The Michigan Daily - Tuesday, January 11, 1994 - 7 ,Spanish monks chant their way to the top of the pop charts MADRID, Spain (AP) - A group of Benedictine monks have rocketed to the top of the pop charts with some genuine golden oldies - Gregorian chants. MTV has yet to press them for a music video spot, but the celibate celebrities are feeling the media squeeze. "You have to understand, we are monks, not rock stars," said one reluctant monk at the @11th-century monastery in northern Spain. Complied from previous recording by the monks of Santo Domingo de Silos, "The Best of Gregorian Chants" compact disc has earned one platinum and two gold discs with 230,000 copies sold since it hit record stores two weeks before Christmas. The double compact disc sells for the equivalent of $21 and features 38 selections, including some genuine oldies dating back 1,300 years. "You're telling me it was a surprise," said Jose Fernandez of Madrid Rock, one of the Spanish capital's top music stores. "Themonks have always had relatively good sales in clas- sical music terms. But this time they struck gold." For their part, the monks are ducking the cameras and reporters anxious for interviews, in an effort to preserve their quiet world. "I am very sorry but no one can talk about the recording,"said a monk who answered the telephone at the monastery that for centuries has served as a rest stop for pilgrims on their way to the shrine at Santiago de Compostela on Spain's northwestern tip. "We issued a statement after Christmas asking journalists to refrain from calling us," said the monk, who declined to further iden- tify himself. "Things were getting out of hand here at the monastery. You have to under- stand, we are monks, not rock stars." A Gregorian chant is the monophonic, liturgical music of the Roman Catholic Church used to accompany the text of the Mass. It takes its name from the Pope Gregory (590- 604) under whose reign the music was first collected. "It's very unusual, the first time that we know of that a classical-type recording has ever made it onto the top 10, not to mention to No. 1," said Marisa Ruiz of EMI-Odeon, the company that produced the record. EMI's classical music chief Rafael Perez Arroyo said the company plans to release another recording of the chants at the end of the year. The CD has only been available in Spain, although Ruiz said there are plans to launch it internationally. The recordings dating back to 1973 have been done at the monastery in the tiny town on the high plains in north central Spain. Perez A rrovo said some 25 of the monastery's 36 monks-in-residence are in the choir, but usu- ally only 16 to 20 of them actually record since some are older than 90. The double-CD has so far made about $2. 1 million. Perez-Arrovo said between 4 percent to 10 percent would go to the Santo Domingo de Silos monks. "This recording demonstrates more than ever that there is a growin gulf between the music many radio stat ion play and the music people buy," said R amon Trecet, host of Popu- lar Classics, Spanish National Radio's top- ranking afternoon music program. READ THE DAILY. CLASSIFIED ADS 764-0557 U SOCIOLOGY 389 EDUCATION 317 044 .I.N*L P WANTMED li USIN ES$ $5EJ C E THE COLORWORKS Collegiate Painters is now interviewing college students far sum- mer 94 management itions. A resuAhe-h building job wtremno earning otenal. LSAT score You To explore job oppomtunities avail. wflhe ColorWorks call 1-800-477-1001 & talk w/a need with EXCEL campus representative.O WANTED female helper to assist with C variety of jobs in and out of home. exible prove Your Skills Shours. Please call 996-9621. References at makin the reqtuested. Key Analytical WORK FOR ACADEMIC CREDIT or Istynalt that volunteer at U of M's Pound House Children's Center during Winter, Spring or ri red fo Summer Term. 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