4 - The Michigan Daily - Monday, December 5, 1994 cl tie atichinula Bat1 'I'm tired of hearing the same humdrum, Anglo- Saxon, male, patriarchal perspective.' - Tonya Clay, chair of the Michigan Student Assembly's Minority Affairs Committee, on what she perceives to be a lack ofprogress under the Michigan Mandate 420 Maynard Ann Arbor, MI 48109 Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan Jessie Halladay Editor in Chief Samuel Goodstein Flint Wainess Editorial Page Editors Unless otherwise noted, unsigned editorials reflect the opinion of a majority of the Daily's editorial board. All other articles, letters, and cartoons do not necessarily reflect the opinion of The Michigan Daily. --c -VOLE, 17T WAS CREAT WORKNG a i WITH VU1ThPA AT rNx- .. a T' HINK Tri-'1EALLY HELPED " ? DEIMOCRATfi K E PuBL ICA N ' .,~EL ATtON5 !, SSRR and other 'codes' Stalking case demonstrates folly of 'U' judiciary Earlier this year the University ordered LSA first-year student Marc Schauber to move from the Mosher Jordan Residence Hall to South Quad after he was accused of harass-' inghis formerfiancee, who also lived in Mosher Jordan. Now he is suing the University, charg- ing that he was denied due process, as well as his constitutional rights to liberty and prop- erty. While this page does notpresume to make a judgment on the legitimacy of the harass- ment claims, the haphazard handling of the case calls attention to some alarming pros- pects. The University needs to refine its pro- cess for handling such affairs. First, due process was certainly confused in this case. Schauber argues that despite his previous request for copies of the complaint against him, he was told that would not be possible. He received copies of the judicial report and the incident report only minutes before the hearing and he did not receive a copy of the complaint at all. Marc Schauber was never given proper access to information that would substantively impact his case. The University Housing Division's hear- ing officer in the case was Monique Washing- ton. Washington has since admitted, in a writ- ten deposition, that the hearing process did not always follow proper procedure. Inexperienced in dealing with the new residence hall judicial policy, Washington first planned to act as both hearing officer and complainant in the case. The conflict of interest here is clear - it was only after Schauber's ex-fiancee agreed to testify that Washington removed herself as complainant. Similar miscues surfaced throughout the case. Another problem is apparent in the exten- sive communication between Washington and the woman's parents. If the outcome of the case was influenced by a knee-jerk reaction to parental pressure, a fair hearing is impossible. Obviously the University needs to be alert to all aspects of the situation, as well as potential legal problems - but caving in to coercion violates constitutional principles of a fair trial. The lack of oversight allowed this to happen. As for Schauber's claims that he was de- prived of his rights to property and liberty, his case is a little shaky. Although he was moved out of Mosher Jordan, he was not cast out onto the street, homeless, in the middle of a term. And the right to protection from harassment probably outweighs the inconvenience of not being allowed to live in a particular dormi- tory. However, the University cannot act as the arbiter of all student disputes. The woman could just as easily have obtained a much stricter restraining order from the police - and it is significantly easier to obtain a re- straining order in Michigan today than it was several years ago. Perhaps the dispute would have been better handled by the police. This would ensure Schauber's rights while simul- taneously providing protection for his ex- fiancee. Those involved appeared confused about what policy applied to this type of situation. While the residence halls have sepa- rate methods of dealing with conflicts occur- ring within a hall, this barely one-year-old policy seems to overlap with the Statement of Student Rights and Responsibilities, also known as the code. The code is a wholly imperfect tool for regulating student behavior. But at least it is a clear doctrine, sent out to all students so that they are aware of their so-called rights and responsibilities. It is difficult for students to begin the process of working within the sys- tem to make the code a better document for all when disputes can also be settled by quasi- codes like the residence hall judicial policy, which overlaps with the code. The code is rendered useless if internal rules and regulations such as the residence hall policy counteract its ability to protect students' rights - its supposed intention. Either the University needs to determine and explain what falls under the code and what falls under lesser policies, or it needs to revise the code to include provisions for the resi- dence halls and other special cases. One com- prehensive set of rules and regulations for the University would better safeguard student rights - and help prevent a repeat of the quasi-judicial bungling that marked the Schauber case. / ' / I 1 There's no such thing as an 'honorable Democrat' Daily article neglects facts of Schauber stalking case To the Daily: I am a friend of the ex- fiancee of Marc Schauber. When Iread yourarticle Thurs- day, I was almost sick to my stomach due to the horrid mis- representation of the facts of the case. I found out that she was consulted only a few hours before the article went to press, and she told me the reporter already had a preconceived notion as to her side of the case. I find this ironic considering the editorial today onjournalis- tic integrity. What was never put into your article was how she lived for over a month in fear of running into him outside of her