4 - The Michigan Daily - Tuesday, December 6, 1994 . e Cii ttn Nili 420 Maynard Ann Arbor, MI 48109 Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan JessieHallada Editor in Chief Samuel Goodstein Flint Wainess Editorial Page Editors Unless otherwise noted, unsigned editorials reflect the opinion of a majority of the Daily's editorial board. All other articles, letters, and cartoons do not necessarily reflect the opinion of The Michigan Daily. 'The pro-life side had its biggest victory in the history of the movement.' - Rep. Christopher H. Smith (R-N.J.), commenting on this November 's election MiE LEFT yS A COP oF "30OY'5 TOWN" I CHAn 6RIA/J, Wanted: housing director University must refocus its selection process The joys (and ;nightmares) of the holiday season It was Sunday afternoon, and I was caught in a traffic jam in the parking lot of Target. Ah, the joys of the ChrstmasO season. I'd already decided to put off my Christmas shopping until I got home: trying to buy presents when you've got three papers to write and two exams to take is just not productive. I went to Target (that's Tar-zhay, as they say in France) to buy a full-spectrum light so I wouldn't get depressed this winter and a ream of paper for my printer so I could write those pa- pers. Somehow Ijust wasn't in the Christmas spirit. T he University's search for a new housing director is coming to a close. After nine months of investigation and exploration, the final four candidates for the position have been chosen. There are many important topics that should be discussed during these last few weeks of the search so that the University can be assured it is hiring the best possible candidate. However, the focus of most of the search has been toward the living-learning programs here at the Uni- versity. While these programs serve an inter- esting and useful purpose within the Univer- sity, they are not important enough to warrant the amount of attention that has been placed upon them. As the search process enters its final stage, the focus must shift to a more broad, issues-oriented perspective. The living-learning programs at the Uni- versity are not perfect models. These pro- grams, such as the 21st Century curriculum in Mary Markley and the Pilot Program in Alice Lloyd, do not affect the needs of the majority of students in the University's undergraduate program. Moreover, the goals of the living- learning philosophy - to create a community with a dormitory designed to facilitate learning - are often incompatible with a large Univer- sity setting. Clearly, then, these academic pro- grams do not warrant the time spent discussing them during the current housing director search. Furthermore, there is no evidence that students really want these programs. Many students choose to enroll in these programs simply because of the dorms they are housed in. To feel that all first-year students at the University will participate in living-learning is a false hope. The attention of the search should be di- rected towards more valuable and applicable subjects. The final applicants should be asked to give their opinions of significant concerns regarding housing-including the expensive dormitory costs for students, substance-free halls and the entree-plus system, to name a few. The applicants should also listen to stu- dent concerns in an open forum. The ideal housing director would have open communi- cation with students, the real constituency of any housing supervisor. Finally, the candi- dates for housing director must prove that they do indeed have a broad understanding of the University housing system, and consequently, have firm views on the issues involved. Time and effort have been wasted in the search process when they could have been more wisely utilized. The University should refocus its selection process as it nears its concluding stages. While the four final candidates may possess several essential characteristics advantageous in an ideal housing director, they have not been able to express them publicly. It appears that the right questions have not been addressed to the applicants. The University must realize there is more to housing, and to a housing director's responsibilities, than a living-learning pro- gram. Focusing the search on such a small-scale element of University housing has been to the detriment of the entire process. Only when the four prospects are able to speak openly about the range of their ideas can the selection committee make a competent decision and chose the new University of Michigan hous- ing director. Students must beware of the 'Code' The 'new' House Republican refroms are symbolic, but welcome Power corrupts, or so the saying goes. In the U.S. House of Representatives power not only corrupts but breeds lethargy and unac- countability, as witnessed after more than four decades of Democratic Party rule. Push button elevators staffed with elevator operators, ice delivered to each office daily and countless other useless and expensive perks are distin- guishing features of the Democratic House, features than will not embody the House that Newt is building. Skyrocketing budget deficits have ushered in an era of fiscal restraint, send- ing members of Congress scouring for politi- cally friendly ways to slash the deficit. To the credit of the Republican transition team, they