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September 26, 1994 - Image 16

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The Michigan Daily, 1994-09-26

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8 - The Michigan Daily - SPORTSMonday - Monday, September 26, 1994

Continued from page 1
reasons," Povilaitis says. "I know U-
M sports and I know that now that this
is varsity, (the athletic department is)
going to do everything (it) can. It's a
great school -academically and ath-
letically," Povilaitis says. She thinks
that the team will attract many prep
and ODP standouts in the years to
come, possibly including one or two

former teammates from her high
school career.
"Our starting lineup, a few of them
are going to Division I colleges,"
Povilaitis says.
Unlike many college athletes,
however, Povilaitis also chose Michi-
gan for its Engineering program. She
participates in the Women in Science
and Engineering program because of
the academic support it provides. She
is undecided between mechanical and
electrical engineering, both top-rated

Continued from page 3
Just think: At no other time in your life will you have access - free
admission, events within walking distance - to the athletes you do now.
Take advantage of it, or you might find yourself in a very long, expensive
ticket line in Atlanta a few years from now.
And in that line, there will be people who will tell you Michigan fans
have a superiority complex. There will also be those who will tell you it is
They'll both be right.
- Bach's Score appears in this space every other SPORTSMonday.

programs nationally.
Povilaitis is the type to set goals
for herself, and she usually surpasses
them. Just don't ask her to tell you so
- her modesty gets in the way.
Even though she was unanimously
elected Miss Soccer, Povilaitis said
she never expected it. "I didn't play to
win any awards," she says, blushing,
emphasizing that she played for her
team, not herself.
"When I set goals for my high
school career, I said 'I hope I can
make All-State first team."'But when
she achieved that goal herjunior year,
there was nowhere to go but up.
"There were so many great for-
wards, and rarely does the defense get
credited," says Povilaitis, the first
defender ever to win the award.
Povilaitis knows the forward posi-
tion too, from manning the post her first
two years in high school before she was
pulled back to sweeper. "I loved play-
ing forward, scoring goals," she re-
members. "I was nervous about (play-
ing defense), but if they got by me, I
knew I could get them on a sprint."
Michigan coach Debbie Belkin shares
her star defender's confidence, al-
ways having Povilaitis mark the op-
posing team's best forward.
Because Povilaitis didn't try out
for the Olympic Development team
until her junior year, she was at a
disadvantage. Even so, she made it
onto the Michigan team, composed of
"supposedly, the best players in the
state," Povilaitis says, understating
the honor. Then she tried for the re-
gional team and competed on it. At
the same time, she captained her high

school team.
Her senior year, she led the Colts
to an undefeated season and the state
championship, overcoming an 8-6-2
record from the previous year.
A miracle? An all-state class of
freshmen? No, says Povilaitis, just
hope and team spirit and rock-solid
determination. "I never even dreamt
of going undefeated," she remem-
bers. But Povilaitis and the other tri-
captains wanted it all, and the enthu-
siasm spread.
That energy carried over to

and if I'm upset Icanjust get itall out.
I don't know what I would do without
Amazingly enough, Povilaitis still
makes time for her friends and her
boyfriend, Mike Murduff, a student
at Oakland Community College, who
thinks Povilaitis deserves everything
she's achieved and more.
"You're tough when you play," he
tells her. "You're like mean and people
watch out for you," he says. Murduff
is a kind of promoter for Povilaitis
because she doesn't hype herself. It is

;'f .of Zhan

last spring's Class A high schoo
championship game, where Troy beaW
Ross' almamater, Brighton. Ross and
Povilaitis played on the Development
team together. "We got to practice (at
Michigan) and it was funny seeing
each other. Now we're like good
In the first game this year,
Povilaitis said she, "was so impressed
with our play because we just steppe
up a level."
Povilaitis acknowledges her
team's ability, and says that's not the
weakness keeping their record (4-3-
1) from standing out. "We've been in
every game and even dominated most
of them," she says.
Instead of naming play mistakes,
Povilaitis blames mental errors and
inexperience, which showed particu-
larly against Minnesota.
After a 1-0 lead at the half, the
team gave up two goals and lost to the
Golden Gophers, 2-1. "We deserved
that game," Povilaitis says. "That
game was ours-we dominated them.
"Our inexperience showed
(against Minnesota). We thought we
could just coast through and we
couldn't," she admitted, adding that
the score was not reflective of t
Wolverines' final efforts. "If you p
us back in that game right now, every
single one of us would have pushed
harder and we would have won."
She says the game against De-
troit-Mercy was her favorite so far
this season, because it was a physical
game and the squad proved them-
selves, 1-0, in overtime.
Povilaitis said another motivating
factor in her career was this summer
World Cup tournament. Despite spend-
ing most of her summer in ODP camps,
she caught the first game in Detroit,
Switzerland versus Team USA.
At that game, Povilaitis had the
most interesting conversation she has
ever had. A Swedish reporter saw her
name in The Detroit News as a mem-
ber of the All-State team and found
her in the stands.
"Where he's from, soccer is lik
the biggest sport," she says. "For here,
it's growing. I think that (the World
Cup) did a lot for soccer. It made a lot
of people aware that soccer is such an
awesome sport."
The turf and the lights of the
Pontiac Silverdome, where World
Cup matches were played, is a bit
more glamorous than Elbel Field, tem-
porary home field for the Wolverine
But Povilaitis has her head on straight,
and doesn't play for the glamour.
"Ijustplay because I love it. That's

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Michigan's team.
"With each game, we're getting
better," she says. "With each game
we get to know each other more, and
we play that much better. I think now
is the time. Things should start click-
Five of the team's next six games
are away, and Povilaitis says she is
worried about her classes during the
second half of the season.
School is tough, Povilaitis says,
but soccer is helping her cope with the
trials and tribulations of freshman year
at Michigan. "For me, when I go out
and play, if I'm happy I love playing

he who mentions that her Miss Soccer
election was unanimous.
Povilaitis says that although many
of her friends enjoy playing soccer, it is
much more than a hobby for her. "I love
soccer to the point that I'm willing to
give the time and effort to school and
soccer, and that's a lot of time."
Michigan's team has its share of
devotees, including fellow freshman
defender Jamie Ross, sophomore
sweeper Kim Phillips, and freshman
forward Betsy Axley. August 18, the
start of the preseason, was not the first
meeting for many of the girls.
In fact, she met Ross on the turf of





(Two person

Entry Deadline: Thurs 9/29 4:30pm IMSB Main Office
Entry Fee: $5.00 for Sgls/$9.00 for Dbls
Tournament Format: Double Elimination (dependent on#'s)
Tournament Dates: Sat & Sun 10/1 & 10/2 (Palmer Courts)
Entry Deadline: Thurs 10/6 4:30pm IMSB Main Office
Entry Fee: $10.00 per team (excluding Course Fee)
Tee Times: 9:00am - 3:00pm
Tournament Date: Sunday 10/9 at U of M Golf Course
Entries Taken: Mon 10/10 - Thurs 10/13 11am-4:30pm
Entry Fee: $35.00 per team
Manager's Meeting (Mandatory): Thurs 10/13 6pm IMSB
Tournament Dates: Fri 10/14 & Sun 10/16
Entry Deadline: Mon 10/17 4:30pm IMSB Main Office
Entry Fee: $5 for Individuals/$35 per team
Manager's Meeting (Mandatory): Mon 10/17 6pm IMSB
Meet Location: U of M Varsity Track beginning at 4:45pm

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Instant Scheduling for Regular Season FLAG FOOTBALL will take
place Monday October 17 while the deadline for
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