4 - The Michigan Daily - Friday, March 18, 1994
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420 Maynard
Ann Arbor, MI 48109
Edited and managed
by students at the
University of Michigan
Editor in Chief
Editorial Page Editors
Unless otherwise noted, unsigned editorials reflect the opinion of a majority of the Daily's editorial board.
All other articles, letters, and cartoons do not necessarily reflect the opinion of The Michigan Daily.
Lab fee hikes
11 don't know.'
- Tonya Harding
when asked by a Multnomah County (Ore.) judge if she had
any emotional or psychological problems
Biology students get sacked
The biology department's recent decision
to counter a shortfall in funds by increas-
ing lab fees from $25 to $70 leaves questions
about how these new revenues will be spent.
The department claims that the lab fees are
necessary to cover consumable supplies,
equipment maintenance and new devices for
the laboratory. However, there is no guaran-
tee that biology students' money will be used
for lab expenses once it has entered the black
hole of department funds.
The biology department has stressed that
the funds will go directly to laboratory ex-
penses. Jack Warner, the administrative man-
ager of the department, claims that the fees are
necessary to offset the rising enrollment in
biology courses. According to Warner, the
biology department needs the increase in rev-
enue to offset a 44 percent rise in enrollment.
However, suspicions about the final destina-
tion of the funds have been raised by the
Senate Assembly Committee on University
Affairs (SACUA), which is currently inves-
tigating the issue. Specifically, SACUA is
looking into the possibility that the fee in-
crease is an attempt by the University to avoid
a formal raise in tuition.
The decision to use lab fees to keep the
biology department's budget balanced comes
just after the Budget Study Committee
(BSC), which has been studying the costs of
higher education, declared the University
"on the high end" in both current tuition and
the rate of tuition increase among the top 12
major public research universities in the
country. The committee suggested that the
University should slow its rate of tuition
If the biology department truly intends to
with a $ 45 rise in lab fees
devote its lab fees to lab expenditures, then
it should issue a guarantee to this effect.
Despite assertions from department offi-
cials, no one has issued this guarantee. The
reason, perhaps, is that the department hopes
to use the lab fees to fund its extensive
research program and not the intended lab
supplies. If this is, in fact, the case, then the
department should obtain the necessary rev-
enue from the University's general fund,
which is supported by tuition rates. It is
understandable that the University would
not want to increase its tuition rates to
support its research after the Budget Study
Committee labeled it as one of the most
expensive schools in the country. However,
imposing an undue burden on biology stu-
dents is an unfair solution.
One thing the University can do to better
handle their budget to avoid unnecessary
increases in student costs and decrease their
reputation as excessively expensive is to fol-
low the BSC's recommendation that the
university increase its tuition according to
the Consumer Price Index (CPI), a measure
of annual inflation. It is inevitable that tu-
ition must be raised, but tieing those in-
creases to the CPI, as the BSC suggested, is
the most sound and realistic way to deter-
mine the rate of that increase.
The University must make changes in
the ways it gathers and allots funds and in its
budget at large to ensure that the burden of
research costs are not unfairly laid on a spe-
cific group of students, biology students in
this case. Research is an important part of this
university, but making sure that students get
the most for their money is as basic as the
future of this university.
Transfer is loathsome
in any direction
To the Daily:
"Transfer" is an innocent
word made ominous in recent
years by extremists who have
called for the deportation of
Arabs from Israel. It is an
abhorrent idea to most people,
and with good reason. It is
therefore surprising to hear
the editors of The Michigan
Daily calling for the
relocation of Jews living in
the occupied territories to "the
legal state of Israel" ["Hebron
Massacre" 3/4/94].
Many of us have long
advocated an independent
Palestinian state in the land
which was illegally occupied
by Jordan from 1948-1967
and which was illegally
occupied by Israel from 1967
to the present. But why should
Jews be barred from residence
in such a state? The idea of
"transfer" is no less loathsome
in one direction than in the
Director of Hillel
Music causes problems
To the Daily:
Your column on March 8
seemed to miss a glaring
possibility on why our
generation is having such
problems. I strongly disagree
with your view that the music
is simply inspired by our
problems. Instead, the music
is causing many of the
problems. Humans learn from
example, and if music talks of
violence, then what are
impressionable kids supposed
to think? I am not supporting
the '80s period of music
either, but I can tell you that
if you listen to many styles of
music present since the Civil
War, you will find the current
one is the most violent.
Furthermore, it is people
like you who are giving our
generation such a bad
reputation. Yes, I understand
the statistics, but if you take
the time to listen to people
who are members of previous
generations, you you will hear
our's referred to as a group of
whiners. That is exactly what
you are doing in these last two
articles. So stop whining, and
do something about the
problems. I intend to do this,
and I challenge anyone who is
brave enough to stand up to
the stereotypes this generation
has acquired (many well
deserved) and do something
worthwhile other than listen
to bad music.
