6 - The Michigan Daily - Wednesday, Seoptember 21, 1994 LOST GLASSES! Prescription lenses in sil- ver/gold wire frames. Taren 662-4415. BICYCLES: All speeds, men/womens. $25- $50 good cond. Also parts. 475-3238. FOR RENT- Philips 20 in. TVs/$125 a yr. VCRs/$80. Excellent cond. 764-1731. MUST SELL: Rollerblades men's size 9-10 used 10 times. $220 value asking $179 or best. Also 1 pr. Wolber 700c road rims, brand new. $25 for pr. 996-0358._ RUGGED MTN. BIKE- 93 Bianchi Osprey, barely used, seat lock & bike lock incl. I paid $550, U pay $400. 913-2003. "THE REAL WORLD', single or shared. Private locked bedrooms in large bi-level apt. 1 1/2 baths, A/C, dwshr., heat and water incl. Campus Rentals 665-8825. 2 BDRM. APT. Bus. Packard/US-23 area. 973-7165. 2 BEDROOMS available in nice house. Central campus. 4, 8, or 12-month lease. Call 810/651-5765. ATTRACTIVE ROOMS on Hill St., comer of Oakland. Kitchen, ldry., prkg., clean & quiet. For males. $285-up. 995-3276. BUY NOW sale after graduation. 2 bdnn., 2 bath, fireplace, carport, shed, wshr./dryer, A/ C. '89 Mobile home. 5 mins. from town. 313/ 662-0104. CHEAP STORAGE near I-94 and Zeeb. In- door and outdoor. Motorcycles, cars, etc. 761-7491. COED TO share two bedroom apartment in modem building in outstanding location, just two blocks to Law Quad. Roommate is mature, quiet female. Only $395 monthly plus electric. Located at 406 Packard. Please call 761-8542. GREAT ROOMS FOR FALL: 911 Vaugh- $299/mo. 1225 Prospect-deluxe two rooms & own bath for one person-$399/mo. 930-9999. HILL/FIFTH- Avail. now. Large rooms + + +. Gallatin Realty Co. 994-0624. HOSPITAL LOCATION: Riverhouse Condos. One room in a two bedroom condo on Island Dr. avail. now. $339 + elec. Off-st. prkg., central A/C, Idry., full kit. w/ garbage disposal. N-smkr. No pets. Clean & safe. Laurence, 913-5590. HOUSE FOR RENT near campus. Be the first renters in this adorable 5 bdrm. tri-level- hardwood floors, washer/dryer, carport and 1g. yard. Call 741-9300. LEASE FELL THROUGH- 1 bdrm. Great location on South U. Newly furnished. Immediate. Campus Rentals. 665-8825. PARKING near Central Cam pus, Brown St. at Hill. Now thru 8/95, $295. Thru April, $265.50. Clarion Properties, INC. 769-2255. PARKING Reserved, covered, private park- ing place avail. near U Towers and Central Campus. CAMPUS RENTALS. 665-8825. PARKING- Surface lots. 819 Brown @ Hill St. (4 blocks west of S. State) $295 thru 8/95; $265 thru 4/95 possible. Also @ 600 E. Kingsley @ N. State. $295 thru 8/95; $265 thru 4/95 possible. 769-2255. TWO BEDROOM apartment for 2 to 4 people near CCRB and central campus. A/C, dishwasher, heat and water included. Start at $958. Campus Rentals 665-8825. TYPING & WRITING Resumes, cover letters, applications & essays. Ann Arbor Typing 994-5515. WE WILL FIND you money for college. Call Educational Funds Sources at 1-800/ 600-0961 for information. HOUSEWORK- laundry, vaccuuming, dusting, other household chores. Walking distance to campus, 12 hrs. during weekdays, during daytime, $7/hr. Call after 6 p.m. 662- 7169. LA PINATA HIRING day waitstaff & full or part-time kitchen help. 5-40 hrs./wk. We will work around your schedule. Apply at 2204 W. Stadium. MICHIGAN TELEFUND is now hiring U- M students for fall term '94. Call alumni in a friendly environment and build your resume. Start at $6/hour + bonuses. We pay you to train. Make a difference and make some money. Stop by 611 Church St. #304 or call 998-7420 today. MODELS- PRINT, trade, T.V., Associated Models 