4 - The Michigan Daily - Monday, October 10, 1994 'The £1dchigut ifIg 'The more rules and regulations the University tries to impose just shows it sees students as in- competent kids.' - Libertarian candidate for regent Emily Salvette 420 Maynard Ann Arbor, MI 48109 Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan Jessie Halladay Editor in Chief Samuel Goodstein Flint Wainess Editorial Page Editors The wall - __ .._ ----. ,_.,.. _ -- _ . " ._.9,_______ \/~y bO I A<'PE'P ty %-Ao l" ,. Unless otherwise noted, unsigned editorials reflect the opinion of a majority of the Daily's editorial board. All other articles,letters, and cartoons do not necessarily reflect the opinion of The Michigan Daily. The student vote Register today to voice student concerns \#o NpV2IC.... 39' P M ; Tomorrow is the last day to register to vote in the Nov. 8 election. Students can regis- ter at the Michigan Student Assembly office, 3909 Michigan Union, or on the second floor of City Hall. An Ann Arbor driver's license is not needed - meaning that even if a student's permanent address is elsewhere, he or she can still vote in Ann Arbor. Students must take advantage of this opportunity by registering before their chance to shape their government escapes them. The upcoming election is highlighted by several extremely important races. Michigan's voters will choose a governor and a senator, and Ann Arbor residents will select a congres- sional member, a state representative, a state senator and several city council members. The winners of the gubernatorial and state legisla- tive races will, in the upcoming two years, consider issues such as abortion, assisted sui- cide and the state welfare system. The winner of the senatorial race will represent Michigan in Washington, D.C., voting on matters rang- ing from welfare reform to Haiti to the nation's budget Important as these issues are, perhaps the most significant races for students are those taking place here in Ann Arbor. Students often overlook city elections, viewing them as bor- ing and irrelevant to campus life. They do not register in Ann Arbor, preferring to keep their home registration and vote by absentee ballot. It is understandable that some students wish to keep in contact with politics in their home area. Yet what many do not realize is the extent to which Ann Arbor politics affect campus life. Consider the student who walks along Washtenaw after dark, in physical dan- ger due to inadequate lighting. Consider the Rock, which City Council came close to re- moving last year after neighborhood residents complained of a graffiti problem. Consider noise and housing ordinances, affecting stu- dents who live off-campus. Consider the lack of adequate parking spaces, and the thousands of dollars students pay in parking tickets each year. These are all city issues. They are dis- cussed, voted on and enacted by city govern- ment, a government elected with only a very small percentage of the student vote. City officials do not treat student concerns seri- ously, do not consider students an essential part of their constituency - and they cannot be blamed, given the tiny number of students who actually vote in their election. As a result, student concerns are largely ignored by city government. Students must change this. They must not only vote, but vote here, showing themselves to city government as a powerful group whose needs must be considered along with all others. Pundits in recent years have commented on the apathy among the American people, be- moaning the fact that such a small number of eligible voters actually go to the polls on Election Day. Unfortunately, this attitude is not uncommon even on a traditionally "activ- ist" campus like the University's. Many feel there is no purpose in voting, that one vote will never make a difference. Yet nothing could be further from the truth. The vote is the most powerful weapon citizens can wield against incompetence or unfair treatment by the government. This is especially true in Ann Arbor, where students have the potential to be a strong and influential constituency. There are still two days left to register for the November election. By registering and voting in Ann Arbor, students can make them- selves known as a force in the city, and can take a giant step to shape the world around them. Daily errs on health care Paying tachers Salary study fails to tell whole story Sportswriter shafts Ivy League To the Daily: In the article "Student Ath- letes -How Wolverines Mea- sure Up" (9/19/94), Scott Bur- ton asserts "The Ivy League schools, which don't offer ath- letic scholarships, finished one through 11 in his (Dr. Jack Gourman's) rankings (of stu- dentathletic graduation rates)." This comes as a surprise to those that know there are only eight Ivy League schools, but Im sure it was just an oversight. He then goes on to editorialize: "However, those schools don't field nationally competitive sports programs, and mostly attract elite scholars who couldn't make it in Division I athletically." Of course any good sports- writer knows that the Ivy League is a Division I athletic conference. I'll forgive him that oversight as well. But I'm sure that the Princeton men's and women's lacrosse teams, both currentNCAA Division I cham- pions, would strongly object to his statements, as would our national champion women's varsity and men's lightweight varsity crew teams. Mr. Burton was obviously not thinking of Princeton's field hockey team, which has been a final four team in the NCAA tournament a few times in the past couple years. Nor did he remember our men's soccer team, a final four team in the most recent NCAA tournament. And I won't even mention the varsity squash