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September 15, 1994 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1994-09-15

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VO. CIV, No. 124
Ann Arbor, Michigan

One hundred three years of editorial freedom

Thursday, September 15, 1994
@ 1994 The Michigan Daily

$6.4M for
One-time state
earmarked for
projects to comply
with Americans with
Disabilities Act
For the Daily
Along with a 2.3-percent increase
in state funding this year, the Univer-
sity received a one-time appropria-
aprpi-tion of $6.4 million to help it comply
with Americans with Disabilities Act
regulations and fund "special mainte-
nance" projects.
The $6.4 million is part of a $30
aillion package given to Michigan's
15 public colleges and universities, as
part of the state Higher Education
Budget Bill.
But the state has no control over
how the money is distributed within
the schools or how the money is spent.
"The $30 million appropriation is
for schools to use towards ADA com-
pliance, but there is no requirement
for the spending of the funds," said
aureen McNulty, a spokeswoman
for the state Department of Manage-
ment and Budget.
"Gov. John Engler encourages that
schools spend the money towards
compliance and special maintenance
needs, but there is no way to enforce
it. The money is inserted into the
schools' general fund," she said.
Sam Goodin, the University's di-
*ector of services for students with
disabilities, said ADA requires
schools to provide "program accessi-
bility" to all students.
"In most cases, with the ability to
move courses to accessible buildings,
there is no need to make any changes
here," Goodin said, "When there is a
unique facility such as a laboratory or
large lecture hall that cannot be moved,
is necessary to provide access."
Farris W. Womack, executive vice
president and chief financial officer,
said the $6.4 million is and will be
applied to ADA requirements such as
the maintenance of elevators and
ramps as well as funding ongoing
special maintenance projects.
Construction is underway on
ramps like the one at the LSA Build-
ing, and the installation of electric
oors and maintenace of elevators
has been occurring since the money
became available in late June,
Womack said.
See PROJECTS, Page 2

White House
S~a 1...n alki
The Washington Post
WASHINGTON - President Clinton yes-
terday moved to the forefront to defend what his
aides now say is an imminent U.S. invasion of
Haiti, calling Haitian military leaders the "most
brutal, most violent regime anywhere in our U
hemisphere" and saying he had "exhausted ev-
ery available alternative" short of force to get 11'
. Clinton's comments came in an interview
with wire services that was arranged by the Newsday
White House after weeks in which Clinton has WASHINGTON - A U.S. invasion of
allowed presidential aides to make his case for Haiti would meet only token resistance, but
military action. It amounted to a preview of the the American force could suffer as many as
nationwide address he is to make from the Oval 100 casualties during the operation, a military
Office tonight. expert predicted yesterday.
As calls spread through Congress to delay Under the best-case scenario, about half-
military action until legislators can debate the dozen of the 20,000 U.S. soldiers expected to
issue next week, Clinton used graphic photo- participate in the brief assault may be killed
graphs of alleged atrocities against civilians to by enemy fire, according to Dan Goure, deputy
argue that delay was out of the question. He said director of political/military studies at the
there was still time for the military leaders to Center for Strategic and International Studies,
leave on their own, but others in the administra- a Washington think tank.
tion said they have sent no signals they intend to But in the worst-case scenario, that num-
do so. ber could climb to 20, said Goure, an armed
"I realize it is unpopular; I know it is unpopu- services war college lecturer and former Pen-
lar," Clinton said of the congressional and public tagon official in the Bush administration.
criticism of an invasion as not in U.S. security Overall, Goure said, he anticipates that there
interests and as a political ploy to boost his will be between 25 and 100 troops injured or
sagging popularity on the eve of midterm elec- killed by enemy fire, friendly fire or acci-
tions. "I know the timing is unpopular. I know dents, especially involving helicopters.
the whole thing is unpopular. But I believe it is Pentagon officials yesterday declined to
the right thing." project casualties, as did several other mili-
Clinton's public weighing-in follows weeks
See HAITI, Page 5 See LOSSES. Page 5

After leaving the Norfolk Naval Base yesterday, the USS Dwight D. Eisenhower steams
toward Haiti as part of the U.N. Multi-National Force.

Off-campus Entree a plus, despite early

Daily Staff Reporter
Although some students grumble
about glitches in their new ID cards,
Housing Division officials say the
inconvenience is worth the future
benefits. The new system will make
an off-campus Entree Plus system a
During the summer, the Entree
Office re-encoded nearly 16,000 ID
cards, in addition to issuing ID cards
for all new and some returning stu-
Many students have experienced
problems with their IDs because they
do not register on Entree Plus and
Entree machines.
"I don't think anyone thought a
program of this magnitude could go