810/788-8760. NATIONAL PARK JOBS - Tour guide, dude ranch, host(ess), instructor, lifeguard, hotel staff, trail maintenance, firefighter, + volunteer & government positions available. Excellent benefits + bonuses! Apply now for best positions. Call: 1/206/545-4804 ext. N55981. NEW PROG RAM- Volunteers needed. Read course texts on to tape wkly. @ Ser- vices for Students with Disabilities Office. We have lots of reading this semester! Eve. or weekend hrs. To help, call 763-3000. NIGHT CLERK needed for conference cen- ter front desk. Wknds. midnight-8 a.m. Cash register exp. preferred. Please call Scott or Angelique at Oxford Conference Center, 763-3480. NORMAL HEALTHY MEN/women ages 18-30, approximately 150 lbs. or less, right- handed, normal vision (or contacts, no glasses), needed for positron emission tomography (PET) studies of brain blood flow. Study time is approximately 3 hrs. Compensation is $100. Call David at 313/ 764-2280. NOW ACCEPTING applications for Ban- quet cooks and waitstaff at Wheelers atering. Must be organized, neat in ap- pearance and punctual. Experience not needed but helpful. Please call 994-7588 leave message. OFFICE PERSON: part-time; Mac, phone, & number skills a must. 761-7204. PA. H 0 U S 6 Now hiring full and part time. * Pizza Makers * Counter *Phones * Delivery Drivers Days, evenings and late shifts apply at: 624 Church St., A.A. OUR COMPANY is looking for individuals who want to gain management experience next summer. Earn $6,000-$10,000 per summer. The early bird gets the worm. 1- 800-887-1960. PART-TIME POSITION available. Pre- vious sales experience a plus. Will train. Call 662-3149. PART-TIME temporary until end of year. Afternoons, warehouse setup, team attitude essential. 761-7702. PARTICIPANTS WANTED: $8 for 1 hr. in ed. study. Female, UM student, good writing skills (task not writing intensive). Call Kent Harber, MPTL, 747-3933. PERSON TO HANG posters. Part-time on Campus. 1-800/300-7737. Details. RESEARCH VOLUNTEERS needed. Healthy, non-smoking females, ages 18-40, may qualify for medication research studies. Must not be using birth control pills. Must be using reliable method of birth control or abstinence. Research volunteers are paid for participation. Interested? Call Ann or Liz @ 996-7051. Mon.-Fri., 8 a.m.-4 p.m. Warner- Lambert/Parke-Davis Community Research Clinic, 2800 Plymouth Rd., Ann Arbor, MI 48105. RUNNER/MESSENGER for downtown Ann Arbor law firm. 1:00 to 6:00 p.m. week days. Filing, process serving, delivery, and -office paperwork. Must be reliable, confident and have a car. Please submit resume an% references as soon as possible to: Davis and Fajen, P.C. 320 N. Main St. Ste. 400 Ann Arbor, Mi. 48104 No phone calls please. SALAD DAYS is looking for energetic, cheerful people with restaurant experience. Apply at comer of State & William. SECURITY GUARDS full and part-time. Paid training. Flex. scheduling. All work on campus. Apply in person, State Security Services, 611 Church St., suite 305, 9 a.m.- 3 p.m. E.O.E. SEMEN DONORS NEEDED for a well es* tablished infertility clinic. If you are a male student or professional 20-40 years of age we need you. Donors will be paid $60 per ac- ceptable specimens. For further information please write APRL, P.O. Box 2674, Ann Arbor, MI 48106. '87 VW FOX- 110K mi., 4 door, A/C, $2000 or best. Call 913-2018 or 936-0850. 1988 VW CABRIOLET- exc. cond. All white exterior & interior (leather), A/C. $9300/best offer. 662-7855. 