2 - The Michigan Daily - Tuesday, October 11, 1994 '
Continued from page 1
formally that "the instructions have
already been issued and the troops are
already on the move." But he declined
to answer questions about specifics.
Administration officials, though
relieved over the Iraqi announcement,
said it was too early to tell whether
Iraq actually has begun withdrawing
its troops, particularly since it was
night in Iraq. One senior official said
there were some indications early in
the day that additional forces were
moving toward the Kuwaiti border
rather than away from it.
"Because of what happened in
1990," Clinton said, referring to
Hussein's lightning attack on Kuwait
in August of that year, "this provoca-
tion requires a strong response from
the United States and the interna-
tional community. ... We will not
allow Iraq to threaten its neighbors or
intimidate the United Nations."
Officials said the administration
probably would insist that Hussein
move his forces back to a "non-threat-
ening" position, but it was not clear
whether it would set a deadline or
provide specifics on what that means.
"We are discussing the param-
eters of their future behavior" and
likely will go to the United Nations to
seek limits on aggressive Iraqi troop
movements, a senior White House
aide said last night.
Another administration official
said that U.S. ground troops would
stay in the region for some time even
Continued from page 1.
forceful response to Iraqi troop
movements on the Kuwaiti border
won praise from across the political
spectrum. The buildup also elicted a
pledge from Iraq yesterday that it was
withdrawing its forces, but officials
said the troop pullback could not be
"I want to express my pride in
what our men and women in uniform
have done in Haiti," Clinton said in an
Oval Office address last night. "In
just three weeks, the level of violence
Lt. Tonya Kabel-Ballard writes in her journal while waiting to board a plane headed for the Persian Gulf on Su
if Iraq withdraws its forces. But, he
added, "I don't believe the president
has any desire to keep American forces
over there any longer than necessary."
The official said the president was
determined to deter an attack or to
defend Kuwait and had not yet fo-
cused on what new restraints to try to
impose on Hussein.
White House press secretary Dee
Dee Myers said Clinton spoke by
telephone with six foreign leaders
Sunday and yesterday about the Iraq
situation and that all were supportive.
He also called former President
Bush, who led the 1991 war that drove
Iraq from Kuwait, to thank him for
supporting his actions in the current
crisis and to say Bush's prepositioning
of large numbers of U.S. tanks and
artillery in Kuwait was critic
swift American response.
Clinton spoke Sunday
with Saudi Arabia's King Fa
terday, Clinton spoke with
President Boris N. Yeltsin,
President Francois Mitterran
tian President Hosni Mubar
ish Prime Minister John M
Turkish Prime Minister Tans
U.N.unlikely to Ii
sainctions on Iraq
Newsday rity Council members-that
UNITED NATIONS - Saddam rid of its arsenal of dangerou
Hussein's gambit may have back- ons and recognizing Kuwai
fired if he was trying to force the ders would have been enoug
U.N. Security Council to ease eco- gerthe council's lifting of th
nomic sanctions that are causing leum ban within six months
widespread pain throughout Iraq. The key was Ekeus' rep
The council got a report last night scenario expected by France,
on Iraq's efforts to get rid of its ing to Jacques Adreani, the
weapons of mass destruction, one of ambassador to the United Sta
the conditions oflifting theembargo. that Iraqi Deputy Foreign M
The report, a copy of which was Tariq Aziz would make such
obtained by Newsday, does not rec- to getrid of the weapons and
ommend lifting a ban on petroleum nize the borders when he ad
sales, as Iraq has demanded. the U.N. General Assem
Iraqi Foreign Minister week.
