The Michigan Daily - Monday, April 4, 1994 - 7 SB ET. 1 LARGE BDRM. in 2 bdrm. apt. $neg. May-Aug. idry., prkg., fum., free cable, A/C, dwshr. Kingsley St. Call 994-7315. 1 OR 2 BDRMS. in a 3 bdrm. apt. $200. 1000 Oakland 747-7515. Female, n-smkr. 1 SGL. 1 DBL. free wshr./dryer May-Aug. Elm St. 2 blk. from campus. 761-8946. 2 BDRM. APT. Great for 4. Free prkg., A/C, cheap! S. Forest May-Aug. 761-9885. 2 BDRM. APT. at Hill & S. Forest--Perfect for 4 people May-August. A/C, 1 1/2 baths, balcony. Price negotiable. Call Traci 764- 8686. 2 BDRM. APT. by CCRB. Avail. May-Aug. Fum., prkg.x2, A/C, $500/mo. 741-9183. '2 BDRM., studios, I bdrm., contemporary in every way w/free ldry., free photocopies, ex- ercise room & rec. room. Avail, for spring and/or summer. 741-9300. 4 BDRM. apt. for SPRING/SUMMER ;sublet. Spacious, newly remodeled, prkg. reat location. Rent neg. 761-6917 (Kim) or 741-9452 (Melissa). ,4 BDRM. HOUSE, 508 Walnut, prkg., Idry., $600/mo. Oakland Mgmt. 761-7491. 4 BDRM. HOUSE. 4-6 people, 2 baths, A/C, dwshr., disposal, ldry., deck, prkg., 5 blks. ;from Diag. Near downtown. $700/mo. 741- 5907. .4 PERSON 2 bedroom bi-level. May- August. Call 761-~9860. 4 ROOMS May-Aug.-house near Kerritown. Ldry. + some fum. + prkg. + rice neg. $150- 200.769-5592 (Tina or Scott. 603 CATHERINE (& State) 3 bdn. fum. apt. (3-4 person). Great kit./bath/storage prkg., laundry. 995-1249. ACC NOW! Summer sublet special (going 'fast) on 2bdrms. Move in by 4/1 & not only will you lock into our low winter rates you'll receive up to $600 in savings & $0 security deposit Call 662-2950. AMAZING SUBLET! 7 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, 2 kitchens. May-August. Fully fum. Church & Willard. Rent neg. 668-8764. AVAIL. MAY-AUG. unique 1 bdrm. apt. Packard/Stadium area on busline. $380. 741- 9580. AVAIL. MAY-AUG.! Spacious bdrm. in 2 bdrm. apt. across from VA hosp. $280/mo. All util. mcl. except phone. Free prkg., Idry. 2 min. walk to Med. Ctr. bus & 5 min. to others. 994-3577 or 584-3655 BEAUTIFUL, cozy, large cheap room in elegant house, 2 min from campus, prkg. May- Aug. Rent neg., 995-3371. BI-LEVEL APT. Church/hill. 2 1g. dbls., 3 spots avail., 2 bath, prkg., Idry., A/C, May- Aug. $180/mo. neg. 663-4228. CAMPUS BY IM. 4 bdrm. apt. & study June-Aug, $1000 neg., new paint 227-0651. CHARMING EFFICIENCY 118 N. Thayer, quiet bldg., parking, unfum., avail- able May lease option, call 313/994-5928. COZY STUDIO sublet May-Aug.: Free prkg., fum., util. incl., access to VCR, TV, stereo, min. from campus, adult living community. $300/mo. Call 747-9268. FEMALE NEEDED to share bedroom in lg. 2 bdrm. apt. at 721 S. Forest from May-Aug. ,130/mo. OBO. Call 994-1413. FEMALE TO SHARE 1 bdrm. apt. by MLB. Spring/Summer. Fum., heat & water mcl. Only $150/mo. Call 747-8959 now!! GREAT HOUSE 5 bdrm., fum., Idry., finished attic, walk to Cent. campus, prkg., May/June-Aug., $1100 neg., 995-1876. GREAT LOC! 1026 Church May-Aug. 2 bdrm. Avail. in house. I sgl. 1 dbl. Free ldry. Fum. Dwshr. Porch swing! 747-7301. GREAT ROOMY 2 bedroom apartment available May 1. New paint & carpet, A/C, washer/dryer, dishwasher, parking, pool, bas- ketball court. A must see 741-5998. HUGE ROOM FOR May-Aug. near Blimpy Burger. 1-3 people, ets lots of sunlight, rent neg. Inc. util. Call Ken 663-5361 LG. BDRM. IN 3 bdrm. bi-lev. at. 2 kit., 2 -baths, pkg. dry. All util. mcl. $300 neg. Spr./ Sum. Michelle 741-0584. MALE TO SHARE lg. bdrm. in 4 bdnn. hse. on Linden. May-Aug. rent neg 995- 0858. MAY-AUG. 1-2 bdrm. near Med., prkg., $neg., ]dry., balc., great cond. 761-5687. ;MAY-AUG. 1 BDRM. sublet off E. Univer- sity on Packard. Quiet, unfum., $ neg. Call Mike 995-2428. MAY-AUG. FURN. 2 bdrm. by Law & B- Sch. A/C, ldry., prkg. Rent neg. 663-9455. MAY-AUG. LG. FURN. 1 bdrm. on Wilmot & Washtenaw. 