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September 26, 1994 - Image 7

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The Michigan Daily, 1994-09-26

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The Michigan Daily - Monday, September 26, 1994 - 7

Continued from page 1
day evening's "Michigan Genera-
tions: Tradition and Youth" presenta-
tion at the Power Center, Jones took
some time to discuss his career and
his time at the University.
Jones was a "farm boy" raised in
Dublin, Mich., part of a high school
aduating class of 18. A Regents'
lumni Scholarship enabled him to
attend Michigan.
In 1951, his first year, Jones had
"no intentions of being an actor." A
member of the Reserve Officers'
Training Corps, he believed he would
be a soldier. But only after he left the
army did he realize that he wanted to
become an actor. "I realized how much
I liked my experience in the theater
,Here," he said. "And my father was an
tor, still is an actor ... so I thought
'Why don't I try that?"'
Two Tonys, a pair of Emmys, one
Oscar nomination and some 40 years
later, Jones now looks back on his
career with pride and humility. The
show in which he established himself
as a professional was "The Great
White Hope," playing Black boxer
,Lack Johnson first on Broadway and
ter in the film.
But the roles of which he is most
proud are the "simplest," he says, and
Continued from page 1
mid-campaign event as "an informed,
energetic push for the last half of the
*mnaign." Muir was part of what he
called "an ad-hoc think group" which
laid the groundwork for this weekend
in 1992.
At Saturday's pre-game luncheon,
President James J. Duderstadt ex-
pressed his satisfaction with the mid-
campaign events.
"I think the level of energy and
enthusiasm has been very high, and I
unk the series of events has accom-
plished what we wanted, which was
to build the level of excitement we
needed to finish off this campaign
successfully," Duderstadt said.
The weekend's biggest and bright-
est event was Friday night's "Michi-
gan Generations: Tradition and
Youth," at the Power Center. Hosted
by distinguished actor and University
alum James Earl Jones, the program
* corporated film, monologue and
song in an effort to represent the im-
pact donations have on today's stu-

What many do not know about James Earl Jones
is that he had a severe stuttering problem from
the age of 6 to 14.

some of the most obscure movies he
has made: "Matewan," "The UFO
incident," "The Man," "Claudine" and
"Field of Dreams."
"The simplest movies I've made,"
he said. "No Winnebagos, no canvas
chairs; we're all out in the mud with
each other. Simple stories, simply told.
I cherish those movies."
What many do not know about
Jones is that he had a severe stuttering
problem - synapses in the brain or
trippings, as he calls them - from six
to 14, a problem that makes his ac-
complishments all the richer.
"I stutter or stammer when I'm
under pressure sometimes, or highly
fatigued, but otherwise it's not rel-
evant," he said. "It's part of the story,
yeah, but it's not what I think is the
interesting part of the story. What's
interesting is that with a handicap you
still discover language."
Though Jones considers himself a
"troubadour," going from one job to
the next without security, he did men-
tion two films in the works. He just
completed "Jefferson in Paris," in
which he plays Jefferson's quarter-
Black son. Soon he is off to Africa to

film a remake of "Cry, Beloved Coun-
try," where he plays a back-country
minister who journeys to the city in
search of his son and encounters a
bigoted white landowner played by
Richard Harris.
There is no immediate promise,
however, of another book to follow last
year's "Voices and Silences." "IfI were
smart, I would capitalize," he laughed.
"But I'm not a writer, and I would have
to stop what I do to become a writer, and
I'm not ready to do that."
"I should write a book about my
experiences at Michigan," he added,
Aware of his status as an actor
and University alum, he shuns the
title of role-model, but offered some
advice. "From Carl Sandburg: 'Take
no advice, including this.' ... If
you're an artist, they have no clue
what your talent is or what your
vision is, and they shouldn't impose
theirs on you. ... Don't listen to
anybody," he said.
The frequency and reception of
Jones' visits is inspiring, and proof
that the University values those who
give from the pocket or from the heart.

Continued from page 1
seeking revenge for years of abuse.
The rules of engagement for the U.S.
troops were also changed during the
first week of the U.S. occupation to
allow a more aggressive response af-
ter Haitian police beat pro-U.S. dem-
onstrators, killing two men.
Yesterday morning the head of
the Haitian military, Lt. Gen. Raoul
Cedras, flew with the U.S. military
commander, Lt. Gen. Henry H.
Shelton, and the U.S. ambassador,
William Swing, to Cap-Haitien to be
briefed on the Saturday firefight. But
while the group was meeting, the

assaults on the barracks and police
stations were already underway.
Col. Tom Jones, commander of
the U.S. Marine forces in Cap-Haitien,
said that he met with Cedras for two
hours and that Cedras accused him of
war atrocities and demanded that he
be replaced and court-martialed. Jones
seemed unconcerned. "I wouldn't say
he was happy," Jones said.
Cedras left a new Haitian officer
in charge, replacing Cap-Haitien com-
mander Lt. Col. Claude Josaphat,
whose quarters also were ransacked
by the crowds. Josaphat had not been
seen for two days. "He apparently has
been reassigned," Jones said.
At the military barracks yester-
day, several hundred laughing and

shouting Haitians chased two police
officers from the barracks down a dry
river bed, taunting them, "Fly away,
fly away!" A handful of young men
carrying rocks ran into the army com-
pound, looking for more soldiers and
Over the next half-hour, dozens of
men ran out of the compound into a
shaded park across the street, toting
rifles, machine guns, helmets, radios
and uniforms.
Celebratory shots erupted and on-
lookers dived behind walls and
benches, but no'one was hurt. Finally,
some of the crowd started an army
five-ton truck and rolled forth from
the barracks followed by a cheering