team. Interestingly, in the same issue, I learned that Michigan doesn't even have a men's var- sity soccer team. Nor does it seem to have many varsity sports for its size - according to Barron's Profile for American Colleges, Michigan offers only 11 men's and 10 women's var- sity sports for an undergradu- ate population of 22,000. Princeton, with 4500 under- graduates, offers 17 men's and women's varsity sports. That's one-fifth the size and twelve more sports. Who's not com- petitive? Of course, there are other schools in the Ivy League which have teams that certainly "make it in Division I athletically"; I'm sure Harvard is proud of its 1989 NCAA Division I cham- pion hockey team, Columbia could tell you about its national flhamninn fpnrfoin fiAtwan ant i To the Daily: I am writing in response to youreditorial "Health Care: An Obituary" (9/28/94). When I read that health care was get- ting an obituary, I became frightened: I thought Clinton's plan passed in Congress. I was relieved to read of its failure because I may now keep the money I would have had to pay into another government- funded entitlement quagmire. Your editorial was incor- rect on a number of premises. Its first error was its message, namely that our angelic President's health care pana- cea was defeated by insurance companies, big business and Republicans. Wrong! It was defeated by the American people. Now you say that the American people were de- ceived. If ever they were de- ceived, it was during the State of the Union address when Clinton promised reduced costs and more simplicity. Instead, his bill would have raised taxes, reduced the availability of cer- tain life-saving operations through spending caps, elimi- nated incentives to develop new drugs through government con- trol of the pharmaceutical in- dustry, eliminated many spe- cialist training programs (dev- astating New York) in favor of general practitioners, rammed abortion funding down an en- tire nation's throat, and even injected a little affirmative ac- tion into the system where it concerned the training of phy- sicians. Dole's plan, on the other hand, would have reduced costs by putting money directly into the hands of Medicare recipi- ents and not in the hands of inept bureaucrats. Prohibiting discrimination against those suffering from pre-existing con- ditions is an idea most Ameri- cans favor, in contrast with the Clinton plan. Also, Dole's plan would have provided for greaterjob-to-job portability of insurance plans, once again a popularnon-controversial idea. I can't understand why people oppose Dole's plan. Itincorpo- rates the best of the Clinton and Mitchell plans. Dole moved to the center, Clinton moved to the far left and angered Con- gress by not involving them in the creation of his plan. The membersof Hillary's task force were never revealed to the pub- lic. One must wonder why. Since South Africa also lacks the "benefits" of govern-1 ment run health care, I guess no one from that nation has been here this year in search of an operation unavailable un- der a socialized system. Ger- many had acrisis lastyearwhen it was discovered that under its socialized system, blood was not tested for AIDS before it was used in transfusions, all in the name of reducing costs. I mention this because I am fre- quently told that America needs a nice socialized health care system like they have over in Western Europe. Finally, 39 million Ameri- cans do not lack insurance. More than half that number are uninsured for under a year while switching jobs, and many young people who can afford health care decide they don't need it. If Clinton wanted to provide a handout to those with- out insurance, he should have done so. But being power hun- gry, he chose to raise the pre- miums of the rest of the coun- try. This is why the status quo has prevailed for 1994. Ian Goldenberg RC First-year student On the Mexican border near San Diego, the Immigration and Natu- ralization Service (INS) has con- structed a fortress: a complex ob- stacle course designed to keep "un- desirables" away from us. It's a 12-foot high solid steel fence, stretching inland six miles from the ocean. Behind that, banks of blinding, hot lights illuminate the quarter mile from the fence to the outskirts of San Diego. Then there are three lines of border patrol age 8 in trucks equipped with night vision devices. Then there's the moat. It's called Operation Gatekeeper, and in my mind it is a symbol of what our nation has become: a self- ish, tyrant king sparing no expense to keep the peasants away from his palace. In San Diego alone 1,100 guards defend what in reality is just a line on a map, an imaginary border. Less than a year ago, we wel- comed Mexico into our world. The North American Free Trade Agree- ment (NAFT'A) threw open eco- nomic doors to Canada and Mexico. Goods and services now flow freely between the three nations. Produqs and capital cross the border without tariffs or restrictions. We are united as one. But if a Mexican worker-em- ployed in a U.S.