6 - The Michigan Daily -Wednesday, January b, 1994 a CLASSIFIED ADS 764-0557 486SL NOTEBOOK 33MHZ 120MB w/fax $1485, 386SL INTEL DELL NOTEBOOK 65MB $1095, 386 IBM Desktop 88MB 33MHZ SVGA $595, 386 XX LEADING EDGE VGA LAPTOPS $790, 486DX DESKTOP 33MHZ 215MB 4RAM $1095, Factory warranty&software 313/662-1847. COMPUTER AT WHOLESALE! IBM 486-40 4MB RAM 1.2 & 1.44 floppy drives 240MB hard drive 1MB video card 14 inch VGA monitor 101 keyboard 3 button mouse DOS 6.0 windows 3.1 one year warrenty $1285. Call 616/228-7093. ERIC'S ACTION SPORTS: Team uniforms and shoes for all indoor sports. 2 blocks off State Street. Call 663-6771. LARGEST SELECTION of new & used of- fice furniture in the tri-county area with free delivery. 475-1130. TELEVISIONS FOR RENT - 13" & 19" t.v.'s color, cable-ready, with remote. Free delivery. Only $76 until April 30. Call 763- 1661 or 624-2282. FOR ssEN1s. !!3 BDRM. APT. Avail. May 1994. 2 doors from Rackham. New=paint, carpet, furniture. Crystal chandelier & 2 marble fireplaces. Pkng. Call 662-3458. !!4 BDRM. APT. Completely remodled Aug. 1993. Avail. May 1994. Entire apt. brand- new, 2 baths, fireplace & pkng. Comer of Hill & Packard. Call 662-3458. !!5-6 BDRM. HSE. w/pkng. & free Idry. across from E. Quad. & School of Ed. Avail. May 1994. Call 662-3458. !!APTS. OF ALL SIZES w/pkng. Avail. May or Sept. 1994. Call now 662-3458. !!FOUR BDRM. APTS. Avail. Sept. 11994. 1/2 Block from Law Quad & B-School on Oakland. Lots of pkng. Call 662-3458. !!SIX BDRM. APTS. 1 block from Union on S. State St. Avail. May-May & Sept.-Sept. Ldry. & plenty of pkng. Call 662-3458. *3 BDRM. APT.- Carpet, Laundry, Parking, Fireplace. Sept. lease 572-1036. *6 BDRM. HOUSES. Carpet, Laundry, Parking, May or Sept. lease. 572-1036. *ADORABLE 4 bdrm. house on Division. Recently renovated. $1750/mo. Beat the fall '94 rush! Call 820-9578. -WOW- Is what people say when they see our state of the art exercise room - recreation & aerobics room. Add this to a very contemporary 2 bdrm. bi-level apt. (Big enough for 5) & you have Geddes Hill for Fall '94. Call 741-9300. 1 BDRM. APTS., FALL. Spacious 1 & 2 person sizes. Campus, pets ok. Historic building. 662-9429. Call before 10 p.m. 1-4 BDRM. APTS. Great Central campus locations w/ parking. Beat the Fall '94 rush! Call 820-9578. 1014 CHURCH Modern, furn. eff. studio, 1 & 2 bdrm. for 1 to 3 persons. Futon, track lighting, vertical blinds, central a/c, courtyard or balcony & pkng. Most have finished basement, spiral stairway & skylight. May & Sep. leases. $460 - $1,020. 663-3070. 415 BENJAMIN Modem, fum. 1 & 2 bdrm. for 1 to 4 persons. Bi-level apts., track lighting, dishwasher, a/c, balcony, pkng., & ldry. May & Sep. leases $530 to $840. 663- 3070. rim-EN I One of SEVEN Distinctive Locations Around Campus Studios to Four Bedroom Visit us or call at... 741-9300 Models Open 7 Days BEAUTIFUL FURNISHED 6 bedroom can accomodate 7. Free heat and water; dishwasher, garbage disposal, central air, sundeck and skylights. $2310/mo. 1004 S. Forest, apt. #4. May to May lease. 429-2060 or 475-9887. BEAUTIFUL FURNISHED 5 bedroom house. Accomodates 6. Free laundry. Dishwasher, garbage disposal. 716 E. Kingsley. May to May lease. 429-2060 or 475-9887. BEAUTIFUL 6 BEDROOM furnished home near campus. Free laundry, microwave, dishwasher, parking, 2 full baths. Sept.-Sept. lease. 663-1370. BEST HOUSES for '94/'95! 