4 - The Michigan Daily -- Tuesday, October 4, 1994 aIe id46u Fig ttt:9 t 'Defeating the President's health care plan was the most positive thing that this Congress did. I'm proud of our role in it.' - Republican Senator Phil Gramm 420 Maynard Ann Arbor, MI 48109 Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan Jessie Hallady Editor in Chief Samuel Goodstein Flint Wainess Editrial Page Editors The trials and tribulations of Generation X Unless otherwise noted, unsigned editorials reflect the opinion of a majority of the Daily's editorial board. All other articles, letters, and cartoons do not necessarily reflect the opinion of The Michigan Daily. A future vision for the 'U' Duderstadt ignores important ideas for students __ ON THE SET LOP HE NEE ''oHN WAYN b t T T 7 0 RNo { L ! NN j5 R / ACS s o i1 SAID V 1 1 h ese are frenetic times for the University. It is expanding and changing a great deal. These are also turbulent times. So much is "happening so fast that no one can say how it will all turn out. In a speech last week, Presi- dent James J. Duderstadt launched his vision _.,f what the University should look like in the coming years. In his proposed plans for the future, there were many promising ideas, but they dwell mainly on organizational changes. President Duderstadt sees a future which continues the excellence that has been achieved to date. He points out the architectural projects that have been undertaken, the great techno- logical strides the University has made and the movement toward interdisciplinary studies. He sees the University of the future as a world wide University, with projects around the globe. Even more striking, he grasps the ne- cessity of the University moving away from being a traditional physical entity, and em- bracing the wonders and possibilities of cyberspace. With the help of new computer technology, the University can be anywhere, anytime and accessible to everyone who chooses to give to and take from it. Unfortunately, the cost of excellence is rising, and how the school will pay for these changes is a tremendous challenge. State ap- propriations to the University have generally fallen in the past 15 years, and the University .must deal with this if it continues to grow. As part of the solution, Duderstadt cited the Cam- paign for Michigan, an effort to get more money from private donations. President Duderstadt's vision includes many interesting ideas. A movement toward interdisciplinary studies is a great idea, very much in keeping with the fact that this is not a vocational school, but one whose mission is to turn out educated, independent individuals. Moreover, these are tough times in the job market, and a diverse education has become almost a necessity. Better computer technol- ogy may also improve the quality of life and education here, to a degree. But there are other values, more abstract but no less essential, which Duderstadt has failed to address. For one, computers can only take us so far. The President should bear in mind that the corner- stone of this University resides in its people - no monitor can substitute for the relationship that can flourish between student and teacher. Duderstadt should also remember that stu- dents are paying a substantial amount of money to go to school here. As it stands now, the average middle class family has a difficult time affording an adequate college education. With tuition increases mounting annually, this dilemma is only getting worse. The University must actively search to find alternative sources for funding instead of continuously turning to students' pockets. The most important item that President Duderstadt left out, though, is the concept of safety. Safety in a physical sense, but even more important, intellectual safety. The inde- pendent thinker needs to have the freedom to explore and express his or her views unhin- dered. This means ending restrictions of as- sembly on the Diag. It also translates to putting an end to the scourge of political correctness that acts as a cancer on academic life - exempting inquisitive student and faculty alike from this group think. President Duderstadt is right. These are exciting times for the University, and the future looks very bright indeed. But the chal- lenge of change is very hard to meet, and if we are to do so, he and the University need to broaden their vision. The key thing to keep in mind here is the people. Always the people. O.J., jury selection and the legal system By K.L. HOFFER This week in Los Angeles, jury selection began in the mur- der trial of O.J. Simpson. Fed by enormous media attention, men and women across the country have been talking about and thinking about this case since Nicole Brown Simpson and her friend Ronald Goldman were found murdered this spring. Being in the spotlight no doubt makes every step in this case more challenging for the parties involved, from the vic- tims' relatives to the lawyers on Simpson's defense team. Theirchallenges, however, will provide us with rich opportu- nities to examine the ways in which our courts and our coun- trymen and women deal with the many difficult issues that this case raises. Jury selection, forexample. Ideally, prosecutors and defense lawyers would work together to select a jury of in- telligent men and women, people with compassion enough to feel for both victim and defendant, and level- headed enough to listen in a non-biased manner to the evi- dence put before them; people who would understand that it is the prosecutor's burden to prove guilt beyond a reason- able doubt, and who would be Hoffer is a Law student. able to determine if that had been done or