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October 01, 1994 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1994-10-01

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One hundred four years of editorial freedom

,Duderstadt predicts changes to grad students

Daily Staff Reporter
Setting a broad vision for the fu-
ture, President James J. Duderstadt
said the University is moving to break
down traditional boundaries in an ef-
fort to change the way that students
"I think that one can make the case
that (today's) University is better,
stronger, more vital and a more excit-
ing place," Duderstadt told a group of
graduate students Friday afternoon.
Sig Eps
for hazing
Sigma Phi Epsilon
has been suspended
! from activities
sponsored by the
I nterfraternity
Council for 1 year
Daily Staff Reporter
The Greek Activities Review Panel
(CARP), the University's Greek judi-
cial branch, smacked Sigma Phi Epsi-
*on with a new set of sanctions Friday,
to be added to the sanctions already
made by its national headquarters for a
hazing incident that occurred Sept. 4 at
the fraternity, according to a report
GARP issued last night.
The chapter has been suspended
from the Interfraternity Council (IFC)
for one year. That means it is banned
from voting in Greek legislative mat-
ers, participating in intramural sports
r inter-Greek activities (such as
Greek Week) and recruiting new mem-
bers through IFC.
Steve Townsend, GARP's co-
chair, said he believes these sanctions
will result in "there being a decrease
in interest in rushing that house" that
will give Sig Eps "some time to re-
consider how they do things inter-
" Sig Eps President Scott Sandler
said he thought the sanctions were
excessive. "I think it's very harsh,"
he said. "I don't think its purpose is to
improve us or to improve the Greek
system as a whole.
"I think it's just a punitive mea-
sure to do nothing more than to pun-
ish the entire fraternity."
GARP declared after more than
wo hours of deliberation that Sig Eps
See GARP, Page 2

He said the University has a more
diverse student and faculty body,
lower administrative costs and a larger
fund-raising effort than many of its
peer institutions.
"We are competing with the best
and the brightest."
Unfortunately, he said, the rules
of the game are changing and the
University and other schools must
adapt to its new environment - less
state funding, a racially diverse
workforce, increased globalization

and the information age.
"What we think of as the Univer-
sity may not be able to serve our
rapidly changing society," he said.
"The 90s are a time of change in
higher education that is almost un-
Duderstadt said the University has
already glimpsed into the future in a
number of ways.
The University is moving into a
global market. University-sponsored
research and development takes place

"We attract students and faculty
from around the world," he said.
Duderstadt said technology is
changing the way people learn by
making information more readily
available to students. He said the uni-
versity of the future will be partially a
"cyberspace university."
"There will be a component of the
University that will be in the Ether(net)
- that will be virtual," he said.

U.S., Japan
strike deal to.
open markets


Los Angeles Times
WASHINGTON - In a dramatic
end to a tense round of trade diplo-
macy, the United States and Japan
reached a series of agreements Satur-
day that Clinton administration offi-
cials said would crack open the lucra-
tive Japanese market for four major
U.S. industries and generate billions
of dollars in new exports.
Twenty hours of overnight nego-
tiations, concluded only minutes be-
fore senior Japanese officials were
about to return to Tokyo, produced
surprising breakthroughs in every area
under discussion with one significant
exception: The two sides could not
come to terms over autos and auto
parts. These exports account for two-
thirds of America's $60-billion an-
nual trade deficit with Japan.
With no progress achieved on au-
tomotive issues - a senior trade offi-
cial said the Japanese "weren't ready
to be serious" - U.S. Trade Repre-
sentative Mickey Kantor said he
would take steps that could lead to the
imposition of sanctions on Japan. The
penalties, if imposed, would be in-
tended to force Japan to increase its
limited purchases of replacementparts
made in the United States.
Japan s top government spokes-
man, Chief Cabinet Secretary Kozo
Igarashi, said in Tokyo that the U.S.

