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September 14, 1994 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1994-09-14

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Vol. CIV, No. 123
Ann Arbor, Michigan
Clinton c
The Baltimore Sun
WASHINGTON - The United Sta
patched an aircraft carrier yesterday witl
a force that could launch an invasion of I
early as next week, while the Clinton ad
tration scrambled to reverse public an
gressional opinion against an invasion.
President Clinton, who met with I
visers on final tactics yesterday, dec:
deliver a televised address Thursday e
from the Oval Office, outlining plans
store democratically elected Haitian
dent Jean-Bertrand Aristide to power.
Aristide, a Catholic priest, was ouster
power and replaced by a military junt
cut AATU
from next
P Tenants' union
threatens to charge
students for its
services If cut from
assembly budget
Daily Staff Reporter
Students who have problems with
landlords may find it more expensive
to get help from the Ann Arbor Ten-
ants' Union (AATU) if the proposed
budget for the Michigan Student As-
sembly passes next Tuesday.
The proposed budget eliminates
line-item funding for AATU, worth
about $18,000. MSA sought to elimi-
ethe funding in last year's budget,
various student and staff protests
prevented it.
The funding represents about 60
percent of AATU's budget. If it is
eliminated, AATU may have to begin
to charge students who use their ser-
vices, said AATU Coordinator Pattrice
Maurer. The charge would probably
be around $15 a year, she said.
Maurer told the assembly that more
n 1,500 students sought assistance
from the tenants' union last year.
The main objection to funding
TU stems from the "special sta-
tus" the line-item grants the organiza-
ion, said MSA Vice President Jacob
"Giving them (AATU) a line-item
"s like saying to the other 300 or so

tudent organizations on campus that
TU is better than you, that they
eserve this funding and you don't,"
tern said.
Maurer said AATU has looked for
ther sources of funding other than
SA, but "there is no source in the
orld that will give us money to pro-
ide services to U-M students."
Stern also said that AATU funding
ast year was drawn from a $35,000
get surplus. Since the surplus this
is only $9,000, funding AATU
ould be more of a financial strain on
e assembly.
"I'm almost in a position where
ven if I wanted to fund them, we're
nder such a tight budget that I
buldn't, unless I cut student group
nding, which I absolutely don't want
o do," Stern said.
Loss of the line-item funding from
assembly could be a serious blow
the viability of AATU, said Maurer.
"I've worked on our cash flow a
ot, and it's good enough that we could
urvive for a couple of months, but not
or long," Maurer said. "At worst, the
TU may close. At best, we would
e forced to begin charging students
or our services like we do our regular
embers, and even that might not
e ue."
Stern said he is concerned that
TU has not looked hard enough for
ternative sources of funding. "They
ad plenty of time to apply for fund-
.g.... I just don't buy that they tried
ard enough," he said.


One hundred three years of editorial freedom


Wednesday, September 14, 1994
0 1994 The Michigan Daily

ispatches carrier, defends Haiti inva

years ago. The United States has been in the
vanguard of attempts to restore him to power,
first by economic pressure and now with inten-
sifying military threats.
Although the administration has decided
against seeking congressional approval before
an invasion, public opinion polls showing as
much as 73 percent opposition to an invasion
are propelling a potentially embarrassing set-
back for the president on Capitol Hill.
Democratic leaders struggled yesterday to
fend off efforts by opponents of an invasion to
stage a vote before an invasion occurs. Resolu-
tions under discussion would not tie the
president's hand.

