* I accept all religions that were in the past, and worship with them all; I worship God with every one of them, in whatever form they worship Him. I shall go to the mosque of the Muslim; I shall enter the Christians church and kneel before the crucifix; I shall enter the Buddhistic temple, where I shall take refuge in Buddha and in his Law; I shall go into the forest and sit down in meditation with the Hindu, who is trying to see the Light which enlightens the heart of everyone... Always look within, never without. Such is the God that Vedanta preaches, and such is His worship. - Swami Vivekananda Ekam Sat Viprah ahudhaVadanti (Truth is Onet, Paths are Man y) What is Hinduism? Hinduism is one of the world's oldest surviving religions. Hinduism does not date from a priua point in time, and has no particular founder I '~i~ upon the wisdom and spiritual experiences of a Lrqe..: number of sages, saints, and seers. It is essentiallya) a of life, known in Sanskrit as Sanatana Dharma (Eternal or Universal Righteousness). There:is ~n estimated population of almost i ik indus I::::, ::.:..... containd withn the r Hnuep1cof the Mahabharata nd amay a4te teachings and allegories that. many Hinds beieve in. What are the aims of Hinduism? There are four life goals associated with Hinduism.. : They are dharma (righteousness), artha (wealth), ,k,.ma'< (pleasure), and moksha (salvation). Dharma ptov(de moral and ethical guidance for accomishngmaera and spiritual goals and for thie gro f e r id f and society. Artha is not an enin itself, but amean to raise a family, maintain a householdand cre f Or one's dependents. Karna efrto the uflfnrtn moderation) of one's desIr s, pS.On ,~r~ mtiosns ao sha can best be explaine a the ultimate goal-.. °bean of the soul from the bndage of te ehand c, liitations of the finite bod. To Hindus r , This also.:;:. me D nt- cliberation from the cycle.of birth::.::..:..... W34hat are the means of attaining these goals? Hinduism hs§::outlined four basic paths to moksha (salvat onll.. These are known as the four yogas, and are desighled to be fco-Owe~according to individual strengths andinclinatiois ama yoga (yoga of action) is the path of lifless servicc fr T:h elfare::Qf mankind, Bhakti yoga i tepal cofe ledvi woship, Passag hsrmthe lBhagavad (iita Thy ju ridicion is in action alone; Never it he faits at any\, time, Never shold thefuisof action t Ie thy motive, .n tien~ds that knowedge in the self. :.... Oehould pifhe pelf bythe self; Oneshul not de-grade the seW :. Tuth self rlne canea rend t he self, Afc th secf aI'one can be an enemy to the self. (6.5) Fith is in acQordance With the. true nature of each, Man is made of faith. Wha !tetver faith he has, thus he is. (XVI,3) Reflections Te !Kural, Truvalluvar It is compassion. thermost gracious of virtueswhk moves the world. 57 1).. Those who d esi, e fame with honor wil l not sacrifc hono;r for fame . 4 X6 f Aiil virtues are said to be natura to those who acqire > character as a dut. 9 i The W .i of Kitngs. Ifyufeel satisfied with-yor accompi lishments < f empoweent and political self-determ.nat~ The irstprciple of non-violence is that 6f no......-. evryhig f espeand honor cannot be proteced b others, .Theyre for each individual himself or herself togrd nehato speak out and stand up for oco nvictios In ation at a time of conflagration is. inexcuablc, No government on earth can make pole who hae rliz: .freedom in their head:- slUte, inst teir wll God wh issitin9in he ears f allhe :red, hite, yelfw, liv ad blac ppls:f tewrd The ear ~td esenc oftheIndianexperience isto be fondin:a onsantThtitin f the unity of life, and the instincrveandiqea-iabe conviction that the recognition of this unity is the highest good and the uttermost freedom .. .If it be asked what inner riches* India brings to aid in the realization of a civilization of the world, then, from the Indian standpoint, the answer must be found in her religions and her philosophy, and her constant application of abstract theory to practical life. Swami Vivekananda .a 0I reverence, self surende rand adoration ofyGod:. Jnana arb yoais the intellectualpa A naVling. the destrdnof SyaalBb ignorance by conteml :t~r ofh.a o~i et the diffrks faiths Eit, let them flourish and let the scientific ad yteatcpt hh;. le:.n ospr goyo o esn in all the languages and in a consciousness. These paths arenot:duse .banye ftue.That should be the Ideal. Respect the mean, bt ae mrel inendd *o gve veue or