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March 22, 1994 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1994-03-22

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One hundred three years of editorial freedom
Vo IN.100 ADarilyhgn usay ac 2,19 0 1994 The MichiganDay

Despite 'U' efforts, NORML still plans Hash Bash

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An April 22 hearing
will decide if NORML
can be fined for last
year's Diag rally
The perennial court battles over
Hash Bash continue this year but with
a different twist - the hearing sched-
uled for April 22 still stem from last
ear's Hash Bash.
Over the past five years, the Uni-
versity has attempted to bar Hash

Bash from being held on the Diag
four times. The presiding judge in
each of the earlier years has issued a
ruling in favor of the National Orga-
nization for the Reform of Marijuana
Laws (NORML), preventing the Uni-
versity from cancelling the annual
This year's Hash Bash, a rally to
push for the legalization of marijuana,
is scheduled for April 2 at noon.
The current court case relates back
to last year, when the University tried
to charge NORML a fee to use the
Diag. Also in question will be whether

the Diag policy is constitutional.
In last year's case, the University
contended that NORML had to pay
$9,400 to cover costs of security,
cleanup and electrical expenses. The
ruling judge ordered that NORML
did not have to pay $8,000 of those
Walter Harrison, vice president
for University relations, said he did
not believe that NORML had regis-
tered as a student group, a necessary
first step to receiving a Diag permit.
However, a staffer in the office of
the Michigan Student Assembly, said

that NORML had in fact registered as
a group earlier this month.
NORML has attempted to take the
second step of applying for a permit,
but was unable to because of a dis-
agreement over the deficit in its Uni-
versity account.
Since a permit has not yet been
processed, the status of Hash Bash
remains in limbo.
"No one knows what is going on,"
Harrison said.
Adam Brook, spokesperson for
the Ann Arbor chapter of NORML,
said that regardless of any court deci-

sions or University policies regarding
Hash Bash, it will take place.
Brook predicted that this year's
Hash Bash will be more of a "teach-
in" about marijuana legalization. He
said he wants the event to become "an
act of civil disobedience," as NORML
members distribute literature about
the many benefits of the cannabis
When asked what actions might be
taken to prevent Hash Bash from taking
place, Harrison said University offi-
cials still plan to meet to decide if any
further action will be taken.

April marks the 23rd year that
Marijuana legalization
advocates have met in April to
rally for its decriminalization.
Following is a timeline of the
University-NORML struggle:
March 1993: The University
is again rejected in its effort to
move the case to federal court.
April 1993: A Washtenaw
circuit judge rules the Hash
Bash can take place.
April 1994: Payments for
1993's Hash Bash are still in
dispute as latest rally nears.


urges end
*o assisted
suicide ban
For nearly 1,000 people, the Os-
cars just weren't good enough to keep
them at home last night.
* Instead, they poured into Hillel to
hear Southfield-native Dr. Jack
Kevorkian and his attorney, Geoffrey
Fieger, discuss the hotly-contested
issue of assisted suicide and an ongo-
ing petition drive to get the issue on
the November ballot.
Addressing a packed auditorium
as well as several other rooms con-
nected through closed-circuit televi-
ion, Fieger spoke first, defining his
position and emphasizing the impor-
tance of the issue throughout his
"This has nothing to do with the
right-to-die. We're talking about the
right not to suffer," the sometimes-
controversial attorney said. "This is a
monumental attempt to create change
in our society."
Fieger cited Michigan legislators
as part of the problem, saying law-
makers are being "bought" by reli-
gious fundamentalists and referring
to Republican Gov. John Engler as
"the greasiest guy you could ever
Eliciting laughs and applause
throughout his presentation, Fieger

LSA grads to
hear cartoonist

The University finally drew an LSA
commencement speaker.
The University announced yester-
day that Cathy Guisewite, creator of the
comic strip "Cathy," will deliver the
keynote address at the spring LSAcom-
Guisewite, a 1972 University alum,
is author of more than 40 cartoon col-
lections, including "Cathy." The car-
toon strip is syndicated worldwide in
more than 1,200 newspapers, including
the Detroit Free Press.
She has won many honors for her
work, including the National Cartoon-
ists Society's Reuben Award as the
outstanding cartoonist in 1992.
In recent years, the University has
landed two high level officials to ad-
dress graduating seniors at a single com-
mencement ceremony.
Hillary Rodham Clinton addressed
graduates last year. Two years previous
to that was President Bush.
"When a speaker receiving an hon-
orary degree is so popular to a wide
range of students that all people would
want to hear, we have one large com-
mencement," said Walter Harrison, vice
president for University relations.
Nevertheless, the announcement has
some seniors yearning for more.
LSA Senior Tait Sye chuckled when
he heard the announcement that the