Be a part of the organization that brought Dennis Miller, Betty Shabazz,
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UAC Mass Meeting Dates:

dents and faculty.
Jones was introduced by his former
teacher Claribel Halsted, whose schol-
arship (the William and Claribel
Halsted Scholarship) he chairs for the
Department of Theatre and Drama.
A series of short films followed,
each displaying students engaged in
academic and social pursuits. In a
scripted presentation, Jones served as
the narrator and preacher: "We can't
stop now; we are half-way home ...
this is the time to commit." The pro-
gram closed with a chorus of 25 Mu-
sical Theatre students singing Stephen
Sondheim's "Our Time."
Duderstadt said he was pleased
with the Power Center program, which
was "specifically designed" to focus
on students. To personalize their ef-
forts, participants wore badges, each
displaying the pictures, names, home-
towns and fields of study of 100 dif-
ferent students.
"(The students) are what the cam-
paign is all about," Duderstadt said. "I
think by doing it in a very personal way
that we made the appeal to our friends
and donors that their gifts the Univer-

Tuesday, Sept. 27th @ 7pm
Union Ballroom
Wednesday, Sept. 28th Bursley Hall (N.Campus)

sity will benefit future generations."
Friday night's Varsity Night, a
rousing pep rally featuring the march-
ing band, cheerleaders, coaches and
athletes, was the only event open to
the general public.
"The purpose of the program is
not to excite the world at large," Muir
explained. "The purpose is to thank
our donors, to inform them of where
we are and what's the job to be done."
Many participants - all of whom
have donated at least $10,000 - said
they were pleased with the mid-cam-
paign event. "It's been an outstanding
program in every respect," said Peter
Gustafson, a donor and Grand Rapids
Metro Chair of the Partners in Lead-
ership Program. "It's been well done
and I'm sure will encourage good
alumni to support Michigan and dig
into their pocketbooks."
The weekend seemed to have its
intended effect, but Duderstadt's op-
timism was a little restrained. "We'll
easily go over a billion dollars for the
campaign, but we're going to have to
work pretty hard to reach the endow-
ment goals," he said.


University Activites Center " 2105 chig pion - Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1349
UNIVERSITY AC S CENTER (clip and save)
December -
26 Mini-Courses registration begins at MUTO 1-3 MUSKET presents: "Hair"; 8pm. Power Center,
27 UAC Mass Meeting, 1pm. Mich. Union tk price tha
I Ballroom 8-10 Comedy Coa
1 27 MUSKET Mass Meeting, 7pm, Bursley muaryan; no info yet
ctober andSoundst p26-8 Soph Show; show tba
I8pm. Hill Auditorium; Call 763-TITS 2-4 Comedy Company; no info yet
10 Mini Courses begin 9-11 MUSKET; show tba
13 MEO and Soundstage present: Tori Amos 18 Amazin' Blue- Spring Concert; no info yet
8pm, Hill Auditorium; Ticket price tba 23-C Impact [bnce Theatre, no into yet
19 MEO and Soundstage present: Melissa Etheridge; 8pm,
Hillauditorium, Call 763-TkTS AmFcICKS FIIi LIST
24-9 Homecoming Actities all week long (53 so movie, SS dbl movie; times and dates are subject to change)
I(list presently unavailable) October
1 28 Homecoming and Laughtrack present: 1 Much Ado About Nothing 7-00;9:00 Nat Sci
Anthony (lark; time tba. Hill Auditorium, tkt price tba 2 Much Ado About Nothing 2:00;4:30 Nat Sci
29 NEO, Soundstage, and Homecoming present 21 Mysery Sace Theater 3000 8:00;10:00Nat Sci
Violent Femmes; time tba. Hill Aud., tkt price tba November
November 4 Little Rascals Film Fest 8:00-11:00 MLB3
11 Amazin' Blue- Fall Concert, time, location, price tba , Little Rascals Film Fest 8-00- 11:00 MLB3
11-13 Parents Weekend (through the Alumni Association)

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SPRING BREAK Reps. wanted now!
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WANTED M VS. MSU. 4 student tickets,
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WANTED- 2 student football passbook sec-
tion 24. Must be together. Call Rich at 800/
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WANTED- 2 tix for 10/29 Wisconsin game
for wedding gift. Call 617/762-9912, leave
WANTED- 8 non-student tix for Penn State
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WANTED- U-MIMSU tix. 3 to 4 needed.
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