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March 17, 1994 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1994-03-17

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One hundred three years of editorial freedom
Vol. -, f 0 Am .- Dily

to discipline
The Michigan athletic program
can't seem to stay out of trouble.
However, this time it is not a player
who had a run-in with the law, but a
Michigan hockey coach Red
Berenson was arrested shortly after
midnight yesterday on a drunken driv-
ing charge. Berenson was appre-
hended by Officer Myron Blackwell
when he tried to drive away from
Banfield's Bar and Grill at 3140
Packard Road. The Wolverine coach
$participates in a weekly radio show
every Tuesday from that location.
Blackwell, who had a video cam-
era in his car, watched as Berenson
left Banfield's and urinated next to
the Loving Branch of the Ann Arbor
Public Library. The Michigan coach
proceeded to enter his Lincoln Conti-
nental and back out 20 feet.
Berenson failed several of the six
sobriety tests issued to him by Officer
Blackwell. His blood alcohol level
was reported to be .12, which is .02
over the legal limit to drive.
Michigan Athletic Director Joe
Roberson confirmed that disciplinary
action will be taken by his department.
"He feels very badly and he is very
apologetic," Roberson said. "It is a
serious incident but (the discipline) is
not something that I want to make
The incident could not have come
See BERENSON, Page 8


ode will not
be amend,-ed
t Falb term

Prof. Leigh Woods and School of Music junior Cecilia Grinwald perform a version of David Mamet's play "Oleanna"
to facilitate a discussion by a University panel about sexual harassment and academic freedom yesterday.
ostenkows says hearingson
Whitewva ter ightTbe eededI

U Not enough student
jurors attend third
hearing to propose
changes to the code
The hearing to amend the State-
ment of Student Rights and Responsi-
bilities was cancelled for the third
time last night.
Twenty-four student panelists
waited 50 minutes for two more of
their colleagues to arrive at the hear-
ing. The other randomly selected ju-
rors never came.
Students and University commu-
nity members with amendment pro-
posals now must wait until Fall term
before another hearing will be called.
Judicial Advisor Mary Lou
Antieau said she will talk with the
Michigan Student Assembly to ar-
range another meeting time. "I do not
think that it's fair to piggyback this on
the (judicial) training. People need a
break," Antieau said.
The student jurors, many of whom
-had attended the previous two can-
celled meetings, said they were dis-
appointed the other 24 jurors didn't
attend the hearing.
Music student Tristan Butler, a
juror who has also attended all three

meetings, said the excuses of the ab-
sent students didn't hold water with
him. "I can understand that the other
26 people were busy, but the 24 who
were here were also busy."
Butler had worked with Barbara
Olender, the assistant to the judicial
advisor, on creating the format for
last night's hearing. "I take this very
seriously. I'm here to make the school
better than when I found it."
One juror, a graduate student who
asked to remain anonymous, said she
would have spoken with the missing
jurors if she had known who they were.
She called on the University Board
of Regents to change the amendment
process. "Hopefully, they'll change
this (amendment process) so it doesn't
require a quorum to change it."
The regents refrained from chang-
ing the code of non-academic con-
duct at their meeting earlier this month.
They have the power to change the
code at any time, although the board
said they will wait for amendments
before they take action.
Fred Werner, juror and SNRE se-
nior, said he was frustrated by this pro-
cedure. "If and when they ever get a
quorum, (MSA Vice President) Brian
(Kight), other people from MSA, my-
self, otherjurors and those who remem-
ber how the code first got passed and
others won't be here anymore."

Dan Rostenkowski yesterday became
the second prominent House commit-
tee chair to declare Whitewater hear-
ings may be necessary, but Speaker
Thomas S. Foley refused to budge
from his opposition.
"I think the congressional hear-
ings are going to be inevitable," the
House Ways and Means chair said,

even though "the American people
are tired of all this."
The latest crack in Democratic
solidarity against hearings had no ef-
fect on Foley. He told reporters that
Congress should "accede to the re-
quest of the special counsel to post-
pone any hearings until he has com-
pleted his investigation."
Foley even warned lawmakers to

be careful about holding hearings on
White House interference in the case
- even though special counsel Rob-
ert B. Fiske Jr. said he wouldn't ob-
ject to such an inquiry when he fin-
ishes that phase in several weeks.
Foley said that Fiske expressed
concern that hearings "directed to-

Students enj oy more than luck during celebrations _ s

Fifteen centuries ago, St. Patrick went
on a mission to Christianize the entire coun-
try of Ireland. And now, we drink.
"And we'll drink and we'll drink and
we'll drink and we'll drink..."
So goes stand-up comedian and actor
Dennis Leary's "Irish Drinking Song,"
which seems to be the anthem for people on
St. Patrick's Day. University students who
plan on revelling in green beer and Irish ales
will find lots of company in bars and restau-
rants across campus today.
"I'm going to go to some local pub
pretty early - about 9 a.m.," said LSA
senior David Dayen. "I'm going to get pretty
Local businesses are cashing in on the
holiday party tradition with drink specials
and Irish food.
"We're having a huge Bennigan's Blar-

ney Blast!" said an extra-perky Bennigan's
waitress when asked how the restaurant was
celebrating. Bennigan's is offering a lucky
clover hunt, with prizes hidden all over the
restaurant ranging from mugs to a trip to
"Part of the restaurant will be cleared so
people can gather, drink and carouse," said
Mike Flore, Bennigan's general manager.
Special drinks such as Irish coffee and
green, food-colored beer will be available
for thirsty patrons.
Rick's American Cafe, Kitty O'Shea's
Irish Pub and O'Sullivans Eatery and Pub
will also offer drink specials and cheaper
prices to lure in customers. Rick's opens at
noon today, and students can dance the
night away at O'Sullivans to their bagpipe
"We do about 150 percent more busi-
ness on St. Patrick's Day than any other
day," said Jenny Walcot, assistant manager

of O'Sullivans.
Other students are throwing private par-
ties to celebrate the holiday.
"At the party I'm going to, you have to
wear green," said Bob Gelardi, an LSA
sophomore. "There's going to be green beer
and green lime Jell-O shots."
Various members of campus sororities
and fraternities said they were throwing
closed parties within the Greek system to
show their Irish spirit.
Not all the celebrators today are of Irish
descent. Many students said they were us-
ing St. Patrick's Day as an excuse to party.
"I'm not Irish at all," Gerlardi said.
"But I have friends who are Irish, and I just
want to get in on the action."
Dayen admitted he is not Irish either and
knows very little about the holiday. When
asked why he was celebrating, he had one
"Why not?" he said.

Tom Powers and his brother Jimmy work on an St. Patrick's Day window display yesterday.

News Analysis
Engler gets boost from Prop. A
VICtorY - is it only temporary?

Harding admits to
clubbing conspiracy
PORTLAND, Ore. (AP) - Tonya Harding ended her
competitive figure skating career but avoided jail yester-
day by pleading guilty to a conspiracy charge in the attack
on Nancy Kerrigan and resigning from the U.S. Figure
Skating Association.
As part of a plea bargain, Harding was fined $100,000
and agreed to three years' probation. Withdrawing from the
USFSA excludes her from all amateur competitions, in-

The great tax debate is finished. In
its place comes a new round of discus-
sion about the effect Proposal A will

campaign, opponents were able to mus-
ter just 31 percent of the vote. A major-
ity of voters in each of Michigan's 83
counties approved Proposal A.
Who didn't? Not Ann Arbor.

posal. At stake was the future of taxa-
tion in Michigan, a debate that at its
worst assumed overtones of class con-
flict. Amid the stream of economic
analyses was the stark and very real

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