4 - The Michigan Daily - Wednesday, October 5, 1994 bz £d:P aIg 420 Maynard Ann Arbor, MI 48109 Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan Jessie Halladay Editor in Chief Samuel Goodstein Flint Wainess Editorial Page Editors Unless otherwise noted, unsigned editorials reflect the opinion of a majority of the Daily's editorial board. All other articles, letters, and cartoons do not necessarily reflect the opinion of The Michigan Daily. 'There was this feeling that the judgments were too harsh or too lenient.' - LSA assistant dean David Schoem, commenting on the recent changes in the academic judiciary WHAIT Do YOU EXPFCT To 1E IN LE I F YoU SMoKE THE MAYOR OF 7.C.. -, / iILY Line-Item budgets Proposal would handicap 'U's ability to collect Michigan state Sen. Jack Welborn (R- Kalamazoo) has proposed a resolution that would require the University and other state-funded schools to submit more detailed accounts of their budgets to the Legislature in the future. In addition, several legislators are clamoring for the right to a line-item veto over University appropriations. Right now, state-funded schools only need to report to the state their income and their expenditures - although each year the Uni- versity publicly releases a relatively detailed account of their spending. Changing the crite- ria for funding state-supported schools would require an amendment to the Michigan Con- stitution. This amendment would bring in- creased bureaucracy to the government as well as to the University. Giving the state more control over what and where the University can spend its money would prove disastrous. Ostensibly, this measure would increase accountability when the legislature evaluates appropriations to the University. Yet this amendment came about because of President Duderstadt's salary. Duderstadt makes $206,070 per year, which is well over the $139,276 average salary of the top executives at Michigan's 15 public schools. But if one takes a look nationally, Duderstadt is not over- paid. U.S. News and World Report ranks the University 21st nationwide, however Presi- dent Duderstadt's salary is not in the top 25 salaries for university executives in the coun- try. If this amendment is enacted, the Univer- sity will have to produce accounts of their budget down to the most minuscule detail. That is, a more than two billion dollar budget could become mired in questions of ten cent copies. To do this the University would prob- ably have to hire a staff to make sure that every expenditure is put down on paper. Besides the fact that this is next to impossible to do, hiring this staff would be a waste of taxpayer dollars. Giving the Legislature a line-item veto over the University's budget would hand each state locality a stick to whack away at the larger goals of higher education. The Legisla- ture could withdraw funding from each cat- egory that it feels is unnecessary or overpaid, without knowing or understanding the impli- cation of its actions on the operations of the University. The cost to go to college today is rising every year. University tuition continues to rise well above the rate of inflation. If the state government has the ability to hack away at each dollar and cent the University spends, the result will clearly be a decrease in state appro- priations to the University. The result: tuition costs will continue to skyrocket. Public schools need discretion in deciding how they will divide up their money. A line- item veto would politicize the appropriations process, and leave an already financially strapped University starving for more. Ant 1 mm igrant fervor California's Prop. 187 would be a disaster This November Californians will be voting on a controversial anti-immigration mea- sure. Listed on the ballot as Proposal 187, it will ban illegal immigrants from California's social service system. This means a large segment of the population will be denied gov- ernment aided housing, food programs, health care and most questionably, education. rGenerally, this page would not feel it nec- essary to comment on a ballot initiative in California. But this misguided solution to a very real problem represents a new wave in' a historical trend that has haunted Americans since the inception of the Republic. In short, it says that many Americans have not yet learned that economic insecurity need not translate into ant-immigrant hatred. There is no doubt that immigrants do ben- efit from social services provided by the gov- ernment. But what is often forgotten is that this is not the main reason immigrants flock to the United States. More often then not they come in search of higher paying jobs. To cut services to illegal aliens would do little to quell their migration; the jobs would still be here and they would still come. Even though California may have a better welfare system then many other states it is far from the only state with an illegal alien problem. There are higher paying jobs in Texas, Florida and New York City, to name just a few, and the illegal immigration prob- lems in these states continue to soar. Cutting social services to undocumented residents is not going to stop, or even signifi- cantly slow, illegal immigration. It is jobs these people are after, not government aid. Besides the futility of this proposal in halt- ing the illegal immigration problem