4 hses. from CCRB Free wshr./dryer, prkg. $350 neg. Dave 662-5486. UNIQUE - LARGE May-Aug. sublet. Fum., skylight, prkg., ldry. Good location-515 Catherine. $200 neg. Tony 994-2949. HAPPY EASTER! DIAL-A-JEWISH story 995-5959. A project from the Chabad House. STUDENT SE~IW)ES $$COLLEGE MONEY$$ $135 Million unclaimed! Scholarship matching guarenteed! Free info. booklet, 24 hr. recording. 800/434-6015, ext. 200. * SANDI'S WORD PRO: "Resumes"-PhD- Theses-Law-Papers-Tapes-FAX-Rush. 426- 5217. CASH FOR COLLEGE. 900,000 grants available. No repayments, ever. Qualify immediately. 1-800/243-2435. NEED HELP TYPING papers & applications? Call Kate 761-5506. Formerly A-1 Typing. THE WORDWRIGHT Papers, Resumes, Dissertations, Editing. Call 662-8977 HELP WANTED AA CRUISE & TRAVEL employment uide. $$$ + FREE worldwide travel!! Caribbean, Europe, Etc.!) Summer/Per- manent avail. Guaranteed success! 919/929- 4398 ABLE & experienced part-time childcare for our 2 & 4 yr. olds. Prefer long-term, own car & references. 996-4136. ALASKA SUMMER Employment- Eamup to $8,000 + in two months. Room and board! Transportation! Male or female. No ex- perience necessary. Call 206/545-4155 ext A5598. ATTENTION GREEKS See how tough you are this summer. Work out west. Earn average $7532. Build a powerful resume. Not your normal summer job. Call 995-4441 for more info. BABYSITTER NEEDED Mon. & Wed. mornings. 2 girls, ages 3 & 8 mo. 971-9226. BAKERY delivery Mon.-Sat. 5 a.m.-9 a.m. Apply in person. Moveable feast. 326 W. Liberty or call Tim 747-6740. BIOSTATISTICIAN, at least Masters level, for analysis and management of large datasets currently on MTS. Part-time, flexible hours, competitive wages and option for authorship in manuscripts. Send CV to Dr. M. Gupta, Department of Psychiatry, Box 0704, CFOB or leave message at 763-2544. CAMP COUNSELORS - Outstanding Slim Down Camps: Tennis, Dance, Slimnastics, WSI, Athletics, Nutrition/Dietetics. Age 20+. Seven Weeks. Camp Camelot on College Cam uses at Massachusetts, Pennsylvania, Califomia. Contact: Michele Friedman 947 Hewlett Drive, North Woodmere N.Y. 11581 1-800/4214321. CHILD CARE NEEDED beginning sum- mer/fall of 94 for 1 year. 30-40 hrs./wk. caring for a 2 1/2 year old and 6 year old. Exp., references, trans. needed non-smoker. Live in or out. Call Eve 663-3482. CHILDCARE NEEDED- April thru Aug. required. Extended commitment desired. Ap- proximately 10 hrs./wk. Tues. & Thurs. $6/ hr. to start. Ref. required 995-4757. COED SUMMER cam p near Pinckney is now hiring counselors, lifeguards, and cooks. Call 313/878-6628 for more info. COUNSELORS - To p Boys Sports Camp- Maine - Exciting, FUN-FILLED summer. Openings: ALLCOMPETITIVE TEAM SPORTS. Tennis, WSI, & all water sports. Plus: Camping & Hiking, Ice Ilockey, Scuba, Archery, Riflery, A&C, Martial Arts, etc. Top Salaries, Excellent Facilities, Travel Allowance. Call or write: Steve Rubin, 1- 800/473-6104, CAMP COBBOSSEE, 10 Sil- vermmine Dr., South Salem, NY 10590. CRUISE SHIPS hiring-Eam up to $2000+/ mo. on Cruise Ships or Land-Tour companies. World travel. Summer & Full- time employment available. No exp. necessary. For info. call 1/2061634-0468 ext. C5598. DATA ENTRY help during April-July. Need people day & night. Flexible hrs., For more info call 663-1822. DID YOU GROW UP in rural Michigan? Earn $5 for itl Participate in a 15 min. psychological experiment. Call 764-2280. EARN BIG BUCKS this summer being a bar tender. Order the professional "how- to"Bartending Video, & 64 pg. video + recipe guide. Send $ 24.95 + $2.95 S/H. to Lemondrop Advertising & Mktg. P.O. Box 321035 Cocoa Beach, Fl. 32932-1035. Allow ten days for delivery. EARN OVER $100/HR. processing our mail at home. For info call 202/310-5958. FRESHMAN AND sophomore students needed to assist professional male with daily personal care in his home near campus. Med students preferred. Must have car and live in Ann Arbor. Days & hours needed: Monday 9:45p.m.