702 Ta ppan, 911 Vaughn, 1225 Prospect & 1216 Prospect. Great locations, every amenity, hardwood floors, all appliances, new kitchens & baths, parking. Won't last!Please stop by any property & ask to view the interior. 313- 681-0187. CALL JOHN AT 769-6059 for information about Fall listings. I up to 6 bedroom apts./ houses available. CAMPUS MANAGEMENT, INC. OPEN HOUSES The following houses & larger apts. will be open for your group's inspection. A representative from Campus Management will be present to guide tours & answer any questions you may have. Please call 663- 4101 if you have questions in advance of the open houses. 12-2 P.M. SAT., JAN. 8 OPEN HOUSES: 1345 GEDDES- a furnished 5 bdrm. house comfortable for 6-10 people located 4 doors from CCRB. Features incl. 2 baths, microwave, dwshr., pkng. for 8 cars. 1218 WASHTENAW CT. APT.#1- a furnished 3 bdrm. apt. across from CCRB. Features remodeled kitch. & bath, new carpet & furniture for Fall 1994 residents, pkng. for 2 cars. 717 OAKLAND- 6 bdrm. hse. just 4 doors from law school. Features 2 newly remodeled baths, new furniture & carpeting plus major improvements. 12-2 P.M. SUN., JAN. 9 OPEN HOUSES: 328 GEDDES, APT.#4- a 5 bdrm. apt. w/ 2 full. baths across the street from CCRB. Comfortable for 5-6 people. Many recent improvements. 1326 GEDDES, APT.#4- a 3 bdrm. apt. w/ an additional study. Comfortable for 4-6 people. Newly remodeled kitch. w/ dwshr. & microwave. Pkng. for 3 cars. CENTRAL CAMPUS- 6&7 Bedroom Houses, Furnished, Carpeted, Laundry Facilities, Microwave, Dishwasher, Parking. May to May, Tel.: 572-0080. CHOICE CAMPUS location. Rent your ex- tra large 2 bdrm. apt. now for fall '94. Ideal for 3-4 people. Varsity Mgmt., 625 Church St. or call 668-1100. CLASSY 6-BR/3-BATH home. Great location. Newly remodeled, furn., ldry.,pkng. A MUST SEE! $2075. Call 313/562-556. EFFICIENCIES & 1 BEDROOMS in high- rise building. 400 Maynard St. Furnished, heat & air-conditioning, security bldg. May & Fall leases avail. 665-4406. EXCEPTIONAL 2-4 person. Free water. Furnished, built in microwave, garbage disposal, dishwasher. Free laundry. $1100/ mo. 819 S. State, apt #1. May to May lease. 429-2060 or 475-9887. EXCEPTIONAL FURNISHED 6 bedroom. Free water. Built in microwave, garbage disposal, dishwasher. $2100/mo. 819 S. State, apt. #3. May to May lease. 429-2060 or 475-9887. FALL '94. 1 bdrms., rooms & efficiencies avail. Stop at Varsity Mgmt., 625 Church St. or call 668-1100. FREE RENT!! - Got your aliention? 2 Irg. rm. near cent. cmps. in home on bus line. Kitchen, Idry., & PRKG.! No smokers, drugs, or pets! $250/$350, 663-0830. FURN. RENTAL houses, cent. cmps., 3-4 and 6 bedrooms- efficiencies early rental period, 1/7-1/13, 668-3399. GALLATIN MANOR- E. William/Division. Avail. now, 1 bdrm. apts. w/security buzzer, ldry., & storage. Gallatin Realty Co. 994- 0624. GRADIUATION SURPRISE in '95! Hassle free graduation by leasing your efficiency, 1 or 2 bdrm. apt. from May '94 to May '95. Varsity Management, 625 Church St. or call 668-1100. GREAT LOCATION- female to share lg. rm. in 4 bdrm. apt. #225 + elec. prkg, 5 houses from law/bus schools. 994-7589. HERITAGE HOUSE APARTMENTS 829 Tappan, 94-95 2 bdrm. apts. avail. This is the biggest & best apt. bldg. off-campus. Call 761-3920 or 761-6170. HOUSE AVAIL. FALL '94. 