the Peace Corps.
On Oct. 14. 1960, then-candidate
Kennedy announced plans for the corps
to University students during a 2 a.m.
campaign speech.
University students rallied' around
the theme of volunteerism and formed
"Americans Committed to World Re-
sponsibility." The group started a peti-
tion drive to establish such a program.
and 1,000 supportive students signed
within a week.
"The Peace Corps is an opportu-
nity to go overseas and make a small
difference in other peoples' lives,"
Bellamy said in an interview with the
Daily yesterday.
Since the Peace Corps' inception'
1, 163 University students have partici-
pated as volunteers around the world.
The University is ranked second in the
nation for the number of volunteers it
sends abroad with the Peace Corps.
President Clinton appointed
Special Report
East Quad homeless
seen as friends and
ptni t
Smith acquitted on
charges of assault
Daily Staff Reporter
Every day, University students
interact with a group of homeless
men outside of East Quad who make
eir "home" on a cement slab in front
W the residence hall.
While some students complain of
disturbing incidents and others work
to help the group, police and dorm
staff work constantly to control the
problem they deem as "serious."
But the homeless men say they
aren't bothering anyone.
Erin Galloway, a longtime Ann
Arbor resident and first-year RC stu-
ant, offered support for the men.
"I have never felt scared or expe-
rienced any harassment with them. I
have taken individuals I have known
for a long time into my room and
allowed them to use the residence hall
facilities. They were my guests."
Daniel Robinson, also a first-year
RC student, saw no problem with the
homeless men's habitation of the area.
"I get asked for money about once
*week. I'm not bothered. They have
to be somewhere. It's a problem Ann
Arbor has. The city should do some-
thing to try to help them out," he said.
Other residents said that they regu-
larly give the men food and money.
They reported getting food from the
what they would holler as I walked by
them," said a former resident of East
Quad who asked not to be identified.
"It wasn't scary. It was just annoy-
ing. I attributed it to their state of
mind. Their comments could have
been directed at anyone," she said.
Coordinator of Residence Educa-
tion Julie Lavrack said the homeless
definitely create problems. She said
students have reported being followed
into the building and even up to their
rooms. Lavrack also said that some
students report being harassed by the
men and that students feel intimidated.
Lavrack said that the men prima-
rily enter the building to use the bath-
rooms or search for returnables.
She said that the building staff
tries to keep the building as secure as
possible. "All bathrooms, male and
female, have locks on them."
Police work to control problem
Lavrack said that the Department
of Public Safety (DPS) tries to moni-
tor the situation in a "friendly way."
DPS Director Leo Heatley said
that the homeless have created prob-
lems. He said that the disruptions fall
under a number of categories, making
it impossible to count the actual num-
ber of disturbances.
Heatlev said that DPS officers are
Daily Staff Reporter
Steven Smith, the former boyfriend
of LSA sophomore Jennifer Ireland,
was acquitted yesterday of assault
That decision cleared the way for
the bigger fight involving a judge's
ruling that Jennifer Ireland's use of
day care while she attends the Uni-
versity makes Smith a better custo-
dian for Maranda Ireland-Smith.
Smith allegedly lifted Ireland from
the ground and pushed her into a wall.
Ireland later filed charges claiming that
the fight, stemming from an argument
over visitation, left her with bruises.
However, the assault case was
brought to trial only after Ireland lost
custody of their daughter, Maranda
Ireland-Smith. The custody case be-
tween Smith and Ireland has received
national media attention.
"I'm very happy, but not shocked,"
Smith said after a jury took 20 min-
utes to hand down its decision.
Ireland said she was disappointed.
"I gave them the truth, and they
decided on the truth," she said after
returning to her campus home in
Northwood housing with Maranda.
The Michigan Court of Appeals has
granted Ireland a temporary stay, so
Maranda will reside with her mother
until the appeal.
Both parties have accused each
other of lying since the custody trial
began, and repeated the accusations
during the two-day trial.
"With all Jenny's conflicting sto-
ries, there wasn't much question,"
Smith said, adding that the jury's de-
cision was the quickest in Macomb
County history. "The jurors said that
they made their decision before they
walked into the jurors' room."
Ireland said the case was rigged in
Smith's favor, and accused the jury
foreman of bias.
"When the foreman left to go into
deliberations, he winked at Steve's
attorney (Sharon-Lee Edwards)," Ire-
land asserted, accusing Martin of tak-
ing the case too lightly and laughing
throughout the trial.
Ireland's friend Shana Saums tes-
tified for the prosecution, headed by
the assistant county prosecutor, David
Portuesi, denying that Smith had acted
harshly, but said that Ireland repeat-
edly asked him to leave her Harrison
Township home.
Although the immediate penalty for
the misdemeanor is only a maximum
$100 fine and 90 days in jail, the al-
leged assault may have been an issue in
Ireland's upcoming appeal for custody
See IRELAND, Page 2
Paul, a homeless man who lives outside East Quad, accepts some change.
Heatley also said that students
should always make sure their doors
are locked and that their keys are in
their possession.
The Ann Arbor Police Denartment
"The city provides funding to three
non-profit organizations that provide
housing opportunities to low-income
people," he said.
The organizations funded include
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