-l p.m., Thurs. 12p.m1b:30p.m., 5p.m.-6:30p.m., 9:45p.m.-Ilp.m. Will be paid for 2 hours min. each visit ($6/hr.). Call 668-8382 between 9:30a.m.-9:30p.m. FULL & PART TIME SALES ASSOCIATES Coach, America's premier marketer of quality accessories and fine leather products, seeks motivated professionals ready to contribute to our prestige and success at our new location in Briarwood. As part of our dynamic sales team, you will be dedicated to achieving maximum sales and providing exceptional customer service. The ideal candidate will be personable with a professional demeanor and unlimited energy. Prior sales experience in an upscale retail environment and exceptional communication skills are essential. Coach offers a dynamic work environment, career growth, competitive salaries and a comprehensive benefits package for full time employees. To be part of this exciting new venture, apply in person at the Community Room in the Briarwood Mall on Wed., April 6th ONLY, between 9a.m.-7p.m. Equal opportunity employer m/f/d/v. COACH An American Legacy. * fELP WANTED Rh NEGATIVE semen donors are needed and will be paid $120 per acce ptable specimen because of their rare blood type Write APRL, P.O. Box 2674, Ann Arbor, MI 481 06. ROOM AND BOARD in exchange for light housekeeping and childcare. Mature, warm, reliable woman. Need own car. Start summer or fall. 665-4719. SEMEN DONORS NEEDED for a well es- tablished infertility clinic. If you are a male student or professional 20-40 years of age we need you. Donors will be paid $60 per ac- ceptable specimens. For further information please write APRL, P.O. Box 2674, Ann Arbor, MI 48106. STUDENT NEEDED TO manage the U-M area of an Ann Arbor business. No experien- ce necessary, but must be motivated. May - July, good $, 663-1459. STUDENTS WANTED for Winter semester 1994 and Fall 1994 to hand out flyers be- tween classes. $5 per assignment (Approximately 30 minutes). Call Supreme Court Transcripts 996-2386. SUBSTITUTE TEACHERS needed for ear- ly childhood program. Lots of flexibility, great environment. Call UMHCCC 998- 6195. SUMMER help wanted. All shifts 5/1-6/30. Call Ms. Kane 663-1822. SUMMER JOBS Students welcome AM & PM shifts available for the following: File/Cust. serv. clerks Receptionist/Switchboard Typing/Data entry Word processors (any software) General/Unskilled labor Snelling Personnel Never a feel We offer: top pay, holiday pay, bonuses, temp. med. insurance. Call today for an appnt. Livonia 464-2100, Auburn Hills 373-7500, Taylor 284-0777, Southfield 352-1300. SUMMER JOBS! We have clerical & industrial openings in the following areas: Ann Arbor, Belleville, Canton, Plymouth, Chelsea, Dexter, Manchester, Tecumseh & Brighton. For a great summer job Contact Norrell today! 677-2891 TEACHERS needed Western US. Write Evergreen Ed. Employment P.O. Box 8159, Tacoma, WA 98418. 