3 bdrm. plus finished basement with study and laundry room. Dwshr. & pkng. Comfortable for 5-6 people. Call 668-1100. HOUSES SPRING AND FALL 4-8 bdrms. All houses are remodeled with pkng. & furniture. Call 973-7368. FOiRARNT.... vOOMS FOR RENT in house. Het, laundry, utilities, parking included. Leoe term flexible. Available now. Please call Jeiff Harshe, Real estate broker, 663-0403. SUBLET . 1 BDRM. APT. avail. immed. 5 min. from US23. $375 + util. Call Kim 434-8536. 1 BDRM. IN GREAT 2 bdrm. apt. w/ dwshr., ldry., prkg., s/pool! $247, 747-67b6. 1 BR/ BATH apt. Free pkng., Idry., rc. loc., fum. Rent & elec. only. A must see! Call anytime. 761-4251._ 1-2 BDRMS. IN 4 BDRM. HOUSE washer/ dryer, cable, fireplace, backyard, nice neighborhood, parking. Pets ok. w/rad students. $360 neg. Andrew 995-9268._ 2 BIG singles avail. in cozy house. Jan.-Aug. Call Toni 996-1661. PERFECT APT.! Great location 1 bdrt./1 bath split level. Free parking, ldry., fur.,, A/ C. Neg. Price. Josh 747-9409._ SUBLET avail. Jan 1st for non-smoking cat lover. Fumished. Female preferred. $175mo. 995-2356 Kerrytown area. SUBLET 1 BDRM. in 2 bdrm. apt. Very clean, new fum., Packard & State St. Avail. Jan. - Aug. $315/mo. 995-2259. WINTER TERM SUBLET 1 bdrm. P ug., all util. incl. Near B-school. $300/mo. PLease call Camille after 6 at 998-0543. ** SANDI'S WORD PROCESSING ** Resumes - Theses - PhD - Law. 426-5217. $$COLLEGE MONEY$$ $135 Million unclaimed! Scholarship matching guarenteed! Free info booklet, 24 hr. recording. 800/434-6015, ext. 200. INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS: DV-1 Greencard Lottery. Sponsored by the U.S. Immigration Dept. To enter: $39; 55,000 Greencards awarded per year. Greencards provides individuals permanent resident status. Citizens of almost all countries are al- lowed to take part. Students, tourists, illegals may apply-wherever they live. Chance: 1:14. For info. & forms: New Era Legal Services 20231 Stagg St., Canoga Park, CA 91306 USA Tel. (818)882-9681 Mon.-Sun. 8 a.m.- I1 p.m. TYPING: Resumes, cover letters, & applications. A2 Typing. Call 994-55l5. $3000-7000/MON. possible w/ natioal co. PT/FT avail. Set your hrs. Save 3060% on products (incl. your phone bill). Call Rn 995-3327. 125+ offices in USA. $700/WK. CANNERIES; $400/m. deckhands. Alaska summer fishetes now hiring. Employment Alaska 1-206-3-2672. ABSOLUTELY THE BEST phone sales job in this town. $6/hr. against high commission. Flexible hours, 2 shifts available. Students, housewives, part-timers call 973-70. ADMINISTRATIVE AIDE - Work study positions at SOS Crisis Center. Assist with phones, typing and other clerical taks. $6.00 per hour, 20 hours per week. Please call at 485-8730 for further information. Attention tuet-All Student! Over $5 Billion in FREE Financial Aid is now available for students nationwide fror private sector grants & scholarships! All studnts are eligible regardles of grades, income, or parent's income. For more information, call: 1400-959-1605 ext. F5598 ADMINISTRATIVE POSITION Local research company is looking for a multi-talented person who enjcpys a fast- paced atmosphere to fill a full-time administrative position in its Financial Services department. Ability to work independently and also as a tem player, numerical accuracy, solid organizational skills, and the ability to handle multiple priorities required. Job functions include purchasing, processing travel vouchers, accounts payable and some bookkeeping responsibilities, as well as assisting the department as necessary. Microcomputer (Macintosh) experience preferred. Salary range begins at $17,000 - $19,000 depending