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December 05, 1994 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1994-12-05

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One hundred four years of editorial freedom

still looking
for answers
From Staff and Wire Reports
Federal investigators have not determined the cause of
Thursday's medical helicopter crash near North Campus,
which killed a doctor, nurse and pilot.
The helicopter crashed shortly after takeoff, after the
pilot apparently attempted an emergency landing in a
grassy field near the Philips
Components building on
Huron Parkway.
Witnesses reported that
they saw smoke coming
from the helicopter and said
the helicopter plunged to the
ground, adjoining the
University's Transportation
Research Institute.
Richard Elliot, 43, the
F pilot from Ypsilanti who was
married and has two teenage
, r daughters, Dr. Terry
Helicopter crash site Racicot, 37, a doctor of oste-
* opathy and emergency medi-
cal specialist from Troy who was married with two chil-
dren and flight nurse Janice D. Nowacki-Tobin, 43, of
Canton Township who was single were all killed on
impact, police said.
On Friday afternoon, the remains of the twin-prop blue
back-up helicopter, owned by Midwest MedFlight, were
placed on a flatbed trailer and moved to a secure facility at
the Ann Arbor City Airport where investigators from the
National Transportation Safety Board and Federal Avia-
n Administration will attempt to piece together the
cause of the accident.
Gene Doub, who is heading the NTSB's investigation,
said it could take five or six months before a final determi-
nation of the crash's cause is made.
Federal investigators at the scene Friday said the crash
was only the second fatal crash of an Agusta 109 helicop-
ter during its 18 years of service.
The University suspended its Survival Flights for part
of the day Thursday and flew flags at half mast around
1 Friends and family have been inundated with cards,
flowers and remembrances at St. Joseph Mercy Hospital
in Superior Township, where the helicopter took off from
in its ill-fated trip to Howell to pick up a routine cardiac
The patient was picked up by a MedFlight helicopter,
based at St. Vincent's Hospital in Toledo. The patient is
said to be recovering well.
See CRASH, Page 2

. °



child's murder

Daily Staff Reporter
A University employee stood emotionless
Friday as he was arraigned on charges of killing
a 2-year-old child on the University's North
Campus while his attorney failed to appear for
the hearing.
James Mark Chatman, 31, was charged with
second-degree murder and first-degree child abuse
Friday afternoon in 14th District Court at the
Washtenaw County Sheriff's Department Ser-
vice Center.
Chatman allegedly beat to death Jaylon Jones
on Aug. 31 while he was baby-sitting the boy
and his twin sister, Charde, at an apartment on
the 2500 block of Stone Drive. The apartment is
located in the Northwood V complex - part of
the University's family housiag.
Judge Truesdell followed a recommenda-
tion from Department of Public Safety Sgt. Paul
Vaughan and set bond at $50,000 cash retainer.
Thejudge expressed concern that Chatman's
attorney skipped the hearing and appointed a
public defender.
The date for the preliminary hearing was set
for Dec. 14 at 1 p.m.
"The purpose of the preliminary hearing is
to determine two things: No. 1, is there a prob-
able cause that a crime was committed, and No.
2. is there a probable cause that (Chatman)

committed it," Judge Truesdell said.
Chatman, an X-ray technician at the Univer-
sity Hospitals, and the victim's mother, Yvette
Jones, an employee in the hospital's material
management division, had been acquaintances.
Chatman sometimes watched the children while
their mother was working the night shift.
University officials have never identified
Chatman as a University employee in press
releases, nor have other media accounts.
Chatman told the judge Friday in sworn
testimony that he has worked at the University
Hospitals for the past two years, making about
$150 per week as an X-ray technician.
A DPS officer confirmed that Chatman had
worked at University hospitals. as do Univer-
sity records. Chatman is listed in the 1993-94
staff directory. No one in the Radiology depart-
ment reached last night would comment on
Chatman's employment record.
Julie Peterson, director of the University's
News and Information Services, said last night
she was unaware of, and taken by surprise by,
Chatman's employment record.
Second-degree murder carries a maximum
penalty of life in prison. First-degree child
abuse - intentionally causing serious, physi-
cal harm to a child - carries a maximum penalty
See CHATMAN, Page 2

James Mark Chatman listens to the charges against him at Friday's
arraignment on murder charges as DPS Sgt. Paul Vaughan looks on.

Survey: Job outlook improving for college grads

EAST LANSING (AP) - For the second year in a
row, college students have a better chance of marching off
the stage at commencement ceremonies next spring and
into a job, a new survey shows.
The survey by the Collegiate Employment Research
Institute at Michigan State University projects a 5.9
percent increase in hiring for the class of 1994-95.
Yet, the institute's director, Patrick Scheetz, said that
represents "a modest recovery from a very severe erosion
of the job market."

