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January 13, 1994 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1994-01-13

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Wolverine women
fall to Spartans,

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One hundred three years of editorial freedom
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Clinton touts
nuclear cut

Skater's guard
admits his role
in attack plot

KIEV, Ukraine (AP) -

President Clinton

stopped in Ukraine yesterday to support a new
agreement to eliminate that nation's long-range
nuclear arsenal.
After an airport meeting to tip his hat to Ukrai-
nian President Leonid Kravchuk, Clinton was fly-
ing to Moscow for the summit where he said his
'urgent task" would be to press for reform and
against growing nationalism.
There will be meetings with Russian President
Boris Yeltsin today and tomorrow for Clinton.
The Ukrainian stop was designed to persuade a
reluctant parliament that the United States will
remain sensitive to the former Soviet republic's
economic plight as Ukraine implements its pledge
to get rid of the weapons.
The agreement will provide Ukraine $177 mil-
lion from a congressional fund to help former Soviet
republics dismantle their missiles, $155 million in
direct U.S. aid and up to $1 billion over 20 years
from commercial sale of uranium extracted from the
Also, Russia has promised to sell oil and gas at
bargain rates, to join with the United States in
promising not to launch a nuclear attack and to
respect Ukraine's territory.
"The more people in the Ukrainian parliament
hear about it the better they will feel about it,"
Clinton said of the agreement at a news conference
in Prague, Czech Republic, before flying to Kiev.
Stopping in Kiev was a matter of pride and
honor, said a senior U.S. official.
On Friday, Kravchuk is to join in signing the
agreement in Moscow.
Clinton's summit with Yeltsin is even more
challenging than shepherding the arms accord with
The trip to Moscow was planned initially to
showcase U.S. support for political and economic
reform. The hardships that abrupt change have caused
the Russian people have turned Clinton's visit into
a tough diplomatic test.
"This is a meeting of friendly presidents," said
Grigory Yavlinsky, leader of a pro-reform bloc in
parliament. "What kind of concrete results can one
expect today and here in Moscow?"
Yeltsin ally Mikhail Poltoranin, a deputy in the
State Duma, the powerful lower chamber of parlia-
ment, shared the sentiment.
"First of all, I expect the strengthening of per-
sonal contacts between Yeltsin and Clinton," he
said. "Secondly, Clinton will smell the air of Russia
and will understand that (the situation) here is more
See UKRAINE, Page 2

Tonya Harding's bodyguard con-
fessed to participating in a plot to
injure Olympic figure skating rival
Nancy Kerrigan, NBC News reported
last night.
The report on "Now" with Tom
Brokaw and Katie Couric also quoted
the unidentified sources as saying the
weapon had been recovered in De-
troit, from a dumpster behind the ice
rink where Kerrigan was attacked last
Thursday after practice.
Earlier yesterday, The Portland
Oregonian reported the FBI was in-
vestigating allegations that Harding's
husband, Jeff Gillooly, and her body-
guard, Shawn Eric Eckardt, were in-
volved in the attack.
In Detroit, deputy police chief
Benny Napoleon said no arrest would
be announced last night.
"There is nothing else I can say at
this time," he said.
Regarding the NBC report that
Eckardt had confessed, Napoleon said,
"It is an ongoing investigation. I'm
not in a position to discuss that.
"There are just some things going
on right now that just really can't be
discussed or else it will potentially

jeopardize this investigation," Napo-
leon said.
Both NBC and The Oregonian said
that Harding had no knowledge of the
alleged plot. NBC said authorities
expected to arrest four people late
yesterday or this morning on federal
The Oregonian reported that
Gillooly and Eckardt allegedly spoke
with a "hit man" about carrying out
the attack. The story was based on
information from a man who said he
heard a tape of a conversation in which
the plot to injure Kerrigan was dis-
NBC said, according to its sources,
authorities don't have the tape. The
sources said the tape was destroyed
by one of the suspects after the Or-
egonian report appeared.
According to the NBC sources,
Harding's husband and the bodyguard
arranged for a hit man from Arizona
to attend a meeting in Portland.
NBC said the alleged plot came to
light because the bodyguard taped the
meeting and later played the tape for
a friend, a minister.
See KERRIGAN, Page 2

Tonya Harding returns to Portland, Ore., Monday after winning the U.S. figure skating championship
title in Detroit with bodyguard Eric Eckardt. Eckardt has confessed that he played a role in the
attack on Nancy Kerrigan, a rival athlete.