Joined by two student supporters, Dr. Jack Kevorkian listens as his attorney discusses doctor-assisted suicide.

frequently entertained the audience
with colorful phrases and blunt lan-
guage to drive his message home.
"Every area that could have been
bought and sold in Lansing has been
bought and sold," he said. "You
wouldn't vote for these (legislators)
for school council."
Fieger also urged students to rec-
ognize the importance of fighting for
the right not to suffer.

"This is the fight in the hearts and
mind of you," he said. "It is a message
of freedom and of choice."
Kevorkian also got a chance to
discuss his views as he took the po-
dium greeted by heavy applause.
"This is not a religious issue. Re-
ligion is irrational. But to use religion
as your basis for law is dangerous,"
he said, reasserting Fieger's position
in favor of the right to doctor-assisted

He urged the audience to consider
the issue of assisted suicide as an
issue of a fundamental freedom of
Comparing today's society to the
"dark ages," Kevorkian said, "We're
not in the age of reason, we're in the
age of inquisition. How many of you
believe I'm being burned at the stake

cartoonist would deliver the address.
He added, however, that he was disap-
pointed with the selection.
"It's always hard to find someone
that pleases everyone," he said.
LSA Senior BootriTantisira agreed.
pe "I'm sure she's a
great speakerbut I
expected more."
added that he is
sympathetic with
the graduating se-
niors who ex-
pected a major
national figure.
Gulsewite "Cathy and
notHillary Clinton or George Bush, but
we honor people for a lot of different
reasons," he said.
Detroit Mayor Dennis Archer will
be awarded an honorary degree and will
address graduating Rackham students.
Each of the colleges will conduct its
own commencement ceremonies this
year, Harrison said.
Homer Rose, a member of the
University's Honorary Degree Com-
mittee and assistant dean of the Rackham
Graduate School, said, "We separated
the commencement exercises to per-
sonalize the experience."
Graduation will be heldApril30
atnoon in Michigan Stadium. For ticket
information, call 998-6245.
Altman knew
o f referral of
S&L ~probe t
Justice dept.
WASHINGTON- Deputy Trea-
sury Secretary Roger Altman was told
in advance by a top federal regulator
that the investigation into the failed
Madison Guaranty Savings and Loan
would be referred to the Justice De-
partment for possible prosecution.
Altman received the briefing from
William Roelle, a top official of the'
Resolution Trust Corp., and Treasury
general counsel Jean Hanson, senior
Treasury officials say. They told
Altman that a criminal referral in the
Madison case "was coming to the
surface" within the RTC. The RTC
asked the Justice Department to begin
a criminal investigation on October 8.
The Altman session is the earliest

Polling sites open in first day
of student assembly elections

Despite the large number of candi-
dates in the elections for the Michigan
tudent Assembly, which begin today
and run until tomorrow, students are
not making special plans to vote.
"I miss all the places where they're
being polled or I don't have time," said
LSA junior Lynne Jones, while eating
her lunch in the Union.
Jones said she probably will not
vote, but even if she does she will not
know for whom to vote. "I don't know
Will that much about who's for what this

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Mach °
year," Jones said.
But if she does decide to vote, Jones
will have 31 poll sites to choose from,
with locations on North Campus, Cen-
tral Campus and in residence halls.
To vote, students give the poll
worker their University ID and receive
their school's ballot. Each person also

receives a ballot question sheet. Poll
workers - who cannot campaign at
the poll site - include students from
different organizations and MSA rep-
resentatives not running in this elec-
After students vote, the ballots are
sealed in an envelope and are not opened
until they are counted tomorrow
"Before we count the ballots, we
verify to make sure the person is a
student and is enrolled," said MSA


Evaluation process begins for deans

Anna Paquin from "The Piano" wins for Best Supporting Actress at last
night's Academy Awards.
Schidler's List' takes top
1nrn r 0 U fl in r 1 Alctnyb n h


School of Music Dean Paul Boylan
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tions. The fact is that most have not
done it and this is a way to start a

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