The encoding of studert ID cards will allow the
proposed expansion of Entree Plus to off-campus
venues, Housing Division officials said yesterday

ahead without any glitches. This is
relatively new technology," said Alan
Levy, Housing Division spokesman.
Levy said the majority of student
ID-related problems stem from the
old IDs that were re-encoded during
the summer. The magnetic strip width
is different on the new IDs, which
causes some glitches in re-encoded
The Entree office is no longer re-
encoding old cards because of the
problem. "The failure rate - about
20 percent - was high enough that a

decision was made to issue entirely
new cards," Levy said.
Larry Durst, business manager for
the Housing Division, said the change
is worth the hassles. "We think the
benefits will come out next year."
Durst said the changes were nec-
essary to move toward an Entr6e Plus
card that would work at non-Univer-
sity-related businesses. The new IDs
meet international banking card speci-
The new cards also offer students
increased safety because of a new

computer-generated student number
instead of a Social Security number,
Durst said. Until the changeover is
complete, students should still use
their Social Security number when
asked for a student ID number.
Even after the switch was made to
issue only new cards, some students
are still having difficulties.
Mattie Reveire, general manager
of the East Quad dining hall, said
employees see a handful of non-work-
ing cards at every meal. She said East
Quad has to call the Entr6e Office and
verify the existence of a meal plan
before they allow the student to eat.
"I was hoping they'd all work, but
we are just starting ... it really hasn't
been a big problem," she said.
For students who have been un-

able to use their cards, the inconve-
nience is bothersome.
Shaquita Parker, an LSA first-year
student, said she is upset about her
ID's malfunctions. Parker said she
has been holding up lines in the din-
ing room for days as cafeteria work-
ers try to make her card register.
"I want to get my money's worth
as far as the Housing Division is con-
cerned," Parker said. "It's an incon-
venience. They should have had this
all worked out before we came back."
Durst said problems like Parker's
are rare. He said the division is send-
ing defective cards to the company to
be examined. Because the cards con-
tain a student's Social Security num-
ber, the owner can refuse to have the
card sent.

Minn. governor thwarts
'Conservative challenge

The Washington Post
Minnesota GOP Gov. Arne
Carlson easily rejected a challenge
from conservative Allen Quist Tues-
day in a primary contest that high-
lighted the role of religious conserva-
tives in the Republican Party.
The Carlson-Quist contest was
*videly seen as a sign of the ideologi-
cal divisions within the Republican
Party. Quist won the party's endorse-
ment at this summer's state conven-
tion after his supporters, angry with
Carlson because of his support for
gay and abortion rights, overwhelmed
the spring caucuses and took control
of the party machinery.
The two men waged a bitter pri-
ary fight since then, with Carlson
randing Quist, whose supporters in-
cluded many Christian conservatives,
a "cult leader" who wanted to inject
religion into state government and
compared his convention victory to
the rise of Adolf Hitler in Nazi Ger-

Carlson apologized for the remark,
but the bitterness prevailed. Quist,
while calling for policies to rebuild
the family and opposing abortion, ar-
gued that his candidacy also had the
support of anti-tax activists and oth-
ers fed up with Carlson's policies.
Carlson never enjoyed much sup-
port from GOP activists. Four years
ago, he lost the Republican primary
but ended up as the party's nominee
through a bizarre set of circumstances.
Despite trailing in the polls, Quist,
who took advantage of Carlson's fail-
ure to build bridges to conservative
activists to win the party's endorse-
ment, counted on the passion of his
supporters to help drive Carlson out
of office. But Tuesday, the incum-
bent, who rounded up the endorse-
ments of major business organiza-
tions, the Teamsters'and every major
newspaper, proved too strong and won
the primary by about 2 to 1.

D. C.
Former Mayor Marion
Barry Jr. staged an
astounding comeback
from the disgrace of his
1990 drug arrest to
capture the Democratic
Party's nomination,
burying incumbent
Sharon Pratt Kelly.
Democratic Gov. Mario M.
Cuomo won renomination
for a fourth term and will
face little-known GOP state
Sen. George E. Pataki.
Democratic Sen. Daniel
Patrick Moynihan was
nominated for a fourth
term after fending off a
challenge from black
activist Al Sharpton.
Former U.S. Rep. John G.
Rowland won the GOP
gubernatorial nomination
and will run against
Democratic Comptroller
William Curry.

No joy in Mudville: Baseball
owners, players call it quits

The Washington Post
NEW YORK - The once-un-
thinkable for baseball had become
the inevitable by the time the game's
acting commissioner, Bud Selig, made
matters official yesterday. Selig an-
nounced the cancellation of the re-
mainder of the 1994 major league
season - including the World Series,
which won't be played for the first
time in 90 years because of the bitter
labor dispute between the team own-
ers and on-strike players.
"There's an incredible amount of
sadness," Selig said during a late-
afternoon news conference in Mil-
waukee. "It's hard to articulate the
poignancy of this moment. There's
been failure on so many fronts.... We
can only hope now we constructively
move forward to solve our problems,
rebuild the damage and take the game
to the heights it can reach.
"We felt pragmatism dictated


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