-owned production plant and earning wages below a livable rate - wants to follow the jacket or car or calculator that he has assembled to a nation where people can afford such things, he is met with the oh-so-welcoming Opera- tion Gatekeeper. Welcome to America! A nation founded by immigrants, a land of equal opportunity. I think it's the wall that gets me. The 12-foot steel wall. More im- posing than the Berlin Wall, th iron curtain. It is more a symbol of a rift in human interaction than a restriction on a would-be illegal immigrants. Economists and politicians dis- cuss lowering barriers and forging stronger links. They call for build- ing bridges with our neighbors. Yet we're led instead by fear, ignorance and selfishness to build walls. Sti walls. Walls backed up by thou- sands of dollars and trained INS border forces. Do I advocate free immigration? Not necessarily. But I didn't see the California fruit growers complain- ing about Mexicans when the grow- ers went down in search of cheap labor to pick their poisoned (by pesticides) fruit. And itdoesn'tseeh like anyone minds hiring immigrant women to burp babies and scrub floors without vacations, social se- curity benefits or decent wages. Immigrants only become "a problem"when they have been here a while and start to succeed. When they learn English and build com- munities to support one anoth6. When they open businesses and get good jobs. Then they are threats to "Americans." Then we want to throw them out and build walls to prevent their brothers and sisters from joining them. This is OUR America. No one else can have a cut. Does it matter that our nation got to be wealthy by stepping on t e toes of one group after another? Does it mean anything that one of the reasons northern Mexico is poor is because the water from the Rio Grande has all been diverted to "our" side? Does it'mean anything that we got rich off cheap labor and re- sources from Third World coun- tries we exploit? It means nothing. The citizens of those countries can only come here if first they earn $10,000 or get a Ph.D. In California, Florida and Texas, immigration is the biggest issue in (ianhv, ntr aIrnrPaC i 'at Q~C A recent report issued by the American Federation of Teachers (AFT) listed Michigan teachers' salaries as the fifth highest in the nation. When the state's relatively low cost of living is figured in, Michigan's rating jumps to No.1, with an adjusted average salary of $46,991, compared to a paltry, national average of $35,813. Unfortunately, this ranking can be a double- edged sword. While it is good that Michigan's teachers are so well-paid, many will look at the AFT study as an excuse to complain that teachers earn too much. They see teaching as an "easy" job, with summer vacations and short hours. They will use the study as fuel to the fire that has grown in the past several years against the power of teachers' unions. The study must be qualified by several factors. First, over 50 percent of Michigan's teachers hold master's degrees in their fields. In addition, many of the state's teachers are over 40 and have reached the top of their salary schedules. When these teachers retire, the state will have to hire younger, less experienced teachers at lower salaries, and the average figure will drop. Aside from these points, the most impor- tant fact is obvious: the best teachers need to be paid good salaries. Being a teacher is not merely an eight-to-fourjob. Class plans, evalu- ations, homework and test correcting and ev- eryday bureaucratic work takes up many hours not spent in the classroom. Furthermore, the public's tendency to blame teachers for the nation's education problems, the consistent ers. In addition, fewer and fewer college gradu- ates are heading into the teaching profession - a fact that can be attributed in large part to the relatively small salaries teachers take home. When compared to what one with an advanced degree in medicine, law, or the sciences can expect to earn, teaching-even with a master's degree - is clearly not the most lucrative of professions. The drive to obtain world-class education in Michigan must start with attaining the best teachers. The recent ranking of Michigan teach- ers compared to the national average is not as much a positive for Michigan as it is an indict- ment of how poorly compensated teachers are across the country. The number one ranking shows that Michigan is headed in the right direction, but citizens cannot under any cir- cumstances allow the progress strong teacher's unions have made in this state to be eroded. Gov. Engler has recently signed into law a bill limiting teachers unions' collective bargain- ing agreements which will penalize striking teachers and limit bargaining issues. This is a symptom of a dangerous trend, one that must be recognized and stopped for the good of Michigan's students. Teachers, on the whole, are not in the profession for money, appreciation, or sum- mer vacations. They are in it for the love of teaching children and improving the quality of education. Funding education must always be the number one priority in this country. Fund- ing well qualified educators is the first step in I around (never mind that you also field a professional bas- ketball team). A good sports- writer should not forget these things. Maybe he's just a vic- tim of sloppy writing as well as sloppy thinking. In any case, aside from the lone exception of football (a sport, I might add, which was mostly invented by Princeton, Harvard, and Yale), Ivy League sports are often every bit as competitive as Michigan sports, and in many cases, even better. And all this despite the handicap of being "elite scholars" with no athletic scholarships. Go figure. Peter A. Dutton Ann Arbor resident Rivers is best favors fundamentalist politics including a return of prayer to school and the end of all repro- ductive freedom for women. These regressive stances are drastically out of touch with the views of the people of this district and especially the stu- dents at this University. How- ever, this is hardly surprising considering that Mr. Schallhas spent the last 11 years in Wash- ington and not in Michigan. Lynn Rivers, the Demo- cratic candidate, is clearly the' good choice. Ms. Rivers has spent the last decade in service to the community, including the last two years as our state representative. During that time, Rivers has fought hard for pro-choice policies as well I