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April 13, 1994 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1994-04-13

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w One hundred three years of editorial freedom
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Bogus e-mail spreads fears of computer security

Vincent A. Krause awoke last Wednesday
more than 100 e-mail messages on his
By early this week, the LSA senior had
received about 1,000 messages - most of
them angry denunciations of a racist e-mail
note sent from Krause's account. He received
an encoded program designed to jam his e-
mail account, a half-hour long series of beeps,
biblical passages and even a few salutes.
Krause says he's the unwitting victim of a

"Trojan Horse" that sent a bigoted note across
the Internet, the global computer network.
Officials investigating the message agree that
Krause probably is innocent.
The message - an assortment of racist
jokes, a caricature and a "definition" of the
word nigger - was entered from a University
computing site late last Tuesday. It has sent
shock waves through the University's Infor-
mation Technology Division (ITD), which is
investigating the incident.
In an apparently unrelated incident the
next day, Islamic Circle members received a

brief e-mail message labeling them "God for-
saken terrorists." The note was sent in the
name of Jeremy S. Liss, a Business junior.
Liss later wrote a note to Islamic Circle
members disowning the original message.
"Apparently, someone broke into my account
and sent it," he wrote. "I assure all of you that
I neither sent that message nor subscribe to
those views."
Liss apparently failed to sign off from his
e-mail account after midnight April 6, allow-
ing someone to sign on and send the message
from his address, ITD officials said.

The methods used to intercept Krause's
password were more intricate. ITD investiga-
tors said a skillful hacker loaded a program
onto the computer where Krause was working
last Sunday night. The program, a "Trojan
Horse," captured the unignames and pass-
words of an unknown number of users at the
Michigan Union computing site.
The bogus program asked computer users
to enter their unigname and password when
they logged in. Instead of displaying the pass-
See E-MAIL, Page 2

To avoid security breaches
in passwords, University
computing officials
suggest the following:
U Never divulge your
password to anyone.
If , ibe hPIievPn uri


password has been compromised,
change it immediately.
If the computer behaves unusually
while entering your password, contact
a computer monitor.

$6,000 lost
from dorm
Nearly $6,000 in unpaid hall
dues resulting from a lack of ac-
countability has left staff mem-
bers at Mary Markley searching
for answers and residents wonder-
ing if they will be able to CRISP
into Fall classes.
Residents living in campus
housing are required to pay house
0 ues, which are used to support
ormitory programs. The Univer-
sity can prevent students from reg-
istering if they do not pay the
yearly $20 fee by placing a hold
credit on their account.
However, in an interview last
night, Markley Council Advisor
Terri Mucha said, "We have no
control of hold credit. Housing
will take care of it, but nothing
Ojust will happen to anyone."
This year, house dues-which
are usually collected in the first
two weeks of class and deposited
to the University's Student Orga-
nization Accounts Service (SOAS)
See MARKLEY, Page 2


flee violence
in Rwanda
KIGALI, Rwanda (AP) - Amid the crash of mortar fire,
French and Belgian paratroopers evacuated the last large
group of foreign refugees yesterday as a major rebel force
began pushing into Kigali from the north.
With the advance of the rebels, tensions in the capital
were extremely high. A trip through the outskirts gave the
impression of an entire city primitively at arms.
The roadsides were lined with Hutus, some dressed in
new warm winter coats apparently looted from stores,
others barefoot and armed with clubs, machetes, axes and
makeshift spears and bows-in-arrow.
"They are afraid of the rebels and I don't blame them,"
said Guy Steimes, a Belgian business executive. "The
rebels call themselves the Rwandan Patriotic Front, but
they'll probably start killing Hutus, just like the presidential
guard killed Tutsis."
A reporter saw six fresh corpses with slash wounds
along a road from the airport.
An estimated 20,000 people have been slain in a week of
Ten Belgian soldiers taking part in a U.N. peacekeeping
operation died during the first day of fighting, which was
sparked by a plane crash Wednesday at Kigali's airport that
killed the presidents of Rwanda and Burundi.
Six Belgian civilians and at least three French also have
been killed.
The dispute really is decades-long, reflecting the enmity
between the Hutus who dominate the government and
comprise 90 percent of the country's 8.5 million people and
the Tutsis, who make up 9 percent of the population.
Two rebel battallions of about 500 soldiers each pushed
into Kigali late yesterday and had the airport nearly sur-
One group moved east and then south of the airport, as
the other tried to cut off the main road running west from the
airport to the city. They hadn't succeeded by nightfall, said
Col. Marc Emonts-Gast, a Belgian military spokesperson.
Mortar and recoil-less rifle blasts shook the airport all
afternoon. The airport has been turned into an operating
base for French and Belgian troops, as well as journalists.
French TV journalists slept last night on conveyor belts at
the international check-in desk.