on relevant experience. Selected applicants will be subject to a security inveigation and must meet eligibility reuirements for access to classified information, inchding U.S. citizenship. Company-paid benefits include medical and dental plans, profit sharing, and more. Send resume, cover letter explaining your interest in this particular position, and salary requirements to: Vectr Research, Incorporated, Attn: Administrative Assistant- (MD), P.O. Box 1506, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48106. Equal Opportunity Emper ASSIST. PREP MGR. F,S,Sun. Responsible, some experience peferred. Call 662-7701 for more information. ATTN: WORK STUDY STUDENTS! We need someone from 8-11 a.m. Mon.-Fri.to send out mail and other clerical tasks. Stop in BABYSITTER NEEDED for 3 toddlers once a week on Mon., Wed., or Fri. 12:15- 3:15 p.m. Near campus. $7.50/hr. 662-7825. CHILD CARE NEEDED for 2 toddlers in our N. Camps homes; 7:30-12:00 am M-F; Jan-June; Experienced, non-smoker, own transportation, Ref req. Pam: 764-3103; Ellen: 764-1252. CHILDCARE Busy professional couple seek sitter for 7 yr. old boy. Must have references and car. Call Pat @ 763-0120 or 994-4744. CLERK A NEEDED to assist with omc duties. 15 hr./wk. Work-study preferred. Call Debbie at 936-1027 for info. COMMUNITY OUTREACH assistant - Work study position w/ SOS Crisis Center. Assist with brochures and other communica- tion material. Please call 485-8730, ask for Judith for more information. CYPRESS TAN NOW HIRING energetic, smiling faces for morning & afternoon shifts only. Deadline for apps. 1/9/94. DAYCARE HELPER. Exp. necessary. Own car. 4 mi. from campus. Call 663-1737. FREE TRIPS and Money!! Individuals and Student Organizations wanted to promote the Hottest Spring Break Destinations, call the nation's leader. Inter-Campus Programs 1- 800/327-6013. GIFT SHOP, U. HOSPITAL Cashier experience needed 8-18 hours, even- ings & weekends. Must work some holidays, school breaks $5.75 - call 936-5969 from noon to 8 p.m. GLACIER NATIONAL PARK, Montana Have the summer of your life while provid- ing the best of Western hospitality to Glacier Park visitors! 1994 Summer applications are now being accepted for the following positions: Bar, Restaurant, Kitchen staffs, Desk Clerks, Salespeople, Store Clerks, Office, Service Station, Housekeeping & Maintenance Personnel. Write to: St. Mary Lodge and Resort, P.O. Box 1808, Sun Valley, ID 83353 for an application. LEASING ASSISTANT wanted. Real Es- tate Co. seeks articulate well-groomed in- dividual for leasing program. Resp. incl. cus- tomer relations, lease preparation & sales. WordPerfect a plus. Submit resume in person to: Campus Rentals 1335 S. Univ., Ann Arbor, MI. 48104. LEGAL ASST. $6/hr. Send resume & schedule availability to Elmann & Ellmann: 206 S. 5th Ave. Ste. 200, A2 48104. LESBIAN/GAY/BISEXUAL Rights Program Associate. 14 hours/week. Applica- tion deadline January 20. Call Jan at American Friends Service Committee, 761- 8283. OFFICE WORK STUDY positions avail- able at the Center for Research on Learning and Teaching. Provide secretarial assistance, i.e., assembling workshop materials; greeting public; photocopying; perhaps answering phone and errands. Salary range: $6.00- $7.00/hr. Call Sue at 763-6939 PERSON TO PLACE POSTERS on Campus: p/t 800-300-7737. PHOTOGRAPHERS NEEDED to work Greek parties. $5-6/hour. No experience necessary. Flexible schedule. Call Rana or Chad at 994-3914. RESPONSIBLE BABYSITTER to care for 2 girls during Jan. & Feb. 8:30am-12:45pm and 3:15pm-5:30pm. two-five days per week. Easy bike ride from Central Campus. $40/ day. Call Chris at 995-8646. Rh NEGATIVE semen donors are needed and will be paid $120 per acceptable specimen because of their rare blood type. Write APRL, P.O. Box 2674, Ann Arbor, MI 48106. ROOM & BOARD FOR chores/childcare. 