4 - The Michigan Daily - Thursday, March 17, 1994 'The irbign&i# 420 Maynard JEssu HEALADAY Ann Arbor, MI 48109 Editor in Chief Edited and managed Sri GooosmN by students at the FuNr WANEss University of Michigan Editorial Page Editors Unless otherwise noted, unsigned editorials reflect the opinion of a najority of the Daily's editorial board. All other articles, letters, and cartoons do not necessarily reflect the opinion of The Michigan Daily. MSA: where's the beef? Presidential debates leave out important issues 'Racism is a serious charge, and I believe that anyone making such a charge should either document the charge or withdraw it.' -Provost Gilhbert . Wlhitaker .Jr., in response to a letter accusing a phlarmocology professor of racism Id The debate for MSA presidential candi- dates led to some interesting discussions this past Tuesday night. Beginning on calm terms, candidates supplied various responses to questions about the plurality of parties running this year, the Diag policy, and the code. But the next question - which asked candidates how they would accomplish the wholly necessary task of increasing student participation - caused heated debate. In response to this question, Saura Sahu, can- didate for the DO party, initiated discussion about the need for a more representative and diverse student assembly. Certainly the call for better representation is a valid outcry, however, the way in which the issue was discussed was inappropriate and flawed in its logic. Sahu criticized the current MSA board, saying that their almost all white population made them unapproachable and inaccessible to the student body, using the analogy that their unrepresentative board was like "wear- ing an evil mask." At this point, Sahu began listing the type of diversity on his committee, explaining in detail that it consists of an "African American", a "Hispanic," and other "major minorities." This spawned responses from other candidates, in efforts to include themselves in Sahu's plea for diversity. De- von Bodoh of the Students Party pointed out, "my vice president is an African American," and Benjamin Bolger added that he had a "handicapped person" on his board. Bogged down in jumbled rhetoric about diversity, it seems Sahu and other candi- dates have lost sight about what it truly means to be representative and to be an effective student assembly. Representation is not about including one token minority. And it is not about listing every "diverse" member of the population. Inherent in making lists of specific people comes the risk of leaving out people. While candidates tried to show us how "inclusive" they were, what became most apparent was those groups that they were forgetting. What about Asians, Puerto Ricans, Native Ameri- cans, and so on down the list of the forgotten? And, most importantly, numerical represen- tation is not proof of ideology, or platform, or principle. Of course, diversity is extremely impor- tant. And we must commend Sahu for intro- ducing this idea into the debate as well as making it a major focus of his platform., Unfortunately, what began as an important topic ended up grounded in poor word choice and impaired arguments, taking time away from discussion about important issues like AATU and MCC that were barely touched on. We cannot forget that - first and fore- most - board members should be voted in based on quality and merit. Moreover, the current MSA system is not founded on ap- pointment or on discriminating selection pro- cedures. Rather, who runs is determined by who takes initiative. Parties need to be con- scious in its choosing of candidates, and we encourage parties to go out in to the commu- nity and recruit minority candidates. Yet, what - and who - the party represents is more important than any "bean counting" can possibly be. Rather than trying to prove representation by concentrating on the skin color of each board member, we need, instead, to focus on what types of things MSA can do to help minority needs beyond the walls of the MSA office. MSA is only one organization, but it has the power and the resources to help many other diverse associations. MSA's mission should be to provide equal access to all groups of people, granting funding and support to student organizations ranging from the LGMBPO to the BSU. In a University with such a strong empha- sis on diversity, and at a time in which so many pressing issues face MSA, it is ridicu- lous to ground our arguments and spend our time in cluttered rhetoric that really says nothing about true representation. The number of questions answered by candidates during the debate can be counted on one hand; many of the questions answered lacked real substance. MSA remains at a crossroads; it can either move forward and embrace the issues, or it can continue in the same vein of the "where's the beef' debate of 1994. . tC +ttL'( 'Give Lasser a break' To the Daily: I am writing in response to Joseph Harpe's unfair criticism of Daily cartoonist Jim Lasser. I find his argument at best as funny as Lasser's own cartoons. After discovering that Mr. Lasser's defender, Mr. Ravi Madan, lives on the same hall as Lasser, "lo and behold," this sly detective immediately assumes that he and Mr. Lasser are either one, best of pals, or two, Lasser put him up to it. Did Mr. Harpe ever consider that Mr. Madan genuinely likes Lasser's work? Figure this one out, Detective Harpe: I have never met Mr. Lasser, I live in Markley, yet I enjoy his work. Mr. Harpe also condemns Lasser for being monotonous. I can recall Lasser's talented hand touching upon a wide variety of issues from campus, to national, to international subjects. Not only do I find his cartoons witty and clever, but often downright funny. I have some simple advice for