In a rather untraditional performance, William Vankampen blasts out Frank Sinatra's "My Way" in German in competition for the
International Festival's singing contest, held yesterday in room 2011 in the Modern Languages Building.



MSA secedes from student lobbying group


Breaking a 10-year alliance, the Michi-
gan Student Assembly voted 24 to 9 last
night to withdraw from the Michigan Col-
legiate Coalition (MCC).
Founded in 1984, MCC serves to rep-
sent the interests of students in Michi-
an to the state government.
MSA also voted to terminate its mem-
bership with the United States Student
Association (USSA), of which MSA is a

member through its relationship with
MCC. MSA pays $25,000 annually for its
membership in MCC.
"We would hope that MSA would re-
join MCC because working as a coalition
students can achieve anything," said MCC
Chair Kellye Roberts, in a phone inter-
view last night from Lansing.
Support to withdraw came after MCC
Gov. Conan Smith, MSA's representative
to MCC, reversed his position. During his
campaign for MSA vice president last

month, Smith was a strong supporter of
Smith lost a bid for MCC chair last
weekend, but said his loss was not the
reason for his switch in position. "MCC
has proven not to be a viable organiza-
tion," Smith said.
But Roberts said the needs of the Uni-
versity can be met through MCC.
"No one can dispute the fact that MCC
is an effective student lobby," she said.
"Students across the state have the same

needs - access to higher education."
At the MCC convention, MSA del-
egates proposed a new constitution, which
was delayed until the next convention.
"We really believed we had the votes to
change MCC," Smith said.
MSA provides more than one-third of
MCC's $70,000 budget and received nine
of the 40 votes at the convention.
The funding for MCC was initiated
See MCC, Page 2

WHO: Polk Wagner, moderator, and public


WHAT: The Student Policy on Alcohol and Other Drugs}
WHEN, WHERE: tonight in the Michigan Union Crofoot
Room and tomorrow night in the Michigan Union Baits
TIME: 7:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.
1?blic sessions to discuss latest
drsi ns]a of proposed alcohol policyd''X

Law student
aearns Pulitzer
for fiscal story
A 32-year-old University student won a
Pulitizer Prize for best investigative reporting
First-year Law student Jim Mitzelfeld, in a
story he wrote with Eric Freedman of The
Detroit News, won the prize for beat reporting
for their articles that disclosed spending abuses
in the Michigan House Fiscal Agency.
After the News' series revealed that at least
$1.8 million had been misappropriated, 10

Coppola has
something to
SHOUT about
Every Monday, Wednesday and
Friday morning this term, Brian
Coppola lectures about organic chem-
istry in Room 1800 of the Chemistry
Building to students who take Chem
Tonight, however, Coppola will
deliver his "Ideal Last Lecture" in
Rackam Auditorium to all the Uni-
versity students and faculty who can
get a seat. Coppola said his lecture,
titled, "How a Chemist Used Psy-
chology to Fix an Engine," will focus


Friends congratulate Mitzelfeld (r) yesterday.
"I've had a great experience in Law school
since September," he said. "But it's certainly
tempting to back to journalism. Who knows?"
Among other winners of 1994 Pulitzer Prizes:
The Beacon Journal of Akron, Ohio, won the


chance to offer input. "The policy is for stu-
dents; it covers them. Every student has an

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