15-20 hrs./wk. Own bath, natural foods, flexible hours. Last live-in won national literary award. Call 769-7319. S.P.P.I. is looking for individuals who want to gain management experience next summer. Earn $8,000-$10,000 per summer. Positions available throughout the midwest. Call 1-800-887-1960 ask for Jeff Griffith. SEMEN DONORS NEEDED for a well es- tablished infertility clinic. If you are a male student or professional 20-40 years of age we need you. Donors will be paid $60 per ac- ceptable specimens. For further information please write APRL, P.O. Box 2674, Ann Arbor, MI 48106. SOCIAL RESEARCH Telephone Interviewers. The University of Michigan, Survey Research Center Telephone Facility, is now recruiting people with good com- munication skills and a pleasant telephone manner to conduct social science research telephone interviews. Some typing ability is needed due to our use of computer-assisted telephone interviewing. Must be available to work 20 hours per week, mostly evenings and weekends. Pay starts at $6.00 per hour. Pay starts at $7.00 per hour for Spanish bilin- gual interviewers whose language skills meet our qualifications. Attendance is required at a 3 night training. Apply in person, weekdays, January 5 through January 12, 8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m., at the University of Michigan, In- stitute for Social Research, 426 Thompson St., Ann Arbor. For additional information only, call 764-6562. No further calls or con- tacts will be accepted. An Equal Opportunity, Affirmative Action Employer. THE COLORWORKS Collegiate Painter is now interviewing college students for sum- mer 94 management positions. A resume- building job w/tremendous earning potential. To explore job opportunities avail. w[The ColorWorks call 1-800-477-1001 & talk w/a campus representative. WORK FOR ACADEMIC CREDIT or volunteer at U of M's Pound House Children's Center during Winter, Spring or Summer Term. Join hundreds of past stu- dents in a quality experience in working with young children. Located at Hill and East University. Please call 764-2547 for more in- formation or to arrange a visit. WORK STUDY - interested in tissu culture. Pharmacology Dept. 763-3083, Keiki. BUINSSSERVICE SAVE ON COSMETICS, fragrances and clothing. For free catalog, call 1-800-682- 8300 and give this account no. 25787-899. Offered by an indep. Avon rep. 5 & 6 BEDROOM fumished homes, very near law school, free laundry, microwave, dishwasher, parking. 663-1370. 5 AND 6 BEDROOM houses for 1994. Copi Properties, 663-5609. 5 BDRM. HOUSE with finished loft, perfect for 6 people. Large living room with working fireplace. Full basement with washer & dryer. Varsity Management, 625 Church St. or call 668-1100. 5 PERSON 4 bdrm. house, fum., basement, attic, porch, ldry., pkng. Across the IM building, May-May $1349 995-3276. 503 CHURCH Across from N. Campus bus stop & just n. of S. Univ. Fum. Eff., i & 2 BRs. $550-$1,140. Clean, quiet apts. for non- smokers. 995-0534/668-7978. 507 HILL 2 blks. from business/law schools. 