The Michigan Daily -- Friday, December 9, 1994 - 3 :. i. i mA look at the University's *North Campus nuclear reactor By ANDREW TAYLOR Daily Staff Reporter Just two buildings away from the North Campus Commons, tucked between a construction site and a couple pine trees, rests a nuclear reac- tor. This inconspicuous lab looks mple, both inside and out. There are no tinted glass windows or high-story offices, as found on many Central Cam- pus buildings. After passing through a heavy steel door, the lab reveals no shiny metal machines and only a hand- ful of computers. The facility could easily be mistaken for an old garage, with its concrete floors, high ceilings and casually painted walls- if not for e blue glow radiating from an open 1 of water. An ancient Egyptian mythological bird, the Phoenix was consumed by fire only to be reborn out of its own ashes. After atomic bombs helped write his- tory during World War II, University students wanted to see the atom "re- born," into something useful for sci- ence. The Michigan Memorial-Phoenix *roject was founded in 1948 as a memorial to the 585 University alumni, students, faculty and staff who died in World War II. At the time, two-thirds of the University's 18,000 students had been in the armed ser- vices, including four out of every five men. During the 1950s, $6.5 million was raised through public donations for the lab, and in addition, the Ford otor Co. gave $1 million for the eactor itself, which began operation on Sept. 18, 1957, to become the second research reactor in the nation, after Pennsylvania State University's. "The purpose is kind of noble," said Reactor Manager Bob Burn. The lab, which hosts less than 200 visitors per year, is dedicated to researching the peaceful uses of nuclear energy. No military research has ever been Sone on the site. "We don't accept any classified projects or funding from the Depart- ment of Defense," said Ronald Flemming, director of the Phoenix Lab. What type of work is done? The practical applications for nuclear research are limitless, cover- g a wider array of disciplines than enerally realized. "You name it we do it. We liter- ally supply that service to anyone who needs it at no charge," Burn said. Burn said that while the reactor is available "for whatever anybody wants to use it for," the "bread-and-butter" work of the lab is neutron activation analysis. Put simply, most of the basic elements that make up every known substance become radioactive when exposed to radiation. All elements have specific characteristics that allow re- searchers to identify them by how they respond to radiation. By exposing al- most anything to the radiation from the reactor, researchers can tell the com- position of a sample. Nuclear Engineering Prof. John C. Lee said, "Neutron analysis is a very accurate technique to identify very trace amounts of a substance." The uses cover many disciplines such as anthropology, archeology, biology and chemistry. (See chart at bottom right.) The reactor is also used for projects other than neutron Spray paint: analysis. Another popular study is neutron radiogra- phy, which is similar to an X- ray. In the base- ment of the lab, six-feet thick con- crete and lead walls surround the reactor pool. X-Ray These walls have doors, which when opened al- low radiation to escape. The doors lead to tubes and aisles in which objects can be placed in the path of the radiation. Behind the ob- jects, sheets of Radiograph film are set. The radiation passes through the object and prints a picture on the film. "X-rays can not see through a me- tallic object. If you wanted to look inside aengine forexample, X-rays are completely useless," Lee said. X-rays work well on water, oil and human skin, which are light substances, but they are absorbed by heavy materi- als such as metals. For example, recently an auto transmission design that overheated was studied. The transmission was set while running in the path of the radiation. Using the print on the film, the points of oil blockage were identified and the trans- mission modified. Similar : studies have been done on fuel injectors and large jet engines, including those used by the NASA space shuttles. The lab houses numer- ous other projects as well. For instance, researchers study steel shielding for com- mercial power labs to test how well it will contain ra- diation inside a larger reac- tor. "We can give the equiva- lent of about 40 years in a power reac- tor in about a year," Burn said. Another experiment is argon-argon age dating, used to measure the level of potassium in rocks to determine their age. The lab also contains a Cobalt-60 irradiator, which is separate from the reactor. Cobalt is a substance which emits gamma rays, used in the steril- ization of bone cartilage prior to trans- plants. The reactor's design "The (University) reactor is like a Model T Ford," Flemming said. "It's a simple design. The fuel elements each have a life of two or three years. If we have spare parts, this reactor can run forever, just like a Model T." The reactor sits at the bottom of a 50,000-gallon