"Usually on the eve of military intervention
there's a tendency to rally around the com-
mander in chief," one Pentagon aide said. In
this case, "the polls are going the other way."
"It's possible that there will be a vote,"
House Speaker Thomas Foley (D-Wash.),
told reporters yesterday after he, Senate Ma-
jority Leader George Mitchell (D-Maine),
and House Majority Leader Richard Gephardt,
D-Mo., held a 45-minute meeting with Clinton.
The major first-strike force of a U.S.-led
multinational invasion of Haiti set sail from
Norfolk, Va., yesterday, pointing to an invasion
as early as next week.
"In terms ofthe end resultwe are there," said

a senior Defense Department official who asked
not to be named. "There is far too much set in
motion to see anyone now stopping it, or hold-
ing it in suspense very long."
The aircraft carrier USS America headed
out of home port with elements of the 18th
Airborne Corps, including the paratroopers of
the 82nd Airborne Division, Army Rangers
and other special forces.
It will be followed today by another aircraft
carrier, the USS Eisenhower, with troops of the
10th Mountain Division, which served in So-
malia, and their Black Hawk helicopters. The
amphibious command ship USS Mount
Whitney, which will be the control center for

ision plans
any invasion, is also preparing to sail.
Prime targets would be the docks and air-
port at Port-au-Prince, the Haitian capital. Once
the two entry points are secured by Navy Seals
and Rangers, massive reinforcement would ar-
rive by sea and land in adisplay of the Pentagon's
current doctrine of overwhelming force.
The second-wave assault force is assem-
bling at Guantanamo Naval Base, Cuba, 90
miles away from Haiti. Defense officials say it
will include Air Force A-10 ground attack jets,
and AC-130 gunships. Several hundred mili-
tary reserves are expected to volunteer for such
specific support rolls as water purification,
medical services and policing.


Cuba ends

The Washington Post
HAVANA - Beaches were
empty yesterday as Cuba's month-
long experiment with unrestricted
migration by raft ended and those
who chose to stay resigned them-
selves to an uncertain future under
President Fidel Castro's communist
The rafts were gone at some of the
most popular launching points along
a 30-mile stretch of coast near Ha-
vana as police began enforcing a U.S.-
Cuban accord to halt all seaborne
departures of migrants. Only a few
swimmers and fishermen were vis-
Few police were on hand and fewer
were needed yesterday morning, al-
though skies were clear and seas calm.
Weather was more threatening yes-
terday afternoon, but the
government's deadline for enforcing
the U.S. pact seemed to be the main
factor in turning away the rafters. In
exchange for Cuba deterring the exo-

dus, the United States has agreed to
facilitate legal immigration of at least
20,000 Cuban annually.
With the rafting spectacle no
longer providing an entertaining di-
version, Havana residents returned to
the arduous task of daily survival.
The difficulty of that chore had served
as perhaps the primary stimulus for
an estimated 30,000 Cubans to flee
for the United States.
At the supermarket's meat counter,
the butcher did not even show up
because, like every day for the last
week, he had nothing to sell - not
even a pig's foot or an ounce of fat.
The supermarket was able to offer
customers only a bag of sugar, some
flour, two Cuban cigars, three packs
of unfiltered cigarettes and assorted
dry goods.
On the other side of Havana, at the
state-run dollars-only Supermarket
7016 -across the street from the old
Soviet Embassy and near the Karl
See CUBA, Page 2

Gatherers hold hands while Choi Palms-Cohen sings a song yesterday outside City Hall written in memory of Ben
Linder. Linder has been recognized all across the country for his efforts to bring electricity to small villages in
Nicaragua. To date, Linder is the only U.S. citizen to have been killed by Nicaraguan Contras.

Dem chair calls in the offense for fall elections

For the Daily
Democratic National Committee
Chair David Wilhelm told Demo-
crats they have something to learn
from the Michigan-Notre Dame foot-
ball game.
In a speech before about 75 stu-
dents and community members at the
Michigan League Ballroom last night,
Wilhelm cited the need for Demo-
crats to go on the offensive before
mid-term elections this November.
"Maybe we are on the 15-yard
line, and maybe there are 50 seconds
left on the clock," Wilhelm said.
"What we have to learn is that it is
not over until it is over. If we are
going to be successful, if we are go-
ing to do it this fall, we have to fight,
suck it up and get in the face of the
Wilhelm's speech comes as the
Republican party threatens to steal
Democratic control of Congress dur-
ing November elections. One third of
the Senate's seats are up for grabs.
With the retirement of Democratic'
Sen. Donald Riegle, Wilhelm noted,
Michigan's open Senate seat is one of

