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September 29, 1994 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1994-09-29

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E it Ian


One hundred four years of editorial freedom

bodies to
Daily Staff Reporter
This fall, University students will
get sunburned, fill out surveys and
watch pornographic films - all in the
name of research.
Thousands of University students
serve as subjects for research each
mester. Depending on the project,
dents may volunteer, earn credit or
get paid for their efforts.
For introductory psychology stu-
dents, fulfilling a research practicum
is a requirement. According to Prof.
James Hilton, director of the subject
pool, each student must complete five
-hours of experiments or journal re-
search during a semester.
The psychology subject pool in-
F des some 1,450 students who will
icipate in about 7,000 hours of
research this term.
The subject pool will participate
in research including female sexual
arousal, the eroticization of domi-
nance and mating behavior.
LSA sophomore Elly Slater has

MSA moves to
cut funding for
tenants' union

Researcher Kevin Cowell measures the change in skinfold thickness to evaluate Sean Quinlan's response.

Daily Staff Reporter
In the wake of yesterday's early
morning budget showdown, the Ann
Arbor Tenants' Union (AATU) may
lose almost all of its funding from the
Michigan Student Assembly.
With many supporters on the as-
sembly and another budget meeting
set for tomorrow, though, AATU con-
tinues to believe that their funding
will be restored.
MSA adjourned its budget meet-
ing without passing an external bud-
get, which is the last resort for fund-
ing AATU. The assembly was forced
to break up the meeting because the
Michigan Union closes at 2 a.m.
The assembly passed its internal
budget, and its surplus and reserve
budget. Tomorrow's meeting is sched-
uled for 5 p.m. in MSA chambers.
Debate over funding the AATU
has delayed the voting more than once.
The assembly did approve a sur-
plus and reserve budget, which pro-

vides $2,000 in a line-item to fund
AATU. Pattrice Maurer, AATU co-
ordinator, told the assembly that
AATU needs at least $6,500 in in-
terim funding to provide services to
students through the end of this term.
Loss of MSA funding could be a
serious blow to the viability of AATU.
Maurer continued. She said the $2,000
MSA allocated to AATU will only
cover its expenses for September.
Since the external budget has not
yet been passed, Maurer said AATU
would continue to operate on the be-
lief that MSA will provide funding.
"AATU has no intention of with-
holding services from any student who
really needs them," Maurer said yes-
Maurer said that if MSA does not
provide adequate funding, the ten-
ants' union may be forced to charge
students $10 to $15 to use their ser-
The internal budget passed by the
See BUDGET, Page 2

participated in several psychology
research projects that have included
reading inverted words, filling out
surveys and writing stories about vari-
ous pictures.
Slater described the experience as
"The intro classes allow our gradu-
ate researchers a viable pool to study,"
said Barbara Tebbutt, academic sec-
retary of the subject pool.

Participating students' interests are
protected by an ethics committee that
reviews all psychology research
projects, Tebbutt said.
All paid student subjects are
screened by the human subject pool
under the jurisdiction of LSA and not
the introductory psychology classes,
Hilton said.
Some students are reporting to the
immunodermatology unit of the

University's Medical Center for re-
Health science research assistant
and clinical coordinator Kevin Cowell
explained his current research project.
"We're studying the effects of ul-
traviolet rays on the skin and the sub-
sequent response of the immune sys-
Researchers expose a small area
See SCIENCE, Page 2

Study: More partners raise STD risks

Condom us

Daily Staff Reporter
In the 1960s, love was free. To-
day, those who engage in unprotected
sexual activity sometimes pay the
According to a University study,
sexual behavior of University women
y get riskier as they begin each
relationship. This increases their
chance of contracting sexually trans-
mitted diseases, including AIDS.
The study, which included 571
female students from University so-
cial organizations, shows how part-
nership characteristics relate to the

lifetime order of relationships.
Characteristics such as condom
use, the length time a couple spent
together before engaging in sexual
activity, the type of setting of the first
meeting of partners and total number
of sexual encounters within the part-
nership were surveyed.
The results of the study, according
to Betsy Foxman, assistant professor
of epidemiology, were troubling.
"For example, condom use at the
first sexual encounter with a new part-
ner declined as the number of part-
ners increased," she said.
Condoms and other latex barriers

are important, Foxman said, because
they are the only form of contracep-
tion that helps protect a woman from
The study also concluded that in
later relationships women are more
likely to meet their partners in infor-
mal settings such as parties and bars,
instead of formal settings like school
or work. In informal settings, indi-
viduals would know nothing or little
about each other prior to the relation-
They also found that women were
more likely to shorten the pre-sexual
"getting-to-know-you" period as they

moved to additional relationships.
These last two factors are signifi-
cant, Foxman said, because women
need to be sure their partner is unaf-
"A college education or engaging
in sexual activity with a college stu-
dent is no protection against STDs,"
she said.
LSA junior Denise Kramarczyk
"People should know and be more
honest about their past sexual his-
tory," she said.
University Health Services (UHS)
See STDs, Page 2

Second partner

among campus women
The graph shows the percent
of women on campus who
use condoms during
their first sexual
S experiencewith a new
partner. The study by the
Department of Epidemiology
shows that women are more likly to
use condoms during sex when they
have had other partners in the past.