decision to take steps toward sanc-
tions over the auto parts issue "is
extremely regrettable."
"Japan hopes the United States-
will act in a sensible manner," Igarashi
But the auto parts impasse was
overshadowed by the progress made
on other fronts, as government offi-
cials and business executives cheered:
the sudden turnabout in an angry rela-
tionship that had been sliding toward
the brink of a trade war.
The agreements will make it easier
for insurance companies to do busi-
ness in Japan, for manufacturers of"
medical and telecommunications
equipment to sell their products to the
Japanese government, and for mak-
ers of flat glass, used in automobiles -
and construction, to enter a lucrative
market that had been virtually closed -
to them.
"This is a good deal for the United
States and a good deal for Japan,"
observed Kantor, a view he said was
shared by President Clinton.
In the view of U.S. officials and
outside trade experts, Saturday's
breakthroughs represent a genuine
milestone. After nearly 15 months of.
bickering, the two countries, whose
trade relations produce ripple effects
See JAPAN, Page 7

A protester is arrested outside the Fermi 2 nuclear power plant yesterday. See story on Page 3.
Minority student services appoints
new interim Asian American rep.

For the Daily
Sylvia Kwan, the new interim
Asian American representative for the
Office of Minority Student Services,
saysAsian American studens need to
learn their history.
By studying the past, Kwan said,
students can gain a better sense of
their own identity and have a more
profound effect on the University
Kwan, a first-year graduate stu-
dent in the School of Education, will
replace Yee Leng Hang. He is leaving
to become the senior program coordi-
nator at McAllister College in St.
Paul, Minn.
Kwan's main responsibility will
be to serveas a liaison between Asian
American students and the Univer-
sity administration. A Flint native,

the 23-year old Kwan graduated from
Oberlin College with a degree in En-
"I'm really excited about her be-
ing in the position. Oberlin is well-
known for its active Asian American
community and I think she's coming
in with that active attitude," said
Varisa T. Boriboon, secretary of the
United Asian American Organizations
(UAAO), the umbrella organization
for many of the Asian American
groups on campus.
Appointed in September, Kwan
has begun settling into her new office
in the Michigan Union. She noted
some similarities between the stu-
dents at Oberlin and those here at the
"Tradition among students at
Oberlin is to be very active and vocal
with campus politics. At Michigan, I

see the same thing. The student popu-
lation is very put together and it knows
what it needs and isn't afraid to ask
for it."
The adjustment has been a diffi-
cult one for Kwan. "I'm coming from
a different perspective - a different
understanding of what Asian Ameri-
can' means. I have my own goals and
ideas for the office. Sometimes I don't
know what is appropriate. I don't
want to alienate certain students."
After graduating from Oberlin,
Kwan held a similar position as the
Asian American community coordi-
nator in the school's Office of
Multicultural Affairs.
Outlining her goals, Kwan said, "I
want to make sure the administration
sticks to its promises of hiring a di-
verse faculty that recognizes and re-
See KWAN, Page 2

U.S. troops to disarm
Haitian attaches

Los Angeles Times
WASHINGTON - U.S. troops
will begin disarming the Haitian "at-
taches" who have attacked pro-de-
mocracy demonstrators if Haiti's po-
lice and military do not, a senior sena-
tor said yesterday after returning with
the first congressional delegation to
visit the Caribbean nation since U.S.
forces intervened there.
The difficult and potentially dan-
gerous operation, in which U.S. troops
could be forced to search out not only
weapons caches but small arms held
by individuals, could put the soldiers
into direct confrontation with the shad-
owy civilian militia allied with the
Haitian police and military.

"Our forces there are going to take
steps in the coming days to disarm
this crowd, and they'd like to do it
working with the Haitian armed
forces," said Sen. Christopher Dodd
(D-Conn.) "But ... if that doesn't work
out, they're going to disarm them one
way or the other." The U.S. military
has avoided the task because of its
great difficulty and the possibility of
sustaining casualties. Before the U.S.
intervention, rifles, hand grenades and
other portable weapons were distrib-
uted by the Haitian regime among
paramilitary forces numbering more
than 1,000 and spread throughout the
See HAITI, Page 7

Pres. initiative to
'break glass ceiling'

