The Michigan Daily - Tuesday, December 6, 1994 - 3 .Yeltsin warns U.S. of 'Cold peace' threat in Europe 1998 OLYMPIC PREVIEW Los Angeles Times BUDAPEST, Hungary - Causti- cally suggesting that Washington wants to run the world, Russian President Boris. N. Yeltsin told President Clinton yesterday that a U.S.-led plan to expand NATO threatens to lunge Europe into a cold peace.": demonstrates that it is a dangerous delusion to sup- pose that the des- Yelstin tinies of continents and of the world community in general can somehow be managed from one single capital," I(eltsin said in his speech to the 53- nation Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe. Yeltsin's speech rekindled Cold War frictions on a day in which the United States, Russia and three other former Soviet republics finally com- pleted the complex ratification pro- cess for the Strategic Arms Reduc- tion Talks treaty signed in 1991 after decade of U.S.-Soviet negotiations. he treaty requires destruction of almost half of the nuclear weapons Jn the Washington and Moscow ar- senals. Yeltsin's outburst-combined with an anguished protest from Bosnian President Alija Izetbegovic that the failure of NATO and the United Na- tions to prevent Serbian aggression in Bosnia-Herzegovina has discredited the United Nations and ruined NATO - struck a discordant note in what other- wise was a bland but optimistic assess- ment of the past successes and future prospects of the CSCE, an organiza- tion of European and North American countries created two decades ago as a Cold War bridge between East and West. The Russian president spoke im- mediately after Clinton delivered an upbeat assessment of post-Cold War Europe, saying that the blood-soaked 20th century can give way to a new century of peace and prosperity. "The end of the Cold War presents us with the opportunity to fulfill the promise of democracy and freedom," Clinton said. But Washington's chosen instru- ment for assuring European security in the 21st century - a gradual ex- pansion to the East of the 16-nation NATO - drew a blunt rebuke from Yeltsin. "We hear explanations to the effect that this is allegedly the expansion of stability, just in case there are undesir- able developments in Russia," Yeltsin said sarcastically. "If the objective is to bring NATO up to Russia's borders, let me say one thing: It is too early to bury a democratic Russia." MICHAEL FITZHUGH/Daily Students enjoy skating at Yost Arena during apublic ice session yesterday. ''pcsKazanij L ian a edical Center AIDS pDoram director nstitute reports obesity is a disease Los Angeles Times WASHINGTON - The Institute of Medicine yesterday called for a fundamental change in public think- ing about obesity, saying that the con- ition should be regarded not as a osmetic problem but as "an impor- tant, chronic, degenerative disease that debilitates individuals and kills pre- ,.maturely." Treatment goals and programs should be aimed toward long-term weight management, rather than weight loss alone - with the goal of achieving and maintaining the appro- riate weight for an individual's over- 11 health, instead of for appearance only, the institute said. Anti-obesity medications and sur- gery, for example, "deserve a new look as potentially powerful and ef- fective weight-management treat- ments, if used properly, for some people," specifically those who have failed with other approaches, the re- port said. Specifically, the panel urged health professionals to consider changing the way anti-obesity drugs are admin- istered - typically they are limited to several months use - so that such medications "are treated similarly to those used for the treatment of other medical problems, such as hyperten- sion." The institute, part of the National Academy of Sciences, is a private nonprofit organization chartered by Congress providing health policy ad- vice to the federal government. While its recommendations are not binding, they typically wield considerable in- fluence among decision-makers. Moreover, the recommendations are likely to take on added impor- tance in light of a growing movement to promote more tolerance toward those who are overweight. and an increasing body of scientific evidence indicating that obesity likely has meta- bolic and genetic underpinnings. Last week, in fact, researchers announced that they have identified and cloned a gene responsible for obesity. The gene is responsible for secreting certain proteins, or "satiety factors," which signal the brain that the stomach is full, thus telling it to "stop eating." Researchers believe that, when this gene is damaged or defective, the signal is not sent or received and obesity may result. By MICHELLE LEE THOMPSON Daily Staff