Mohammed Saeed al-Sahaf de- "We were expecting the
manded last week that the report that, and they did exactly t
recommend the sanctions be lifted trary," Adreani said in a T
within six months. Almost at the view yesterday.
same time, the world learned that When Iraq learned that
AP PHOTO elite RepublicanGuarddivisions had was not likely to suggest a d
inday. been ordered south to the Kuwaiti Aziz instead delivered a bli
border. speech and Iraq's Revolu
al to the The report was prepared by Rolf Command Council threatene
Ekeus, chairman of the U.N. Special cooperating with the United]
evening Commission in charge of disman- if the council didn't lift the sa
hd. Yes- fling Iraq's weapons of mass de- yesterday, according to Turki
Russian struction. Council Resolution 687, AmbassadorInalBatu,whoh
French which mandated a gulf war cease- seekingasolutiontotheprese
d, Egyp- fire, links Iraq's cooperation in get- frontation.
ak, Brit- ring rid of its capacity to produce Turkey's economy has b
ajor and nuclear and biologicial weapons to by the embargo. A major sha
1u Ciller. any elimination of the ban on selling oil Iraq sold to the world w'
----- its oil exports. through a pipeline that runs
Being blocked froiselling its oil Turkey. Iraq has asked Tu
hey (the has cost Iraq billions of dollars help lift the embargo as a p
s) would needed to buy food and other goods, allowing it keep the pipelin
ll along forcing deprivation and poverty., corroding by cleaning out
ti -and Ekeus' report says that his of gallons of oil trapped the
"commission's ongoing monitoring the 1990 Iraqi invasion of K
[so were and verification system is provision-- As a result of Iraq's thre
out that ally operational" and "the basic ele- ing .the embargo is now
roops to ments for a thorough system (to away," Adreani said.
to avoid overseee the destruction of danger- There are other require m
team - ous weapons) are now in place." fore the U.N. sanctions can b
qi leader But instead of setting a deadline including recognizing K
asion of for lifting the sanctions as Iraq sovereignity, returning Kuwa
military wanted, it says only that Ekeus will. oners and stolen property.]
llow the keep the council informed "so that program to monitor weapon
peated," the council can draw the necessary is key.
- conclusionsattheappropriatetime." The U.N. monitoring S
smail al- FormerPresident Bush's national which is to remain in plac
security adviser, Brent Scowcroft, sanctions are lifted, deped
who en- said the Iraqi "peace campaign" to complicated network of cam
ristpass- secure an early easing of sanctions sors and overflights to warn
as. Israel had been producing a positive re- Iraqi attempt to restart its n
adjoined sponse fromFrance, RussiaandTur- chemical, biological or b
rGaza, a key - until Hussein sent his troops weapons program.
Palestin- down to the Kuwaiti border. The CIA said last moni
y. "We were on the way to being attempts were taking place
id that isolated except for Britain," he said gave no evidence to the S
alestin- in a television interview last night. Council. The warning was
ttack on Iraq had managed to persuade ered an effort to forestall th
France, Russia and Turkey =- Secu- of sanctions.
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But t
s issu
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ds on
th suc
e liftin
is down, the Parliament is back, refu-
gees are returning from Guantanamo
and now the military leaders are leav-
Clinton said dangers lurked still in
Haiti and in the showdown with Iraq,
but he cited the recent visits to Wash-
ington by the presidents of the new
democracies of South Africa and Rus-
sia as evidence that "we are making
progress in building a world of greater
peace, prosperity and democracy."
The day was especially sweet for
an administration often criticized for
flipflops, indecisiveness and incon-
clusive results in troublespots across
the globe. Many commentators had
faulted the deal Clinton's envoy,
former President Carter, had negoti-
ated with Cedras because it did not
require the general to leave Haiti.
And the Iraqi crisis once again
spotlighted the unfinished business
left behind by some of Clinton's more
persistent critics, including two po-
tential presidential candidates: former
President Bush's secretary of state,
James A. Baker III, and Bush's de-
fense secretary, Dick Cheney.
"Despite many people's predic-
tions of disaster, Haiti has gone be-
yond anyone's expectations," crowed
a White House official.
"People predicted that t]
trio of Haitian military leaders
never step down. We said a
they were going to leave Hai
they are leaving."
White House officials al
not shy about pointing o
Clinton's swift dispatch of t
the Persian Gulf wasdesigned
mistakes made by the Bush
specifically not warning Ira
Saddam Hussein that an inv
Kuwait would result in U.S.
action. "We are not going to a
mistakes of the past to be rep
Continued from page 1
no means will we allow them to
achieve their goal to interfere in our
move toward peace," Rabin vowed.