room, where he often sat to harass her as she was going about her daily business. How he scrawled obscenities onto the message board on her door.. I was at the party mentioned in the article. He knew no one at the party except for the people he went with, but he knew she would be there, since it was a close friend of hers. He actually hid behind me to try and avoid contact with him. The article failed to mention how he used his team of lawyers to try to intimidate her at a hearing when she lacked representation of her own. Maybe if you publish this, the real facts of the case will come out. No matter what the court says, no matter what his lawyers say, this fact remains: He turned five months of my friend's life into hell. Jamie Williams Engineering senior To the Daily: Iguess I spoke to soon when I said that the leaders of the College Democrats were hon- orable, I should have known that honorable Democrat is a contradiction in terms. In re- gards to their letter of Dec. 2,I guess the Democrats must have been more bitter over their ter- rible defeat than I'd imagined. To clear things up, our. newsletter joke was simply that, a joke. Obviously like many things in politics, the Demo- crats just didn't get it. The rea- son we were thankful for the man on the grassy knoll is that without "him" we would not have liberal wackos running around saying that JFK was assassinated through a KGB/ CASTRO/MILITARY IN- DUSTRIAL COMPLEX con- spiracy. These people never fail to amuse us and thus we are grate- ful for them. Obviously the College Democrats share this belief that the JFK assassina- tion was some huge conspiracy, however, we prefer todeal with reality. If we were thankful for JFK's death we would have been thanking Lee Harvey Oswald, but we do not nor would we because JFK's death was a tragedy and we would never be grateful but only sad- dened by any president's death. If this was so dear to the Col- lege Democrats, why did they not contact me? The main rea- son is that they'd prefer to throw cheap shots at us in the Daily, so their sincerity is lacking. As for our AIDS flyers, we were proud they got noticed. If the College Democrats care so much about AIDS awareness, where were they all week? Where were their flyers? At least we did something to try and save lives, far less than the, truly hypocritical College Democrats ever did. Call us warped, call us what you wish, but the College Republicans are proud to stand up for what we believe, an attribute that I chal- lenge the College Democrats to match. Mark Fletcher President, U-M College Republicans Easy steps to a true 'global marketplace' Four words: short political atten- tion span. Does it seem strange to anyone else that after all the months of bick- ering last year over the North Ameri- can Free Trade Agreement and after all the televised debates and soundbites about "free trade" vs"gi- ant sucking sounds of jobs going t1 Mexico," that GATT passed With barely a sound? The General Agreement on Tar- iffs and Trade is a gigantic tfde agreementthatdoes virtually the sime thing as NAFTA, multiplied by one??. NAFTA is nothing in contrast to GATT. But where was Ross Perot? (Th man who cares about YOUR con- cerns.) Where were the UAW pro- test marches? And where were the discussions on Larry King Live? A highly polarized NAFTA:dis- cussion seemed to dominate thena- tional media for almost a year. One side stressed how the further opening ofthe"global economy" would boost business and make us all richer. TI other side insisted that elimination o trade barriers would encourage cor- porations to exploit poor workes in developing countries willing to work for dimes and to take advantage of lax environmental standards in Mexico to produce more cheapfy. But while the same arguents could have been made in relation to GATT, the only protests I heard we afew useless peeps fromRalph Nader and friends and a handful of corpo- rate execs concerned the new World Trade Organization will disrupt their sovereignty (read: they hate the idea of having to answer to anyone.): The Clinton administration Was prepared for a fight. My housemate in D.C. this summer was a low-level Commerce Department bureaucrg who spent the months we lived to- gether busily preparing her office to double as the GATT "war room." But apparently no war was required. As I said, short political attention span. Free trade is not the sexy issue it once was. Those who lost in. the NAFTA debate must have beentoo tired to expend all that energy this time only to lose again. But that's to bad. The discussion is far from over. I was going to end this column with Erin'scomplete list of free trade suggestions to consider for the next GATT congress (get some interna- tional labor laws and uniform envi- ronmental standards, dummy).. ut since my attention span is equally minuscule and GAT has alread land-slidthrough Congress, I will talk about my aunt instead. Aunt Fran and I were discussing her plight as a professional child- care provider just last night (family Chanukah latke night). She is dis- tressed because every time she hires someone new at her day-care center, they quit. And who can blame them? Sh can't afford to pay much more than $5 an hour and if you can make more money flipping burgers why would you want to change diapers and wipe snot off dripping little kids? So basi- cally, everyone quits and Aunt Fran spends a gazillion hours a day filling in for people who quit (state law requires one adultforevery fourkids). Her choices are to cut the numb4 of kids she can care for or raisq her prices. There is a huge problem here that is so obvious it's amazing no one has done anything about it. I tell Aunt Fran not to raise her prices because child care should be affordable, but she's not exactly raking inthe profits and living in a mansion on a lake. Many of