4 - The Michigan Daily - Thursday, March 24, 1994 (I1j Lidtigatn ituijg 11 am going to sue her for a lot of money.' -MSA representative Jacob Stern, speaking about the head of the Ann Arbor Tenants Union at Tuesday's MSA meeting 420 Maynard Ann Arbor, MI 48109 Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan JEssWE H ALL ADAY Editor in Chief SAM GooDsTEIN FuNT WAINESS Editorial Page Editors Unless otherwise noted, unsigned editorials reflect the opinion of a majority of the Daily's editorial board. All other articles, letters, and cartoons do not necessarily reflect the opinion of The Michigan Daily, Release the records The University violates code by hiding records MRg. SMrmH.. -T J1ECOMMEND Yo S7"oP VWATCI1JN6CTHE WOLVRINES IN THE NCA A OuRNAMENT-.*. XTS *4 "j The University has violated the Statement of Student Rights and Responsibilities. The administrators of the code of non-aca- demic conduct have recently taken case summaries off of public display, effectively shrouding the stories of the more than 50 students who have been charged under the code in a cloud of mystery. Section 8, the records section of the code, explicitly states what is expected of the code's administrators: "Records will be maintained in such a way that data on viola- tions of this policy are easily available to the public." The administrators who drafted the code are breaking the promises made to code activists, and to the community in general, that the process would be open to scrutiny. Now, the code can neither be praised nor criticized because the information sun- ply is not there. Removing the records from the public eye seems to be in direct response to a series of Daily articles that revealed the names of students brought up under the code. The administration sites as their primary con- cern the confidentiality of the identity of students as protected by the federal Buckley Amendment. This amendment clearly states that academic records are confidential, but the amendment is open to interpretation in regard to non-academic records - such as records of code proceedings. The administration reacted in fear of law- suits from students and their parents who feel that their confidentiality has been breached by the University's release of records. But the University has never re- vealed a single name to the Daily or any other campus publication. The University has released case summaries devoid ofnames or other personally identifiable informa- tion. The University is not in violation of any but the most conservative interpreta- tions of the Buckley Amendment - inter- pretations that the University itself knows would never hold up in a court of law. The University of Georgia was sued for records in the case of a non-academic disci- plinary proceeding of a student charged with harassing gay students on campus. This case clearly states that the federal stat- ute can be applied only to academic records. If the University has taken on the responsi- bility of the courts in instituting a disciplin- ary policy, it must also take on the respon- sibility of opening the system to public. scrutiny to ensure fairness. The University promised something it could not deliver, and as a result denied the University community valuable informa- tion. To the students brought up under the code, it promised confidentiality. To the community at large, it promised records that reveal, though vaguely, the human side of the code. If the University truly believes that its code is an effective tool of discipline, it should ally itself with those who believe that open records are the only way to ensure a fair, just and accountable system. Jobs without money The G7 jobs conference concluded last week in Detroit, and leaders from the United States, France, Japan, Germany, Canada, Great Britain and Italy have re- turned home with ideas on how to deal with rapidly rising unemployment rates and con- ditions in the workplace in their respective countries. Among the highlights of the conference were various plans to raise the growth rate of jobs available as well as maximizing the productivity of people on welfare by plug- ging them into a system where their poten- tial is realized. The Clinton administration gave a thumbnail sketch of its plans to "end welfare as we know it," and it is scheduled to release its final workfare plans today. These plans include training centers, likely modeled after the highly successful Focus:HOPE, expanded day care facilities and possibly cutting off payments to parents who don't find a job after their training programs expire. This was a two-day net- working extravaganza born of the best in- tentions, but the question must now be asked: how much did the G7 really accomplish? Amidst the now almost constant discus- sion of these programs we should not forget that retraining cannot be the sole remedy for social ills such as unemployment and pov- erty. Looming in the larger picture is the fact that people must be able to maintain some generally accepted, minimal standard of liv- ing. This is especially true now, when the administration's welfare reform proposals (specifically, its two-year time limits) could leave families ostracized from the system, without any means for survival. Any re- sponsible program must keep in mind that merely having a job, regardless of whether it was achieved through retraining, means very little if a person cannot provide basic essen- tials as a result of their labor. Unfortunately, we already see this hap- pening on several fronts. Last August, La- bor Secretary Robert Reich made a sugges- tion to raise the minimum wage to $4.75 per hour. Several weeks later, in October, he recanted and put the proposal on hold until after the health care debate was over. Al- cally, as