14- The Michigan Daily -Monday, April 11, 1994 "When I see litter, it really triggers me. Why aren't more people waking up?" r "used to feel weird Sbecause I was into recycling. sNow Ifd feel weird if I wasnt "With the Card, you get lots of great offers. So you can save on life's necessities - like a beach hat fromrn J. Crew." "I v t trave}l cer- o~ the Ntpt studyp: \ KATHY DEWfT FIRST YEAR \ ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE MAJOR a F '3a 1 v , ur ,w 7 &1 WTTETAVL WJ~PI. S I+A STVVY TUE 'EFFECTS OF POLLUTION 0 TUElEN (oR TU E 4CECT OF #8LOTION I'm interested in shoreline ecosystems - beach preservation, oil spills, things like that. But until I got an American Express* Card, flying to a faraway beach on my budget was impossible. Now I can spend my vacation with blue ocean water lapping at my toes. The Continental Airlines certificates I got with the Card make it easier to afford. And I like the fact that, with American Express, I have to pay it all back at 8 the end of the month. The last thing I need is to pile up debt right now. I guess you could say I'm really into conserving precious U