Mr. Harpe and others who seem so offended by Lasser's cartoons. If it bothers you so much, don't read it. We wouldn't want you to lose any more sleep over something when you can simply look the other way. Besides, is it possible that the Daily knew what it was doing when it hired Mr. Lasser, that he does indeed have talent, and that the majority of people enjoy his cartoons? No one's perfect. Give Lasser a break. JASON OSTROM LSA first-year student Administrator evaluations will be made public To the Daily: You are in error when you say that the results of the long-overdue faculty evaluation of administrators will not be available to the public. While specific procedural matters remain to he threshed out by the University Senate, the present plan calls for these results to be distributed to faculty of the units involved - such as LSA, etc. The greatest oddity in all this fanfare is that the evaluation plan has been resisted strenuously by certain segments of the faculty. It is obvious why administrators might resist, but the reasons why faculty are backing off are mysterious. Various reasons are given. 1) Those faculty eager to climb into the topmost branches of the corporate tree are not keen about accountability for rotten performance. 2) Some express fear that administrators will become vindictive if the professoriate dares to question the way the University is run. 3) Others cite apathy; saying that even if certain administrators are repudiated, nothing will happen because it is in the nature of corporate elites to ignore criticism from below. In view of the recent orgy of salary increases which administrators of this university have paid themselves - in the manner of irresponsible legislators - it is necessary to create some braking mechanism from inside which could dramatize to those in power on the outside - regents, taxpayers, donors - that there are unmistakable whiffs that the academic air is becoming noticeably rancid. Evaluation of bureaucracy is a small step in the right direction. Is it really so onerous or outrageous? After all, the faculty has been routinely evaluated by students for nearly twenty years. CECIL EBY Professor of English Living in the ghetto At the age of fourteen, I left the inner city for the final time. In the years since, I'd forgotten many dilemmas of ghetto life. In the past few months, however, I have begun to remember this part of my life I'd left behind. I have been reintroduced to the inner city, and one fact remains evident. Ghetto life is very, very bad. Most comprehend enough about the inner city to know they don't want to live there. But, the cloud of gloom which hangs over the slums is so great, few, if any, "outsiders" can comprehend its magnitude. My recollections of ghetto life have resurfaced in my work with Detroit students who attend the primarily Black, and very inner city, Murray-Wright High School. I am a volunteer with the Student Educational Enrichment Program (StEPP), a University student group which tutors these students. The math I have taught these people can never compare with the personal memories they have forced me to remember and rethink-memories I would have been more than happy to forget forever. The students of Murray- Wright are smart. Many have specific goals for their futures, and they hope to attend the University. But, the weight of societal opposition to their dreams, both deliberate and unintentional, is so great, many are forced to snuff the flames of hope, which burn so brightly inside them, simply to survive from day to day. Crime, drugs and violence, teen pregnancy, racism, classism and other forms of discrimination, abject poverty and an educational system, contemptible at best, interweave intricately to form a maze of distress and misery many can't escape. As one student said, "I wish I could go to (the University), but I'm not wanted there." When most high school students visit the University, they come to see an institution of higher learning which will aid them in getting high-paying jobs. When students such as those who attend Murray-Wright visit the University, they come to view a haven - their only escape from the degrading and disheartening realm of the ghetto. The plight of the Murray- Wright students isn't unique. Rather, it is a reflection of what's occurring in housing projects throughout the country. If students aren't accepted by some college - any college - away from the projects they've inhabited their entire lives, probability dictates that they will die a decaying death on the drug-infested, garbage- strewn streets of their neighborhoods, many of which aren'tfit for dogs, let alone human habitation. The ghetto is a virus which infests and destroys the souls of its inhabitants, killing them long before physical death takes them, many at a young age. In many ways, ghetto inhabitants are no less handicapped than those with physical and psychological disabilities in that many of the limitations afforded them are not existent, but are rather created by society. The unfairness of ghetto life is without question. I had nearly forgotten what life in the projects was like. Now, I remember-boy do I remember. Ghettos are the homes (if you can call a cockroach-infested, crime-ridden place where one constantly worries about becoming the next drive-by victim a"home") ofsecond-class citizens whose country would rather forget their existence hoping they and their stories will simply die off in th cam c'rn nc'arv t hr h tihpv l~ 01 China: markets or people? Gun control won't stop crime re Clinton administration loves to talk tough when it comes to foreign relations. Generally, the administration's foreign policy rhetoric has been consistent with the ideals of basic human rights and freedoms. But when push comes to shove, from Haiti to the former Yugoslavia, the administration has shown a frightening willingness to run away from its principles. In the wake of Secretary of State Warren Christopher's weekend meeting with Chinese diplomats, which ended in stalemate, it is troubling to think that this trend could continue. The heart of the U.S.