employers would not be receptive to such an increase when they also would be arguing over the insurance costs they would pay under Clinton's health plan, it begins to questionably rank priorities. Clinton was willing to take a chance with his political capital when it came to NAFTA, but he was not willing to take a chance for the purchas- ing power of the American worker. Another area where many voice concern lies in job security. Legislation such as the Family Leave Act allows workers to build and strengthen their families without un- necessary worry over the fate of their job. Additional measures, such as the expansion of day care facilities - a program whose future existence is now being jeopardized by budget hawks in the administration - should be put into place, where required, so that individuals cannot lose their employ- ment needlessly. A final area of crucial importance con- cerning employee benefits is health insur- ance. With the current costs of the health care system, this asset is literally invaluable to most people. Those without sufficient coverage, though, must either forgo the desired treatment or else pay dearly for it. Neither option is desired or welcomed for families or persons who are so financially disadvantaged that paying for such services severely hampers their ability to simply survive. With the end of the G7, it is important to understand the different pieces fitting into the overall unemployment puzzle. The un- derlying theme is not how technical the work is, whether the pay is the best possible, or even how admirable the benefits. Rather, the desired, and indeed the only acceptable result, comes from a combination of each of these factors that will allow individuals to eventually succeed on their own, without government intervention and at a level at least above the poverty line. Destroying welfare as we know it is not only about raising the employment rate, it is about ending a person's dependence on the dole, and ensuring that next time the G7 meets in a U.S. city, there won't be Third Cathy makes commencement a joke To the Daily: Cathy Guisewite!? What better person to usher the class of '94 into the real world than a flighty cartoonist! Does this mean we all have to go on diets, hate our jobs, have a mid-life crisis, and date a guy named Irving? I thought Cathy's job was to make her comic-strip a joke, not our commencement. TODD BEEBY LSA senior Aerosmith is the greatest To the Daily: I really have a problem with the caption under the picture of Aerosmith on page 8 of the "Thursday March 3 Weekend Section. How dare you say that about the greatest rock 'n' roll band? Shame on you! Some people don't appreciate good music! UZ TOMPKINS Ann Arbor resident John Candy cartoon highly offensive To the Daily: . When I first saw the editorial cartoon on March 7, I thought it must be a joke. Why on earth would a college newspaper show such an offensive portrait making light of someone's death? A huge hook lifting John Candy up to Heaven? Did you have some grudge against Mr. Candy that we don't know about? In any event, your choice of making fun of someone who died before his time is, sadly, a perfect reflection on your tasteless opinions when it comes to your editorial cartoons. It'salways fun to see what dumb issue you'll choose to tackle instead of Bosnia, Haiti, or Health Care. Nope, there's dead people to pick on. Here's one student who hopes you have a little more class when choosing your next cartoon. RYAN GARCIA LSA Sophomore Movie reviews sck To the Daily: I am writing to congratulate the Daily arts reviewers for setting a new record in the area of film Don't suppress masturbation talk To the Daily: Jeremy Katz's "Coming of Age" (3/10/94) was both amusing and enlightening. I believe his piece (no pun intended) reflects a stigma in society in which people in society are unable to discuss their true feelings. It is the repression of personal habits that cause undue stress on people's character. Knowing that people behave as I do reassures me that my private behavior is normal. Emmanuel King's response is clearly immature and supports suppression of freedom of expression. In Mr. King's opinion, someone could be censored simply because they have different thoughts than he. Although Mr. King has better things to do on a Friday night, on occasion, some people have not had better things to do on a Friday night. I hope that people can open up to the subject of masturbation and no longer have to repress their thoughts and behaviors. CHIP STAFFORD LSA sophomore Marriage laws in Pennsylvania stricter than abortion laws To the Daily: In your editorial "Abortion legislation" of March 23, you condemn the Pennsylvania law which just took effect which places "paternalistic" and "unfairly burdensome" requirements on women seeking abortions. I am currently preparing to be married in Pennsylvania and thought that a comparison with Pennsylvania's marriage the readers (those who are left) of the Weekend section. I am not claiming that this is a golden age of great cinema. However, it is also not so poor it warrants utter mockery from the staff (Siskel and Ebert would be fired if they reviewed like this). I'm sure if I used your method of criticism for this letter it would sound something like this: The Daily arts section - great, another newspaper full of critics who think they know all before entering the real world and won't laud a film unless it's Citizen Kane. Don't waste your time on this loser, rent an old Washington Post instead. NIELS ROSENQUIST LSA junior minute "lecture" given to women seeking an abortion as at best redundant. In order to obtain a marriage license, I have to submit a blood test verifying that I am free of syphilis, even though few cases