1989 DODGE OMNI 71k miles, ice blue, 4 dr. new tires, air, no rust, automatic, $2950.00. Runs well, call 663-1340. TOYOTA CELICA GT '88, air, auto, 100k.,good condition, $5300, Call 663-9857. VW FOX 2-door, stick, 1988, Burgundy, 110k. miles, stereo cassette, good condition, asking $1,500, 313/763-2791. L AMTECH COMPUTERS 486 DX2-66:4/420:SVGA:$1245. 486 DX-33:4/340:SVGA:$1099. We install systems on your configuration. 677-0155. COMPUTER RENAISSANCE We buy, sell & trade quality used & new computers & accessories. We pay cash for your computer equipment! Now selling 386s as low as $349, 486s as low as $599. Macs as low as $199. Monitors starting at $69. We warranty what we sell! Colonnade Shopping Center 994-1030. DELL, TOSHIBA laptop computers for sale. All 386 w/ hard drives & math co-proc. Also Northgate desktop (386-25 340 Mb.) avail. Call Jonathan 761-1357. IBM COMPATIBLE 386 system. Like new, color monitor, Windows, loads of software, 3.5 drive must see. $600. 763-0695. MAC 270 COLOR Powerbook. Complete with docking station, monitor, ext. keyboard and HP 560 color Deskwriter. 68030-33M1HZ with Math Co. 480mbHD, 9600 Fax/Modem, loaded with software. Only 3 months old. Must sell. $2,700 or best. 810/914-3362. MAC CLASSIC 11-4/40, 9 1/2", b/w screen, Word 5.0, Excel 4.0, Graphics, Apple File Exchange, $550, 810/851-6202. 4 BED 2 BATH apt. w/ prkg. East U. & Oakland. Avail. Jan.-May '95. 663-8239. SUBLET Oct.-Aug. Single room in apt. High St. Wshr./dryer, deck. $280/mo. Util. incl. Clean, quiet. 668-4025. services * SANDI'S WORD PRO: Resumes. Letters. Papers. Theses. Law. Editing. Tapes. Fax. Rush. U-M Discount. 426-5217. MIAMI MOON JEWELRY. Ear & nose piercing. 209 S. 4th Ave. Mon.-Sat. 769- 7478. furniture RESEARCH INFORMATION ti , Largest Library of information in U.S."- all subjects Order Catalog Today with Visa / MC or COD INUSRIL800-351-0222 INDUSTRIAL STRENGTH carpet perfect or (310) 477-8226 for dorm or apt. 10ft.xl2ft. in beige or blue. Or, rush $2.00 to: Research Information $50, call 741-1717. 11322 Idaho Ave., #206-A, Los Angeles, CA 90025 DAILY CROSSWORD PUZZLE Edited by Trude Michel Jaffe $1500 WEEKLY possible mailing our circulars! For info. call 202/298-9065. $363.60 - SELL 72 funny college t-shits - profit $363.60. Risk-free. Choose from 19 designs. Free catalog: 1-800/700-4250. $6/HOUR for talking on the phone. What more could a U-M student want. Flexible evening hours & weekends. Michigan Telefund is hiring for fall term. Great resume experience, friendly staff, bonuses. Stop by 611 Church #304 or call 998-7420 today. Make a difference. ABBOTT'S NURSERY- landscape instal- lation labor help wanted. 2781 Scio Church, Ann Arbor. 665-8733. ACCEPTING APPS. Flex. sched. A.M. kitchen prep, lunch crew, evening crew + supervisors. Apply @ Yes Yogurt & Sandwich, 2264 S. Main or 2603 Plymouth Rd. ADORABLE TODDLER needs energetic, kind, loving babysitter Fri. 8:30 a.m. to 1:30. Must have car and great references. Call 995- 1362. ARE YOUR early mornings or lunchtimes free? Are you strong, dependable? Disabled professional woman needs physical assistance. Cat lover preferred. Near campus. 662-2734. ATTENTION AMBITIOUS , self- motivated students. The Colorworks col- legiate painters is currently interviewing stu- dents for summer '95 management positions. Eam money in excess of $10,000. Call now 1-800-477-1001 for a campus representative. ATTRACTIVE FEMALE models for nude photography. No experience necessary. Need not be tall. Serious only, 741-7487. AUSTRALIAN OPAL ring needs retail distributors. Sell for $20, materials fumished, 100% money back guarantee. Call 1-800/ 376-OPAL for free details. BABYSITTER NEEDED for 3 terrific kids: 4, 11 & exceptional 8 yr. olds. Occasional weekday/weekend afternoons and/or evenings. Own car pref. 665-4842. BABYSITTER NEEDED. Family seeking a warm, responsible babysitter to care for our 1 1/2 & 5 yr. olds Wed. 2:30-6:30p.m., and Sat. 9a.m.