10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100

Involvement makes 'U' better --7K' itss
experience, Duderstadt says

University president
says education has
changed for today's
Daily Staff Reporter
Looking back on their experiences
at the University, students may real-
ize they learned more outside the class-
room or laboratory than they did in-
side it.
This was the message President
es J. Duderstadt told students at a
'Getting involved at Michigan" pro-
gram last night in the Alice Lloyd
The program included speeches
y both Duderstadt and Michigan Stu-
lent Assembly President Julie

Neenan, as well as question-and-an-
swer sessions.
The evening's purpose was to in-
troduce first-year students to the Uni-
versity, and give them tips on how to
get involved outside the classroom,
said DeJuan Woods, a minority peer
advisor at Lloyd and an organizer of
the event.
Duderstadt also spoke about his
theories about the changing nature of
higher education.
"You're part of what I like to call
the plug-and-play generation," he told
students. "You were raised on Sesame
Street and MTV and Nintendo, and
you learn much better interactively
than from sitting in a lecture taking
notes. That's going to require a major
change in our educational institutions
to take advantage of that."
Toward that end, Duderstadt said

he saw University faculty of the fu-
ture as "less and less teachers, and
more and more designers of experi-
ences," though which students would
Neenan spoke about the benefits
of joining student groups, including
learning organizational and time
management skills, and making
She also emphasized the impor-
tance of MSA on campus. "Voter
turnout for MSA elections is not that
high - it's about 9 or 10 percent. I
think a lot of people ignore MSA,"
she said, adding that she believed
students should be active in selecting
the officials who represent them.
She added that MSA provides
many essential services to students
and student groups that they should

to receive
The Washington Post
Under tight security provided by the
U.S. military, Haiti's Parliament con-
vened yesterday in a special session
meant to symbolize the return to demo-
cratic rule and pass an amnesty for
crimes by the Haitian army in the
three years since it overthrew presi-
dent Jean-Bertrand Aristide.
Under a last-minute agreement
brokered by former president Jimmy
Carter and Lt. Gen. Raoul Cedras, the
Haitian military chief, Cedras and
two other senior military officials are
to resign and leave power as soon as
Parliament passes an amnesty, or by
Oct. 15, whichever comes first.
Aristide, who lives in exile in
Washington, is expected by U.S. offi-
cials to return shortly after Oct. 15.
Cedras, who by law was invited to
yesterday's session, did not appear,
but most of the diplomatic commu-
nity attended, to show support for the
It is not yet clear what shape the
law will take, how broad it will be or
when it will be passed. The Parlia-
ment is also to consider a law that
would separate the police from the
army and place the law enforcement
troops under civilian control.
The Parliament, long known for
rowdy sessions where legislators have
pulled guns on each other and had

afewalk services
increase in demand

University President James J. Duderstadt speaks to first-year students.
U.S., Russia agree to

For the Daily
In its ninth year of operation,
afewalk, the University's late night
king service, is recording record
bers of volunteers.
This semester, 290 students have
pplied to be night walkers.
iorthwalk, the North Campus ver-
ion of Safewalk, has had about 40
eople sign up.

a University employee and several
other attacks.
Safewalk and Northwalk both ex-
perienced an increased number of
walks requested this past summer.
Kessell noted that the number of walks
from June to September was 160, a
50-percent increase from last year.
Safewalk expects its number of
walks to be on the rise this term as
well. During the last school year, 2,800

An LSA junior fell from the
14th floor of University
Towers yesterday afternoon.
Ann Arbor police say it was
an apparent suicide.
Once again, the Michigan
hockey team is picked to
finish atop the CCHA
standings, along with
Michigan State University.

reduce nuclear arms.

The Washington Post
WASHINGTON - President
Clinton and Russian President Boris
Yeltsin ended two days of talks yes-
terday with a burst of bonhomie and a
flurry of agreements aimed at speed-
ing up the destruction of nuclear war-
heads, ending Russian arms sales to
Iran and broadly improving economic
ties between the two nations.
In a boisterous final press confer-

is ratified by Congress and the Rus-
sian Parliament - still a major stum-
bling block - each side must reduce
its stockpiles to between 3,000 and
3,500 warheads by the year 2003.
Under the new agreement, rather
than phase that reduction over seven
years, each side will immediately be-
gin removing the warheads from mis-
siles and begin the process of destroy-
ing them. That, officials said, would

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