20572-3719 Fax 206/ 272-4152. THE COLORWORKS Collegiate Painters is now interviewing college students for sum- mer 94 management positions. A resume- building job w/tremendous eaming potential. To explore job opportunities avail. wjfhe ColorWorks1call1-00/477-1001 & talk w/a campus representative. TRAVEL ABROAD and work. Make up to $2,000-$4,000+/mo. teaching basic conver- sational English in Japan, Taiwan, or S. Korea. No teaching background or Asian lan- guages required. For information call: 206/ 632-1146 ext. J5598. VOLUNTEERS NEEDED for 1 week camp for kids w/muscular dystrophy Jun. 10-17. For info call Kris collect@517/694-7787. " EPAAl|E| WORK IN THE WILD! Tour guide, dude ranch, instructor, lifeguard, trail maintenance, hotel staff, firefighter + volunteer and government positions available at national parks. Excellent benefits + bonuses! Over 25,000 openings! Apply now for best positions. For more inormation please call: 1-206/545-4804 ext. N5598. WORK OUTSIDE this summer with other college students. Stay in Ann Arbor and earn $7-10/hr. Painting homes and businesses. No exp. required. Call 769-4877. 8-5 Mon-Fri. EJS WORDPROCESSING service. Resumes, papers, dictation, and typing. Please call Beth at 973-7220. THIS SUMMER SEE ISRAEL THE JERUSALEM FELLOWSHIPS Tours, Political Seminars, Jewish Studies. Four Week Sessions for Undergraduates and Graduates for as little as $950. Call 1-800- 335-5097. EURAIL PASSES!! Save with the best orices available for Discount Airfare and kailpasses! Join International Backpackers Union. Call for free brochure 1-800/313- PACK. FLY FREE! (Almost) London $99 R.T., Sydney $250 R.T. Any U.S. or International City. For free information: 800/745-0364. LOW FARES Purchase your airline ticket to Europe and obtain a 5% discount on rail Europespass. Regency Travel, 209 S. State. 665-612. ROMANTIC SPRING Hideaway! Cozy log cabins on lake. $49-$69 nightly, includes hot tub, boats, canoes, and more! traverse City, Ellis Lake Resort, 616/276-9502. SCHOOL'S ALMOST over. Plan your getaway with Jetaway. 994-5921. PINK FLOYD TICKETS Lot to sell - sec. 319 first row - Cheap! 764-9782. ZEN MEDITATION Course 5 Thurs. even- ings starting Apr. 14. Yoga class 6 Tues. evenings starting April 12. Buddhist study group 8 Wed. mornings starting April 6. Zen Buddhist Temple. 761-6520. WITCHCRAFT INFO. (Positive Onlyi) Personal interviews, classes.665-5550. RQOdMMATE$ FEMALE ROOMMATE wanted to share 1g. 2 bdrrn. apt. Non-smoker. Close to cam- p us for spring/summer. Located on E. Ann. 200 util. incl.S Call 665-9711. LAW STUDENT looking for non-smoking housemate(s) in newly furnished house: big- screen TV, prkg., ldry., piano, alarm sys. No pets. Sept-Sept. $330 single, $200 double. J.P. 930-0354. ROOMMATES NEEDED! Singles or doubles to share fabulous two bedroom bi- levels with all the extras. Call now at 741- 9300. YOUR VERY OWN ROOM in great house across from Law Quad. May to May. $300 + uill. Fer. only. Call Soma 995-3347. YOU DON'T KNOW what "hot" is 'til you' have tried Pep -Po hot sauce at Tios. 333 E. Huron, 761-S .PER ONA 4-YEAR OLD, LOVING Mom and Dad in Washington, D.C. area wish to adopt infant brother or sister. Close extended family in area. Let's help each other. Med./legal/travel paid. Please call Jessica or Bob at 1-800/864- 8385. CHILDLESS loving couple wish to share our happy home w/ a newborn child. Call Tim & Laurie collect at 810/380-7332. PREGNANT? Not what you had planned. Unsure what to do? Adoptive couple eagerly awaits child. Call 810/641-3820. PREGNANT? Are you or someone you care about pregnant and not in the position to be a parent? Please help a loving couple be a loving family. Call collect 810/360-0223. PROBLEM PREGNANCY HELP Let us help you choose Life.-769-7283. COME SEE the area's best selection of Tropical fish & aquariums. The Fish Doctors! Next to Putt-Putt on Washtenaw. 434-1030. PUPPY-ALASKAN Malamute. 