Hiring of new college graduates had declined more
than 30 percent in the four years prior to last year's uptick
of 1.1 percent.
"It's still a very competitive market, so new graduates
should get better replies from employers than they have
been receiving for the last three or four years, but it won't
be easy hunting, not by a long shot," he said.
The survey, to be released later today, covered 545
businesses, industries and government agencies.
It found brighter job prospects in all parts of the

country compared to a year ago. Especially strong were
the south central and north central regions while 8 1
percent of employers rated job availability extremely
high, high or medium.
In the southeastern region. 79 p;cenmt gave it such
ratings, followed by 68 percent in the southwestern re-
gion, 66 percent in the northeastern region and 57 percent
in the northwestern.

New college

grads can expect to take home annual
See JOBS, Page 2



'U' studentsn
kept apart by
border crossing
Daily Staff Reporter
Sunny Kim Roest sits alone in
her small Windsor Ontario apart-$ -e

Bosnian Muslim tanks make their way to the frontline in the town of Velika
adusa, some 25 miles north of the besieged Muslim enclave of Bihac.
U N. for.es in B osni a
endure Ser attack

Los Angeles Times
ZAGREB, Croatia - A U.N. sol-
Aer trapped in the Serb-besieged
ihac region died from lack of medi-
cal treatment and rebels failed to re-
lease a peacekeeper taken hostage
and suffering from a life-threatening
heart condition, U.N. officials said
The latest evidence of harassment
of the U.N. Protection Force - com-
ing even as the Serbs released a token
ember of peacekeeper hostages -
incided with a visit by the British
and French foreign ministers to

Belgrade, the Yugoslav capital, to
warn that U.N. troops may pull out of
Bosnia-Herzegovina within weeks
unless rebel Serbs agree to their peace
But Bosnian Serb gunmen loyal to
warlord Radovan Karadzic have made
it clear that they want the peacekeep-
ing contingent to leave, and they have
spurned the international community's
proposals for a negotiated settlement.
A Bangladeshi peacekeeper from
among the 1,200 deployed within
Bosnia's besieged Bihac pocket died
Saturday from a heart attack brought
on by bronchial asthma that was ag-
gravated by a Serbian blockade of
supplies for the troops, mission
spokesman Paul Risley said.
One 15-truck convoy was finally

-.. -a. - ---fil-. \lfttt--- t .-- lfl'
ment, afraid.1
More disturbing than the bars on
the doors and windows, she says, are-
the screams and fights in the street
below at night. In the last month,
there have been two break-ins at her
Sunny would like to return to
Michigan, where her husband lives
in South Lyon and where, until re-
cently, she was pursuing a master's
degree in Southeast Asian Studies at
the Uniiversity.
A citizen of South Korea, Sunny
has been stranded in Canada since
Aug. 8, when U.S. immigration offi-
cials in Detroit denied her re-entry to
the United States for an invalid stu-
dent visa.
She has no documentation to
work or study in Canada, so she is
often idle. She waits. in Windsor
while the Immigration and Natural-
ization Service (INS) considers her
application for residency, a process
that will take at least until late Janu-
Both Sunny and her husband
Kevin have had to dropout of school.
Sunny was researching her master's
thesis toward her Southeast Asian
Studies degree; Kevin was 14 cred-

foresee cuts
in education
Daily Staff Reporter
As a result of the Republican take-
over of Congress, the American As-
sociation of University Professors
(AAUP) anticipates that defense
spending will take precedence over
higher education in future budgets.
AAUP represents more than
43,000 faculty members at colleges
and universities throughout the coun-
try, including the University of Michi-
In a news release, the president of
AAUP predicted that federal invest-
ment in higher education will fall as a
consequence of a leadership in the
Congress that is committed to cutting
federal spending.
"I honestly think there are reasons
to be worried, but it's too early to
tell," said John D'Arms, the outgoing
dean of the Rackham School of Gradu-
ate Studies, in reaction to AAUP's
"These cuts will directly influ-
ence the lives of the students who are
in universities in this country," AAUP
representative in Washington Iris
Molotsky said in a telephone inter-
view. "Student aid, grants and loans
will all be affected," she continued.
Some representatives have said
they plan to propose an "in-school
interest subsidy." This would require
students to start paying interest on
their loans while still in school.

Kevin Roest, an Engineering senior, and Rackham student Sunny Kim Roest
pose on Aug. 7, their wedding day, for a family photo.

Love and Marriage

gn a woman pursing a graduate de-



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