-p.m. Please call 662-3062. BABYSITTERS wanted. Some eve. and wknd. sittings for families in Hill-Washtenaw area. Preference for those with car or in walk- ing distance. Call 665-3320. Leave name and phone number. CAREER PLANNING AND Placement has work study positions available for 1994-95. *Peer Advisor Positions 3200 SAB 763-1363. CHILD CARE needed for 5 & 3 yr. old Tues. 12-2 p.m., Wed. 3-7 p.m., Fri. 12-2 Sm. Own transp. & refs. req. Call Sharon CHILD CARE NEEDED in my home. 4 mo. old & 2 1/2 yr. old. Transp. needed. Day and eve. hrs. avail. Call 663-0774. CHILD CARE after school in my home for 2 great boys (5 & 8). 3:30-6, M-F. Car & ref. required. Beverly at 663-8803. CROWNE PLAZA Ann Arbor 610 Hilton Blvd. Bartender/wait & bus persons a.m. and p.m. Employee meal provided. Apply in person. No calls please. CRUISE SHIPS HIRING - Earn up to $2,000+/mo. on Cruise Ships orLand-Tour companies. World travel. Seasonal & Full- Time employment available. No exp. necessary. For info. call 1-206/634-0468 ext. C55981. DAY CARE HELPER, own transp. Ex- perience w/ children nec. Call 663-1737. DELIVERY DRIVERS NEEDED. Earn up to $8+/hr. No clean-up. Must have own car. Apply within Stadium Little Caesars 1944 W. Stadium. DISHWASHER- $5.25/hr. Crowne Plaza. Ann Arbor. 610 Hilton Boulevard. Apply in person. No phone calls please. EARN CASH stuffing envelopes at home. All materials provided. Send SASE to P.o. Box 10075, Olathe, KS 66051. EXTERIOR PAINTERS- Experienced stu- dent painters needed to paint Ann Arbor area homes. Full orpart time. America's College Painters 1-800/626-6267 "painting America's homes coast to coast." FOOD LOVERS- energetic retail sales staff for our bakery cafe. Apply in person between 3 & 5, 326 W. Liberty. FUNDRAISING Choose from 3 different fundraisers lasting either 3 or 7 days. No investment. Earn $$$ for your group plus personal cash bonuses fAr vnref. Cal 11 I-00/o9-5e t 65 Fun RESIDENT MANAGER, The Wilmot House, a residence for University of " " - Michigan patients who live long distances "0Applications available n @ 2105 from Ann Arbor and are undergoing daily hg Udr E Flexi ble outpatient radiation therapy, is in need of a C ateri ntionsat the Houseon a daily basis. Aone- C 10 mr bedroom apartment is provided free of rent in CaVeringyUniversi tyW exchange for services. The House is centrally located near the campus and the hospital. Ap- STUDENTS ARE NEEDED for cleaningat h nj enthusijastic plicants must possess excellent personal and Student Publications. Good pay, $.75thr. organizational skills. Medical related, Frien worin vion ment. Must $7 e W" tff1 trtim - pyh gors"a ok akrud Friendly workng environment. Mutte psychology, or social work backgrounds are available 815 am. to 12:15 p.m. at least two ate C611 764-21,42 preferred. Send resumes including references ays awe . ow . a 76-s5 o to: ATTN: Geralyn Will, University ofdayRom2eEk.4pp yn ard 764-055 or Sue rP yMichigan Medical Center, Department of stop by Room 210E, 420 Maynard Street. Radiation Oncology, Room B2C490, Box STUDENTS TO work midnight shift. Very 0010, 1500 E. Medical Center Dr., Ann good salary. Apply manager's office in Arbor, MI 48109. Michigan League. 