we4v *rn1 One hundred three years of editorial freedom AATU funding remains major issue in MSA elections By ROBIN BARRY AILY STAFF REPORTER The future funding of the Ann Arbor Tenants Union (AATU) hangs in the balance as University students prepare to cast their ballots for Michi- gan Student Assembly president. Funding for AATU - a pro-ten- ant organization - is a significant issue in the MSA elections this year. Since its founding, AATU has re- ceived line-item priority, or set fund- Roberson decides not to suspend ''M' coach By PAUL BARGER DAILY HOCKEY WRITER Michigan Athletic Director Joe Roberson yesterday elected not to suspend hockey coach Red Berenson. Berensen was charged with irunken driving and urinating in pub- lic Tuesday night. Roberson has not suspended any of the seven members of the Michigan athletic program who have run into trouble with the law since January. At last night's Central Collegiate Hockey Association awards banquet in Detroit, Berenson responded to the charges. "The only thing I want to say about his is don't let it happen it to you. It has been a humbling experience." Members of the Michigan hockey team and Roberson could not be reached for comment. Associate Ath- letic Director Peggy Bradley-Doppes would not comment. Berenson was leaving Banfield's Bar and Grill at 3140 Packard Rd. when he was arrested by Ann Arbor Police Officer Myron Blackwell. "The Red Berenson Show" airs every Tues- day evening from Banfield's at 6:30 on WTKA-AM 1050. Six of the seven incidents involving Michigan coaches or players have been alcohol-related. The coaches of both the football and basketball teams sus- pended the players involved, but the athletic department has not leveled its wn suspensions. Roberson has stated that disciplinary actions have already been taken in Berenson's case. Michiganwillbeginthe CCHAtour- nament Saturday at Joe Louis Arena against the winner of the Miami-West- ern Michigan quarterfinal game. ing, in the MSA budget. AATU cur- rently receives about $25,000 from the assembly, which amounts to about half its budget. However, the Michigan Party plans to treat AATU as any other student organization - its funding would be determined by the Budget Priorities Committee. "We don't see why AATU is so special compared to the other 600 student organizations, to receive line- item treatment in the MSA budget," said Jacob Stern, the Michigan Party candidate for vice president to MSA. Stern said AATU's services are duplicated by other organizations such as the off-campus division of Hous- ing and Student Legal Services. "Their services may not be the same but they are similar," he said. But Pattrice Maurer, AATU coor- dinator, said the organization's ser- vices are not duplicated. "It would be a conflict of interests for Housing (to provide such services) since they are controlled by the Uni- versity and the University is a land- lord and Student Legal Services can- not provide the same services," Maurer said. She also said funding comes from MSA since it would be a conflict of interest for AATU to receive funding from the University. Doug Lewis of the Student Legal Services said the matter was not a yes or no question. "We could possibly (provide the same services). However, it would necessitate changes. ... Student Le- gal Service is a law office. Its orienta- tion to the world is different than AATU's. Our interpretation of the law is different." The Protest Party proposes to de- termine at what level of funding AATU can function affectively. They are currently planning to implement a base fund of $17,500. Additional funds would depend on the number of students served by AATU. "Our concern is whether AATU is providing quality service to enough students, however we are open to ne- gotiation on the base line," said Ben- jamin Bolger, the Protest Party's presi- dential candidate. Devon Bodoh, the Students' Party See AATU, Page 2 ODE TO A BLURRY VICTORY O ST. PATTY'S DAY Report: Tuition pays for growing administration CHIW WLF/Daily While 50 people waited impatiently outside, about 300 excited Wolverine fans watched the Michigan basketball team at Score Keepers go into overtime to beat the Pepperdine Waves, 78-74. Clintona appr oves heariLlongs on Whitewater By JAMES R. CHO DAILY STAFF REPORTER Believe it or not - revenue gener- ated from recent double-digit in- creases in tuition has been used to support the growth of the University administration. A study presented at the weekly meeting of the Ann Arbor chapter of the American Association of Univer- sity Professors (AAUP) yesterday pinpointed the burgeoning Univer- sity bureaucracy as one culprit caus- ing recent tuition increases. "We found that the expenses at the University has grown tremendously in recent years and that money gener- ated from increased tuition has been used to supplement any shortfall in the budget," said Mathematics Prof. Emeritus Wilfred Kaplan, who headed the AAUP's Budget Study Commit- tee (BSC). The study, which looked at the University's finances between 1985 and 1993 found that while the Con- sumer Price Index (CPI) had increased an average of 3.8 percent since 1986, tuition had increased an average of 11.3 percent. While University officials indi- cate that the increase in tuition results in part from flat state appropriations, the study noted that state appropria- tions had an average increase of 4.6 percent - higher than the CPI aver- age. Regent Deane Baker (R-Ann Ar- bor) said, "The cost of running the University has increased. In what ar- eas they have gone up is subject to discussion. In recent years, the state has given less money to the Univer- sity." In 1966, the state paid for 78 per- cent of the University's general fund, now the state makes up about 42 per- cent, Baker said. "The primary cause for the tuition