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September 27, 1994 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1994-09-27

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The Michigan Daily - Tuesday. September 27, 1994 - 3

jino DNA
Daily Staff Reporter
Researchers have extracted genetic
material from 65 million-year-old di-
nosaur bones, evoking memories of
last summer's movie "Jurassic Park."
Paleontologist Jack Horner iso-
lated DNA fragments from the femur
of a Tyrannosaurus Rex, The Times
London reported Sunday.

Provost stresses
accountabiity in
message to faculty

College -"
Briefs a
The researchers

The Mon-
tana University
lecturer and his
team are ex-
pected to pub-
lish evidence
that the frag-
ments resemble
those of mod-
ern-day birds.
conclude dino-

Varisa Boriboon (right) joins members of the University of Michigan Asian American Student Coalition acting troupe,
in the Union yesterday. Their skit examines the problem of prejudice in the workplace as part of the annual
Reception for Asian Pacific American Students, Faculty and Staff.
Groups welcome Asia st

saurs did not die out 65 million years
ago, despite previous theories. They
claim many dinosaurs might have sur-
vived and evolved into birds.
Ironically, Horner was an adviser
to Steven Spielberg's box-office hit
"Jurassic Park."
Scott Woodward of Brigham
Young University also is researching
Snosaur DNA.
"I think we will find there were
almost as many different kinds of
dinosaurs on earth as there are ani-
mals today and that some were prob-
ably closely related to birds,"
Woodward said.
However, Woodward does not
forecast that a "Jurassic Park" sce-
nario could come true. DNA frag-
*ents can be amplified and copied
but they are only a tiny part of the total
genetic make-up needed to recreate
Slain Japanese exchange
student's family awarded
A Louisiana district judge. last
week awarded $653,000 to the family
a Japanese high-school exchange
student killed by a Baton Rouge, La.,
The 1992 incident occurred when
Yoshirio Hattori and his host brother
approached the home of Rodney Peairs
looking for a Halloween party.
Peairs' lawyer argued that his cli-
ent took reasonable actions.
"Bonnie Pearis was in her night-
Sothes," he said. "She looked out the
door, saw strangers, slammed the door,
and said, 'Rodney, get a gun.' There's
nothing wrong with that. We still have
the right to do that in America."
. Hattori, who didn't speak English
well, didn't stop when Peais yelled,
Peais proceeded to open fire with
a, .44-caliber handgun - killing
"It's what a reasonable man would
have done," Peairs' lawyer said.
Peairs was acquitted on man-
slaughter charges last year.
Hattori' s parents - who will give
the money to charity - have gath-
ered 1.7 million signatures in Japan
for a gun-control petition.

For the Daily
Free food, good music, live per-
formances and a room full of nearly
200 people combined to cater to
students' cultural needs. What more
does one need to feel welcome at the
Thus began the annual Asian Pa-
cific American Welcome yesterday
evening in the Michigan Union Ball-
With Simon and Garfunkel and
other acoustic favorites being per-
formed by LSA sophomore Michael
Hsu in the background, students en-
tered the ballroom to mingle with
others and chow down on buffet
Lester Monts, the vice provost for
academic and multicultural affairs,
and Dean of Students Royster Harper
welcomed students to the event.
"To whom much is given, much is
expected," Harper quoted from an

unnamed source as she encouraged
students to take advantage of their
time at the University. Sylvia Kwan,
the Asian American representative
from the Office of Minority Student
Services (MSS), and Gail Nomura,
the Director of Asian/Pacific Ameri-
can Studies Program, gave brief over-
views of their organizations and the
resources that they could provide.
Edgar Ho, chair of the United
Asian American Organization, intro-
duced about 13 University Asian
American groups.
After the introductions came per-
formances by Point of View, the Asian
American acting troupe from the Uni-
versity of Michigan Asian American
Student Coalition and 58 Green, a
multicultural a capella group.
The program ended with a plaque
presentation to Yee Leng Hang, the
former MSS Asian American repre-
sentative. Hang was given the award
for his help in promoting and organiz-

ing Asian American programs and
activities. He is leaving to become the
senior program coordinator at
McAllister College in St. Paul, Minn.
Many officers of the various orga-
nizations as well as the faculty and
administration are encouraging Asian/
Pacific American students to become
involved in the community.
Hang voiced the feelings of many
of them by saying, "The Asian Ameri-
can community has grown in size,
diversity and influence through its stu-
dent leaders. I hope that this trend will
continue because Asian American stu-
dents need role models of all colors. I
believe that there is great potential."
This year's event was sponsored
by the Office of Academic
Multicultural Initiatives, the United
Asian American Organization, the -
Office of Minority Student Services,
the Asian/Pacific American Studies
Program and the Association of Asian
Pacific American Faculty and Staff.

Whitaker tells 100
assembled faculty
that academic
freedom is essential
to the survivial of a
vital university
Daily Staff Reporter
Speaking before the Senate Assem-
bly yesterday, Provost Gilbert R.
Whitaker Jr. outlined the values that
faculty of higher education should
Whitaker addressed more than 100
faculty members including the 55
members of the Senate Assembly -
the faculty government - at the
Rackham Amphitheatre.
"These values are academic free-
dom and accountability," Whitaker
said at the assembly's first monthly
meeting of the year. His speech was
titled "Intellectual Independence in
an Era of Accountability."
"Academic freedom is one of the
preconditions for the university to
perform its social function of the pur-
suit of knowledge," Whitaker said.
Freedom implies responsibility
and accountability, the provost said,
and "today these value issues have
taken on an even more vital aspect."
Administrators want to please
University patrons and supporters,
who continually press for greater ac-
countability, while still upholding
academic internal ideals.
"If we are to do our jobs, though,
we must accept the fact that maintain-
ing this balance between outside pres-
sures and internal ideals is a two-way
street," he said.
Although most faculty are dedi-
cated to teaching their students,
Whitaker said, there are a few who are
not. "These ways of behaving are not
appropriate or responsible and it is

