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September 19, 1994 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1994-09-19

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2- The Michigan Daily - Monday, September 19, 1994

Students, U.S. brace for aftershocks of occupation.

continued from page 1
Neighborhood on the prospects for
military intervention in Haiti.
Prof. Priscilla Green, a visiting
professor of African American and
Women's studies, led the discussion
that followed the reading of the poem.
A Haitian native, Green is active
in the Michigan Commitee for a
Democratic Haiti based in Detroit.
She spoke of her organization's strong
oppostion to U.S military action. But
she insisted, "Our opposition is not
because we support the military re-
"TheU.S. government allowed the
situation to deteriorate much too
much," said Green, describing her
opposition. She explained that her
orgainization was very weary of the
political and economic intentions of
the United States. "What rule is the
U.S going to allow -are the popular
peasant organizations going to be al-
lowed to exist," she asked.
She also explained her concern
about exploitation by U.S business
"A propaganda campaign led by
the United States Agency for Eco-
nomic Development fought against
raising the Haitian minimum wage to
fifty cents an hour."
A number of the students attend-
ing the discussion agreed with Green.
They reacted with a mix of relief and
doubt after hearing that a deal had
been reached between the Clinton
administration and Haiti's ruling

continued from page 1
Shalikashvili said.
Indeed, four hours earlier, at about
1 p.m. in Washington, Defense Sec-
retary William J. Perry had walked
into the Oval Office with a message
from the Pentagon command center:
If the invasion was to take place last
night, as scheduled, the paratroopers
who were to be its spearhead had to
start loading into their planes at Fort
Bragg, N.C. President Clinton, un-
certain if Powell, former President
Carter and Sen. Sam Nunn (D-Ga.)
would be able to get a deal, decided
not to wait.
"Pack 'em," he told Perry.
In the hours after that decision, as
the afternoon wore on with no agree-
ment in sight, tensions rose, both on
the ground in Port-au-Prince, where
followers of the military government
were surrounding the site of the talks,
and in the Oval Office, where Clinton
and his advisers were growing in-
creasingly concerned both that the
talks would break down and that
Carter's determination to "grind it
out," as one senior official put it,
could put the delegation in harm's
In the end, it was only a breach of
military security that saved the day.
Shortly after 5 p.m., as Haitian mili-
tary leader Lt. Gen. Raoul Cedras and
Carter held yet another round of in-
conclusive talks, Cedras' second-in-
command, Brig. Gen. Phillipe
Biamby, burst into the room holding

U.S. to send $550
milon to Hiti
Los Angeles Times
WASHINGTON-Nomatter whenexactly Haiti'*
military leaders leave power, U.S. officials promise
one sure thing about the reconstruction effort that will
follow: It will cost real money,
The United States and its allies have already promng
ised to shoulder much of the burden of rebuilding;
Haiti's ravaged economy, a, task that will cost at:
estimated $550 million in the first year alone and*
stretch well into the 21st century.
The first U.S. aid workers will land in Haiti with;
military troops, tackling immediate problems of get,,
ting food, water and electricity flowing. The Clinto*
administration has made plans to feed, as many as 2
million of Haiti's 6.6 million people for a year or more.
Once emergency aid is flowing, U.S. officials plan
to launch an ambitious reconstruction plan to lift Haiti'
from its poverty. But the economic aid program has an'
explicit political aim as well: to help democratically,
elected President Jean-Bertrand Aristide break the
power of the country's moneyed oligarchy by building
a new capitalist class.
The money won't all be American; more than hale
will come from other wealthy countries. The United
States has already pledged at least $100 million in
direct aid in the first year, with more to come.

Haitian de facto President Emile Jonassaint, shown in an image taken from video from Haitian
national television yesterday, urges Haitians to remain calm when thousands of U.S. soldiers
land in the Caribbean nation today.

a cellular phone to his ear: "We have
word they're on the way," he said.
Within an hour, Carter was on the
phone to Clinton to tell him a deal had
been sealed.
Exactly how the Haitians came to
know the invasion had been launched
remains unclear. At the White House,

some officials speculated that the
Haitians may have had spotters near
Fort Bragg who saw the 61 planes
take off. Others, knowing that televi-
sion networks had pictures of the
planes that they had agreed to keep
off the air, believe one of the net-
works let word slip.

In any case, the news had a dra-
matic and decisive effect on the talks.
Within an hour, Cedras and
Biamby had agreed to the one point
that had hung up the deal for the
entire day - a date by which they
would cede power. Until then, the
Haitian leaders stubbornly had in-

sisted they would leave only once the
Haitian parliament had passed a new
law granting them and their followers
amnesty for human rights violations:
Clinton had made clear to Carter and
his colleagues that such languag
would be unacceptable, fearing the
generals could use their power,

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continued from page 1
service is defined very broadly as
"any activity that takes women away
from their scholarly agenda."
Lipschutz said the first awards will be
decided in October.
Duderstadt said a similar program
for minority faculty has been working
well. "It provides more flexibility. If
you ask (women their) greatest con-
cern - it's time," he said.
Future steps may include child
care for faculty and students, restruc-
tured grievance and ombudsman pro-
cedures, Duderstadt said.
He said the next phase is to look at
ways to impact students on campus.
"Students are a significant part of this."