have found a boondoggle right under their own noses: the day to day operations of the House of Representatives. With a seething electorate demanding change, Republican leaders' plans to make the House look less imperial are wise, even if the impending cutbacks are more bark than bite. The key components of the promised changes are the dismissal of nearly 1,500 Capi- tol functionaries, increased auditing, increas- ing the size of the House inspector general's watchdog staff from three to eleven and in- creased accountability by making administra- tive decisions in the public eye. These changes, while perfunctory in the grand scheme of things, amount to a revolution in the internal workings of the House - a legislature with traditions and norms of regality that have outlasted their welcome, as far as constituents are concerned. The mnet noteuorthv ch ance in the HoueI Administration Committee, which oversees internal matters such as the granting of food contracts and the like, to be replaced with a new Oversight Committee. The new commit- tee will confine its purview to broad policy questions, leaving day-to-day internal deci- sions to a new chief administrative officer of the House, a position to be appointed by the Speaker. This will streamline and depoliticize decision making. Furthermore, the commit- ment to make audits and reports by the inspec- tor general available to the public is notewor- thy because it signifies a commitment to an "open House," which the GOP pledged to create. While the promised reforms are laudable, they should be taken for what they are worth: mostly symbolic gestures. Symbolism, of course, has its place in American politics, as it should. However, while it is easy to deride Democratic pork and cut back and consoli- date Capitol staff, it will not be easy, nor wise, to completely dismantle the welfare state. Unfortunately, internal reform is the excep- tion in the GOP platform. The all-too familiar normconsists ofvoodoo economics, draconian welfare proposals and unwise tax cuts and defense spending hikes. Internal reform will save very few tax- payer dollars, appease some irritated constitu- ents who see members of Congress living the high life and improve the image of the institu- tion. However, these are relatively small feats. We can only hope, and it is likely an empty hope, that the Republicans have as much sense in rnnnine the Congress as thev do in To The Daily: I was going to keep my com- ments about the 12/1/94 article on my lawsuit against the uni- versity to myself, but in light of the letter that Mr. Jamie Will- iams had the gall to send to the Daily, I feel I must respond. First, the so called facts that Mr. Williams claims were left out of the article, were done so because they are "facts" that Williams has made up. Yes, I was, at times, on the same floor as and even near Ms. Davidson's room, but that was in no way to harass Emily. The majority of my friends lived on that floor, and anyone who knows 2nd MO-JO knows it's a small floor. I spent my time with my friends in their rooms and on their hall. Ms. Davidson's presence did not and could not have changed the fact that my friends lived there. She has the right to fear any- thing she wants. Just as I have the right to fear that the earth is going to open up and eat me alive. I am only going to address the issue of the obscenities on her door by saying that is has already been proven, and deter- mined, that I did not write them. In fact, the evidence has proven that it was her own friends, who were angry with her for what she was doing to me, who did write them. So, Mr. Williams, if you want to get the facts exposed to the public, make sure they are facts first. Oh, I don't want to forget to thank Jamie for mentioning my "team" of lawyers. My one, very good, attorney has been the one helping me along dur- Republicans selfishly denounce term limits To the Daily: I am writing in response to the editorial entitled "Term Limit Hypocrisy" which ran on 1/29. I agre with the Daily that term limits reduce the re- sponsiveness of Congress, but I think you are way off base with your reasoning that Re- publicans just "suddenly" re- alized (three weeks after being elected) that maybe termnlimits weren't so good. In my opin- ion, the Republicans are chang- ing their minds because, and only because, they do not want to lose their offices with their time is up. They recognize that (unfortunately) America is growing more conservative and will not boot out Republicans without a major Republican blunder. They also realize that ing this lawsuit, not a team. And, Ms. Davidson most cer- tainly did have representation at the hearing. Her mother was present, and she had, as did I, the right to have an attorney present to consult with. They were not able, and did not speak, for either myself or Emily. I want to thank the editorial staff for last week's editorial on the 'code'. That is exactly what Thursday's article was about. I havejust one comment about the editorial. Ms. Davidson, as is a matter of pub- lic record, did go to the police with her "story" and they did nothing with her complaint, as the 'U' should have done, be- cause there was nothing to do and I had done nothing wrong. Now I want to focus on the article published on December 1, 1994, "Stalking case takes 'U' student out of dorm and