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Sig Eps turns in charter after sanctions
Daily Staff Reporter
The Alpha chapter of Sigma Phi
Epsilon - sanctioned more than any
Greek body in recent history - took
drastic action Wednesday.
The fraternity turned in its charter.
As now former Sig Eps President
Scott Sandler said, "We're going to
be allowed to live (at the house) as
normal, rent-paying tenants."
The fraternity's problems began
Sept. 4 when a University student al-
most died as aresult of a hazing incident
at the house on 733 S. State St.
Seventeen days ago, Sig Eps fra-
ternity headquarters kicked four mem-
bers out and suspended the fraternity.
Last week, the Greek Activites
Review Panel (GARP) forced the
chapter out of most Interfraternity
Council (IFC) functions for a year.
And now, a month after the hazing
incident, the fraternity that has been in
campus since 1912 is closing for good.
The string of sanctions stem from
an incident in which a 19-year-old
pledge was ordered by a member to
drink dangerous amounts of vodka in
a hazing ritual.
According to police reports, the
LSA sophomore was rushed by am-
bulance to University Hospitals and
treated for alcohol overdose.
Sandler said the fraternity's deci-
sion to dissolve its chapter was made
because, "The IFC's restrictions were
so excessive to the point that it was
going to make it near impossible for
us to function as a fraternity."
He said no other factors contrib-'
uted to the decision. "This was totally
a move that we made on our own
without any pressure from anybody."
The members who live in the house
will continue to reside there. The stu-
dents will hold a strictly tenant-land-
lord relationship with the owner, the
Alpha chapter's alumni board, said
Jacques Vauclain, the Sig Eps director
of chapter and alumni development.
"We're all still friends there and
we're all still close," Sandler said.
"Our brotherhood's very strong and
no action by any type of bureaucratic
organization can ruin that."
He asserted the CARP sanctions
were too harsh. "I just hope that the
IFC Executive Board is satisfied. I
believe that they were out to really
hurt Sigma Phi Epsilon, not help the
Greek system," he said.
A hearing was held by GARP, the
University's Greek judicial branch,
last Friday. It confirmed the IFC Ex-
ecutive Board's charges that the fra-
ternity was responsible for the Sept. 4
hazing incident, unsafe and irrespon-
sible alcohol management and disre-
gard for its members' dignity.
The sanctions banned Sig Eps from
voting in Greek legislative matters,
participating in intramural sports or
inter-Greek activities -such as Greek
Week - and recruiting new mem-
bers through IFC.
"I hope the IFC is not making an
example of our chapter," said
Vauclain. "I believe that if the IFC is
going to hand down the same sanc-
tions to every chapter that is hazing
... they did the right thing."
Sandler said he believes GARP
and IFC are using his fraternity as a
scapegoat for a "campus-wide prob-
lem.... Punishing us is not going to
curb anyone else's actions."
Those sanctions included tempo-
rary suspension of the fraternity, 20
hours of community service for all
members, attendance at educational
programs on hazing and other issues
and weekly meetings with University
Fraternity Coordinator Terry Landes.
Additional sanctions were given to
See SIG EPS, Page 2
After being cited for hazing, Sigma Phi Epsilon is now closed.
Daily Football Writer
Even if Michigan doesn't give a
presidential performance against
Michigan State, the Wolverines will
lable to say they played before a
former president of the United States.
Gerald Ford, a letterwinner for
Michigan from 1932-34, will have
his number retired during halftime
ceremonies tomorrow. His number,
48, is the fifth to be so honored, join-
ing Francis Albert and Alvin Wistert
(No.11), Bennie Oosterbaan (No. 47),
Ron Kramer (No. 87) and Tom
Harmon (No. 98).
* However, the majority of the fo-
cus falls on those still playing for the
No. 7 Wolverines (1-0 Big Ten, 3-1.
overall) as they continue the intrastate
battle with the Spartans (1-0, 2-2)
which began in 1898.
Although neither Michigan coach
Gary Moeller nor Michigan State
ill al tid
For the Daily
It may be worse than mid-terms or
finals combined. It starts with your
friend from out of state who calls
Wednesday night to say, "I think I'd
like to come up for the game."