it will have a serious negative impact on American society. Imagine the long term effects of no education for illegal immigrant children. How are they to become contributing members of our society if they are denied necessary tools? Imagine no pre- and post-natal care for illegal immigrant's children, no vaccinations, no Head Start. Even if this proposal did allow for education these children would have a road block to success before they even reached school age because of services denied to their mothers. Imagine the more immediate repercussions of Proposal 187. Children, denied both the structure and daily activity that school pro- vides, will be far more likely to engage in criminal activities and gangs. The homeless problem is bound to increase. Both shelters and soup kitchens will be further taxed by those who are unable to get back on their feet without the aid of government services. A problem many Californians find too visible already will become all the more so. Furthermore, this proposal is blatantly un- constitutional. The Supreme Court ruled twelve years ago that all children, even illegal aliens, are entitled to an education. Not surprisingly, 187 has become a key issue in California's gubernatorial race and its support is clearly divided along party lines. The incumbent Republican Governor, Pete Wilson, harboring presidential aspirations, strongly supports this measure as a way to slow the swarm of immigrants to his state. His Democratic opponent, Kathleen Brown, who correctly supports border and work permit policing as more effective measures, vehe- mently opposes 187. Proposal 187 represents a new and highly disturbing trend in anti-immigration legisla- tion. Although intended to discourage adults from illegally entering the United States, it not only fails to address the main lure, better jobs, but it will not even punish the adults that cross the border. Instead it will punish innocent children and in the long run the whole of American society will feel the renercussions. 'Sex is just sex' To the Daily: I am appalled by Sarah Stewart's review of Erotique in last Wednesday's Daily. Imag- ine my surprise when I discov- ered that I am one of those viewers "offended by the stigma of pornography but ... none- theless curious about sex on the big screen." Sorry, Sarah. I liked the movie, and I am neither generally offended by pornog- raphy nor in need of satisfying curiosity about sex on the big screen (or anywhere else). In fact, I suspect you may be "projecting," if I may bor- row a term from the psycholo- gists. You seem convinced that humor and sex are somehow mutually exclusive, and it seems to bother you that the movie is guilty of "unintentionally" (?) inducing laughter. That is, un- fortunately, the viewpoint that most Hollywood movies, porno flicks and romance novels take. The movie in part was an inter- national spoof on those genres, but I guess you just missed that. To think that Lizzie Borden (and the unmistakable Susie Bright) are aiming just to titil- late you with masturbation is absurd. It is equally absurd to consider "Voodoo Parlor" as anything but a black comedy, Propaganda at the Fermi H power plant To the Daily: As I read the October 3 article on the protest of reopen- ing the Fermi II power plant, I was shocked to find that Uni- versity students, who are noted for their intelligence and abil- ity to think for themselves, had bought into the propaganda and scare tactics of these groups in their attempt to shut down not only a perfectly sound power plant but one that has negli- gible impact to the environ- ment compared to other more mainstream forms of energy. With sulfur and carbon mon- oxide emissions from other power sources contributing to acid rain and global warming, as well as the countless other industries which have a real, tangible impact on the envi- ronment, itis a shame thatthese people would waste their time and effort trying to shut down a perfectly sound, environmen- with the attendant exaggeration and foreshadowing. It is sup- posed to be funny, unless you wish to believe that somewhere in Germany lesbian couples really are blowing up would-be male lovers. Ironically, you manage to recognize humor as intentional exactly where it becomes com- plex and painful. "Wonton Soup's" acrobatic sex scene actually stresses the point that the male character finds sex to be the cure for the alienation in his relationship. In order to bridge a serious culture gap, his best answer is "Chinese sex - the scene moves quickly from humor to discomfort and then to tragedy as it becomes apparent that passion and com- munication really are absent. It is ultimately tragic to me that you found humor to be such a detriment to the movie. It says a lot about this society that so many become unglued when sex is treated with irrev- erence and amusement. Check out the Kama Sutra sometime and try to convince yourself that they weren't laughing as they came up with all of those positions. Lighten up and enjoy your- self: Erotique is just a movie, and sex is just sex. Cynthia Mason Rackham/Michigan Business School tally safe power plant which does absolutely nothing to dis- rupt the natural order of things in southeastMichigan. Itis time to stop beating up the one source of emission free power that we have in southeast Michigan while turning our back