continued from page 1
"If we went back to a system of
using academic reputation only, we'd
be much more criticized. People would
say we were just making a superficial
judgment. Reputation is the hardest
thing to judge," Morse said.
Besides decreasing the weight on
financial resources, Morse said other
changes in this year's study helped
the University's ranking.
The University's standing im-
proved because of the study's in-
creased emphasis on graduation rate.
Morse said the study also based
alumni satisfaction on undergraduate
alumni only vs. all alumni in last year's

continued from page 2.
"We are cost-recovery unit,"
Harding said. "Basically we have to
pay for the program. That's what our
mark-up is for the computers - to
cover the costs of operating the pro-
"If we went with plastic - we
could do that and actually we may end
up doing that at some point - but it
would end up raising all our prices,"
he added. "Right now we are trying to
keep all our prices as low as pos-
The sales program has seen a num-
ber of changes. Portable type com-
puters have gained in popularity with
increasing sales. Also the types of
software typically offered with com-
puters has changed.
"This is the first year we haven't
bundled Microsoft Word," Harding
said. "The reason we haven't done it
this year is because all the Macintoshes
are bundled with ClarisWorks - a
top-selling software - which is an
integrated software package- mean-
ing there are five programs in one like
spreadsheets, database."
The Computer Showcase's expan-
sion to the neighboring, and now va-
cant, Kinko's Copying Center in the
Union next door has increased sales

space. Campus Software and Sup-
plies will be moving into the site by
November offering software and pe-
ripheral devices like printer cartridges
and paper.
Most students are aware of the
various campus computing sites 1
cated on the Central and North Cain
puses. In years past, however, access
to them, especially during midterms
and finals, have led to,long waiting
"We do talk to a lot of studenis
who say 'All I want is to word process
a paper every once in a while,'
Harding said. "For those students
that are really sure that is all they ag>
ever going to do, they can just use th
sites, even though they get busy at
midterms, finals."
But having access to computers
means more than just the ability .to
type a document.
"We are setup by the University to
help students," Harding said. "If w
find that our prices are too high or We
are not helping students, the progra
will go away. We find, based on ev
dence from the Kickoff, we are doing
a service for students. The other thing
we protect students against is - if
they go into a superstore - the folks
in the superstore have one thing in
mind - they want to sell the student

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continued from page I1
Cub memberTom Messneragrees.
"Hillary's her own person," he said
The First Lady is not worried that
a fan club in her honor will under-
mine her political clout, Lattimore
said. "Looking at it as a liability would
be foolish. It's a great honor," he said.
The members of the group view
her as a role model, not a celebrity. "I

view her as a role model for young
women," Janine Easter said.
"If we don't stand up for her, w
discourage young women from try-
ing their luck in politics," she added.
Some of the members discussed
Hillary's connection to another con-
troversial first lady, Eleanor
Roosevelt. "(They were) both very
dynamic women who care about
people in all walks of life," said Sue
Cartman of Ann Arbor.

The Michigan Daily (IS$N 0745.967) is published Monday through Friday during the fall and winter terms by
students at the University of Michigan. Subscriptions for fall term, starting in September, via U.S. mail are $90.
Winter term (January through April) is $95, year-long (September through April) is $160. On-campus
subscriptions for fall term are $35. Subscriptions must be prepaid.
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NEWS David Shepardson, Managing Editor
EDITORS: James R. Cho, Nate Hurley, Mona Oureshi, Karen Talaski.
STAFF: Robin Barry, Rebecca Deton, Lisa Dines. Sam T. Dudek, Ronnie Glassberg, Corey Hill, Katie Hutchins, Michelle Joyce,
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GRAPHICS: Jonathan Bemdt (Editor), Andrew Taylor, Julie Tsai.
EDITORIAL Sam Goodstein, Mint Wainess, Editors
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STAFF= Eugene Bown, Jed Friedman, Jeff KeatingJim Lesser, Jason Lichtstein, Walter Perkel, Allison StevensJean
SPORTS chad A. Safua1, Managing Editor
EDITORS: Rachel Bachman, Brett Forrest, Antoine Pitts, Michael Rosenberg.
STAFF: Bob Abramson, Pau Borger, Roderick Beard, Eugene Bowen, Scott Burton, Ryan Cuskaden, Marc Diller, Jennifer
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Seeley, rian Skr' Tim Smith. Barry Solenberger, Doug Stevens, Michelle Lee Thompson, Ryan White, Heather Windt.
ARTS Melissa Rose Bernardo, Tom Erlewine, Editors
EDITORS: Matt Carlson (Fine Arts), Jason Carroll (Theater), Kirk Miller (Books), Heather Phares (Music), John R. Rybock
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STAFF: Jordan Atlas. Nicole Baker, Mat Carlson. Thomas Crowley, Andy Dolan, Ben Ewy, Johanna Flies, Josh Herrington,
Kristen Knudsen, Karen Lee, Gianluca Montatti, Heather Phares, Scott Plagenhoef, Marni Raitt, Dirk Schulze, Liz Shaw, Sarah
PHOTO Evan Petrie, Editor

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