With two of the biggest football
wdekends quickly approaching, many
students are scrambling to find extra
football tickets. Getting extra student
tickets to games can be frustrating
and costly - but it is possible.
Depending on which game you
:e rivalry
coach George Perles participated in
the inaugural matchup (which the
Wolverines won, 39-0), both know
the importance of this game to their
respective teams.
"It's not a big game, it's a huge
name," Moeller said. "You shouldn't
need a heckuva lot of motivation for
this game."
"We both have a big following,"
Perles said. "And someone's going to
have the opportunity to have a nice
Saturday afternoon."
When the rivals squared off last
October, Michigan had one of its most
unhappy Saturdays in a long time.
The Spartans jumped out to a 17-0
lead and never looked back, as they
completely dominated both sides of
the ball in a 17-7 triumph. Only Der-
rick Alexander's spectacular touch-
down grab preventeda Michigan shut-
See FOOTBALL, Page 7
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Senate urges removal
of troops from Haiti
The Washington Post
yesterday overwhelmingly urged a
"prompt and orderly withdrawal" of
American troops from Haiti, but set
no deadline for the pullout of U.S.
forces from the Caribbean nation. The
vote was 91 to 8.
A more partisan House debated
into the night, arguing over three al-
ternative stances on when the un-
popular military occupation should
conclude. A procedural advantage was
held by a Democratic resolution that
would set a "soft" deadline of March
1, when the United Nations would
take over and direct a peacekeeping
President Clinton could unilater-
ally extend the operation beyond the
timetable in the resolution.
The Senate's nonbinding resolu-
tion criticized Clinton for not seeking
congressional approval before dis-
patching American troops, but did
not constrain the mission or limit its
duration. Nor did it authorize the oc-
cupation, after the fact, or define the
operation as being in the national in-
terests of the United States.
"The President should have sought
and welcomed congressional approval
before deploying United States Armed
Forces to Haiti," the resolution said.
It also praised Clinton for lifting
the U.S. embargo on Haiti and seek-
ing an end to the international trade
ban. The departure of Haiti's military
dictators and Haitian efforts to pro-
mote democracy were deemed "in the
best interests of the Haitian people."
The resolution called for a series
of detailed reports to Congress on the
progress of the operation, starting in a
week with a statement on the mission's
objectives, including a "detailed de-
scription of United States policy, the
military mission and the general rules
of engagement."
While votes came from both sides
of the aisle, many Democrats as well
as Republicans voiced misgivings
about the operation and warned the
administration that it could face stron-
ger action from Congress if the mis-
sion exceeds its current bounds and
troops are not withdrawn soon. Five
Democrats and three Republicans
opposed the resolution.
If the U.S. role is not limited and if
Haitian President Jean-Bertrand
Aristide authorizes retribution or fails
to provide amnesty or democratic
leadership, "the U.S. Congress will
take a different view in the months to
come," Senate Armed Services Com-
mittee Chair Sam Nunn (D-Ga.) said.
The Senate resolution, a compro-
mise drafted by Majority Leader
George J. Mitchell, D-Maine, Minor-
ity Leader Robert J. Dole (R-Kan.),
Nunn and other leaders of both par-
ties, sidestepped contentious issues
in order to win wide bipartisan sup-
port and avoid more partisan discord
over Haiti.
But the caution drew some com-
plaints. "We cannot hide behind what
are virtually toothless, hortatory reso-
lutions and claim that we have thereby
lived up to our constitutional duties,"
said Sen. Robert C. Byrd (D-W.Va.).
FRAPH head
paid by CIA,
sources say
The Washington Post
"Toto" Constant, the head of Haiti's
notoriously brutal paramilitary group
known as FRAPH, secretly provided
information to U.S. intelligence of-
ficers during a period when his group
allegedly was involved in commit-
ting human rights abuses, knowledge-
able U.S. sources said yesterday.
Constant was paid by the CIA for
giving the intelligence officers infor-
mation about opposition to Haitian
President Jean-Bertrand Aristide
shortly after Aristide was ousted in a
September 1991 coup. The CIA
dropped Constant last spring after the
agency decided he no longer was a
trustworthy source.