Engineering first-year student
A different celebration
To the Daily:
I appreciate the Daily's
recognition of the
collaborative effort of
students, University, city,
police, and our merchants in
coordinating a safe and fun
celebration in conjunction
with our basketball team's
"Road to the Final Four" ("No
instant Replay" 3/15/94).
But, I must stress - this is
a collaborative effort. No
single organization or person
is sponsoring our upcoming
programs. Jarman Davis and
myself are the student
coordinators of Michigan
Madness '94, but it is by no
means our project. Building
upon our success last year, we
know that such an effort can
only succeed if it is
everyone's project - every
group involved wants our
team to win and we all want
to celebrate in the most fun
and safe way. It is with such
thought that all of our
respective groups are meeting
to plan the Michigan
Madness '94 celebration.
I look forward to seeing all
of you at our first events on
Thursday. The basketball
games will be shown in the
Tap Room of the Union and
in the North Campus
Commons. If anyone is
interested in helping plan
these events or has any
questions, please call the
Michigan Madness '94
In the regents' court
Regents should change SSRR amendment process
The Statement of Student Rights and Re-
sponsibilities (SSRR) will not be
amended through its student panelists, at
least, not this term. A meeting Wednesday
night fell a heart-wrenching two student
panelists short of attracting the 26 necessary
to formally consider amendments to the
SSRR. This, the third failure of the SSRR's
current amendment process, clearly shows
that process is flawed. This leaves no other
choice but for the University Board of Re-
gents to take action on changing the SSRR
Last month, the regents rightly voted to
delay action on the SSRR until they could
receive student input through the SSRR's
own amendment process. At that time, there
was still hope that the student amendment
process could work - even if it took a third
long try. But after another failure - a failure
that didn't result from either Office of Stu-
dent Affairs or general student indifference,
but from an amendment process that has
proven to be unworkable - the regents
must, this once, act. It is wholly necessary
for the regents to change this flawed amend-
ment procedure as soon as possible, but it is
also necessary for them to vote on the amend-
ments to the code that have been stalled at
the student juror level.
Currently, amendments proposed by
MSA, SACUA, executive officers of the
University or a student-sponsored petition
with 500 signatures can be considered by
the student panelists.
The new amendment policy should allow
amendments submitted through these same
avenues to be placed on the MSA ballot for
a popular student vote. If a majority of
student voters approve an amendment, then
it should be forwaded to the regents - who
ultimately have final authority. Placing these
amendments on the ballot would allow the
student body to have a direct voice in amend-
The SSRR cannot be allowed to remain
in its current form until Fall term. The
SSRR, as it stands, usurps the U.S. legal
system in an attempt to act in loco parentis.
The SSRR must be amended, and the stu-
dents who have worked to propose amend-
ments deserve to have them heard. Still, this
new amendment procedure cannot possibly
be instituted in time to place amendments
on the MSA ballot this term, and the amend-
ments proposed by student groups this term
must be given consideration before then.
Thus, the regents must also take it upon
themselves to consider them.
The regents have been rightly hesitant in
amending the SSRR without student input
in the past (unfortunately, this is probably
because some regents are happy with the
status quo). However, the amendments
which have currently been proposed have a
de facto student mandate in that they are
sponsored by student groups or by student
petitions. The only amendments that do not
fit this are the ones proposed by the Office
of Student Affairs, and those mostly deal
with technicalities in language. Many stu-
dents worked very hard to draft amend-
ments, collect signatures and propose them
for consideration. This effort should not be
wasted simply because the amendment pro-
cess itself is flawed.'
The regents' consideration of amend-
ments during their April meeting would
allow many of the technical changes to be
made. If the regents are still concerned
about receiving student input on the other
amendments, they can always invite the
sponsors of those amendments to attend the
April meeting and speak on them.
The SSRR must be amended. The re-
gents are the only individuals who hold the
power to amend the SSRR, since the current
amendment process has proven to be com-
pletely ineffective. Students who have of-
hotline at 747-2606.
MSA president
Israel's survival rests in
peace process
To the Daily:
After reading Michael
Castine's letter in the March
17 issue of the Daily, in
which he states that Israel
must maintain a presence in
the Occupied Territories, I felt
that some reply was
necessary. While Mr. Castine
shows that he is genuinely
concerned about the state of
Israel, the notion that Israel
has a right to hold the
Territories is incorrect. The
fact that Israeli soldiers every
day kill Palestinian teenagers
in street clashes is worse for
Israeli society than not
controlling the West Bank and
Gaza. Statements such as, "it
was a tragedy when Dr.