salutary that we acknowledge this,"he
It is important for the University
to maintain its patrons' trust, Whitaker
said, and to do this "we must assure
ourselves that we are neither indi-
vidually or collectively engaged ei-
ther in conflicts of interest or con-
flicts of commitment."
Accountability is vital, Whitaker
added, for protecting the school's
long-term interest.
"How might we respond to these
challenges?" Whitaker asked.
He listed several options: to greater
emphasize the codes of conduct, to
increase adversary between the fac-
ulty and administration and the Uni-
versity could become less democratic
to enforce accountability.
But these solutions are destructive
to the pursuit of intellectual freedom
and fail to bring the administration
and faculty together "as an academic
community," he said.
As a general solution, Whitaker
offered, "My hope is that Michigan
will be among the group of institu-
tions whose faculty and administra-
tion work together to deal with the
challenges of change."
After the speech, Whitaker said
University students also have a role to
play in accountability. "Students are
entitled to academic freedom ... (but)
they should hold themselves intellec-
tually accountable." For example, they
should do their own work.
Ih other business, the assembly:
* Approved Chemistry Prof. Mark
DeCamp, of the University's
Dearborn campus, to fill a vacant seat
on the Senate Advisory Committee
for University Affairs (SACUA).
M Announced that Jayne Thorson,
SACUA's executive assistant, re-
signed yesterday to become the Medi-
cal School's faculty affairs office di-


Museum offers students free admittance
E Hands-on Museum officials The museum features exhibits in physics
(holographs, strobe lights, batteries, waves),
want 'U' students to mathematics (chaos, geometry, topology) and
discover Ann Arbor's 'best- biology (fossils, ultrasound machine, live bee
kept secret' colony).
What makes the museum unique is that its
BY EUGENE BOWEN exhibits are not locked away behind glass dis-
Daily Staff Reporter play cases for people to stare at and then leave.
The Ann Arbor Hands-On Museum fea- Rather, visitors are free to touch and experi-
tures four floors of exhibits numbering in the ment with the displays.
hundreds, and draws more than 250,000 visi- "Even though the experiments are elemen-
tors annually. Now, approximately 36,000 of tary, even older people will learn something,"
them can get in free. Costello said.
From now through Oct. 31, a visit to the In October, the museum will feature week-
museum will be free for all University stu- end demonstrations about air called, "You're
dents. Surrounded."
LocatedatthecornerofFifthandEastHuron, The Hands-On museum is"I hear, and I
across from City Hall, the museum opened in forget. I see, and I remember. I do, and I
1982 to highlight various physical and biological understand."
sciences through hands-on exhibits. Yao said it is also likely that this month of
University students normally have to pay free admittance for University students won't be
$2.50 to get in. aone-time thing.
"We love when students come," Yao said. "We might do it annually if attendance is
"The Hands-On Museum is one of Ann Arbor's good," she said.
best-kept secrets." The Ann Arbor Hands-On Museum is open
Lisa Costello, the museum's development on Tuesday through Friday, 10 a.m. to 5:30
coordinator, said, "There are 40,000 students, p.m., Saturday 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. and Sunday I
and there's no reason for them not to see what p.m. to 5 p.m. For more information call the
Ann Arbor has to offer and have fun, too." museum at 995-5439.



Jaime Maciag, an LSA first-year student, kicks back her heels during a ride from North Campus to
Central Campus on the Bursley-Baits bus, yesterday.

In "Under 21 and drinking? Lots of rules, few punishments," Sept. 26, several comments were misattributed to first-year
SNRE student Shawn Bobick. The Daily regrets any inconvenience this may have caused.

Group Meetings
Q Thai Students Association
Weekly Planning Meeting,
663-7299, Union, Michigan
Room, 6 p.m.
" U-M Gospel Chorale Rehears-
als, 764-1705, School of Mu-
sic, Rm. 2038, 7:30-9:30 p.m.
" U-M Filipino American Stu-
dent Association, mass meet-
ing, 769-6027, Union, Kuenzel
Room, 6 p.m.
U U-M Amnesty International
meeting, 764-5619, Michigan
Union, Pond Room, 7:30 p.m.

Martha Vicinus, Rackham,
Amphitheater, 4 p.m.
0 "China Wakes," with speaker
Nicholas Kristof, 764-4189,
Rackham, fourth floor amphi-
theater, 8 p.m.
0 "Multicultural Issue in the
Work Place," with speaker
Kenneth Brown, 677-1400,
Community Development Cor-
poration Offices, 7-9 p.m.
U "South Korea: the Current
Situation. Report From Re-
cent Trip to Korea," with
speaker Dr. Nile Harper, 662-
5529, The International Center,
12 p.m.

p.m., Goldman Sachs presenta-
tion, Michigan Union, Pendleton
Room, 7-8 p.m.
Student services
U Psychology Academic Peer Ad-
vising, 347-3711, West Quad
K103, 11 a.m.-4 p.m.
Q Safewalk, 936-1000, UGLi front
lobby, Sunday-Thursday 8-11:30
p.m. (temporary September
U Northwalk, 763-WALK, 2324
Bursley, Sunday-Thursday 8-
11:30 p.m.
Q 76-GUIDE, peer counseling
phone line, call 76-GUIDE, 7

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