Constant's group has been blamed
by human rights groups for killing
hundreds of supporters of Aristide in
Haiti in late 1993 and early 1994.
Constant also is credited by U.S. offi-
cials with organizing the demonstra-
tion by armed men that drove off a
U.S. troop-carrying ship, the USS
Harlan County, from a Haitian port
last October, an act that embarrassed
the Clinton administration and put off
the U.S. military intervention there.
Senior U.S. officials denied that
See HAITI, Page 2
gets make big bucks
need extra tickets for, the prices can
be outrageous. "It can be annoying to
pay 75 bucks for a student ticket,"
said LSA sophomore Rachel Kent.
Many other students feel this way,
but with most home games selling out
early, student ticket sellers are one of
the few options available.
There's just one problem. It is
illegal to resell student tickets. De-
spite this fact, flyers advertising tick-
ets for sale are posted all over cam-
LSA first-year student Stacey
Schulte said she would have been
willing to pay $100 for an extra ticket
to the Michigan State game.
Schulte said she would have paid
this high price because she "can't
wait to see the look on my boyfriend's
face when his beloved Spartans lose
to Michigan."
Many students like Schulte have
rivalries with friends from Michigan
State University and are willing to
pay big bucks so their friends can hear
"Hail to the Victors" live.
See TICKETS, Page 7
Daily Staff Reporter
Naomi Wolf, feminist author of
the bestselling book "The Beauty
Myth," raised issues of feminist ac-
tivism in a packed auditorium last
Wolf spoke at the School of Edu-
cation Building about her latest book,
"Fire with Fire," which attempts to
$te all women under the common
fight against inequality, and put aside
the disagreements over partisan is-
sues such as abortion rights to assume
political power.
"We forget that women of all races
are not a minority, we are the majority
author Wolf rejects idea of men as enemy
we make up ... 51 percent of the
population. We can use this power to
force those in control to give us our
rights, whether they like it or not," she
In her book, Wolf claims that the
Anita Hill-Clarence Thomas hearings
sparked a reaction in women which
she termed the "genderquake." This
response enabled them to use their
power as a majority in the 1992 elec-
Wolf also talked about the reasons
why so many women today reject
feminism. She said she traveled
around the country and found that
most women embraced feminism
when it had been defined as a move-
ment to gain equality.
"But when it read as a checklist
of attitudes put together by other
people, where you had to swallow
the whole package or not be al-
lowed to join the club, many felt
alienated," she said.
She discussed the many views
taken by other feminist writers, re-
jecting what she termed "victim femi-
nism," where hardships women en-
dure reduce their ability to fight op-
"In the '80s it was more popular
and possible for women to beg for fair
treatment because they'd been hurt
than to demand equality on the basis
that they are human beings," she said.
She also rejected the view that all
men are the enemy.
"Many (feminists) have come to
believe that the penis is the enemy,"
she said. "But there are a lot of
women who go home after a hard
day's work and believe the penis is
their friend."
Wolf said this sort of rhetoric
breaks her heart and is a misuse of
power equal to that of the oppressors.
To prove her point, she described a
letter she received from a 16-year-old
male sexual assault victim who had
gone to a victim's support group.
"The facilitator said, 'this group is
for the victims, not the victimizers.'
(The boy) said he went out of there
and almost committed suicide," she
Women's Studies Department
Director Abigail Stewart said what is
"most important is that (Wolf) will
stimulate discussion about these is-
sues and that is what we need to move
things forward."
Indeed, Wolf's speech generated
some debate.
LSA senior Shannon Jackson said
she was disappointed with Wolf's lat-
est theories.
See WOLF, Page 2
Wolf's speech sparks debate.
Missing woman seen
near US-23, police say
By VAHE TAZIAN to the whereabouts of McGowan.
For the Daily Now, according to Lt. R.J. Smith of
Fervor for community service
replaces radical activism.
No suspects in Diag stabbing
Biker, bystanders
may have seen 'U'
employee stabbed
beaten and robbed under the West
Engineering arch on the southeast
corner of the Diag.
Warner was discovered walking
to Mason Hall by a State Security
of the two male suspects.
"If anybody has any information,
we would appreciate it if they would
report it," Smiley said, noting that the
department "is still trying to develop