pool in a large room. A person standing in the pool, next to the reactor, would receive a fatal dose of radiation in less than a second. Twenty feet of water is all that sepa- rates the reactor from the observers. There are no walls, glass shields or barriers of any kind, save a simple railing around the pool. Only one worker has ever fallen in the pool, and he simply climbed out unharmed. Radiation levels are low at the top of the pool, and workers would shut down the reactor before anyone could sink to the bottom, where the deadly radiation waits. "The water's real function is to reduce high energy flow," Burn said. The water is kept extremely pure through filtration. Any foreign sub- stances such as salt could become radiated down near the reactor and circulate to the surface where it would expose the workers. "You could actually drink this water right now and it wouldn't do any harm," Burns said. "We have never emptied this water in 35 years," while adding that the pipes have no corrosion and there's no algae. The water circulates past the reac- tor at 1,000 gallons per minute, and out below the lab. There it is pumped outside through a cooling system and then back into the lab, which does not discharge any water. Deep in the pool, radiation levels are high, but distance blocks the ra- diation. Also, the reactor operates at a low power level of two megawatts, compared to 3,000 at a typical com- mercial power reactor. The water temperature is 110 de- grees, and only reaches about 160 degrees at the core. A large commer- cial power reactor works on a similar design, but encapsulates water around the reactor at high pressure to keep it from boiling. For example, a power reactor operating at about 570 de- grees uses steam generated by boil- ing water to run a turbine. While the Phoenix reactor gen- erates enough energy for about 1,000 homes, the power is not used. The reactor's relatively low tem- perature provides little chance of a meltdown as in commercial reac- tors. Even if the coolant systems failed, and the water drained out of the pool, significant amounts of ra- diation would not spread beyond the pool itself, Burn said. "We didn't want to have a reactor on a university campus where it could harm thousands of people, so it's de- signed that way," Burn said. Forty low-enriched uranium fuel ANDREW TAYLOR/Daily Above: The nuclear reactor lies in this pool 22 feet below. Below: The Phoenix lab keeps low-level radioactive waste on site. r- C-- the core, stopping the reaction in about half a second. The reactor's blue glow is caused by fast-traveling, high-energy electrons released in the water by fission within the core. As the electrons are slowed by the water, they release energy as bril- liant blue light. The reactor site "The reactor is in very good shape," Lee said. "But it is old, so we've been updating some of the control systems." Burn said, "We have never gone overboard in shutting the facility and upgrading everything." The lab keeps low-level radioactive waste on site, since few dumps will take it. Burns said the trash is safe, but slightly radioactive. It is not dangerous, so steel barrels are stacked in an unused part of the site's basement, open to passersby. Currently, about six years worth of gloves, paper and sample capsules are being stored, with space available for the next 10 years. All the fuel and technical support for the reactor is provided by federal government, while building mainte- nance and salaries are paid by the Uni- versity. Many of the two dozen staff members are former U.S. Navy per- sonnel studying nuclear physics. Since 1966, the reactor is one of the most active in the country. Researchers run the reactor 24 hours a day for 10 days straight with four off days. This allows research to be done that is not 28' deep pool, reactor sits open at bottom This machine adjusts the control rods The reactor core underwater ANDREW TAYLOR/Daily while the reactor was still operational. Burn said the incident was a communi- cation error that did not have the poten- tial to release radiation. Nevertheless, the federal Nuclear Regulatory Commission threatened to fine the lab $1,250 for failing to report the incident. The June 8, 1992 error took nine days for Flemming to report to the NRC, said a representative from the NRC's regional- headquarters in Glen Ellyn, Ill. Regulations require problems be reported within 24 hours, the representative said. Burn said he would have reported the incident immediately, but was on possible at many other sites. "Most research reactors at universi- ties hardly operate at all," Burn said. "Michigan State had one, and it hardly ever ran. They sent all of their work. here, so they shut it down." 'You could actually drink this water right now and it wouildn't do any harm.' Bob Burn r n +n, m -,mn vacation, Burn said dur- ing his absenee, some workers convinced Flemming it shouldn't be reported. Burn said when he learned of the problem, "I said 'Jesus, I think we ought to report this to the NRC.' Even if you don't think it's a 4... t :nr. .. ' .. IBM . ffi'SS" ' ':