into courtroom." First, I want to thank the Daily for bringing this case to the publics' attention. It is very important for every male on this campus to know that they too could be found guilty of harassment. You may ask, 'What did I actually do to be found guilty of harassment?' Well, as the article stated, in a 10 day period of time I had 3, count them, 3, face to face con- tacts with her, all mutually agreed upon. Two phone calls and 11 e-mail messages.That's all. I do not think that a ten day period of time is a long time to try and save what was suppose to be a lifelong commitment. Second, I want to correct a very major mistake that the College Republicans miss the point on AIDS, morality To the Daily: I am writing in response to Mark Fletcher's letter ontDe- cember 5, which comments on the College Democrat's anger over the JFK joke in the Col- lege Republican's newsletter. Obviously, Mark Fletcher did not realize the message the College Democrats were try- ing make in their letter on De- cember 2. The College Demo- crats were not discussing JFK, they were talking about the AIDS flyers. To clarify some points, AIDS affects everyone, not just homosexuals and drug users. It is hypocritical to say "avoid homosexuality" and "no one ever said hate was a family vale" in the sme flver Con- article made. It stated that I ceased all contact with Ms. Davidson on her request. On January 15, I decided that I wanted to get on with my life and I deserved better than Emily. It was at this time that I ceased all contact with her, my choice, without any idea that anything was wrong. I did not learn that anything was wrong until Jan. 17. The article that the Daily published was not about the question of my innocence or guilt, being that I AM INNO- CENT and anyone who knows me, Emily, and/or the situation knows that, except the Univer- sity. The article was about the lawsuit that I filed against the University of Michigan for vio- lating my rights, not only as a student here on campus, but as a human being. I was pleased to read the last paragraph of the article in which Alan Levy is quoted as saying that they will take this opportunity to look at and correct their policy. But, that is not enough, don't just take a look, do something. You have thousands of students on this campus, and for those who do not have the time, energy and money to stand up to the University as I have, they de- serve the same equality and rights that I am fighting for and that are guaranteed under the US and Michigan Constitutions. To end, I just want to say to all 'U' students, be aware. This is a clear cut case of an innocent person being convicted under a flawed judicial process. Marc Schauber LSA sophomore The Christmas season is a hard time to be a young adult. As a kid, you probably couldn't waittoopen yourpresents; thedays until Christ- mas seemed like an eternity. Now the days until Christmas seem like an eternity because of those pa- pers and exams. And once those are over, the days will seemlike an eternity because you're back in your parents' house with a curfew and lots of relatives. It's a terrible thing, turning into a Scrooge. First, your classes start to get to you. "From a Marxis perspective, the holiday season originates in the capitalist base structure," you say to the bevy of graying relatives over Christmas dinner. "The capitalists want the proletariat to buy things, so they encourage a religion which in- volves massive gift-giving once a year ..." By this time you notice Aunt Bertha's shocked look, and the disturbing way her dentures have fallen to the side, so you try a different tactic. "Theologically, Easter is actually the more impor- tant holiday. Additionally, Christ was probably born in the spring instead of the winter..." Now that the thrill has gone out of Christmas presents, it's also easy to get disillusioned by the whole thing. I think I reached the turning point when I was 16: my mother asked me what I wanted for Christmas, and I said "Good grades and romance." Once you reach the point when your parents can no longer give you what you want forChristmas, you've grown up. Life is no longer simple when Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles are no longer enough to satisfy you. Then there are the generally bizarre aspects of going back to conventional American life. No- body ever featured a college dorm in a Christmas commercial, unless they were all talking about how much they wanted to go home. Christmastime is the season for perfect families, and celebrating all that is good and right about American life (i.e., malls, televi- sion specials and red-and-green fuzzy horns, bells, trees mounted on streetlights.) Even though it's great to see your family and share your experiences with them, Christmas also tends to expose the faultlines in the happiest of fami- lies. We all have to face the fact that Christmas dinner may not nec- essarily be free of the normal bick- ering and food spilling that's part of family relations the other 364 days a year.! Even if you and your family get along well over the holidays, it's still somewhat of a shock to gol home after you've been commun- ing with people your age for more than three months. Nobody here stays up until 3 a.m. on a regular basis, and Aunt Bertha's never heard of Pearl Jam. (She's a great 01 01 I p I I m I