of syphilis are detected by this type of test. It is for the most part a waste of time and money, since I should already know whether or not I am at risk for venereal disease, and further since there are far more dangerous diseases than syphilis (such as HIV) which the state should be concerned about. You condemn the 24-hour waiting period as "paternalistic and offensive", asserting that women do not decide to have an abortion at the spur-of-the-moment. After I apply for our marriage license, I have to wait three days until we can use the license. Surely this time delay is three times as offensive, for we have been preparing for the past year to be married and are not acting on the spur-of-the-moment, either. You condemn the parental consent provision as insulting to "teenage girls" (why not "teenage women?") because of the oppressive nature of some parent-child relationships. Yet I am sure that were my fiancee and I not of legal age, we would need parental consent to become married. Is that not oppressive as well? My conclusion: Pennsylvania treats abortion at least as seriously as it treats marriage. Shouldn't we? JIM HUGGINS Rackham graduate student Reader proud to be a Democrat, criticizes GOP To the Daily: Attention College Republicans: To the members responsible for designing the flyers against Proposal "A" - specifically those beginning "It's the Economy, Stupid" - I have this to say: Nice job Republicans. Your political tactics of taunting the voters reveal not only the sleazy political attitudes you yourselves possess, but the inherently flawed nature of Proposal "A. Armed with your credo of "God, Country, Family," your name-calling strategies put you on the right track to becoming true political hypocrites. On this campus, I will - with pride and intelligence - call myself a Democrat. Notes from Belarus Steven Spielberg won his first Oscar late Monday night for "Schindler's List." This was an awe- inspiring, morose, restrained film. A film that both Jew and non-Jew alike must see. It is less a movie in the conventional sense. This is no Jaws, Close Encounters of the Third Kind, ET or Jurassic Park. "Schindler's" is a realistic, painfully accurate, poignant, saddening work of non-fiction. It is a journey of self- professed self-discovery and spiritual renewal for Spielberg - a highly assimilated, successful American Jew who has hit it big in Hollywood. For Jews, his journey must be our journey as well. For Spielberg, filming scenes in the grayness of Krakow, Poland, surrounded by his actors dressed in the morbid garb of the SS, filming "Schindler's" was not about commercial success, profits, high- tech computer enhanced graphics or winning any awards of acclaim. Probably he knew that this work of fact, this undeniable work of truth and horror, will help to awaken (of reawaken in the case of the apathetic and forgetful) the multitudes that have filled the dark realities of the Holocaust to the moral relativism of human tragedy. More than anything, making "Schindler's" was an emotive, spiritual, enlightening path of personal development for Spielberg, and I posit (and I hope), for most American Jews that saw this film a cultural, historical, religious and spiritual wake-up call - an evocation of spirit. It was a dramatic wake-up call for me, a person who has for far too long denied my roots, rejected my faith and casually ignored the hardships of my people, and my family, who have suffered as Jews. I have been thinking a great deal on this subject of late. Among other things, I have become very perplexed and troubled by what I feel is the unnecessary over-assimilation and Americanization (don't forget that brewing cauldron of the melting pot) of Jews in the United States, including myself. I am only two generations from Belarus (formerly known as White Russia). My grandfather, Leonard Lewinson, lived with his family there until the outbreak of the Russian Revolution in 1919 and the Civil War that ensued. My family, the Lewinsons and the Sorschers, fled their tiny village near Minsk for the port city of Gdansk, situated along the Polish Corridor, the corridor that Hitler later so hated. One by one they left Eastern Europe for the United States - the land of opportunity, of work, of freedom, and of a somewhat peaceful existence as a Jew. Throughout the 1920s, the family that could make the long journey to Gdansk, boarded human cargo ships and settled in Flint, Michigan, to work the auto factories. The rest of the Lewinsons and Sorschers who could not make the trip, who were either too old, too stubborn or too much in love with their home and village, later become the flesh that Hitler's Nazi machine chewed up in the invasion of Russia. These are painful memories for me - memories that I feel many, many American Jews tend to will into the preconscious, as a mechanism to displace identity and the past. Societal forces do little to moderate this dynamic. We cannot let this continue, for as precarious people, we are being sideswiped by Americana. As part of this journey, my family is travelling to Washington D.C. in a couple of weeks to visit the Holocaust Museum. We, as Jews in 1994 can be lulled to sleep by the amenities, the comforts, the desires for material success, for professional reputation, for academic excellence and forget who we really are. We are allowing the culture of America; the dissolution of foreign ethnic, religious and cultural ties in favor of the adoption of the melting pot myth and the perniciousness of a capitalist ethic that de-emphasizes what it means to be human. What I want people to understand is that differences in humans, such as ethnicity or religious belief; should never be the primary way wd think about. categorize or relate tq I S S I 1