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March 30, 1994 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1994-03-30

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One hundred three years of editorial freedom

MSA drops
Junding for.
tenants' union
The Michigan Party has fulfilled a campaign promise
to change the way the Michigan Student Assembly funds
the Ann Arbor Tenants' Union (AATU).
But on the way to completing this pledge, the assembly
may face a lawsuit for the cuts.
At last night's meeting, lame-duck President Craig
Greenberg said AATU failed to meet conditions set on
half of the $22,000 allocated to the organization, and he
said the money would return to the MSA internal budget.
An amendment passed in September held $11,000 on
the condition that AATU needed to provide the assembly
with an internal review of the organization and a track of
students' use of it, within 180 days after the passage of the
SA budget. Since the imposed deadline passed last
Week, the money returned to the MSA internal budget.
But AATU Director Pattrice Maurer said an MSA
employee told her the report deadline was March 1.
After being told about the plan to cut AATU's funding,
ISA Rep. Michelle Ferrarese told Maurer of the move
yesterday. Maurer then turned in a complete report seven
days after the deadline, but two days before she said she
believed the deadline was.
At last night's meeting Vice President-elect Jacob
Stern, chair of the MSA Budget Priorities Committee,
*ade a motion to move the funds into his committee, for
use by student groups. The motion passed in a 14-13 vote.
The day before the assembly's deadline for the report,
Maurer said there was a meeting of AATU's board of
directors, which Stern serves on. Maurer said Stern should
have reminded her of the deadline at this time.
Stern said the tenants' union knew of the deadline.
"The AATU was there through the budget hearings in
September," Stern said. "I don't know where the misun-
derstanding is. We have to follow our budget."
Public Health Rep. Meg Whittaker, who proposed the
See MSA, Page 2


Mideast talks
continue despite
recent killing

Occupied Gaza Strip (AP) --- Pales-
tinian angry over the shooting deaths
of six PLO activists took to the streets
in protest yesterday, as Israeli and
Palestinian negotiators struggled to
move peace talks forward.
Soldiers shot and killed a 17-year-
old throwing stones and wounded
more than 50 protesters in clashes
that broke out across the occupied
West Bank and Gaza Strip.
In a suburb of Tel Aviv, two Pal-
estinians attacked an Israeli man with
an ax, critically wounding him.
Four Israeli soldiers and four ci-
vilians were injured in stonings in the
West Bank.
The West Bank military govern-
ment said Arab schools would be
closed for two days in an effort to
prevent further rioting.
Six members of Yasser Arafat's
Fatah faction of the Palestine Libera-
tion Organization were shot and killed
Monday by an elite Israeli under-
cover unit.
Palestinians said the six did not
open fire, and witnesses claimed one
was killed after being captured and a
second as he lay wounded.
Fatah supporters vowed to attack
Israeli soldiers in reprisal.
Before the shootings Monday, Is-
rael and the PLO were expected to

A student on State Street braving the weather yesterday afternoon found himself battling
snowflakes as big as quarters. Michigan weather strikes again.