the most crucial races for both par-
ties. He said six other key races are in
virtual dead heats.
He also outlined what he believes
to be the important issues in the cur-
rent race and future races, ranking
educational opportunity, health care
reform, international trade and envi-
ronmental issues as the most impor-
Wilhelm appeared as the first
speaker in a two-part series, spon-
sored by the Michigan Student As-
sembly, entitled "Election Show-
down: Battle at the Ballot Box."
According to MSA vice president
Jacob Stern, the series is "an attempt
to excite the student community and
raise political activism among young
voters at the University of Michi-
Repeatedly mentioning that the
group of voters ranging from 18-30
is vital in deciding many mid-term
elections this year, Wilhelm's speech
encouraged students to take the
intiative in politics.
"The important thing about being
young is preferring change to the
status quo," he said. "It is preferring

hope to fear, altruism to materialism.
That is a role that young people need
to bring to the political system, they
need to bring change."
Students in the audience said
Wilhelm was inspiring.
"I am impressed that Wilhelm took

on the issues directly and laid out
what the Democrats have to do," said
LSA senior Jeff Plymale. "But I'm
not confident about the level of youth
energy surrounding politics here. For
a major political figure, there was a
very low turnout."

Vice-chairman of College Demo-
crats Benjamin Bolger said,
"Wilhelm focused on the critical
issues facing today's generation. He
was right that it is critical that young
people get involved, it is important
to be active."

Wilhelm: 'Keep fighting the fight'

After speaking at the Michigan
League last night, Democratic Na-
tional Committee chairman David
Wilhelm spoke with reporters. He has
announced his resignation effective
following the November elections, and
he and his wife Degee are expecting
their first child in late November.
Daily Staff Reporter
Q: Crime is the No. 1 issue in the
election. The Republicans' message
has been "throw the book at them,"
while the Democrats approach has
been more complicated. As a sound
bite on national television, "Lock them
up and throw away the key," makes
for a more convincing rallying cry.
How are the Democrats going to re-

A: I actually think people are very
sophisticated when it comes to crime.
They see it all too much; they know
that a simplistic answer is not enough.
They know there has to be a combina-
tion of punishment and prevention.
If our only response is to do some-
thing after the crime has already been
committed, that's a response that vot-
ers understand very, very well is in-
sufficient, inadequate. I think the bal-
anced approach is the approach that
the American people want.
Q: What are you coaching Demo-
crats to say about health care right
A: I say keep fighting the fight.
The only kind of health care coverage

that middle class people will benefit
from is universal coverage. If you're
rich, you've got coverage. If you're
poor, you've got coverage. If your in
jail, you've got coverage. But if you're
a middle-class worker, you're one
paycheck away from losing your cov-
erage. It's universal coverage that
middle-class people have a stake in.
Q: What are the chances that health
care will be passed in the next month
and a half?
A: They don't look great right
now. The question is whether some
framework that will lead to future
legislation can be passed in the in-
terim. We'll see.
I think by far the best thing is to get
See WILHELM, Page 2

Friends say pilot was smoking crack
before he crashed into White House

The Washington Post
ABERDEEN, Md. -Before steal-
ing a plane and crashing it into the
South Lawn of the White House, Frank
Eugene Corder spent the day watch-

rooms. Then they moved to the front
stoop, where they watched the traffic
whiz by and kept tipping back tall
cans of Busch beer and bottles of Mad

nearby Perry Point. He never men-
tioned politics or the fact that Presi-
dent Clinton was to attend church
Sunday just up the road at Aberdeen
Proving Grounds.

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