increases are from inflation and re- duction in state and federal support," he said. Over the eight-year study, student enrollment increased from 46,725 to 51,742, or 10.7 percent. "This alone accounts for an aver- age increase in expenditure of 1.5 percent a year. Thus CPI and enroll- ment growth would justify 5.3 per- cent average increase in most expense items," Kaplan said. With these figures, Kaplan claims that the cost of higher education is rising faster than the cost of inflation. "With its average 11.3 percent growth, tuition has enabled the Univer- sity to keep the General Fund balanced, despite the large percentage increases in all expense items," Kaplan added. In addition, the committee found that the increase in administrative services - 9.3 percent for adminis- trative services and 12.6 percent for institutional support - has had a sig- nificant affect in increasing cost in- flation at the University. Committee member and English Prof. Leo McNamara said, "The ma- jor factor causing the cost increases at the University has been from the ex- pansion of the administration." The Budget Study committee was created in 1992 to better understand University finances. "We set out to find out why the cost of financing higher education has increased so rapidly in the recent past," Kaplan said. LOS ANGELES TIMES WASHINGTON - The Senate, after weeks of fierce partisan wran- gling, unanimously approved a reso- lution late last night calling for even- tual congressional hearings into the Whitewater controversy. The resolution, adopted 98-0, said simply that the leadership of both parties "should meet and determine the appropriate timetable, procedures and forum" for hearings into the mat- ter. In other Whitewater developments yesterday, White House adviser George Stephanopoulos was subpoe- naed to testify before a grand jury called by Robert B. Fiske Jr., the Whitewater special counsel. In a brief statement last night, Stephanopoulos said: "I welcome the opportunity to give Mr. Fiske the facts." Seven White House aides now have been subpoenaed to make grand jury appearances. Outgoing White House Counsel Bernard Nussbaum appeared before the grand jury earlier in the day to answer questions about possible ad- ministration interference in a federal investigation related to Whitewater. Fiske is looking into allegations that President Clinton and first lady Hillary Rodham Clinton may have benefited improperly from their asso- ciation during the late 1970s and 1980s with James B. McDougal, owner of the failed Madison Guaranty Savings & Loan and partner with the Clintons in a failed Ozark real estate invest- ment known as Whitewater Develop- ment Corp. Fiske is also investigating the role played by Mrs. Clinton and the Rose Law Firm in Little Rock, Ark., in representing Whitewater and Madi- son Guaranty and the apparent sui- cide last July of deputy White House Council Vincent W. Foster Jr., who had worked on Whitewater as a Rose partner and later at the White House. The Senate resolution was the re- sult of a compromise worked out dur- ing day-long negotiations between See WHITEWATER, Page 2 See TUITION, Page 2 SACUA to elect 3 faculty members By LISA DINES DAILY STAFF REPORTER When the 70 votes of the Senate Assembly are tallied Monday to fill three empty seats on the Senate As- sembly Committee for University Affairs (SACUA), the new members will be charged with continuing the advancement of the faculty's needs to the administration. Running for the three-year terms are: David Blair, Mark DeCamp, Tho- mas Dunn, Charles Kelsey, Ronald Lomax, Alfredo Montalvo and Charles Olson. Although most faculty members will not be voting, the issue most cess needs to change. Mark DeCamp, an LSA faculty counselor said, "We, the faculty, with the input from the students, should be setting the agenda. Not the central administration." Prof. David Blair said, "Making good decisions requires the informed participation of all 'stakeholders' in the University - the students, the administration and the faculty. "A strong SACUA and a strong faculty governance process means that the faculty have effective means by which to participate in and assist this decision-making process," he added. stance in dealing with the administra- tion. "The structure of the University should be a constructive dialogue between all parts of the University," said SNRE Prof. Charles Olson. He also said communication should take a "collaborative, rather than confrontational" form. Provost Gilbert R. Whitaker Jr. agreed that a constructive dialogue is necessary between the faculty and the administration. "The faculty governance system and the administration need to work together, because higher education faces significant issues such as fund- 0 David C. Blair - Associate professor of computer and Information systems, School of Business Administration, and associate professor of Information and library services: Blair thinks a re-organization of the University information infrastructure is necessary to allow for an increased flow of ideas. He also thinks a strong SACUA and Senate Assembly provide necessary forums for the faculty. ® Mark R. DeCamp - Faculty counselor in LSA and associate professor of chemistry, Dearborn campus: DeCamp thinks faculty members need to retake the initiative in the decision-making process at the University. He also wants to set up a stronger link between the University's Ann Arbor campus and the Flint and Dearborn campuses. Thomas M. Dunn - Professor of chemistry: Dunn thinks faculty governance needs to be expanded in order to include more individuals. He feels the University should focus on long-range educational goals and emphasize ideas and concepts. Charles C. Kelsey - Professor of dentistry: Volavthndc e. A II£.. A i lr airice ic F~cciohacfare djj4. vama r