S. Africa official says
vote won't be delayed

agree yesterday on security arrange-
ments for Hebron, site of last month's
massacre of 30 Muslim worshipers,
and then resume talks on implement-
ing the September autonomy agree-
ment for Gaza and the West Bank
town of Jericho.
Autonomy talks have been sus-
pended since the Feb. 25 massacre by
a Jewish settler.
Israel argues that the only way to
curb violence is to speed the arrival of
Palestinian police and self-govern-
ment, but they are reluctant to with-
draw from Gaza and Jericho without
an agreement in hand.
The PLO does not want to appear
too eager to strike an accelerated deal
with Israel.
The two sides met yesterday in
Cairo to hear Israeli proposals for
deploying Palestinian police and post-
ing foreign observers in Hebron.
In Gaza's Bureij refugee camp,
youths attacked soldiers in two jeeps
with stones, hitting one soldier in the
head, Arab reports said. The soldiers
opened fire, fatally wounding Omar
Kabani, 17, and wounding four oth-
ers, including a 9-year-old, officials
at Ahli Arab hospital said.
Elsewhere in Gaza, 20 Palestin-
ians were wounded, including a 10-
year-old boy shot in the head, Pales-
tinian reports said.
FOTA officer
flooded with
forms from
illegal search
Lewis Morrissey, the University's
chief Freedom of Information Act
officer - charged with handling all
Freedom of Information requests and
obtaining the documents pertaining
to the 1988 presidential search -
probably knows more about the search
process than the regents who were on
the search committee.
Morrissey, who came to the Uni-
versity in January, has had to sift
through the thousands of notes, corre-
spondences, minutes and resumes per-
taining to the 14-month presidential
search through which James J. Dud-
erstadt became president of the Uni-
"This whole thing came as a sur-
prise to me," Morrissey said. "I went
through all the documents a number
of times."
On Feb. 11, Washtenaw County
Circuit Court Judge Patrick J. Conlin
ordered the University to hand over
'I am glad to have this
behind me. I have had
to put a lot of things on
- Lewis Morrissey
Chief FOIA officer

*- Hoping to reassure a traumatized
city and a frightened nation, the head
of the independent electoral commis-
sion calmly insisted yesterday that
the blazing gun battles and chaos that
swept the central business district here
Monday would not derail or delay
next month's democratic elections.
"Quite frankly, it does not seem to
impact directly on the prospects of
*bstantially free and fair elections,"
Judge Johann Kriegler told a news
conference. "It may have major po-
litical implications ... but I'm pretty
certain it will have no effect on the
electoral process."
But Kriegler added that a hastily
formed task force had gone overnight
to KwaZulu, the volatile Zulu home-
land run by Chief Mangosuthu G.
uthelezi, to determine if free and
balloting will be possible there
given Buthelezi's increasingly stri-

dent opposition to the elections and
record levels of political violence in
the surrounding Natal province.
The task force has until April 5 to
make its report. All-race elections for
a national and nine provincial Parlia-
ments and the first post-apartheid
government are scheduled for April
If necessary, Kriegler said, the
voting could be postponed in selected
parts of KwaZulu until stability is
Here in Johannesburg, police said
yesterday at least 34 people, includ-
ing three police officers, were killed
and 173 were wounded by gunfire
and marauding mobs downtown on a
day that one newspaper here dubbed
"Bloody Monday." Another 18 people
were killed in related factional vio-
lence in and around the Black town-
ships of Soweto.
On Monday, there had been a con-
fusing series of wild shooting sprees

between the police, security guards
from the African National.Congress,
and thousands of anti-election Zulu
protesters aligned with Buthelezi's
Inkatha Freedom Party. Most of the
Zulus marched through the streets
armed with traditional weapons like
spears and clubs, but many pulled out
automatic pistols and assault rifles
out when the shooting began.
Each group blamed the others for,

Township residents flee from teargas fired by police yesterday in Soweto.

instigating Monday's violence. But
witnesses and participants gave vastly
differing accounts as to who had fired
the first shots.
It was also impossible to prove
widely accepted reports that snipers
or agents provocateurs had opened
fire from high-rise office buildings
onto Zulus who had gathered peace-

fully in a grassy plaza in front of the
main library.
The downtown remained tense and
filled with rumors yesterday. Spo-
radic shooting was reported and uni-
dentified gunmen in a speeding mini-
van fired at the heavily guarded ANC
headquarters. No one was injured and
the gunmen escaped.

Undergrads relish fruitful
research opportunties N

* Like many biologists, Tina Cardon
divides her time between reading sci-
entific literature and spending long
hours in a campus laboratory per-
forming exacting experiments.
In addition to routine tasks like
washing lab equipment and mixing

Cardon is not the only undergradu-
ate conducting research with faculty
members. Marvin Parnes, assistant to
the vice president for research, said
through individual arrangements be-
tween students and professors, and
programs like the Undergraduate Re-
search Opportunities Program
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