7 mo. old. Loves people, has all shots. Call 663-8578. STUDENT TRAVEL BREAKS CAN OFFER Europ '94 air sale Stamos Family ofravel66-440 r u, " aj Vi ~rV I1 TYPING: Resumes, cover letters, & applications. A2 Typing. Call 994-5515. WORD PROCESSING- All kinds Professional. Reasonable. 482-4410. 2 PLANE tickets for April 28. One-way from Detroit Metro to Ft. Lauderdale. Call 764- 3751. B/O selling individually. rmmmmmmmmqs Traveling? Go to new and exotic places Chec th Daly ravel e I li M M M M M STUDENTS ANYWHERE in the U.S. on Continental from $179/$239. Bring your Continental voucher & AMEX card. Marti Professional Dry Cleaning College Cleaners 715 N. University 662-1906 Eureka Cleaners 308 N. Main 662-1769 HELP WA.. . .. SUMMER JOBS $3500+ Tired Of Flipping Burgers For A Summer Job? Earn $300/wk.+ using your brain, not your back. Must have leadership qualities and desire "real world" business experience. Paid resort vacation in fall and possible college credit available for business majors. Paid training starting on May 2, 1994. Locations avail, throughout state, including Metro Detroit, Lansing, Grand Rapids and Kalamazoo. For application, please attend the Royal Prestige informational meeting on Tuesday, April 5th at the Michigan League- Henderson Room lOam, 12pm, 2pm, or 4pm. *FLEXIBLE HOURS, will work around school schedule. Part-time crew & super- visors for lunch, evenings, & weekend positions. Apply at Yes Yogurt & Sandwich 2264 South Main or 2603 lymouth Road. WHITEHALL Convalescent Home is now Regency Travel, 209S. State, 665-6122. _V- - F' - hiring Nursing Assistants. College students- TOUR CZECH Rep. this summer w/ Czech We are looking for full-time summer help cit. & UM Sr. 668-2686 or MTS M. with the option of becoming part-time in the Warwick. fall. No experience? No problem! We will train! $6. per hour to start with merit in- S creases available. You could be making $7.00 per hour by October 11 Call 971-4433 HERB DAVID GUITAR Studio. 302 E. NOW for more information. Liberty. 665-8001. Lessons: pop, folk, blues, Whitehall Convalescent Home Free lesson special. Not just guitars. 370 Morgan Rd. MAY-AUG. SUBLET. Spacious, bi-level, close to CCRB. 2 bdrm., 1.5 bath, A/C, dwshr., modem furniture. CHEAPI 747-6394 MAY-AUG. SUBLET large I bdrm. apt. on N. State; ideal for I or 2 people. $350/mo. or best offer. Call 662-9045. NICE, QUIET 1 BDRM. in 2 bdrm. apt. MayAug., Fum., Prkg., Balcony, non.-smkg., $ neg., S. Forest. Jonny 747-8658. PACKARD/HILL apt. avail. imdtly. for sublet. 2 bdrm., A/C. $450/mo. 222-7666. PERFECT 1 BDRM. in 2 bdrm. apt. May- Aug. Near IM. Call Ari 741-8673! PRIVATE RM. in fum. 2 bdrm. May-Aug. 5 min. to campus, price neg. 665-9930. ROOMS AVAILABLE at 911 Vaughn. May-August. $175/mo. Please stop by and ask to view the interior. 930-9999. SEVERAL I AND 2 bedrooms. May- August. 663-3070. GREENPEACE JOBS. Promote/educate global ecological sanity. Call 761-1996. MIAMI SUBS Grill now hiring students. All shifts, cooks, cashiers. Pick your hours. 996- 4000. Call now. SPRING/SUMMER sublet-2 bdrm. apt. on S. Forest, great location, large rooms, laundry $650/mo. or best offer 668-0167. STAY IN ANN ARBOR this summer, 3-4 bdrm. hse. Porch, Idry., great location, new fum. Call Nikki or Melissa 668-0926. NEED EXTRA MONEY? Handyman wan- ted fall 1994 & spring 1995 for odd jobs in Ann Arbor. Call 313/562-5756. SUBLET JULY-AUG. Nice single room close to central campus, South U. & CCRB. Parking, laundry. $250/mo. Karen 769-9451. SUBLET OWN room, or to share, off campus, rent neg. Marge or Sue 747-9461. - , etr tnr~ lntnrt I, lbA IT% CfTA Ref L'O f3 A} Ll I B l ...:.L 1..