Court stops woman from attending class at The Citadel

CHARLESTON, S.C. (AP) - The gates
of The Citadel opened just long enough yes-
terday for Shannon Faulkner to register as the
first female to attend day classes with cadets,
hen closed again when nation's top judge
locked her from attending classes.
At the request of the 151-year-old mili-
tary college, U.S. Supreme Court Chief Jus-
tice William Rehnquist granted a stay to keep
Faulkner from attending classes Thursday.
"The significance is not so much that the
junction has been delayed for three or four
days. The significance is that the Supreme

Court is taking this issue very seriously,"
said Dawes Cooke, the school's attorney.
The Citadel and Virginia Military Insti-
tute are the nation's only all-male, state-
supported military colleges. Admissions
policies at both are the target of federal
Faulkner, who plans to major in educa-
tion, walked several hundred yards through a
driving rain and a horde of reporters to reg-
ister in Bond Hall, the turreted administra-
tion building that dominates one end of The
Citadel's parade ground.

"I didn't expect all of this and I didn't
really expect to be here," Faulkner said. "I
actually expected the battle to be a lot longer."
She said she was treated nicely by col-
lege officials and signed up for biology,
math, English, history and education. But
she said she felt "overwhelmed" by the at-
"Everybody is saying, 'You're making
history,' " she said.
"We don't want the class of 1994 to be
labeled as the year of Shannon Faulkner,"
senior Will Benton said.

Faulkner initially was accepted by the
college after she had references to her gen-
der deleted from her high school transcript.
The Citadel rejected her application when
it discovered she was a woman, and she
sued, challenging the constitutionality of
the all-male admissions policy
Last August, a federal judge said
Faulkner could attend classes, but not join
the corps of cadets, while her lawsuit pro-
ceeds. The 4th U.S. Circuit Court of Ap-
See CITADEL, Page 2

'U' communications professors
receive grant to research media

Rodney King. Malice Green. The
Lozano trials. These images ignited
public opinion. These images were
produced by the media.
Journalism Profs. Laura Moseley
and Joan Lowenstein will study the
effects of the media coverage of these
highly publicized, racially involved
court cases with the help of a $4,000
grant from the Freedom Forum of
Arlington, Va. They will begin their
study in February and hope to have
the project completed by the end of
this summer.
The fact that the media affects
such a large majority of citizens in
this country was a starting point for
the idea.

"(This topic) creates some kind of
organizational paradigm of how in-
advertently these trials are covered,"
Moseley said.
Racially charged cases like those
being studied by the pair can have
drastic ramifications, such as the riots
that stormed Los Angeles in the sum-
mer of 1992 after the verdict was
returned in the King beating trial.
Lowenstein and Moseley are two
of 12 journalism professors from uni-
versities around the nation who have
won the Freedom Forum Journalism
Professors Publishing Program.
The program is designed to assist
journalism professors in developing
new research, writing, reporting, pho-
tography and video production. All
applicants for the program have

worked in the field of professional
journalism and are currently teaching
the subject.
Both professors served as legal
correspondents for Barden Cable in
Detroit during the Malice Green trial.
The pair will specifically study
how media coverage affects the Black,
white and Hispanic communities.
"Hopefully we'll be able to find
out if the media coverage was inaccu-
rate and if there is a way to improve
it," Lowenstein said.
Moseley said she feels different
people -judges, juries and media -
can interpret statements made by trial
participants differently. This can cause
conflict once the trial ends, she said.
The professors will use the grant
See GRANT, Page 2

inl fraternity
house fire
The Ann Arbor Fire Department
is investigating a suspicious fire that
occurred at Chi Phi fraternity early
Sunday morning.
No injuries were reported and
minor damage occurred to the house.
The fire began in the basement
during a party with Chi Omega and
Kappa Alpha Theta sororities and Psi
Upsilon fraternity. The alarm was
activated and the house at 1530
Washtenaw Ave. was evacuated.
Fire Inspector Robert Crout said
the fire was approximately 3 feet by 3
feet in area. The fire was in a room off
of the furnace room on the southeast
side of the house.
Crout said Chi Phi President
Michael Montri reported that a
wooden tee-pee type structure had
hurned Montri also told investiza-

Communications Prof. Laura Moseley had a lot to smiles as she lectures.

Students say they find trouble staying in their beds at night


"I was woken up by the phone at 8 a.m., and
I had tn ont dnwn frnm my nft tn ort it " T ISA

Many students seek out a loft to free up floor

to $250 for two lofts. The University does not
regulate nrices because it has no official con-

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