Reporter Dr. Powel Kazanjian has been appointed director of the AIDS pro- gram and assistant professor in the Infectious Diseases Division at the University Medical Center's Depart- ment of Internal Medicine. Kazanjian most recently served as an assistant professor at Harvard Medical School and was director of the AIDS program at Brigham and Women's Hospital in Boston. Kazanjian will be responsible for leading the Medical Centers multidisciplinary AIDS program, which includes the development of patient care systems and the imple- mentation of clinical and drug trials. The new director said he has three goals for the AIDS program: provide AIDS patients with first- rate medical care, make the Medical Center a premier teaching institu- tion and develop clinical research programs that will make innovative therapy available. Air Force Base converted for research on toxic cleanup University environmental engineers are converting parts of Wurtsmith Air Force Base near Oscoda, Mich., into the National Center for Integrated Bioremediation Research and Develop- ment. The engineers will study about 100 toxic waste sites on the base for field testing. The tests will determine how effective naturally occurring mi- crobes are at "eating up" toxic chemi- cals and thereby cleaning up polluted soil and ground water. Walter Weber, a distinguished pro- fessor of environmental sciences and engineering, is the executive director of the new research center. Weber said technologies developed at the base site could help clean up thou- sands of toxic waste sites more effec- tively and at less cost than current remediation methods. The center was founded by a $11.9 million, three-year grant from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and the Strategic Environmental Research and Development Program of the De- partment of Defense. Battered women suffer from trauma disorder despite counseling Daniel G. Saunders, a University researcher, says a majority of bat- tered women suffer from post-trau- matic stress disorder even after re- ceiving counseling and assistance. Saunders' study concludes that 62 percent of battered women who seek help from mental health practitioners and 60 percent who go to domestic violence agencies have the disorder. The trauma disorder invokes night- mares, forgetfulness and jumpiness in victims, often causing them to discon- tinue participation in activities they previously enjoyed. This problem is similarlyfound in prisoners of war. New film decreases dental patients' radiation exposure New X-ray films and inexpensive safety equipment will soon make it easier for dentists to take accurate full-mouth images with minimal ex- posure to radiation for patients. The two types of filmcurrently avail- able for X-rays are types D and E. Both give patients about 84-microsievert of radiation - about one week's dose of natural background radiation. E-speed film is about twice as fast and half as precise as D-speed film. Dentistry Prof. Sharon Brooks said, "This summer, a manufacturer developed a new, more forgiving ver- sion of E film that will produce an image just as sharp as the D film." Another benefit of the new films, when used with rectangular collima- tors, is that they produce substantially less radiation. Rectangular collimators are lead-lined devices that fit inside the X-ray tunnel and cost only about $150. Because only the X-rays heading for the film get throughthey emit less radiation than round collimators. New year to bring end to University's TELEX service The Division of Research Devel- opment and Administration (DRDA) will discontinue the University's TELEX communication service ef- fective Jan. 1, 1995. The service, used by faculty and staff to communicate with other re- searchers worldwide, is inexpensive and effective, but outdated. Modern electronic communica- tions technologies -like the Internet and the facsimile machine - have negated the need for the special-pur- pose transmission device.. More than 4,000 messages were sent through TELEX in 1985, but that number has declined consistently since then. Now, TELEX transmits or re- ceives messages only about once every two days, which the DRDA says is insufficient to justify the expense. Prof. to lecture on technology in Russia By MICHELIE LEE THOMPSON Daily Stalf Repoer In a mission to bring the United States and the Soviet Union closer together, Prof. L. D. Soloviev used his experience as former director of the Russian Institute of High Energy Physics to bring the Cold War to a technological end. In a public lecture today. Soloviev will discuss his work to coordinate an effort between the University and the Russian institute to build a supercon- ducting proton accelerator, replacing