Christopher called on Palestine
Liberation Organization Chairman
Yasser Arafat to strongly condemn
the attack.
"Certainly I think it is up to him
to give a strong condemnation of
that incident because it is an inter-
ference with his efforts to achieve
peace in this region," Christopher
told reporters.
Arafat was in Morroco, attending
the funeral of a founding member of
Fateh, the guerrilla organization
Arafat created. He issued no com-
ment on the attack.
Faisal Husseini, who holds the
Jerusalem portfolio in the Palestinian
self-governing authority, condemned
the attack, telling Israel Radio he con-
demns all attacks on innocent civilians.
In a leaflet issued in Gaza, the
Izzadin al-Kassam unit of Hamas said
that Sunday's attack was meant to
commemorate the killing during ariot
four years ago of 17 Palestinians in
Jerusalem's Old City.
The Palestinians were shot by secu-
rity forces on the Temple Mount, a site
holy to Muslims and Jews.
Hamas identified the gunmen shot
dead Sunday night moments after they
opened fire as Issam Mhana I
Jawhari and Hassan Abbas.
Jawhari was an Egyptian
tered Israel on aone-month tou
port in July, according to Ham
Radio reported that Jawhari ha
the Palestinian police force in
report emphatically denied by.
ian security officials yesterday
A Hamas official sa
Jawhari was the first non-P
ian used by Hamas in an a
_ _ _ _ _..
_ ___
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Continued from page 1
University building, a building
committee, which includes represen-
tatives of the building's users, pro-
vides general oversight. However,
there is otherwise no formal means to
collect student input for University
"Student suggestions very often
find their way into campus. A student
came up with the suggestion for a bell
tower on North Campus and now
we're building a new bell tower,"
Mayer said. "I don't think they want
any dramatic changes (to the Diag)
and theywouldiet us know if we were
screwing up.
"The intention is to keep the cen-
tral area trees and grass and get the
bike racks on the perimeter," James
Christman, the corporate director of
design at Johnson, Johnson and Roy,
the contractor that created the design
drawing of the new Diag.
Christman said the design draw-
ing resolves the biker-versus-hiker
conflict by widening the sidewalks
and was approved by the University
months ago, but changes may still be
Over the next three to five years,
other Diag changes include new light-
ing, more seat walls and more bike
Though bothered by all the con-
struction, students sunning themselves
on the grass in front of the Harlan
Hatcher Graduate Library amid a
backdrop of droning machines, ech-
oed Mayer's sentiment.
"I like it how it is," said LSA
junior Reanne Frank.
"They could consult the student
representatives at MSA (Michigan
Qtn A-.nt A cacmhl\ cn nennle whn
Continued from page 1
speech at the front entrance of the
army General Headquarters, wherethree
years and a week ago, Cedras and other
coup leaders brought Aristide before
them, considered whether or not to kill
him and then finally sent him into exile.
ItwasCedraswho insistedAristide's
life be spared, knowledgeable U.S. and
Haitian sources have said.
Two other army commanders iden-
tified as leaders of the coup have
already given up their posts. One, Lt.
Col. Michel Francois, the Port-au-
Prince police chief, fled to the Do-
minican Republic last week. The
other, chief of staff Brig. Gen. Philippe
Biamby, penned a resignation th
was accepted by Cedras Sunday, a
cording to an army spokesman, C
Jean-Robert Gabriel. Aristide is e
pected to return Saturday.
In the end, it took the deployme
of 20,000 U.S. soldiers to wrest fro
Cedras the decision to leave. Over t
past month, the Americans have
ceeded to dismantle the military a
paramilitary structure that kept Hai
under a boot of repression and stea
fastly resisted Aristide's return.
Cedras appeared wan and tired
he approached the podium to give h
five-minute address. A weak soun
system combined with hooting fro
onlookers made his remarks nearl
-- - ---WON
The Michigan Daily (ISSN 0745-967) is published Monday through Friday during the fall and winter terms by
students at the University of Michigan. Subscriptions for fall term, starting in September, via U.S. mail are $90.
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The Michigan Daily is a member of the Associated Press and the Associated Collegiate Press.
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