Goldstein went on his
shooting spree," ring hollow
when the people saying it
support Israeli army and
settler presence in the
Territories, the very factors
that lead to the infrequent
massacres that occur on both
sides. I do not mean to imply
that supporting the state of
Israel is wrong, since I too
strongly support Israel, but
only to say that being across
the ocean from Israel makes it
easy for us to ignore the
problems there. I have also,
"personally visited Israel," as
Mr. Castine writes, and
oppression of the Palestinians
there is obvious to any who
choose to see it. Israel's
security would still be
maintained without the
Territories, and Israel's
society would be improved by
ending the ongoing presence
in the Territories. As someone
who also cares about Israel, I
feel that the only way for
Israel to survive as a just state
is through the peace process,
and giving the Palestinians
self-determination in the
LSA first-year student
all, leave alone a comparable
response, after any Arab
terrorist attacks. This was the
point of my article.
Mr. Bustany then suggests
that I was "very obviously
misrepresenting myths as
facts surrounding the Hebron
massacre." I did not discuss
the details of the attack, and
the other facts that I did
mention were well researched
and substantiated. The polls
that I mentioned concerning
the leanings of the Israeli and
Palestinian populace were
broadcasted on CNN and
published in several major
newspapers. The chants of
"Kill the Jews" I have heard
with my own ears during the
last year, which I spent in
T0..nl T mot nkn~ar,..1.,ac
Due to my Newfound Popularity,
a number of you have written letters
to my attention. The Daily has become
a virtual warehouse for all of my
mail. As a matter of fact, last time I
heard, the editors were thinking of
changing the name of the paper from
The Michigan Daily to Jeremy: A
Celebration of Life.
I thought it would be fun to read
some of these morsels to you, the
Avid Reader (translation: I have no
good topic to talk about this week).
So without further ado, let's reach
into the ol' mailbag and pull out a
few, completely at random:
You are so funny. Please call me
this week.
- Eileen Katz
What an odd coincidence - a
letter from an adoring fan with the
same name as my mother! Next time,
leave a number, Eileen, and I'd be
more than happy to oblige.
Mr. Katz:
Once again, I must request that
you stay AT LEAST 50 yards away
from my son. While the court order
states 30 yards, I would feel more
comfortable if you made it 50.
- Name withheld due to
attorney's advice
This is, eh, obviously a sick joke.
Please join me for dinner. (This
part handwritten at bottom of letter):
And maybe later we'll pull bong hits.
- B. Clinton
Sorry, Billy, but I have to decline.
My loyalties lie with The Michigan
Daily, and due to the fact that I receive
NO MONEY from them, I cannot
possibly afford to travel to D.C.
Please bear my children.
- C. Crawford
Ladies, while I'm certainly
flattered that you would like me to
supply my seed for your hungry loins,
I cannot help but to feel like a cheap
slut, used solely for the purposes of
sex. Now if dinnerwas included, then
we could talk.
Mr. Catss:
Congratulations! You are one of
the 10 finalists for our $10,000,000
- E. McMahon
Just one of the many perks of
being a Daily columnist.
Mr. Katz:
I find your humor gross and
inappropriate. Please quit it.
- H. Stern
I sincerely apologize, Mr. Stem.
I will stop at once.
I've never read a writer with
more insight into the life of a young
adult. Every time I read one of your
clever columns, I think to myself,
"that was me growing up." Keep it
- J.D. Salinger
Thanks, J. I'd say the same thing
about "Catcher in the Rye", but I'd
only be lying. Racquetball at the
usual time?
I cannot remember what you said
about the "bending throbber." Is this
done with or without handcuffs?
- Dr. R. Westheimer
Ruthie, I'm getting a little sick of
constantly doling out free sexual
advice. Aren't you supposed to be the
expert here? Anyway, to answer your
question, the "bending throbber" is
done with a pair of chopsticks, three
A little clarification...
To the Daily:
Before anything else, I
must profusely apologize for a
generalization which I made
about Arabs in my March 9
viewpoint. Instead of
suggesting that Arabs who
support terrorism have a
different version of the
Qur'an than other Muslims, I
made the statement inclusive
of all Arabs. Although my
intentions were to the former,
I said the latter, and for that I
beg forgiveness. I do not, by
any stretch, believe that all
Arabs are bound by those who
preach terror.
However, the primary
purpose of this letter is to
concentration camp
executioners of different
ethnicity." An interesting
analogy, however totally
irrelevant to my viewpoint. In
describing the crime
committed by Goldstein, I
used the terms "massacre,"
"madman," and
"sacrilegious." Does that seem
excusitory to you? The
difference which I suggested
was that such incidents among
Jews are far less common and
far less accepted.
Note the Jewish response
since the Hebron massacre.
Hundreds of thousands of
Israelis marched on Tel Aviv
to protest the incident and
demand peace. In American
terms, that is comparable to