not. Realistically, howeverjury selection will be a battle be- tween opposing teams, to se- lect individuals who will be sympathetic (or biased, if you will) more towards one side than the other. In an adversarial system (where the lawyer's personal ego enhancement is often as much of an incentive to win as is the securing of jus- tice), we can only hope that the legal adversaries in this case are evenly matched, and closely monitored, so that the jury se- lected will be as fair as pos- sible. As you think and talk about the jury selection pro- cess, think about whether you would make a 'good' jury mem- ber... do you even know what that means? Does impartiality require ignorance or a genetic predisposition against forming opinions? Do you think some- one who is concerned with do- mestic violence, or thinks there are a lotof racists in L.A., would automatically make a bad jury member? The jury that is eventually selected will be asked to con- sider only the evidence and the arguments the prosecution and defense teams are legally en- titled to set before them, and come to ajudgement about only one thing-namely, whether Mr. Simpson is guilty of mur- der or not. I believe that it is incumbent upon us, as mem- bers of the American public, to examine much more than just what we are fed by the lawyers in this case, and think about much more than whether or not weareconvincedofO.J.'sguilt or innocence. To begin with, we should all be thinking critically about this case as occurring in the context of a society that has been all too willing to punish black men's supposed trans- gressions against white women, and at the same time been practically unwilling to punish any man for violence done to his girlfriend, lover or wife. As the O.J. Simpson case unfolds over the next few months, I hope that every American who thinks about the case will attempt to examine the judgements that they have already made, as well as the issues they have neglected to think about. And as the soundbites proliferate, I hope that we can all take a hard look at everything that is said, with a full awareness that both the prosecution and the defense would like to convince us that this is a simple case, when in fact it is incredibly complex, and full of thorny issues that may be easier to neglect in the short run, but will come back to haunt us for as long as we leave them unattended. The headline, tucked away at the bottom of page five, confirmed all of my worst fears. "Young Americans find UFOs much more plausible than Social Security," it read. Yep, that's our generation, I thought,cynical and butt-stupid. But much like the Generation X stereotypes, the finding was more complex than that. A survey of 18 to 34-year-olds showed that about 9% believe that Social Security will have the money to pay their retirement benefits. On the other hand, 46% believe in UFOs. Either young people are losing faith in government and life in general, or we've all been watching a little too much Star Trek. ("I sense distrust, cynicism, and grunge clothing," says Counselor Cleavage - uh, I mean Troi. "En- gage," says the captain. "We must reach Planet MTV before Pearl Jam tickets sell out.") Cynicism was once seen as unde- sirable, asign that you'd fallen asleep in class the day they explained the social graces of cheerfulness and not complaining. Butlately a lotof people are losingfaith in our leaders. Survey after survey reports that voters don't trust the politicians they vote for. And the GenX fear that we won't live to see our Social Security dollars is a valid concern. The demographics charts since World War it look like a4 snake that swallowed a bowling ball - as the Baby Boomers age, a bulge of population goes with them. Ac- cording to the Congressional Budget Office, annual benefits will exceed receipts by the year 2029. Unless the system is changed, we'll see a system which is no more than generational robbery. But you've probably heard all of those arguments before - that our generation has been thrown into the trash heap of history, never being the right age at the right time. The prob- lem is we don't realize the situation, and even if we did, I'm not sure anyone would care enough to put down the remote and do something. We have seen very few examples of constructive change, and so many examples of failure, waste and politi- cians' endless boastful blathering. Our lifetimes are a progression of bad decades: Watergate, bellbottoms, disco, arms talks, hostages, gas lines, plane crashes, Wall Street crooks, greed-as-a-virtue, Ronald Reagan, Geraldo, Iran-contra, Ollie North, Tonya Harding andthe Salad Shooter. We've watched untold hours of television - and seen next to noth- ing happen in the world. The televi- sion news programs we've grown up on are masters at turning absolutely nothing into a pre-empting news event. The Baby Boomers saw Lee Harvey Oswald shot on live televi- sion. We saw O.J. Simpson toddlingi down the freeway at 45 mph on live television. They got Vietnam. We got little nasty skirmishes in Iraq, Haiti, Somalia, and Panama. They saw the sexual double standard fall apart and hemlines rise to just below women's derrieres. We saw the re- turn of flannel to the world fashion scene. What we do see on television is that our generation is the root of all evil. On April 30, 1994, for instance, the three top stories on my local TV station in Dallas were the enforce- ment of a youth curfew which made it illegal for someone under 16 to be out after 10pm, a 19-year-old who had killed her parents hoping to in- herit their money, and a report issued by the FBI finding that all crime was down in all major categories save one: murders