764-0446. THE REd CACTUS CIRONiCIES by Chris Incenrock and Chuck Hugener //0 77i5s/K5. I'm NOT 1AtErr tEI P 3Hoazwl~r17IAT -81 A /u A Ou /P Io.rTb rTV- AGAZ /E e ''857.....dS eWalk-ins receive a 20% discount with valid student I.D. (non-organza- tional, non-business ads only) eAll ads must be prepaid unless prior billing privileges established. Personal checks must have imprinted local address. 141 " rate- "$2.75/line for first day, $0.95/line for each additional, consecutive day *Frequency/bulk contracts available. 1 day 2 days 3 days 4 days 5 days 2lines 5.50 7.40 9.30 11.20 13,10 3 lines 8.25 11.10 13,95 16.80 19.65 4 lines 11.00 14.80 18.60 22.40 26.20 line ad deadline "11:30 a.m. one business day prior to publication* Rates: All charges shown on the open rates line chart are for consecutive insertions. If an ad is discontinued and then started again at a later date, it is billed as a new insertion. An ad may bet 16 " " extended at a consecutive rate if requested and paid in full by 11:30 a.m. on originally scheduled ending date. Liability: The liability of TMD for failure to publish an advertisement for any reason, or for publishing incorrect ads in a specified issue, shall be limited to publishing in a subsequent issue. TMD wibe responsible for classified advertisement errors only if notified by 5:0 p.m. on the rst oNoRfndsAdvertisers may cancel an ad before publication, but no refund will be given. Abbreviations: only standard abbreviations as defined by TMD will be accepted. Refusal: All ads are subject to editing and approval. We do not publish advertisements for resale " 1 " " of tickets at more than face value. TMD reserves the right to request samples of mail order items prior to accepting advertising classificaiMofrm Todays date start date # of insertions Lines/davyend date cost_. ACROSS 1 Terminus of all roads? 5 Mets stadium 9 Slack-jawed 14 "- ol' cowhand..." 15 Have on 16 "Mr. Television" 17 Photographer's order 19 Filch 20 Historical period 21 Most unusual 23- and Means Committee 24 Club fees 25 Prospector's find 27 Contempt 29 Hypnotic light of the '70s 34 Avoids 35 Kernel holder 36 Senior 37 Poi ingredient 38 Sphere 39 "And - bed": Pepys 40 Does a publishing job 42 - day now! 43 Dealt with 44 Safety device on a door 46 Photos 47 Yes sir 48 Twirl 49 Drinks slowly 52 Scoundrel 55 Pop 58 Relininus sect 5 Ingrid Bergman's homeland 6 Obeys 7 Slack 8 War god 9 Weight lifter's concern 10 Greeting card order 11 - of expertise 12 - ball! 13 Snakelike swimmers 18 Time worked 22 Mazel - 24 Monopoly order 26 "Norma -" 27 "Evening -" 28 Famous French physicist 29 "Bonanza" star Greene 30 Newspaper advice giver 31 Take as one's own 32 - and bounds 33 Nudge 34 Choreographer's concern 35 West Virginia product 41 Reserved 43 Chef Julia 45 "... - the land of the free" 46 Moves along briskly 48 Libra's prop 49 Poet Teasdale 50 "- Love with a Wonderful Guy" 51 Two cups 53 "- sow..." 54 Pack away 55 Actress Cannon 56 Surrounded by 57 Refuse to consider true 59 Sweetie 61 Bikini top ANSWER TO PREVIOUS PUZZLE: ASTA ACTED PROD LIEN CLARO EINE OLAN CAREW STUN WOREDOWN NOTASA DORS B T U S S E CON D C LO0T E L L C ROW S C HOW S V IE RO0A N D RA WN LIN A I ST MOO N S R AT E S M ES A W NS PE DA N T L IN E E LLY A P LOM B P LA Y 0OW N BE AS EM I LY T H E T TE A T SEA WO0E S LE ER TSARS NENE 9/20/94 1 2 3 4 14 17 20 16 T 8 9 10 16 19 23 1i 12 1 I7l 21f -- 7"""" 24 I I I - ~- I & V I I I