the kids she works wit. are the children of single parentsivho depend on the day care center to go to work. A rise in prices could devas- tate them. So could discovering that the school no longer has room for your kid. College Democrats distort comment, should 'lghten up' Medicinal marijuana To the Daily: You'd think by now the College Democrats would know better than to make un- founded accusations and to lie by omission. As the editor of "The Voice of the College Re- publicans" I was pleased that the College Democrats had picked up and read my news- letter. However, it was disap- pointing to see a humorous quote taken out of context and displayed as an indictment of the moral character of all the members of the College Re- publicans. Come on, guys. I am a se- nior and have better things to do than submit corrections ev- ery time you feel like writing to the Daily. The next newsletter is com- ing out Dec. 15. Ilencourage my fellow students to pick one up and read it for themselves. I encourage the College Demo- crats to lighten up. Pamela M. Nash Administrative assistant, Intelligent Transportation Systems The question of whether marijuana should be legalized for medical purposes has sparked debate in Michigan. Marijuana, which was legal for these uses from 1979 until 1987, is believed by many doctors to greatly assist patients being treated for certain serious dis- eases. For this reason, it is vital that lawmakers look past their blatantly prejudiced image of marijuana as solely an abused narcotic, and take into account the drug's benefits when used properly. Proponents of the current ban point to the self-destructive effects of marijuana when it is abused. When consumed for recreational pur- poses, marijuana can potentially create a psy- chological dependency. Regular use promotes severe kidney, liver and lung impairments. It is for these reasons that the legalized use of marijuana has been so fervently opposed by many Americans. In certain situations marijuana can have beneficial effects that faroutweigh theharmful ones though. It is believed to greatly ease the chronic pain suffered by victims of diseases such as arthritis. It also mitigates the discom- fort provided by ailments such as multiple sclerosis and glaucoma. Marijuana is espe- cially helpful in treating cancerpatients, in that it builds up in them an urge to eat which ray treatments. Unfortunately, the teetotalers in the capitol just won't listen to reason. Their completely exaggerated fear of this substance has so clouded their vision that many people who need this drug for completely valid reasons will be deprived of its beneficial qualities. Marijuana is not the only drug with harmful potential. The majority of drugs sold over the counter have negative effects similar to mari- juana when abused. As an example, one has to look only to the multitude of cold medicines that contain alcohol. The only distinction be- tween these and marijuana is that they do not carry the social stigma of marijuana. Michigan's lawmakers and drug czars want to hide the truth. They refuse even to allocate funding for the testing of marijuana as a medical drug. While fears are reasonable to a certain extent, in the interest of public good they must accept that they are not promoting recreational use of a drug when they permit marijuana to be used in medicine. All they are doing is giving assistance to people who seri- ously need it. Disease sufferers have a right to the very best treatment modern medicine can provide. Any doctor can see this. Many law- makers, viewing the societal problems caused by illegal drugs, have great difficulty. They Students need to tackle racism LSA students To the Daily: I am writing in response to Lisa Dines' article, "Students: 'U' Shirks Mandate Promises" (12/2/94), and the comments of those persons mentioned in it. To begin with, I partially agree with Tonya Clay's statement that the "University is not sup- portive of Black students," but I also think that the University is not supportive of many groups. The University is made up of all different kinds of sects (religion, race, color, beliefs, etc.). These groups are what create a "network of support," that idea which Lisa Quiroga says the University needs. If they, the students, cannot sup- port one another, then how is the University supposed to?We are the University. It is our job as a student body to look equally on each other and try to under- stand our differences so that we represent. In response to Quiroga's idea that the University needs to hire more minority faculty, I must say that this raises some questions in my mind. I have had good and bad experiences with minority faculty. Al- though I truly believe that there is a very able, intelligent and valuable spring of minorities to choose from, I must caution the notion of blindly picking professors and students based on the color of their skin. Quo- tas for students an4 faculty do not solve the problem, but just cover it up. This too is racism. It not only hurts everyone in- volved, it insults the intelli- gence of the faculty, the stu- dents and the administration. Of Blacks, whites, Latino/as, Indians, etc., etc., the Univer- sity must choose those that best fit the role they are to fill. This don't deserve. any credit To the Daily: Thank you for your edito- rial addressing the fact that the numberof credit hours awarded for many classes is not indica- tive of the amount of work per- formed in the classes. The only problem with your position is that if all classes were evaluated and then reas- signed credits based on the amount and difficulty of work performed, the vast majority of LSA classes would be worth zero credits. This would make it very difficult to obtain the 120 credits needed for gradua- tion. How would those students ever get a diploma? Erik Berg