-China contention lies in the question of whether or not the administration will continue the quid pro quo by renewing China's Most Favored Nation (MFN) status. Candidate Clinton clearly stated that forced sterilization, suppression of political speech and slave labor in China is not only unacceptable, but that it endangers U.S. relations there. And once in office, he re- peated his intention to make MFN status contingent upon China conforming to inter- national norms of human rights. Finally, it seemed a U.S. president was going to draw a line in the sand for the basic principles of human dignity. For its part, China seemed malleable enough. Its move toward free markets was coupled with promises to end its most bla- tant acts of political repression. But with Tiananmen square dissidents beginning to once again speak out against injustice and brutalization, the Chinese promises folded. One of China's most infamous dissidents was thrown back in jail, and during the weekend meeting with Secretary Christo- administration as trying to impose Americar values in the Far East. The administration now has only one choice: it must explicitly state what progress is ex- pected of the Chinese if they are to be ensured MFN renewal. If the Chinese do not meet these goals, MFN must be revoked. Of course, no one wants to lose access te the rapidly expanding markets in China. Some argue that repression will only end when capitalism flourishes. In other words, the argument goes, censuring China now will only open up the floodgate to more domestic delinquency. But this plays right into the hands of those in China who want the status quo to continue. Currently, Chinese leaders have the best ol both worlds. China is quickly becoming an economic powerhouse, and the West is only too happy to do business there. At the same time, the Chinese government can continue to ignore the most base standards of human rights and decency. The Chinese have much to lose by drasti- cally reducing trade relations with the United States - a huge trade surplus that amounts to $20 billion hard currency, to name one. More- over, demanding an end to the inhumane treatment of Chinese citizens is not an at- tempt to Westernize China. Instead, it is merely the demand that internationally es- tablished standards of human rights are followed in the new China. The Clinton administration has a historic opportunity to stand up for human rights. The administration stood firm with Japan, and it must do so in a different situation with China. If the forces of the dollar sign win out, the To the Daily: Your March 7 editorial, "Statistics that Kill" was a twisted attempt to justify to your readers the need for taking firearms from the American people. You cite the figures given by Handgun Control Inc. (HCI) and the Center to Prevent Handgun Violence and make the conclusion that the only solution to the problem, "will come when those guns that are specifically designed to kill human beings are removed from our society altogether." Could you please specifically define guns "specifically designed to kill human beings" and those that are not? I doubt if you can. That's because it is a phrase often used by anti-gun zealots such as the HCI. It's a false distinction used to try and ease the fears of many gun owners by giving them the impression that their guns are not the ones in question. In this way, whenever some insane hate-monger goes on a shooting tirade, whatever the weapon they use can you should listen to one of their group's founders, Sara Brady. Brady has stated on more than one occasion that the ultimate goal of the HCI is the total outlawing of the ownership of firearms by the American people. As they have shown, anti-gun forces do not care about your right to property, or your fundamental right to self-preservation. They do not care if you are faced with a knife-wielding thug in your home one night, unable to prevent him from taking your life. Often, anti-gunner's response to such an argument is, "Call the police. They're here to protect you!" Yes, they are. But many minutes will elapse before they can arrive, and by then they may only be able to try and piece together the crime scene and try to find your killer. Anti-gunners don't ever mention this, do they? Arm yourself, retreat to a safe room, call the police, defend yourself if attacked, and live. Outside America's urban areas are millions of responsible gun owners who have grown up with owning firearms. The National Rifle Association (NRA) draws it's three million-plus members form the pool of honest, hardworking Americans, who are sick of the stupidity of the anti-gun media and politicians. You attempted to cast a shadow of insensitivity upon the NRA by bringing up its criticism of closing gun stores during the L.A. riots. It turns out that the owners of these stores were told to leave by city officials. When they voiced concern about their stores possibly being looted and the guns being used by the rioters against police, they were told by the city that the National Guard would protect their property. Upon the owners leaving, several stores were broken into, and hundreds of unregistered firearms made it into the hands of local gang members. This is the logic of anti-gun policies. If you want to stop the violence in the cities of America, try bringing jobs, education and a future to those who live there. Severely punish all those who commit violent crimes. Guns are a S