committed by people under the age of 15. "Today's young people," said a commentator, "are maturing into a generation of kill- I"' .n .I 1 I. Ip Senate obstructionism Highly partisan Congress Bob Dole has been quoted as saying, "we kind of wonder sometimes, what we're doing here." As this year's congressional ses- sion closes up before midterm elections, America is thinking the same thing. Not in recent memory has there been a more disap- pointing and disillusioning end to Congress. These last few months have been a virtual parade of pork barrel politics, blatant obstruc- tionism and partisan finger pointing by both sides. Of the major bills being considered in the early spring, only the crime bill has passed across the president's desk to be signed into law. The end result is shameful: Campaign Finance reform, dead; Health Care Reform, dead; environmental legislation, dead; and GATT, pending (barely). The United States Congress has never been a role model for the perfect legislative body. Congress can frequently be a down right sleazy place. The usual partisan rhetoric and bickering has always been a cornerstone to congressional politics. And this being a tight election year has amplified interparty animos- ity. But what has made this year especially poor has been the use of piddling procedural votes to blatantly obstruct any sort of final vote on the issues that are important. Bob Dole and his band of cronies went out of their way to rob Clinton of any sort of victory on Health Care Reform this year. In the middle of the summer, he was enthusiastic about passing minor re- form when the White House was pushing for major reform. When Clinton acquiesced and neglects the people reform. "Take it slow," he warned. But Health Care has been on the minds of Capital Hill since the 1960's. It can't get any slower. The Crime Bill is another example. The NRA lobbied so ferociously to block any ban on weapons that, at many times, the bill looked completely doomed. To think that one organi- zation could wield so much power to effec- tively shut down the Senate leaves one to wonder. In the end, the Crime Bill had been so picked apart, it's passing was largely sym- bolic, and the American people received a watered down bill. They deserve better. In the wake over the bickering of Health Reform, a slew of beneficial environmental legislation has been left languishing. Most of the bills have fragile coalitions of supporters that could pass them now. But with the season nearly over and neither side willing to budge, waiting until next year could mean the demise of the more promising bills. Last, we come to GATT. The good Senator Ernest Hollings (D-SC) has used his influence to bottle up GATT in his committee for the full 45 days he's allowed, thereby killing the glo- bal trade agreement for the normal congres- sional season. A furious President Clinton has told congress it will have to reconvene for a "lame-duck" session after the elections. Hope- fully, with election pressures gone, congress will reverse this year's dismal record and pass GATT. For a bill that all major economists say will be a huge bonus to our economy, we hope the nrovincial Mr.Hollings and all the other fat I Sexism in the Greek system To the Daily: I am glad that fraternities and sororities are aware that sexism is still a problem within the Greek system ("Fraterni- ties defendants in lawsuits" 9/ 30/94). However, the statement by Terry Landes, IFC advisor ("Greek life..." and "Greeks 'rush'..." 9/30/94) that "Men are competitive by nature, whereas with women, the role of rush is to keep everyone even" and the idea that "...women are more structured, the men have survival of the fittest, in a positive way" show exactly how far the Greek sys- tem still has to go in its' battle against sexism. It seems to me that the Greek system seems to be nurturing dinosaurs like Mr. Landes rather than selecting the most fitto survive in today's society. Devnrah Adler media representative of this out- standing university throw about half of this nation's people into a stereotype earned by a few neurotic murderers. I guess as Mr. Lasser would have it, we should also blame all Jews for the Hebron massacre, all men for the execution of Joan of Arc, etc., etc. Let's not be fas- cists and try a little tolerance for the diversity which makes this university so great. Bill Malone LSA Junior In Defense of the Mongolian Barbecue To the Daily: In response to your restau- rant review of the Mongolian Barbecue in the September 29th weekend section, have you ever worked in a restaurant? It sounds as though you have no clue how a restaurant is run. I think that this is the first time vnn hnvp -v r C in th fen ing a restaurant, especially one with unique qualities, that re- quires staffing that allows em- ployees to interact with the customers. If this is a help yourself, create-your-own-stir-fry place, then you must control the spices? Don't blame the res- taurant if your chicken was fla- vorless. After your second trip to the food bar, the reviewer mentioned to "Call the fire de- partment," again putting blame on the Barbecue when she put two spoonfuls of Cajun and one spoonful of Cayenne in her food. The wait staff advises all patrons to watch out for the spices that begin with "C". If you're worried about feel- ing awkward while on a date despite the venue, maybe you should blame your date and not the restaurant. The Barbecue provides a fun, spontaneous atmosphere allowing the cus- tomers to feel comfortable dur- ing their visit. Any awkward- ness produced may be due to you lack of self-esteem. I felt this article to be dis- tasteful and poorly written. 01 I i I