an aborted superconducting supercollider project in Texas. This accelerator, which measures 21 kilometers (13 miles) in circum- ference, is being constructed in Protvino, about four hours south of Moscow. "The goal of this is to study what happens when spinning protons com- bine in a violent way," Krisch said. Although physicists know that pro- tons within molecules spin "like tops," the accelerator is designed to deter- mine whether constituents of atoms, like quarks, also spin. Soloviev signed a contract with University President James J. Duderstadt in 1989 to tie the Univer- sity into the project, which the Rus- sian institute started in 1985. That same year marked the beginning of Glasnost and Perestroika. "It was thought that this would help relations between Russia and America," Kisch said. Krisch is responsible for building the University's contribution to the accelerator - an ultra-cold spin-po- larizing atomic hydrogen jet target. The group, which recently moved to the Security Services Building near Michigan Stadium, is building the target in a high bay there. The target, when paired with the accelerator, will give the University's group the first shot at using the accel- erator after it is completed. "We will be doing the first set of experiments on the accelerator. Wevisit there about four times a year," he said, adding that six Russian researchers are on campus now working with his group. Ten thousand Russians, including former Red Army engineers, are work- ing in Protvino on the accelerator. Soloviev has been at the University this semester on sabbatical from his 19- year term as director of the Russian institute. Although his most famous research is theoretical, he has recently returned to teaching. He taught a mini- course-Physics 607-called "Quan- tization and Renormalization," this fall at the University. Today's lecture is called "Build- ing the 21 km UNK Accelerator in Russia in the 1980s and 1990s." UNK is a Russian acronym for the accelera- tor and storage facility. Soloviev's lecture will be held at 4 p.m. in the Rackham Amphitheatre. a U Whitewater figure pleads gity, Los Angeles Times LITTLE ROCK, Ark. - A Little ock land appraiser who created phony evaluations of real estate ,projects involved in the Whitewater investigation yesterday pleaded guilty and agreed to provide evi- dence to independent counsel Ken- neth W. Starr. Robert W. Palmer entered his plea before a federal judge as part of an agreement with Starr, who has been investigat- ing President Clinton's invest- ment in the Ozarks resort de- v e 1 o p m e n t known as Whitewater. His plea is expected to be followed tod announcement of another p ment between Starr and forn ciate Attorney General W Hubbell, a close friend of dent and former law partn lady Hillary Clinton. It is unlikely that Palme vide Starr with any direct ev support the central allegati Whitewater case that money to cooperate lay by the now-defunct Madison Guaranty Sav- lea agree- ings & Loan was diverted illegally mer Asso- into Clinton's Whitewater real estate rebster L. investment or his gubernatorial cam- the presi- paign fund. er to first Nevertheless, because Palmer was responsible for drafting false r can pro- appraisals for loans to real estate vidence to projects by friends of Madison owner on in the James McDougal, he is certain to y from the provide insight into a wide range of financial transactions - perhaps in- cluding some aspects of the joint Clinton-McDougal investment in Whitewater. He also could shed some light on a contention by the government's star witness, David Hale, that he was pres- sured by McDougal and Clinton to make an improper $300,000 govern- ment-backed loan to McDougal's wife, Susan. More than $100,000 of that money passed through the Whitewater accounts. In the document that Palmer signed in court, he admitted that in February 1986 he falsified and backdated at least 25 appraisals of Madison-fi- nanced real estate projects in an effort to avoid being seized by the govern- ment for insolvency. Correction 'elicopter crash victim Dr. Terry Racicot was single. Flight nurse Janice children. This was incorrectly reported in yesterday's Daily. Nowacki-Tobin was married with two Know of news? Call us at 76-DAILY Group Meetings " LSA Student Government, LSA Building, Room 2002, 6 p.m. d Michigan Students for Peace Meeting, Modern Language Building, Room B118, 7 p.m., 764-5943 ,Q U-M College Republican's Michigan Union, Michigan Student Service Room, 6 p.m., 663-7299 Q Alianza Meeting, Trotter House, Q 76-GUIDE, peer couns Mail lobby. 7 p.m., 764-2677 phone line, 7 p.m.-8 a.m eling . Events J Leadership Academy Awards, EECS. 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