Cases on Supreme Court docket are highly political

Daily Staff Reporter
University President James J.
Duderstadt told faculty and staff mem-
bers that his initiative - the Michi-
gan Agenda for Women - will break
the glass ceiling at the University.
Duderstadt addressed about 50
faculty and staff at the Women of
Color Task Force town meeting held
Friday at Rackham.
S Duderstadt came out from behind
the podium and told the audience that
what he most wanted to do was, "lis-
ten, not talk."
He fielded questions and listened
- to some concerns of women at the
"As long as I am in the place
where the buck stops last. I'm going
to be committed to changing .these
hings," he said.
One of the issues discussed was
workplace violence against women.
Duderstadt explained that the Uni-
versity is working on consolidating
its efforts against sexual harassment.
He said the Affirmative Action Of-

for research purposes and are not pre-
pared to manage their staff or assist in
their training.
"I don't have a lot of hope left,"
she said.
Duderstadt acknowledged that the
only way to gain compliance from
some departments would be to en-
force their participation.
"We will tell the dean and the
department chair that they are on the
line and we expect results," he said.
He said these problems would be
resolved even if it meant letting resis-
tant employees go.
"Our first approach will be to
change the attitudes, but if that doesn't
work than we will have to change the
people," he said.
Duderstadt compared the Michi-
gan Agenda for Women totthe Michi-
gan Mandate - initiated in 1987 to
engender diversity within the Univer-
He also encouraged female fac-
ulty and staff to continue offering
input and personal knowledge.
"The process of communication is

The Washington Post
Court session that opens today has a
distinctively political docket.
Of overriding significance in the
term, the justices, with Stephen G.
Breyer in the freshman chair, will
decide whether it is constitutional for
states - many of them gripped by
anti-incumbency fever - to impose
limits on the number of terms their
U.S. senators and House members
may serve.
Legal scholars, impressed by a
line of reasoning tracing some ballot
restrictions to colonial times, have
backed off earlier predictions of an
easy win for opponents of term limits.
The court also will decide whether
states may ban anonymously distrib-

uted campaign leaflets and, separately,
whether the makeup of the Federal
Election Commission is constitu-
The justices will resolve a free-
speech challenge to a ban on federal
workers' honoraria that Congress
adopted in a 1989 ethics law.
On other politically charged top-
ics, the court will decide whether
Congress can ban guns at local
schools, give preferences to minority
contractors or punish someone for
selling child pornography when the
seller may not know that the per-
former in the video was under 18.
"The court historically has made
the crucial decisions pertaining to
elections," said Thomas E. Mann, di-
rector of governmental studies at the

Brookings Institution, surveying the
upcoming cases and recalling, for
example, the 1963 decision requiring
political equality through "one per-
son, one vote."
Many legal experts think the term
limits case, arising from a 1992 Ar-
kansas vote, will be this session's
blockbuster. It could force from of-
fice dozens of veteran lawmakers.
"Even if the court rules against states'
efforts on term limits," Mann said,
"all of the money that has gone into
the lobbying (for state referendums)
will now go toward working on an
amendment" to the Constitution.
Voting rights and disputes over
zig-zagging Black-majority districts
also could come back in the new term.
Lower federal courts disagree over

how to interpret a 1993 Supreme Court
decision that allowed challenges by
white voters to "bizarre"-looking dis-
tricts. The unusual shapes come from
state efforts to consolidate Black, His-
panic or other minority voters to en-
hance their representation in Con-
gress while preserving power bases
of white incumbents.
The districts resemble Rorschach
inkblots, and the complex Supreme
Court decision similarly "can be read
to mean anything," said Georgetown
law professor L. Michael Seidman.
The court will not announce until
later this term whether it will clarify
its ruling, which said some district
shapes may be so "bizarre" that they
could offend "principles of racial


Investing in Abilities week starts today



Robert Redford's latest
directorial effort, "Quiz
Show," makes its debut. See
if it hits the jackpot.

Daily Staff Reporter
Starting today, a series of lectures,
workshops and performances will be
presented as part of the Universities'
fourth annual "Investing in Abilities

known for his appearance in an award-
winning DuPont television commer-
cial playing basketball on artificial
liibs. Demby will speak at the Union
Ballroom at 3 p.m. today.
"During Investing in Abilities
WPl arp chnina , the' .mnm

disabilities at the University is actu-
ally higher.
"We know that there are many
students with disabilities that do not
come to our office for various rea-
sons. Some do not feel the need for
nccinct'ri'0('th',c nrt ally in it rn -

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