1 BRs and bi-level 1 BRs. Covered pkng., AC, DW, idry. $550-$820. Clean, quiet apts. for non-smokers. 668-7978. 526 LINDEN Striking bi-level 2BRS with 3 or 4 balconies. Furnished, AC, parking. $1,050-$1,200. Clean, quiet apartments for non-smokers. 995-0534/ 668-7978. 6 BEDROOM furnished home on Greenwood. Free laundry, microwave, dishwasher, parking, 3 full baths. May-May lease. 663-1370. 7-SPACIOUS BEDROOM. Close to main campus, 2 full baths, laundry, large living room, dining room, & kitchen. Porch, sundeck, parking. Fall lease $1950/month. Call 994-5374. 839 TAPPAN Near business and law schools at Hill. Furnished 2BRs with AC, parking. $830-$1,035. Clean, quiet apartments for non-smokers. 668-7978/ 995-0534.- N APT. FOR RENT 2 bdrm. fum. Close to campus. Price neg. Call Eric 764-9009. AVAIL. JAN.-APRIL Large, fum. room. Share kitch. & ldry. 2 locations. Call Old Town Realty, 663-8989. AVAIL. NOW- Main/Miller. Large room + + +. Gallatin Realty Co. 994-0624. AVAIL. SEPT: Large hse. for 6. Fum., near campus, pkng., carpeted, 3 full baths, lge. family rm., Indry., micro. $1770 + util. 322- 9958 or 477-2237. AVAILABLE NOW. Single room with large windows and huge closet. $275, all utilities included. 994-5284. AVAILABLE ON CAMPUS rooms for rent. Call 663-5400 or 761-8909. AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY 3 BR,2 BR, single rms. Campus Rentals. 665-8825. ***PARTY AND/OR RELAX*** Spring Break! Most reliable company. Bahamas, Cancun, Jamaica, Florida, S. Padre--YoD won't find lower prices! Call Mike 996-1531 CALL JETAWAY TRAVEL for spring break. 994-5921. 1317 South U. CANCUN FROM $429 7 nites. Hotel & air. Galena 788-9762. LOW FARES- London fr. $406, Frankfurt fr. $525, Seoul fr. $789, Tokyo fr. $998. Regency Travel 209 S. State 665-6122. ROMANTIC WINTER hideaway. Cozy lo cabins in woods, outdoor hottub. CC? Traverse City area. $49-69 nightly. Ellis Lake Resort 616/276-9502. SKI BRECKENRIDGE, Colorado for Spring Break. Call Amy 662-6978. SKI SUGAR LOAF! Condos & chalets. Sleeps up to 10. $200/night. 616/228-7093. SPRING BREAK Best prices & trips to Jamaica, Cancun, Bahamas- Jeff 662-1758. SPRING BREAK '94 - Cancun, Bahamas, Jamaica, Florida & Padre! 110% lowest price guarantee! Organize small group and your trip is free! Call Mike 99C 1531. ACROSS 5 Marine petty officer: Abbr. 6 "1 don't give -" 7 "Le - des cygnes": Swan Lake 8 Sign 9 Languor 0 Bodacious Bob 1 Gulf of - 2 Hits the 37 - Scott Decision 38 Gave top billing 44 No great shakes 45 Rituals 46 Twist and pull 47 Essential oil 48 Converse, informally 49 Links feature 50 So be it 51 Manche capital 52 - Barrett 53 Simple 55 Single or bingle 56 Ending with book or dark 57 - Moines BABYSITTER-PART TIME (5-10 hrs./ wk.) Transportation & references needed. 662-5200. BABYSITTER NEEDED for Mondays 3:30-7, Wednesdays 3:30-6, Sat. 8-2. Own car necessary. Call Elayne at 7W7-7333. SWIM INSTRUCTOR for 7 yr. old boy. Please call Pat @ 763-0120 or 994-4744. A RE 0L AE C E IL ING R EPA IN T A D 0E NDA LO S EGO0S E DRU R TNS NEW F EUD CA TS R RS CORANY OWE E AU SU I DAR L INGS T A RL ING AND H IT NE A BR AWN JIN S TE P R E 8S K EN A RT E A SO R EGA LE AGL E E CUA DOR PONGEE S SUNT ANS I NT ERNE E DEMA GA SSE S 'r' P i ":=C 100. Help Wanted 150. Tickets 10. Lost & Found 40. For Rent 70. S: Suds 110. Bus. Services 160. Announc. 20. For Sale A . ublet R. Thoug ht ofthe Dav 120. Trael 170. Rnnmmates ROOMS FOR RENT 1-3people/room.