on the real dangers being pumped into the atmosphere by the ton by other industries. I support alternative forms of energy, and as soon as ger- bils on a tread mill ora solarcell the size of Minnesota is fea- sible, I will back it 100 percent. However, short of giving up the electricity that this society has come to rely upon, right now, nuclear energy is the most environmentally safe form of energy that we have that can be used on the scale that we need. Don't give in to these pro- paganda scare tactics that these groups preach. As with any- thing else, explore all options before making a decision. One of these days, these groups are going to regret the fact that they didn't. Steven Shannon Engineering Senior Sigma Phi flyer not meant to be sexist To the Daily: As the Head of House of the Sigma Phi Society I have chosen to write this letter on behalf of our organization solely to extend our apology regarding a rush flyer posted on campus for this fall's rush. Our apology is warranted for a few reasons. 1) The flyer was in no way an accurate representation of our house's attempts to make a public appeal to rushees, or of the views of our membership. 2) The flyer was not ap- proved by the house as a whole for posting, nor was it created by the house as a whole, but by one member who did not in- tend to create a sexist depiction of either gender. 3) The flyer was an attempt t6 express creativity, and any offense incurred by it was not only unintended, but is ex- tremely regretted. I, the rest of Sigma Phi, and the flyer creator want to extend a sincere apology to all those who saw or heard about the advertisement. The depiction on it was in fact a man and a slogan, both taken from acloth- ing ad, and the creator of the flyer was not intending to do anything other than make an eye-catching ad for rush. This memb'er has been in- formed of his errors in judge- mentand steps havebeentaken to educate ourmembership and prevent anything like this from reoccurring. I would also like to add that our flyer was an 8.5 by 11 piece, and the 17 by 11 ads on campus were a reaction created by individuals not as- sociated with Sigma Phi. Once again, we offer our apologies, and would appreci- ate any concerns to be directly addressed to the Sigma Phi or me. Brian Gelb, Head of House Sigma Phi Society Class picture would have been more appropriate To the Daily: We are extremely upset that the tragic death of a member of the University community was reported in such a callous man- ner. From me, the Overgrad, to you, the Undergrad OH, DEAR GOD! another Introductory Column, as if we haven't had our fill already. More la-di-dah prattle that allows the latest scribbler to greet His/Hers/ Its Reading Public. And let's be sure we hit ALL the bases, lest the Daily be picketed by the Neu- tered Columnists Action Front. I won't fool myself for one little minute with the notion how- ever appealing that you dearread- ers will rush out to buy this paper just to see what the Old Hippo has to say about whatever mess he's got himself into this week. Nice thought, though. Mind you, if there are such as that out there, why not just pop off to Village Corner and see Dick Scheer. He knows my taste in wines (Canadian) and cigars (long and cheap). I'm always open to a spot of fan-mail, espe- cially with a consumable at- tached. Avis and I might even share it with you, provided you're legal. Not to be called a Cynical SOB ('tho I may well be one), I may as well lay my cards on the table. This is a good spot of expo- sure for the working satirical nov- elist like Hippo. One book fin- ished and in the marketplace, another about 70 percent, and numerous short stories under my belt, well, the thought of trying my hand at making people laugh, or giving them the opportunity at the least, is too good to pass by. "Putting all the goods in the shop window," it's called. Well, what the hell can you expect? To be fair and frank, don't hold your breath for the sensitive and politically correct stance on much of anything. I call 'em as I sees 'em. As an old- fashioned liberal ofthe early '70's model, I enjoy a good laugh, at my expense, and at pretty much anybody else's. As a species, we're pretty ridiculous, I think. After all, there are some who take Rush Limbaugh seriously. I'm not sure he believes half of what he says. And as far as Literati are con- cerned, maybe aging and gray- ing Baby-Boomers are in style. Witness "The Bridges of Madi- son County." And you know, Sunshine, that Johnny Depp and Winona Ryder WON'T be mak- ing THAT movie, unless it's the remake in 25 years or so. At the ripe old age of ... I shudder at the thought ... a few weeks shy of... 42,1 don't think I'm such an Old Fudd, yet. And I know a few Young Fudds, I'm glad to say. What I hope to get across to you, is that I want to pass on to you Undergrads afew points from us Overgrads, and have a good time as we do it. Passing,kicking and scream- ing into Middle Age, I'm coming to realize that some of you could have been my own kids, had I not been so hopeless with the girls circa. 1971-1972. More than just work with you at the University as a staffer, assisting you to use Library facilities better, I should serve as a model. An adult to emulate. To learn from. To look up to. Or perhaps as a horrid ex- ample, to be avoided at all costs. 01 Sq 01 0O 01 S S 6